单词 | 井田制 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 井田制—well-field systemSee also:井田—the well-field system of ancient China 井—orderly neat Jing, one of the 28 constellations of Chinese astronomy surname Jing 田n—fieldn 田—surname Tian
除了限制出入 和人们的安全受到威胁外,农田、水井和水网也由于以色列入侵边界地区夷平土地而受到破坏。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition to restrictions onaccess and threats to personal safety, agricultural land, water wellsand waternetworks [...] have been damaged due [...]to repeated Israeli incursions into the border areas for the purpose of levelling land. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,这些除害剂在不同食物的最高残余 限量,是根据从个别国家受监督的田间试 验所得或业界提供的残余物數 据而制定。 cfs.gov.hk | MRLs of these pesticides in different food commodities are then established based on the residuedata obtained from individual countries’ own supervised field trials or provided by the industry. cfs.gov.hk |
威安公司为国内外企业制造矿井气体测量仪器,并在矿井防爆安全方面不断研发 创新检测技术。 dat-bergbau.de | They are specialized to develop and manufacture weather-technical measuring and monitoring devices for explosion hazardous areas in national and international coal mines. dat-bergbau.de |
记得邓小平先生尚在世时,他曾经提过一个十分重要的原则,便是“一 国两制,河水不犯井水”。 legco.gov.hk | I remember when Mr DENG Xiaoping was [...] still alive, he mentioned a very important principle: [...] "one country, two systems; river-water not offending well-water". legco.gov.hk |
诸如看板(日语,意指信号)等工具的应用可就生产与材料补给的循 环发出信号,以及维持材料在整个制造 过程中 井井有条 且高效率的流动。 kohlereurope.com | Application of tools such as kanban (Japanese: signal) signals a cycle of replenishment for [...] production and materials and maintains an orderly and efficient flow of [...] materials throughout the entire manufacturing process. kohlereurope.com |
株式会社村田制作所(社长: 村田恒夫) 、户田建设株式会社 (社长:井上舜三) 和USHIO LIGHTING株式会社 (社长: 吉川隆雅) 共同携手合作开始进行“智能医院照明系统”的实证实验。 murata.com.cn | (President: Tsuneo Murata) has started field tests of the "Smart Hospital Lighting System" in a joint effort with Toda Corporation (President: Shunzo Inoue) and Ushio Lighting, Inc. murata.com |
他询问,从宪制角度而 言,田议员的修正 案 会 否构成任何问题 。 legco.gov.hk | He asked whether MrTIEN's amendment would pose any problem from aconstitutional point of view. legco.gov.hk |
(3)任何人如携带甲烷、其他易燃气体或危险炭屑进入矿井或进入油田或气田的建筑物,或试图携带进入这类矿井或建筑物构成危险行为的易燃 物质或其他物品,判处 3 个月至 3 年的有期徒刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | (3) Anyone who brings into a pit with methane or other inflammable gas or dangerous carbon dust or brings into a building at an oil or gas field or tries to bring easily inflammable substance or other goods whose bringing into such a pit or building is dangerous, shall be punished by an imprisonment sentence of three months to three years. daccess-ods.un.org |
推广油气田施工和井下作业节水工艺。 wrdmap.org | Popularize oil and gas field construction and under-well work water conservation techniques. wrdmap.org |
现有湾 仔东污水隔筛厂的北面边界限定了主干道隧道走线的南面 [...] 界线:在此界线内是现有污水排放设施,以及海港净化计 划所规划的跌水竖井,限制着主 干道走线不可进一步南 移。 devb.gov.hk | The northern boundary of the existing Wan Chai East Sewage Screening Plant defines the southern limit of the Trunk Road tunnel alignment: immediately inside this boundary are existing sewage outfall facilities and the planned [...] dropshafts of the Harbour Area [...] Treatment scheme, whichrestrict any further southward [...]shifting of the Trunk Road alignment. devb.gov.hk |
(b) 房屋用地的指定受制於 不同的地积比率限制,由拟议沙田至中环线车站附近 较高的发展密度, 降低至海 滨附近 较低的发展密度 legco.gov.hk | (b) the designation of housing sites was [...] subject to different [...] plot ratio restrictions stepping from higher development intensity near the railway stations of the proposedShatin to Central Link [...]to lower development intensity near the waterfront legco.gov.hk |
妨碍发展的其他因素包括道路、田地、水井和果园等地区遭受地雷和集束炸弹未 爆子弹药的污染。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other obstacles for development [...] include the contamination of areas such [...] as roads, fields, wells and orchards with [...]landmines and unexploded submunitions from cluster bombs. daccess-ods.un.org |
率先在长江试航首艘3,000 吨级柴油-LNG 混合动力散货运输船,改造的鲁济宁浚0099 [...] 号船舶成为国内首艘柴油—LNG混合动力工程船;在新疆油田、塔里木油田及长庆油田等油气田钻井作业中积极推广应用LNG燃料,开发天然气钻机48 [...]部,取得了重要突破。 stock.pingan.com.hk | The vessel named Lu Jining Jun 0099 was modified and became the first diesel-LNG hybrid engineering vessel in the country. The [...] application of LNG as fuel energy in oil [...] and gasfield drilling operations such [...]as Xinjiang Oilfield, Tarim Oilfield and [...]Changqing Oilfield was promoted; 48 natural gas rigs were developed, with significant breakthrough achieved. stock.pingan.com.hk |
并且应用包括如凸轮轴,曲轴组件,油 田井下作业工具,刀具和刀片加工。 evget.com | Applications include shaft work, such as camshafts and crankshaft [...] components, oil field tooling, cutting [...]tools and blade machining. evget.com |
蔓延 速度显然正无可抵挡㆞加快,已威胁到我们秩序井然 的社会制度和 我们这个充满爱心 但含蓄的社会。 legco.gov.hk | The speed of its movement is expanding seemingly inexorably and already poses a threat to our well ordered social system and to our caring but reticent society. legco.gov.hk |
限制巴勒斯坦 [...] 人民在被占领土上行动自由的法规和政策、对巴勒斯 坦土地的非法入侵、毁坏其私有财产和农田以及限制捕鱼及其他生计活动,只能制造更多的紧张和痛苦, [...]减小实现持久和平的可能性。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regulations and policies that restrict the freedom of movement of the Palestinians in the occupied territories, illegal intrusions into Palestinian lands, the [...] destruction of their private property and [...] agricultural lands, and restrictions onaccess [...]to fishing and other livelihood activities [...]can only create more tension and bitterness and push back the possibility of realizing a durable peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
在沙井井盖安装抑制装置,防止井盖因爆炸而大幅度移 位。 legco.gov.hk | installing restraints on manhole covers to prevent them from [...] substantial displacement in case of an explosion. legco.gov.hk |
Nieuwenhuys (2003:105)对南印度一个村庄中儿童生活的研究指出,游戏空间“像小路、 休耕田、海边、河岸、井和公共水龙头这样不显着的空间”,与社区行为和空间结构交织在 一起。 ipaworld.org | Nieuwenhuys’ ( 2003: 105 ) study of children’s lives in a village in South India notes that places for play were interspersed through the very fabric of community space and practices, in ‘unremarkable, liminal places such as paths, fallow lands, the beach, the river bank, the wells and the public taps’. ipaworld.org |
榜单包括九大领域的公司:国际石油公司;国家石油公司;勘探和开采公司;专注于北美业务的勘探开采、精炼和销售公司;天然气/公共事业公司;油田和钻井服务 公司;设备、工程和建设公司;以及替代能源公司。 tipschina.gov.cn | The listing includes companies from nine sectors: International Oil Companies; National Oil Companies; Exploration & Production; North [...] America-Focused E&P, Refining & Marketing; [...] Gas/Utilities; Oilfield &Drilling Services; Equipment, [...]Engineering & Construction; and Alternative Energy. tipschina.gov.cn |
更多有关井取水量的控制方法,尤其是 IC 卡的管理等内容,请参见指导手册 6.1/1 (用水户协会在地下水节水中的作用)。 wrdmap.org | For more details about the different options, particularly for ICcard management, refer to Advisory Note 6.1/1(Role of WUAs in Water Savings in Groundwater). wrdmap.org |
纳斯达克股票代码:ANAD)今日宣布,公司将年度供应商奖授予株式会社村 田制作所(Murata Manufacturing Company Ltd.)。 tipschina.gov.cn | (NASDAQ: ANAD) todayannounced it has awarded Murata Manufacturing Company Ltd. [...] its Supplier of the Year Award. tipschina.gov.cn |
拟议污水渠系统会为元 朗南、牛潭尾、新田、锦田、辋井及流浮山地区约 30 万人口提供 服务。 legco.gov.hk | The proposed sewer network will be designed for a population of about 300,000 people in Yuen Long South, Ngau 9. legco.gov.hk |
名古屋大学(以下简称“名大”)(校长:濵口道成)的泽博教授,西堀秀治副教授,青柳忍教授助理等人的研究小组,同大学的筱原久典教授等人的研究小组,东北大学(校长:井上明 久)飞田博实教授等人的研究小组,理想明星有限公司(总裁:笠间泰彦),高辉度光科学研究中心(理事长:白川哲久)及理化学研究所(理事长:野依良治)等共同研究,通过使用大型辐射设施SPring-8的单一结晶结构解析光束线(BL02B1),用新的开发手段合成大量富勒烯(以前的1亿倍)并测定内含高纯度锂离子,成球状C60富勒烯(Li@ C60)的结构,取得世界首次成功。 tohoku.ac.jp | A research group led by Nagoya University, Tohoku University, ideal star Inc., Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), and RIKEN has first determined the single-crystal structure of C60 fullerene that encapsulates a lithium ion (Li@C60) using beam line BL02B1 of SPring-8. tohoku.ac.jp |
上游优化产品套件 (UOS) 包含一套集成的工具,用于对整个油田从井底到地表的设施进行生产分析。 iom.invensys.com | The Upstream Optimization product Suite (UOS) consists of a set of integrated tools for field-wide production analysis from sandface-to-surface facilities. iom.invensys.com |
村田制作所成立于1944年,全球总部位于日本京都,是设计、制造和销售基于陶瓷的无源电子元器件和电源模块的全球领先者。 tipschina.gov.cn | Established in 1944,Murata Manufacturing, with global headquarters [...] in Kyoto, Japan, is a worldwide leader in the design, [...]manufacture and sale of ceramic based passive electronic components and power supply modules. tipschina.gov.cn |
行预咨委会经询问获悉,列入 2009/10 年期间预算的摩加迪沙主要建筑活动 预计不迟于 2011 年 3 月 31 日完成,其中包括上表所示部队常设总部和 1 所二级 医院、3 座永久和 3 座预制营地房舍以及相关设施;周边防御设施和大门控制机 制;钻井;水处理厂和废水处理厂。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Advisory Committee was informed that major construction activities in Mogadishu, budgeted for in 2009/10, were expected to be completed by 31 March 2011, including, as noted in the table above, a permanent force headquarters and a level [...] II hospital; three [...] permanent and three prefabricatedcamp accommodations and related facilities; perimeter defence and gate-controlmechanisms;borewells;watertreatment plants; [...]and wastewater treatment plants. daccess-ods.un.org |
承德市开发区富泉石油机械有限公司是我国研发、制造石油钻采设备和成套井控装备制造商,质量管理体系完善,已获得IS09001:2000质量认证,获得了美国石油协会颁发的API [...] 16A、16C、6A、16D 四项会标使用权,同时具有防喷器及防喷器控制装置生产许可证。 ciooe.com.cn | Fuquan Petroleum, as a R&D, [...] manufacturing petroleum drilling equipments and complete [...]well control equipments enterprise [...]and hi-tech corporation in Hebei province, with a impeccable quality control system, has obtained IS09001:2000 Certificate, the API 16A、16C、6A、16D four monogram right of use issued by American Petroleum Institute (API) and production certificate of bop and bop control device. ciooe.com.cn |
继续引人 关注的问题是农民进出隔离墙后面的农田受 到的限制,以 及位于“接缝区”的那 些社区的境况;这些社区利用卫生保健和教育服务的渠道受到限制。 daccess-ods.un.org | Of continuing concern is [...] limited access on the part of farmers to agricultural landbehind the [...]barrier and the situation of [...]those communities in the “seam zone” that face restricted access to health and education services. daccess-ods.un.org |
提倡水稻灌区格田化和采 用水稻浅湿控制灌溉技术;推广水稻泡田与耕作结合技术;发展水稻“三旱”耕作与 [...] 旱育稀植抛秧技术;淘汰水稻长期淹灌技术;杜绝稻田串灌串排技术;积极研究稻田 适宜水层标准、土壤水分控制指标、晒田技术及相应的灌溉制度。wrdmap.org | Advocatesquare fields in rice irrigation areas and adopt rice shallow-wet [...] control irrigation techniques. wrdmap.org |