

单词 井底之蛙

External sources (not reviewed)

It is ridiculous for him to compare Hong Kong with
[...] Washington; he is really afrog in a well and he does [...]
not know what changes have happened in this world.
主席女士,据立法会秘书处在 1999 年研究所得,实行最低工资的国家 有 80 个,至今已增至 101 个了,可见越来越多国家实行了最低工资,亦证 明越来越多世界领导者认同,为何偏偏特区政府至今仍井底之蛙步自 封呢?
Madam President, according to a research conducted by the Legislative Council Secretariat in 1999, there were 80 countries where minimum wage was implemented, and the number has increased to 101 now.
如果 我们还 以为香港今 後可 以 继续用特别 低 廉 的 工资来 聘 请 内 地
[...] 专 才 , 并能吸引他们留 下来服务,那井蛙之
It is a very narrow view of those who think that we can continue to retain the mainland professionals working
[...] for us with extremely lowpay.
管理问题高级别委员会还决定,是否将该项目持续至 2015 年将取决于 将于 2013 底之行的审查。
The Committee also decided that the continuation of the project until 2015 would be subject to a review
[...] to be undertakenbefore the endof2013.
自 上述日期起,所有在升降井底工作和( 当升降机仍需移动时) 在升降机槽进行的保养工作,均须由工作二人组进行。
All lift works within the lift pit and maintenance works within the lift shaft (while the lift needs to be in motion) will hitherto be carried out by Worker in Pair.
伊斯兰堡 的当地行政干事现在德黑兰;拉巴特的当地行政干事将前往贝鲁特;在今年底之计还 有其他人事调动。
The local AO from Islamabad is now in Tehran; the AO from
[...] Rabat is going to Beirut; others are anticipated before the end of theyear.
该项 研究建议了一套长远措施,以应付这些地区的水污染问题,其中包括 设置污水处理厂( 即深井污水处理厂)、位於一条管,以 及由东面近水湾泳滩伸延至西面青龍头的综合污水收集系统。
As a long-term measure to address the water pollution problem in the areas, the Study recommended, among others, the provision of a sewage
treatment plant, namely, the Sham Tsengsewage
[...] treatment plant, asubmarine outfallat Sham Tseng and comprehensive [...]
sewerage stretching
from Approach Beach in the east to Tsing Lung Tau in the west.
工程计划的核准范围包括(a)在 11 个未敷设污水收集设施 地区( 即甲边朗、南山、北港、新屋、沙角尾、太平村、大塘 江、龙窝村、碧水新村和飞鹅山道附近一带) 敷设长约 12.8 公里、直径 介乎 150 毫米至 300 毫米的污水渠;(b)沿顺致街至碧翠一段 清水湾道和在碧水新村一带敷设长约 3.6 公里、直径介乎 225 毫米至 450 毫米的无压污水干渠;(c)在碧水新村建造 1 所污水泵房;(d)为配 合上文(c)项的污水泵房建造工程,在碧水新村及沿清水湾道和白石窝的路段敷设长约 900 米、直径介乎 150 毫米至 350 毫米的双管 加压污水管;以及(e)进行附属工程。
The approved scope of the project comprises
[...] construction of (a) about 12.8 kilometres (km) of sewers ranging from 150 millimetres (mm) to 300 mm in diameter for 11 unsewered areas, namelyKap Pin Long, Nam Shan, Pak Kong, San Uk, Sha Kok Mei, Tai Ping Village, Tai Shui Tseng, Wo Tong Kong, Lung Wo Tsuen, Pik Shui Sun Tsuen and the area in vicinity of Fei Ngo Shan Road;(b) about3.6 kmgravity trunk sewers ranging from 225 mm to 450 mm in diameter along Clear Water Bay Road from Shun Chi Street to Razor Hill Road and around [...]
Pik Shui Sun Tsuen;
(c) one sewage pumping station (SPS) at Pik Shui Sun Tsuen; (d) about 900 metres of twin rising mains ranging from 150 mm to 350 mm in diameter at Pik Shui Sun Tsuen (in association with construction of the SPS in (c) above) and along sections of Clear Water Bay Road near Tseng Lan Shue and Pak Shek Wo; and (e) ancillary works.
观想排出体外的疾病、癌症或所患的主 要病症,化为蛇、洋生物等的形相。
Then all the diseases,
[...] cancer or the main disease that you have come out in the form of animals, snakes, frogs and sea animals.
在进行评价井之联合王国的对应方进行了初步讨论,但由于评价钻井 不成功,没有进行任何进一步讨论,爱尔兰的理解是,当前没有任何进一步钻井 或开发的计划。
Preliminary discussions were held with counterparts in the United Kingdom prior to appraisaldrilling but since the appraisal drilling was not successful no further discussions took place and Ireland understands there are currently no plans for further drilling or development.
这些雀鸟觅食 的地点 主 要有内 后 海 湾 泥滩、 米 埔 自 然保护区、水道和 河 道,以及鱼 塘 等 湿 地,并以捕 食 鱼 类 、
[...] 两 栖 类 和 爬虫类 动物(例蜴)、 甲壳类 动物和其他小型 [...]
水 生生物为主 。
They feed on fish, amphibians and reptiles
[...] (for example, frogs and lizards), [...]
crustaceans and other small aquatic organisms.
But when
[...] Lucas iseaten by a frog, Zocfrees him, starting [...]
to like him and realizing he was not so bad after all.
近东救济工程处表示,整个工程处的人力资源战略已最后形成在 2010 年底之行的人力资源部工作计划;由于外地人力资源部进行调整(所有外地 人力资源干事将在今后几个月到任),该部计划在 2010 年下半年举行务虚会,为 所有外地办事处制定人力资源计划。
UNRWA stated that the Agency-wide human resources strategy had culminated in the Human Resources Department workplan for implementation through 2010, and that due to field Human Resources Department restructuring (once “on-boarding” of all field human resources officers is completed in the coming months), the Department was planning a retreat in the second half of 2010 to develop a human resource plan for all field offices.
升 降兩部液压缓冲器,在升降机及对重超越其下限线时提供缓冲,产 [...]
At the bottom of the lift shaft, [...]
there were two hydraulic buffers providing a cushion to stop the lift and counterweight
when they overrun their bottom limits of travel.
执行委员会注意到,印度尼西亚政府承诺在 2009 底之成淘汰计量吸入器制造 中的氟氯化碳的,决定核准印度尼西亚的计量吸入器技术援助方案,供资额为 155,000 美 元,外加给世界银行的机构支助费用 [...]
13,950 美元,但有一项谅解,即:基金不再为印度尼
The Executive
[...] Committee, havingnotedthe commitment of the Government of Indonesia to the complete phase-out [...]
of CFC consumption
used in the manufacturing of MDIs by the end of 2009, decided to approve the MDI technical assistance programme in Indonesia at the amount of US $155,000 plus agency support costs of US $13,950 for the World Bank, on the understanding that no more funding would be approved from the Fund for the phase-out of CFCs in Indonesia.
此外, 升降机的 救 援 钟 , 只 在升降机机厢顶部、 地下大堂 , 以及升降井 底鸣 声 ,而 火 警 钟 则会启 动 整 幢 楼 宇的所有警 钟。
Moreover, lift alarms only ring at the top of a lift car, at the ground floor lobby and in the lift pit; whereas fire alarms activate all alarms in the entire building.
在武装冲突的情况下保护文化财产委员会第一次会议第一届会议(巴黎,2006 年 10 月 26
日)通过的建议除其他外邀请,“委员会成员、《第二议定书》其他缔约国、 是教科文组织成员国但不是《第二议定书》缔约方以及第 27 条第 3
[...] 段规定的实体在 2007 年 2 底之书面形式向秘书处提供各自关于《在武装冲突的情况下保护文化 [...]
财产〈1954 年海牙公约〉的 1999 年〈第二议定书〉执行准则草案》(以下简称为
The Recommendations adopted by the First Session of the First Meeting of the Committee for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, (Paris, 26 October 2006) invited, among other things, “its Members and other States Parties to the Second Protocol and
Member States of UNESCO not party to the
[...] Second Protocol as well as entities referred [...]
to under Article 27, paragraph 3, to
provide in writing to the Secretariat their submissions on the Draft Guidelines for the Implementation of the 1999 Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict (hereafter “the Draft Guidelines”) by the end of February 2007.
香港人现时是处於“温水环境,身处温水中被人 烹煮,却还以为自己是正在 jacuzzi 内享受水疗和按摩,以为在按摩池内很 舒服。
We are like being cooked in warm water and yet we think that we are enjoying a spa treatment and massage service in the jacuzzi and we feel so comfortable sitting there.
主要项目包括竹篙 湾 填海工程(10.61 亿 元 )、 后 海 湾干线 (9,300 万 元 )、 东 铁 支 线 -红磡至 尖沙咀 支 线 的主要基建工程(7,600 万 元 ) 、 乡郊排水系统修 复 计 划平原河 排水系统修 复 工程 (4,500 万 元 )、 元 朗 西南扩 展 区 (3,500 万 元 )、 元 朗 及 锦 田的主要排水道-田 村 排水 道 -附 属 道 路 工程(3,200 万 元 )、元 朗 排洪绕 道 (3,000 万 元 )、为
屯 门第 56 区的房屋 发 展计划 而 进行的道 路 筑建工程和排水渠敷
[...] 设工程(2,600 万 元 )、介 乎 锦 英 路 与日 後 的 T7 号主干路交 界 处 的 西 沙路扩阔工程(2,600 万 元 )、 荃 湾 第 2 区 与井 之段 青 山 公 路 的 改善工程(2,500 万 元 ) ,以及白 石 角 发 展计划基础设施余 下 工程 (1,000 万 元 )等 。
The major projects will include Penny’s Bay Reclamation ($1,061 million), Deep Bay Link ($93 million), East Rail Extension – Essential public infrastructure works for Hung Hom to Tsim Sha Tsui extension ($76 million), Rural Drainage Rehabilitation Scheme – drainage rehabilitation works at Ping Yuen River ($45 million), Yuen Long south western extension ($35 million), Main drainage channels for Yuen Long and Kam Tin – Tin Tsuen channel – Ancillary road works ($32 million), Yuen Long bypass floodway ($30 million), Construction of roads and drains to serve the housing development in Area 56, Tuen Mun
($26 million), Sai Sha
[...] Road widening between KamYing Road and future Trunk Road T7 junction ($26 million), Castle Peak Road improvement between Area 2 and Sham Tseng, TsuenWan ($25 [...]
million), Remaining
engineering infrastructure works for Pak Shek Kok development ($10 million), etc.
外语 百 花 齐 放 , 市 民的国际 视 野 才 会 扩 阔 , 香港才 能充分发 挥 中 西
[...] 文 化 的 精 华,否 则,香港只井 底国际都会 而已。
With a pluralistic foreign language environment, the public will have a broad international outlook and Hong Kong can
bring the essence of Chinese and Western cultures into full play, otherwise, Hong Kong
[...] will only be a world city ina well.
It is also quite common to encounter hedgehogs, and
[...] different kindsoffrogs andsnails.
Our services: Repair and decoration, building and construction works, turnkey construction, concrete,
curbs, road plates, fence plates,
[...] rings,lids and bottomsofthewells,stairs,landings, [...]
trays and trays slabs, panels and
floor slabs , lintels, beams and bolts, poles and piles, mortars, concrete pipes, boxes and flower beds, foundations, aerocrete, aerated concrete, expanded clay lightweight concrete, lightweight aggregate blocks, bricks Private, facing brick, cinder blocks, FLOATING, stairs, beams, metal windows, windows PVC adhesive for tiles, paving tiles, paving bricks, garages, concrete, reinforced concrete, masonry, metal, finishing materials, timber, bulk and binding materials, plumbing, heating, etc.
(c) 修订规例第G3条,订明任何人如从 生主任命 令填平的水井取水、或在该水井已洁净或进行 清毒并达致 生主任满意的程从该,即属犯罪。
(c) clause G3 by adding a provision to make it an offence for people who took water from a well which a health officer had ordered to be filled up, or before it had been cleansed or disinfected to his satisfaction.
至 於一 路 段 的改善 工 程 , 我们已委 托 顾 问 , 就 这 [...]
项 工 程计划进 行 初 步 设计工作,以 便 我们根 据《环 境 影响评 估 条例》 和 《 道 路 (工 程、使用 及 补偿)条例》
的 规 定 , 手 处 理 有关 的法定程序 , 并 会 进 行 详细设计、土 地 勘 测 和收地等 工作。
For thesectionbetween Lung Tseng Tau and Cheung Sha, [...]
we have commissioned consultants to carry out preliminary design
of the project to enable us to proceed with the statutory procedures under the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance and the Roads (Works, Use and Compensation) Ordinance, the detailed design and ground investigation, and land resumption, and so on.
In order to do so, Raumlaborberlin will arrange an installation in the exhibition rooms of the Shanghai Biennale that
reconstructs life in a great
[...] controversy between the vision of modernism and the reality of exile, as well aswar in a [...]
constantly changing society.
开支减少的主要原因,是不少大型道路工程项目,包括蓝地至 十八乡交滙处的元朗公路扩阔工程及荃湾第二区与井之青山公路改善工程,已於本财政年度完成。
The decrease is attributable to the completion of a number of major road projects, such as the widening of Yuen Long Highway between Lam Tei and Shap Pat Heung
Interchange and the improvement of
[...] Castle PeakRoad between Area 2 of Tsuen Wan andShamTseng,withinthis [...]
financial year.
加紧努力在 2012 年底之成统一阿拉伯国家的关税分类表,为将于特 定时期内进行的各类关税谈判做好准备,以确保阿拉伯关税同盟可在 2015 年予 以公布。
To exert greater efforts to complete harmonization of the customs tariff classification tables of Arab States by the end of 2012, in preparation for negotiations over customs tariff categories that are to be concluded within a specific period, in order to ensure that the Arab Customs Union may be announced in 2015.




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