

单词 井井有条

External sources (not reviewed)

各项协井井有条,而且在莫斯塔尔桥重建方面与世界 银行进行了成功的合作。
Agreements were well structured and there was successful collaboration with the World Bank for the Mostar Bridge.
在 Séguéla, 毛坯钻石行业的组织和管理仍 井井有条。
In Séguéla, the rough diamond industry continues to be well organized and managed.
立德基地拥有行业内最专业的管理与最先进的设备,尽管订单量短时间内不断激增,车间内仍忙而不乱 井井有条。
Lide base owns the most professional management and advanced equipment in the industry. Although the orders increase extraordinarily in a short period, workers in the workshop are still in order.
将各种内容统一到一井井有条的 PDF 文件夹中。
A variety of content will be organized into a folder of PDF documents.
32.3.2 根据更新的《行政手册》和出版物指导方针,目前工作安排 井井有条 : 已 在各个 部门确定了出版物负责人。
32.3.2 The organization of work was now well in place, with the updated administrative manual and publication guidelines; publication officers had been identified for each sector.
Getting organized has never been so simple.
诸如看板(日语,意指信号)等工具的应用可就生产与材料补给的循 环发出信号,以及维持材料在整个制造过程 井井有条 且 高 效率的流动。
Application of tools such as kanban (Japanese: signal) signals a cycle of replenishment for production and materials and maintains an orderly and efficient flow of materials throughout the entire manufacturing process.
虽然表面上不那么轰轰烈烈,却能把一个郡治理 井井有条 , 因此,朝廷把他从东海太守调到朝廷当主爵都尉--一种主管地方吏任免的官职。
As a doer, he hated paying lip service and always focused on actual effects, thus every prefecture he had governed enjoyed order and prosperity, due to which the Emperor Wu transferred him, as the officer in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the magistrates, to the central government.
审查表明,联合国新闻中心网站有吸引力,很专业,而 井井有条 , 但 有 些网站在及时更新内容,保证质量和突出宣传联合国问题及推广活动方面仍然需 要改进。
The review showed that the websites were appealing, professional and well-organized but that they fell short in some cases in terms of the timely updating of website content, quality assurance and prominent promotion of United Nations issues and information campaigns.
身兼CORUM(昆仑表)股东和总裁的Antonio Calce把一切安排井井有条,自 2007年出任品牌的首席执行官以来,CORUM(昆仑表)得以重新确立发展目标,在高级制表业中重获一席之位。
Antonio Calce, Corum CEO and now shareholder, is an organization man. The company which he has led as CEO since 2007 has undertaken a profound introspection in a bid to reconquer the realms of fine watchmaking: an ambition that naturally led to a repositioning of its products.
坦率地说,缺乏组织的社会参与的成本越来越高, 有时造成很难恢复一井井有条的社会日常生活所遵循的常规和规则。
The costs of poorly organized social participation, to put it bluntly, are growing and can be difficult to reverse in terms of returning to the routines and rules governing an organized community’s day-to-day life.
我们很容易估量出这些人繁重的工 作,随着几个世纪时光的流逝,他们 把一个小堡垒变成了充满魅力的府第,它俯瞰着一片葡萄种植区,两片水域和排列成行 的树木使这里看上井井有条,周围还环绕着延绵起伏的葡萄园地。
We begin to understand just how hard those men must have worked over the centuries to make this little fortress into a charming country residence overlooking a carefully ordered wine farm with its two ponds and lines of trees, surrounded by the gentle rolling slopes of the vineyard.
最后一项例 外是大多数国家的信息权法中没有的,它与和 井有 关 的 地质和地理信息相关, 条 款 是 因 为石油产业的游说而被添加的,并且它不接受危害测试。
The final exception, which is not found in most right to information laws,
relates to geological and
[...] geographical information concerning wells – added due to lobbying by the oil [...]
industry – and it is not subject to a harm test.
Gaisky GOK的负责人Aleksandr Saraskin说,“在俄罗斯采矿业中有 设 备能与山特维克设备相媲美,我们使用山特维克设备由来已久,它们十分坚固,非常适合我们的 井条 件。
There is nothing to compare with foreign equipment in Russian mining, and we’ve long used Sandvik equipment, which is strong and well suited to the conditions in our mine,” says Gaisky GOK’s director Aleksandr Saraskin.
從開始便應緊記,城市規劃條例只不過是對城市規劃圖則的擬備、規劃審批的處 理、甚或其有關的執行事宜,提供法律架構,最後還須留待圖則的內容來決定有關規 劃能否促使㆒個城市能井井有條的 發展,使其居民可於理想的環境㆗生活和工作, 居民和貨物都能有效率㆞運送,利便貿易和工商各行的發展。
It should be remembered at the outset that the Town Planning Ordinance does nothing more than providing a legal framework for the preparation of town plans, processing planning approvals, and possibly enforcement: it is ultimately the content of the plan that will determine whether it can promote the orderly growth of a city so that its people can live and work in an ideal environment, and people and goods can move about efficiently to facilitate trade, commerce and industry.
因此,对那些已达到其自然寿命终点或其他组织有条件开 展的活动应当实行“自然淘汰”的法则。
Sunset clauses should therefore be introduced for those activities that have reached the end of their natural life or which other organizations are better equipped to deal with.
1992-1993 年 – 天然气营销供应主管,路易斯安那州拉斐特市 – 管理专业团队,负责 洽谈天然气采购和在 ARCO 和第三方工厂的加工协议和新井向 市场的连接,以及 管理有气体容量通过天然气营销集团的有效销售。
1992-1993 - Gas Marketing Supply Director, Lafayette, Louisiana - Managed a professional staff responsible for negotiating gas purchase and processing agreements at ARCO
and thirdparty gas
[...] plants, new well connections to markets, and managing proprietary gas volumes for effective sale by the Gas Marketing Group.
(c) 若有担保债权人是第 21 条所述的人或实体,则根据第 21 条,有担保 债权人的身份识别特征即为该条所述的人或实体的姓名。
(c) If the secured creditor is a person or entity described in article 21, the secured creditor identifier is the name of the person or entity in accordance with article 21.
但是,专家组从矿产与能源部得到了一张 有 矿 井 位 置 图,并期待在任期余 下部分组织考察,以便就前任专家组有关矿产业的调查结果采取后续行动(见 [...]
S/2011/271,第 175 至 182 段)。
However, the Group received from the
Ministry of Mines and Energy a chart with
[...] the locations of all existing mines and [...]
looks forward, during the remainder of
its mandate, to organize visits in order to follow up previous Groups’ findings related to the mining industry (see paras. 175-182 of S/2011/271).
对于调整条款草案结构的建议,特别报告员认为,目前继续以 A/CN.4/618
[...] 号文件所载的修订的工作计划为基础开展工作为更好;一旦 有条 款 草 案拟订完 毕,那时候以连贯和有逻辑的方式调整整个条款草案的结构比较合适。
Concerning the proposal aimed at restructuring the draft articles, the Special Rapporteur was of the view that it would be better, at this stage, to continue working on the basis of the revised
workplan contained in document A/CN.4/618;
[...] once all the draft articles had been elaborated, [...]
it would be appropriate to restructure,
in a coherent and logical way, the whole set of draft articles.
這 項計劃旨在讓宿員井井有條和 不乏支援的環境下,培養自 律精神及良好工作習慣。
The programme seeks to cultivate a sense of self-discipline and positive work habit within a structured and supportive environment.
然 而有市民就 一 些 事宜表示關 注 ,包括受影響設施( 例 如 戴麟趾康復中 心 、 堅尼地城游泳池、 正 街街市西座 和 休憩用地) 的 重 置 ;通井對山道的 居 民 、 般咸道 的學生和居 民可能 造成的不良影響; 擬議車 站入口 位 置 ;以及科士街 樹牆的 保 育事宜。
However, there are concerns over the reprovisioning of the affected facilities (such as David Trench Rehabilitation Centre, Kennedy Town
[...] Swimming Pool, Centre Street Market West Block and open spaces); the possible adverse effect of ventilation shafts to the residents at Hill Road and to students and residents at Bonham Road; the proposed locations of station [...]
entrances and the preservation of tree walls at Forbes Street etc.
家教會定期舉行校園美化日,以確保學校設施保持清潔 井井有 條和 保養良好。
This table displays the rate of suspensions and expulsions (the total number of incidents divided by the total enrollment) at the school and district levels for the most recent three-year period.
需要注意保证起草工作有最高的 水准,确保在各国政府和专家之间进行充分的磋商,以便为获得广泛的批准创造最佳条 件。
Care needed to be taken to ensure the highest standards in the drafting process and full governmental and professional consultations with a view to creating the best possible conditions for broad-based ratification.
还提请委员会注意理事会第 1982/50 号附件第 4 段,其中秘书长建议:(a) 理 事会和大会各附属机构的文件和工作方案应加以精简,以便它们能够切实有效地 履行交付给它们的任务;(b) 理事会和大会应在充分考虑到中期计划和方案预算 的情况下,继续审查其附属机构的临时议程和所要求文件的清单,以便除其他外, 使所要求的文件在总体上更为一致,并使政府间一级的文件审议工作能 有条理 地进行,同时充分考虑到中期计划和方案预算;(c) 理事会和大会也考虑到有必 要合并其附属机构的项目和文件。
The attention of the Commission is also drawn to paragraph 4 of the annex to Council resolution 1982/50, in which the Secretary-General recommended that: (a) the documentation and programme of work of the subsidiary bodies of the Council and the Assembly be streamlined in order to enable the subsidiary bodies to perform effectively the functions entrusted to them; (b) the Council and the Assembly continue to review the provisional agendas for their subsidiary bodies, together with the list of requested documentation, in order, inter alia, to establish greater consistency in the overall request for documentation and its orderly consideration at the intergovernmental level, taking fully into account the mediumterm plan and the programme budget; and (c) in doing so, the Council and the Assembly also take into account the need for the consolidation of items and documentation for their subsidiary machinery.
这种立法为以下任何罪行或罪行组合规定了普遍管辖权: (a) 严重违反日内瓦四公约及其《第一附加议定书》的行为(主要是英联邦成员 国);(b) 1954
[...] 际公约》特别规定的犯罪(例如塞浦路斯、日本和荷兰);(c) 没有条约规 定普遍 管辖权的其他违反国际人道主义法行为,如在非国际武装冲突中实施的战争罪 [...]
非);(d) 《罗马规约》第 8 条所列的战争罪(比利时、加拿大、德国、新西兰和 联合王国)。
This legislation provides for universal jurisdiction over any or a combination of the following: (a) grave breaches of the Geneva Conventions and Additional Protocol I thereto (primarily States members of the Commonwealth); (b) crimes specified under the Second Protocol to the 1954 Hague Convention and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance (for example, Cyprus, Japan and the Netherlands); (c)
other violations of international
[...] humanitarian law where no treaty requires universal [...]
jurisdiction, such as war crimes committed
in non-international armed conflict (Belgium, Canada, New Zealand and the Philippines) and violations of treaties that either prohibit or regulate the use of certain weapons (South Africa); (d) the war crimes list contained in article 8 of the Rome Statute (Belgium, Canada, Germany, New Zealand and the United Kingdom).
在克罗地亚和执行委员会签订的协定中,2005 年附件 A 第一类(氟氯化碳)的最大 允许消费量是 65 ODP 吨,2010 年为 0 ODP 吨;对其间年份,协定没有设定确切数字,但 规定:“消耗臭氧层物质的法律(1999 年 1 月 30 日)有条款, 规定在 2006 年至 2009 年期间,作为一项特例,最多可进口 21.9 ODP 吨附件 A(第一类和第二类)和/或附件 B (第二类和第三类)或含有这些物质的产品,但这些物质和/或产品得用于维护人、植物和 /或动物的生命;国防、安保和消防;和科学研究安全,以及这些产品不能以对环境友好和 在经济上可行的代用品取代”。
In the agreement between Croatia and the Executive Committee, the maximum allowable consumption for Annex A, Group I (CFCs) for the year 2005 was 65 ODP tonnes, for 2010 0 ODP tonne; and for the years in between, the agreement provides no exact figure but stipulates that "The By-Law on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (of 30 January 1999) includes a clause on importing on an exceptional basis between 2006 and 2009 up to 21.9 ODP tonnes of Annex A (Groups I and II) and/or Annex B (Groups II and III) or products containing these substances, when these substances and/or products are for preserving human, plant and/or animal life; national defence, safety and fire-fighting; and scientific research safety, when such products cannot be replaced by environmentally-sound and economically-viable alternatives”.
此外,4月3日,以色列占领军突袭了伯利恒以西拜特贾拉市的 Al-Makhrour
[...] 地区,用推土机拆毁了巴勒斯坦人的 2 所住房、1 口井、1 条道路和 53 根电线 杆,使该地区至少 [...]
12 个巴勒斯坦家庭的电力供应中断。
In addition, on 3 April, the Israeli occupying forces raided the Al-Makhrour area of the city of Beit Jala, west of Bethlehem, and carried out the
bulldozer demolition of two Palestinian
[...] homes and a water well, a road and 53 utility [...]
poles, cutting off the electricity
to at least 12 Palestinian families in the area.
在能源领域执行的各项政策重点关注以下问题:(a) 向有人,特别是农村 和偏远地区的人民提供现代能源服务和物资;(b) 对能源设施进行经济管理,包 括审查当前的收费情况;(c) 鼓励对井和生 产石油和天然气以及使用较清洁技 术领域进行投资;(d) 推动区域和区域间层面的电力和天然气网络项目;(e) 鼓 励私营部门参与建立和管理能源设施;(f) 提高能源利用效率,同时更多使用较 清洁燃料和可再生能源技术;(g) 倡导使用公共交通和铁路,同时支持修建区域 [...]
In the area of energy, the policies that are pursued focus on the following: (a) providing modern energy services and supplies to the whole population and, in particular, in rural and remote regions; (b) economic management of
[...] energy facilities, including the review of current tariffs; (c) encouraging investment in the fields of drilling for and producing oil and gas and the use of cleaner technology; (d) promoting projects for electricity [...]
and natural gas networks at the regional and interregional levels; (e) encouraging the participation of the private sector in the establishment and management of energy facilities; (f) improving energy efficiency while expanding the use of cleaner fuel and renewable energy technology; (g) promoting the use of public transport and railways while supporting the construction of regional and subregional road networks in order to facilitate trade and transport.
換上全透明的臨街窗子,採納更多自然光線;淡金色大馬士革圖案牆紙,將店內的典雅氣氛提昇至更成熟的層次;配件飾 井井有 條 的陳列在木製玻璃櫥子內,令顧客易於選購;保留歐洲破落風味的小木屋、巨型圓木DJ檯及民族地毯,不同風格的對比組合帶出強烈的視覺效果。
The main wall is now replaced with clear glass, directing natural light into the space; sheer gold damask pattern elevates the elegant atmosphere; accessories are now neatly laid in authentic wooden display cabinet; the European-style hut, oversize wooden DJ table and exotic rug are kept in the new set up, the mish-mash and contrast conjure a distinguished visual energy.




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