

单词 五指山市

See also:


Wuzhi or Mount Five Finger, Hainan
Wuzhishan City, Hainan

External sources (not reviewed)

五指山此 繁殖和生长,对当地居民来说具有特别的 意义,即使五指山 价格并不高于其他 品种,人们仍为他们当地的这一遗产深感 自豪。
The fact thatthe Wuzhishan pig is bred and thrives only here has given it special meaning to local people, who [...]
take great pride in their regional heritage.
Originated from the ancient spring in
[...] Umbria, the central part of Italy which enjoys a natural environment away from the city.
亚特兰大素有“森林 之城”的美誉,林木覆盖率在美国主要 首屈 、木兰以及高大的橡树,整个城市郁郁苍苍。
Known as a “city inaforest,” with more tree cover than [...]
any other major city in the U.S., Atlanta is lush with dogwoods,
magnolias, and magnificent oaks.
锺先生与本公司任何董事、高级管理人员、主要股东(定 义见上市规则)或控股股东(定义见)概无任 何关连,并且无根据证券及期货条例第公司股份中拥有权益。
Mr. Chung does not have any relationships with any Director, senior management,
[...] shareholders (as def ined in the Listing Rules) o r cont rol l ing shareholders (as defined in theListing Rules) of the Company [...]
and does not have
any interests in the shares of the Company within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO.
2005)。Bilham (2004, p.9)1976 年的震造成35%的人死亡,随着地震多发地区模越来越大,未来的地震有望造成愈 百万甚至更多的死亡。
Bilham (2004, p. 9) notes that the 1976 Tangshanearthquake killed at least 35% of the population ofTangshan,and suggests that with the growth of megacitiesin seismically [...]
vulnerable locations
we can expect earthquakes in the future that will cause a million or more fatalities.
五指山公斤的价格与普通家 猪的价格一样”,邓明忠说,“但是我还 是想养五指山
We get the same per kilo as for the normal domestic pig”, says Deng Mingzhong.
对 物 业 进 行 估 值 时,吾 等 已 遵 循 香
[...] 港 联 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 证 券则 第12项的规定,以及香港测量师学会颁布的物业估值准则(2005年第一版)。
In valuing the property, we have complied with the
requirements set out in Chapter 5
[...] and Practice Note 12 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities [...]
issued by The Stock Exchange
of Hong Kong Limited and Valuation Standard on Properties (First Edition 2005) published by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors.
然而,无节制的快速城市化可能常常导致社会和空间的四 以及边农村地区 环境的急剧恶化。
Rapid and uncontrolled urbanization, however, may frequently result in social and spatial
fragmentation and in a drastic deterioration
[...] of the qualityof the urban environment and of the [...]
surrounding rural areas.
As noted above, ShanxiGuanlv is a subsidiary of CMCL and is therefore a connected person of the CompanyundertheListing Rules.
(B) 倘任何股东交出代表其所持股份之一张股票予以注销,并要求本 公司按该股东可有关比例另发两张或以上代表该等股份之股票替代,则董事 会可於就首张股票以外每张股票支付董事会不时厘定的有关费用(倘为任何於香港证 券交易所本,则该费用不得超过有关证券交易所不时规定或准许的最高金 额,而倘为任何其他股本,则为董事会就有关股东名册所在地区而言属合理而可能不 时厘定的以有关货币计值的有关款项,或否则於各情况下董事会可能不时厘定的有关 其他款项)後酌情遵照有关要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share certificate representing shares
held by him and
[...] request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions ashe mayspecify,the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case [...]
of any share capital
listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum amount prescribed or permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
在陇木洞以南三个小 时航程五指山乡(地处热带岛 屿海南岛中部),那里的苗族妇女依 然懂得哪些植物可以煮成染料,以此 将苗族传统服装染成地道的蓝黑色。
In Shuiman, three hours by plane South of Longmudong, in the middle of the tropical island of Hainan, the Miao women still know which plants to boil up in order to dye the traditional clothes of the Miao the right blueblack colour.
五指 山本地品种,如果邓明忠和其他村 民不开始饲养这种猪,它们将面临灭绝威 胁。
TheWuzhishan pig is a local [...]
breed which would have been threatened with extinction if Mr. Deng and like-minded farmers
from the villages had not taken up raising it.
与2007年相比,一些国家在多的国家排名中有所上升:乌克兰(由第八位升至第七位)、新加坡(由第十四位升至第十二位)、白俄罗斯(由第十九位升至第十五位)、塞尔维亚(由第二十一位升至第十六位)、 第三至第二十三位)和越南(由第二十九位升至第二十四位)。
Some of the countries that have moved up in the ranking of most designatedcountriescompared to 2007 are Ukraine (from 8th to 7th place), Singapore (from 14th to 12th place), Belarus (from 19th to 15th place), Serbia (from 21st to 16th place),Montenegro (from 35th to 23rd place) and Viet Nam (from 29th to 24th place).
五指山以被称为生态猪,它们靠 吃香蕉树干、豆秸以及食物残渣(均不含 人工催肥剂或激素)长大。
The Wuzhishan pig can be considered a biopig, fattened up inShuiman with the [...]
remains of banana and soybean plants and food
scraps – all without artificial growth stimulants or hormones.
此外司各脱,该命令有其他令人向往的教师在1587年 如亚尔斯理查德米德尔顿,尤其是圣文德埃克尔西亚(医生宣布由西斯)中,更适合ascetico神秘主义的趋势,其神学为了在较广泛的各界的关键,冷静,常常深奥博士教学的微妙。
Besides Scotus, the order had other highly-prized
[...] teachers,such as Alexander of Hales, Richard [...]
of Middleton, and especially St. Bonaventure
(proclaimed Doctor ecclesia by Sixtus V in 1587), the ascetico-mystical trend of whose theology was more suited to wide circles in the order than the critical, dispassionate, and often abstruse teaching of the Subtle Doctor.
The Gokase winery and restaurant
[...] "grape on clouds" which have been held in KyushuMountains on the1st are visited, and Miyazaki is mystical and it inspects a walk and the Shiroyamaview placein Kagoshima for famous Takachiho gorge [...]
the Takachiho shrine at a power spot.
江 苏省山市近二十年中从江南水乡古镇演变成了一个新兴的工业城市。
In the last
[...] two decades, Kunshan, Jiangsu Province, [...]
China has transformed itself from an ancient canal town to a modern industrial city.
由此,也可以看出,LED照明行业发展至今,无论是专家学者还是整合传播的行业媒体机构,抑或是追求绿色GDP的各级官员们都应该清醒意识到,盲目上马 LED产品要什么或者不需要什么都竭尽全力盲目跟风生产,只会导致企业自身生产管理混乱,找不到市场发展定位,由此,正如刘俊所言,LED照明企业只有清晰自身发展定位,瞄准某个细分领域市场,才能更靠近成功。
As a result, you can see, LED lighting industry today,
[...] whether it is "pointing country" or integrated media experts and scholars in the industry media organizations, or the pursuit of green GDP, officials at all levels should be clearly aware of the blind launched LED product,market and what do not need [...]
anything or make every
effort to blindly follow the trend of production, will only lead to confusion in their own production management, market development can not find the position, which, as Liu said, LED lighting company has only a clear positioning of their own development, targeting a particular market segments, can be more close to success.
大会第六议着一步加强联合国系统与欧亚经济共同体之 间对话、合作与协调的重要性,邀请联合国秘书长为此继续定期同欧亚经济共同 [...]
体秘书长进行协商;并且请秘书长向大会第六十七届会议提出关于决议执行情况 的报告(第 65/125 号决议)。
Atits sixty-fifth session,the General Assembly [...]
underlined the importance of further strengthening dialogue, cooperation
and coordination between the United Nations system and the Eurasian Economic Community, and invited the Secretary-General of the United Nations to continue conducting, to that end, regular consultations with the Secretary-General of the Eurasian Economic Community; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 65/125).
瓦克蔚山生产基地位于韩国首都首尔东南350公里处的大型工业 山市 Se ongam-dong Nam-gu,专门生产水性胶粘剂用醋酸乙烯-乙烯(VAE)共聚乳液。
Located in Seongam-dong Nam-gu, Ulsan, a major
[...] industrial city inthe south-east of South Korea 350 km from the capital Seoul, WACKER'sUlsan production site [...]
is specialized in
vinyl acetate ethylene copolymer (VAE) dispersions for waterborne adhesives.
审查工作将原则 (a) 所 有规划进程都应咨询当地妇女和国家两性平等专家且体现他们的观点;(b) [...]
分析 需求和优先事项时必须认识到冲突对妇女和男子、男孩和女孩产生的影响不同, 还应认识到现存的性别关系可能会影响到重建有效和公平机构的工作;(c)
应根 据竞相争夺资金对两性平等的影响的预设情况,分配资源;(d) 应将与性别相关 的成果指标和计算成本的活动纳入规划框架;(e) 应该在整个规划过程中提供足 够的社会分析和两性平等分析专业知识,以便在规定的时限内有效执行这些步 骤。
Five principles should inform the review: (a) [...]
local women and national gender experts should be consulted, and their views
reflected, in all planning processes; (b) the analysis of needs and priorities should be based on an appreciation of the differential impact of conflict on women and men and boys and girls, and of the potential for prevailing gender relations to affect efforts to rebuild effective and equitable institutions; (c) resource allocations should be based on projections of the gender implications of competing funding scenarios; (d) gender-related outcome indicators and costed activities should be included in planning frameworks; and (e) sufficient expertise in social and gender analysis should be provided throughout the planning process to allow these steps to be implemented effectively and within the stipulated time frames.
[...] 有)应主持每次股东大会,或倘无该主席或副主席,或倘在任何股东大会上,该 主席或副主席概在举行该大会 间後内仍未出席,或该兩名人士 18 皆拒绝主持该大会,则由主席提名之任何一名董事应主持该大会,或(倘该董事 [...]
应主持该大会,以及倘概无董事出席或倘所有出席的董事均拒绝主持大会或倘选 出的主席须卸任主席之位,则出席的股东应从与会的股东中选出一人担任主席。
The Chairman (if any) of the Board or, if he is absent or declines to take the chair at such meeting, the Deputy Chairman (if any) shall take the chair at every general meeting, or, if there be no such Chairman or Deputy Chairman, or if at any general meeting
neither of such Chairman or Deputy
[...] Chairman is present within fifteen minutes after the time [...]
appointed for holding such meeting,
or both such persons decline to take the chair at such meeting, any Director nominated by the Chairman shall take the chair at such meeting, or, if such Director is absent or declines to take the chair at such meeting, any Director so elected by a majority of the Directors present at the commencement of the meeting shall take the chair at such meeting, and if no Director be present or if all the Directors present decline to take the chair or if the Chairman chosen shall retire from the chair, then the members present shall choose one of their own number to be Chairman.
但与会者,由 题领 域每一个都很广泛,而且相互之间有着复杂联系,当前的区域执行会议进程可能 不足以全面处理区域集体行动的所有相关方面和优先领域。
However, itwaspointed out that, owing to the broad scope of each of thefive thematicareas, [...]
as well as to their complex
interlinkages, the current regional implementation meeting process might be insufficient to comprehensively address all aspects relevant to areas of priority for collective regional action.
战略规划编制局助理总干事在介绍性发言中强区磋商会议具有重要 的意义,因为这些会议是在一个需要做抉择的时机举行:36 [...]
C/5 将是本组织《2008--2013 年 中期战略》(34 C/4)这个六年期的第三和最后一个双年度计划和预算。
In his introductory remarks, ADG/BSP stressed the
[...] importance of each of the five regionalconsultations [...]
as they are taking place at a crossroads:
the 36 C/5 document will be the third and last biennial programme and budget in the six-year cycle of the Organization’s Medium-Term Strategy for 2008-2013 (34 C/4).
所选专题为:教育人事政策(关于教育人事政 策的国际研讨会,保加利亚,索菲亚,2003 年 6
月);教育方面的非集中化(关于教育方面 非集中化政策和战略的国际研讨会,阿根廷,布宜诺斯艾利斯,2003 年 6 月/7 月);和资助
[...] 全民教育背景下的教育发展规划(关于资助和实施国家教育规划的国际研讨会、大韩民国山市2003 年 9 月)。
The selected themes were: education staff policies (International Seminar on Teaching Staff Policies, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 2003); decentralization in education (International Seminar on Decentralization Policies and Strategies in Education, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June/July 2003); and financing education development plans in the context of Education for All
(International Seminar on Financing and Implementing National
[...] EducationPlans, Asan-si, Republicof Korea, [...]
September 2003).




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