

单词 五味具全

See also:


all kinds of flavors


every kind
every variety under the sun
a complete gamut

External sources (not reviewed)

他们还接受五种具体行为的培训 全 母 乳 喂养;用肥皂洗手;女童教育;预防艾滋病;食用加碘盐。
They were also trained in five specific behaviours: exclusive [...]
breast feeding; hand washing with soap; education of girls;
prevention of HIV/AIDS; and use of iodised salt.
九具尸体带有枪伤,五具尸体则被 全 烧 毁
Nine of the bodies had
[...] gunshot wounds and five had been completely burned.
然而具有讽刺意味的是 ,这番针对伊朗和平核计划的煽动性言论和毫无根 据的指控出自以色列官员之口,而以色列政权在遵守 全 理 事 会决议方面记录是 最差的,记录在案的该政权种种罪行和暴行已构成危害人类罪,它秘密开发和非 法拥有核武器是对该地区以及国际和平与安全独一无二的威胁。
It is ironic, however, that such inflammatory remarks and baseless allegations against Iran’s peaceful nuclear programme are uttered by officials of a regime that has an unparalleled record of crimes and atrocities amounting to crimes against humanity and whose clandestine development and unlawful possession of nuclear weapons are the unique threat to regional as well as international peace and security.
[...] 期柴油商業車輛計劃後所出現的技術問題,從而確保更換後的 新型車輛在維修、設計及零件配套等方面皆可配合業界的運 作;(十四) 研究並諮詢公眾及運輸業界有關設立‘低排放區’具體建議;(十五) 要求 本港電力公司在不增加電費及不影響市 民健康的前提下全面採 用低排放發電技術及使用潔淨燃料發 電,從而改善本港因發電排放廢氣而引致的空氣污染;及(十六) 將僱員因在空氣污染嚴重的環境下戶外工作所引致的相關疾病 [...]
To add "; (m) to assist the industries in resolving the technical problems that occur after the implementation of the scheme for the replacement of Euro II diesel commercial vehicles, with a view to ensuring that the repair, design and parts availability, etc., of the new vehicles after replacement can tie in with the operation of the industries; (n) to study and consult the
public and the
[...] transport sector on a specific proposal of designating 'low emission zones'; (o) to require power companies in Hong Kong to fully adopt low-emission power generation technologies [...]
and clean fuel for
power generation on the premise of not increasing electricity tariffs and affecting public health, with a view to alleviating the air pollution caused by power generation emission in Hong Kong; and (p) to classify the related diseases contracted by employees who have to work outdoors under severe air pollution conditions as occupational diseases" immediately before the full stop.
而这种权利,应在经全球化 的背景下加以行使,以使具有人情 味。
That right must be
[...] exercised in the context of economic globalization in order to give it a human face.
具有讽刺意味的是,法国等某些核武器国家非但 没有致力于信守其在不扩散条约 1995 年审议和延期 大会上向无核武器的缔约国作出的无条件 全 保 证 , 反而在冷战思维驱使下发表威胁无核武器国家的无 理声明。
It is ironic that instead of committing to their unconditional security assurances to non-nuclear-weapon States parties to the NPT, given at the 1995 Review and Extension Conference, certain nuclear-weapon [...]
States, such as France,
motivated by Cold War thinking, have made irrational statements threatening non-nuclear-weapon States.
五代流 傳下來的釘裝書籍技術及品質最上乘的製作原料,Leather Craftsmen 在製作手工攝影集行列中享負盛名達 70 多年,如今他們還與世界各位具鑑 賞 品 味 的 攝 影家合作。
Combining five generations of custom bookbinder skills with the finest-quality materials, Leather Craftsmen has been proudly handcrafting photography albums for nearly 70 years and works with some of the world’s most discriminating [...]
具有讽刺意味的是 ,由经济和社会事务部编 写,并于上周在经济及社会理事会和布雷顿森林机构 高级别部分会议上提出的报告(A/64/665)所援引的 实现千年发展目标进展情况相关指标表明,对非洲所 作承诺的落实差距高全世界 范围的落实差距,而这 种情况使人怀疑当初对非洲发展所作承诺的诚意。
Ironically, the indicators cited in the report (A/64/665) on progress towards achieving the MDGs — prepared by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and presented at the high-level segment of the Economic and Social Council and the Bretton Woods institutions last week — show that the delivery gap in the commitments made to Africa is higher than the delivery gap worldwide, which raises questions [...]
about the seriousness
of the commitment to Africa’s development.
五號衛星具備一 項特別功能,容許若干轉發器進行配置,防止由中國以外地區 將未經許可的訊號上行至衛星轉發器。
AsiaSat 5 has a special feature that allows certain transponders to be configured to prevent unauthorised uplinking to the satellite’s transponders from areas outside of China.
在这方 面,只有关于冻结定居点扩展的一项永久性承诺才 味 着 具 有 支 持以下信念所需 的基本诚意:和平会谈是这一阶段的一条可行的道路,以实现巴勒斯坦自决和对 双方人民都全的可 持续和平的基本目标。
In this respect, only a permanent commitment to freeze
settlement growth would signal
[...] the minimal good faith required to support the belief that peace talks are a viable path at this stage to reach the essential goals of Palestinian self-determination and a sustainable peace with security for both peoples.
食物業處所承諾人須在其食物業處所內 實踐「食物全五要點 」,展示「食物 全五 要 點 」證書、標貼以及由中心提供的任何 「食物全五要點」宣傳品,並向員工提供有關食物安全/衞生的培訓;至於食物業協 會,則須在其處所內展示「食物 全五 要 點 」證書、標貼以及由中心提供的任何「食物全五要點」宣傳品,鼓勵屬下會員簽署『食物安全「誠」諾』並推廣和實踐「食物全五要點」。
Signatories of FP should practise 5
[...] Keys in their food premises, display “FSC” and “FSC” sticker in their food premises, display the CFS’s 5 Keys publicity materials in their food premises and provide training to staff on food safety/hygiene, whereas those of FTA should display “FSC” and “FSC” sticker in their premises, display any of the CFS’s 5 Keys publicity materials in their premises, encourage members of their associations to sign up to the FSC and encourage members to promote and practise the 5 Keys.
不平凡的當然還有裝潢,具氣氛 的意大利水晶吊燈、可以擺放過百瓶美酒的冷藏櫃,還有靜靜停放桌子上、雕花各異包括盛載了Olive Oil的五味架」 — 每個500英磅的價錢,讓這個低調座落中環一角的「港島廳」隱隱透現氣派。
Chandelier from Italy, special wine freezer for over hundred bottle storage, the interior of Island Tang is filled with subtle statement details — right down to the 500 pounds olive oil set on each table.
欧洲联盟还对以下事实表示保留意见:届会预定的九天会 议可能只五天有完全的口译服务。
The European Union also expressed reservations about the
fact that full interpretation services would likely be
[...] available only for five of the nine days scheduled [...]
for the session.
具有讽刺意味的是 ,一些核武器国家不仅没有采取步骤彻底消除 其核武库,没有对无核武器缔约国做出真正和无条件的 全 保 证,反而还威胁对 条约缔约国使用其武器。
Ironically, not only do some nuclear-weapon States not take steps towards the total elimination of their arsenals and give no real and unconditional security assurances to all non-nuclear-weapon [...]
parties, but they also threaten to use their weapons against States parties to the Treaty.
同样,没 有公然侵犯人权的一贯现象,也不 味 着 一 人在 具 体 处 境下没有遭受酷刑的可 能。
Similarly, the absence of a consistent pattern of flagrant
violations of human rights does not mean that a person might not be subjected
[...] to torture in his or her specific circumstances.
第 1533(2004)号决议所设全理事会刚果民主共和国问题制裁委员会在这方 面提供了一个良好的范例,我们高度赞赏 1533 委员 会与特别代表之间交流信息,这种交流 味 着 具 体的 行动。
The Sanctions Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004), concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo, provides a good model in that regard.
尤其是根据战略目标一(以兼顾各方利益的方式发展国际知识产权规范性框架)、战略目标三(为 利用知识产权促进发展提供便利)、战略目 五 ( 为 全 世 界 提供知识产权信息与分析的参考源)和战略目 标七(根据全球政策主题处理知识产权问题),WIPO 在解决有关指标与方法和支持创新鼓励政策问题的 过程中能够发挥重要作用。
WIPO, especially under its Strategic Goal I (balanced evolution of the international normative framework for IP), Strategic Goal III (facilitating the use of IP for development) Strategic Goal V (world reference source for IP information and analysis) and Strategic Goal VII (addressing IP in relation to global policy issues), can play an important role in addressing the issues around indicators and methodologies and supporting incentives for innovation.
总部位于美国圣路易斯市的 Emerson (纽约证券交易所股票代码:
[...] EMR)是一家全球领先的公司,该公司将技术与工程相结合,通过网络能源、过程管理、工业自动化、环境优化技术,商住解决方 五 大 业务 为 全 球 工 业、商业及消费者市场客户提供创新性的解决方案。
Emerson (NYSE: EMR), based in St. Louis, Missouri (USA), is a global leader in bringing technology and engineering
together to provide innovative solutions for customers in industrial,
[...] commercial, and consumer markets around the world.
经合组织的成员国包括经济上最发达的 国家,创造了“最富国的俱乐部”,它是一 个排外的组织,代表了不到世界六分之一人 口,提供了大约三分之二全球货 物生产五分之三的世界出口五分之四的全 球 公共 发展援助。
The organisation includes the most economically developed countries to create ‘the richest club’, an exclusive organisation representing less than 1/6 of the world’s population, and providing about 2/3 of the global production of goods, 3/5 of world exports and 4/5 of the total public development aid.
挪威全球第五大石油出口国和第三大 天然气出口国。
Norway is the world’s fifth largest oil exporter [...]
and the third largest gas exporter.
这并不味着涉 及到保留,虽然有时候被“提出者”作为具 有解 释性”提出的“单方面声明”可能是一项真正的保留,在这种情况下,其 “允许性”应根据适用于保留的规则予以评估(准则 3.5.1)。
This does not mean that reservations are involved, although sometimes a unilateral declaration [...]
presented as interpretative
by its author might be a true reservation, in which case its permissibility must be assessed in the light of the rules applicable to reservations (guideline 3.5.1).
反过来说,不存在一贯严重和公然 侵犯人权的情况并不味着个人在具 体 情况下就不会有遭受酷刑的危险。
Conversely, the absence of a consistent pattern of gross and flagrant violations of human rights does not mean that in particular circumstances a person might not be in danger of being subjected to torture.
具体而言,这味着在 参与案件调查方面,必须尽一切努力确保在相关事 项上考虑儿童受害人和儿童证人的意见,使他们能够以自己的方式对本人在司法 [...]
In particular, this means that every effort [...]
has to be made to ensure that a child victim or/and witness is consulted on
the relevant matters with regard to involvement in the case under scrutiny, and enabled to express freely, and in her or his own manner, views and concerns regarding her or his involvement in the judicial process.
由 於預計未來酒店入住率每年將增長
[...] 10%,加以現時並沒有新酒店工程,同時㆒些舊酒店 亦重建為商業大廈,這味 到㆒九九五年時酒店入住率將達飽和。
Annual future growth of 10%, combined with the
current absence of new projects and redevelopment of old hotels into
[...] commercial blocks, will mean full capacity by 1995.
事实上具有讽刺意味的是 ,住房问题竟是 界定本次危机的关键要素之一:对于人口持续增长的 [...]
发展中国家而言,必须通过建设体面的可负担住房来 减少贫民窟居民的人数,而对于一些发达国家来说却 恰恰相反:兴建住房过剩是引发危机的决定性因素之 一。
Indeed, it was ironic that the issue of housing [...]
should be one of the key elements defining the crisis: for developing nations
with growing populations, there was a need to reduce the numbers of slum-dwellers by building decent and affordable housing units, but for some developed nations, the opposite was true: the excess building of residential units had been one of the determining factors creating the crisis.
教科文组织马普托办事处侧重其最近开发 五 套 方法 工 具 , 这些 工 具 的 目 的是要促进 在计划/项目周期的各个阶段利用社会与文化手段进行艾滋病毒/艾滋病的防治。
The UNESCO Maputo
[...] Office focuses on five sets of methodological tools recently developed [...]
by the office, designed to facilitate
the application of the sociocultural approach to HIV/AIDS prevention and care at various stages of the programme/project cycle.
尼日利亚政府请求在定于 2011 年 3 月 25 日星五举行的安全理事 会磋商期 间讨论这份文件,并根据该决议内的请求,吁请安全理事会授权立即执行西非经 [...]
共体 2010 年 12 月的各项决定。
The Government of Nigeria requests that this document
be discussed in the course of the
[...] consultations of the Security Council scheduled [...]
to take place on Friday, 25 March 2011,
in light of the request, contained therein, calling on the Security Council to authorize the immediate implementation of the ECOWAS decisions of December 2010.
五,全球经济的相互依赖性——最近的危机 及其全球影响再次肯定了这种相互依赖性的存在 [...]
——要求国家、区域和国际各级之间、发达国家与 发展中国家之间、以及贸易、金融、货币、技术和 发展合作政策之间都要更加协调一致。
Fifth, global economic interdependence [...]
— the existence of which had been reaffirmed by the recent crises and their global
impact — called for greater coherence between the national, regional and international levels, between developed and developing countries, and between trade, financial, monetary, technological and development cooperation policies.
国际危机组织(简称“危机组织”)是一家独立运作、非 盈利的非政府研究机构,全球五大 洲拥有约130名员 工,通过实地分析和高层倡议,防止与解决极端冲突。
The International Crisis Group (Crisis Group) is an independent, non-profit,
non-governmental organisation, with some 130
[...] staff members on five continents, working [...]
through field-based analysis and high-level
advocacy to prevent and resolve deadly conflict.




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