

单词 五台市

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External sources (not reviewed)

彼於一九九九年加入本集團前,曾任職台灣聲寶股份有限公司 台 灣 證 券交易所之 市 公 司 )逾二 五 年, 負責產品製造、國際性銷售、研究及開發。
Prior to joining the Group, he served Sampo
[...] Electronic Company, a company listed on Taiwan Stock Exchange, for over 25 years [...]
and was in charge of
products manufacturing, international sales, research and development.
然而,无节制的快速城市化可能常常导致社会和空间的四 五 裂 以及 城 市 及 周 边农村地区 环境的急剧恶化。
Rapid and uncontrolled urbanization, however, may frequently result in social and spatial
fragmentation and in a drastic deterioration
[...] of the quality of the urban environment and of the [...]
surrounding rural areas.
目 前港台 在
[...] 天 水圍進行的工程 正 是 為 元 朗 區和屯 門 區加建 FM 轉播站, 改善第台 、 第 五台和 普 通 話 台 在這兩個地區的 接收質素 。
The works of installing an FM transposer in Tin Shui Wai
currently being
[...] carried out by RTHK will improve the reception quality of its Radio 3, Radio 5 and [...]
Putonghua Channel broadcast in Yuen Long and Tuen Mun.
我們應計及經濟方面的考慮因 素權衡這好處的利弊,即聽眾層面分割對 台市 場 所 造成的 影響。
Such an advantage should be weighted against the economic consideration of the impact of audience
[...] fragmentation on the radio market.
中国五个城市和两 个省启动了排放交易试验项目,目的是最迟于 2015 [...]
five cities and two provinces with [...]
the aim of gradually putting a regional carbon emissions trading system in place by 2015.
在阿拉木图和阿斯塔纳已有青少年警 察部,并且五个城市内已经设立了专门处理青少年案例的律师网络。
Juvenile police departments are
functioning in Astana and Almaty, and a network of specialized barristers for juvenile
[...] cases has been established in five cities.
除联合国电台的节 目制作显示联合国系统和维持和 平任务提供的材料之外,该频道已经将其地理覆盖范围延伸到纽 市 全 部 五 个行 政区,以及西切斯特县和新泽西的部分地区。
The channel, which in addition to United Nations Television’s programming shows material from the
[...] United Nations system and peacekeeping missions, has expanded its geographical reach to all of New York City’s five boroughs, as well as to parts of Westchester County and New Jersey.
香港:二零零二五月二日訊】 IDC 最新研究報告顯示,IBM 軟件部旗下之 WebSphere 軟件持續雄踞亞太區應用伺服器軟件 台市 場 ,無論在營業額或市場佔有率方面均處領導位置。
Hong Kong, 30 April 2002 ¡V IBM
[...] WebSphere Software has retained its leadership of the Asia Pacific application server software platform (ASSP) in revenue and share, according to the latest IDC report.
仙台媒体文化中心(SMT)于2001年1月开馆,是 台市 的 公 共设施。
Sendai mediatheque (smt) opened in January of 2001 as a
[...] public facility of the City of Sendai.
订购32台泵是扩建项目的一部分,包 五台 配 备 标准高铬金属叶轮的沃曼® 20/18 [...]
The order for 32 pumps is part of the expansion
[...] project and includes five Warman® 20/18 AH® [...]
horizontal heavy duty rubber lined slurry
pumps with standard high-chrome metal impellers,” JP Joseph of Weir Minerals Africa, says.
2007年,烟台市开展“劳动关系和谐企业创建”活动,经市职工维权领导小组组织市总工会、市劳动和社会保障局、市安监局相关人员深入各企业,开展调查,同时经市职工维权领导小组成员单位集体审议和市总工会、市劳动和社会保障局、市安监局、市国家税务局、市地方税务 五 部 门 重点审核,评出了 台市 A 级 、 2A级和3A级“ 台市 劳 动关系和谐企业”,中钢集团烟台钢格板有限公司被评为3A级“烟台市劳动关系和谐企业”称号。
Mr. Zhang introduced some new changes taken place in SINOSTEEL GROUP and presented our reputation and advantages in boiler field, because we had a lot of cooperation with domestic industrial boiler companies, such Shanghai,Wuhan Boiler Company.
世界市论坛第五届会 议期间提出的初步研究结果,说明这种工具成功地评估了公共 政策对土地权利性别差异的认识水平。
The preliminary results were
[...] presented during the fifth session of the World Urban Forum demonstrating [...]
the success of the Tool
in assessing the gender sensitiveness of public policies towards land rights.
其中4條頻道初期將會同步廣播現有4條中波(AM)頻道 (即第台、第五台、普 通話台及英國廣播公司國際台),以改善接收 質素,並且逐步加強節目內容,包括引進社區參與廣播服務;其餘1 條數碼節目頻道,是會作轉播中央人民廣播電台特別為香港聽眾而製 作的節目。
Programme contents will be strengthened such as by introducing community involvement broadcasting service. For the remaining digital channel, it will be dedicated to broadcasting special programmes produced by the CCTV for Hong Kong listeners.
金融部门的愿景和发展计划正在 更新,并在今五年在市场机制的基础上建立良好的金融体系,以调 [...]
The vision and the development plan of the financial sector were being updated and bought up
the development of a good financial
[...] system based on the markets for the next five [...]
years in order to mobilize the resources
for the sustainable economic growth
隨 廣播市場的 開放及 新服務將 在數碼環境㆘ 激增, 我們建議在數碼㆞面電視推 出㆒段 時 間
[...] (例如㆔年)後進行檢 討,以 決 定現時對傳統電視市場與台市場所 實 施 跨 媒體擁 有 權 限制的規定應否予 以 修 訂。
With the opening up of the broadcasting market and the proliferation of new services under the digital environment, we propose that a review should be conducted, say, three years after the launch of DTT, with a view to determining whether the existing cross-media
ownership restrictions which are based on the
[...] traditional segmentation of the television/radio market should be revamped.
这对股票市 场产生了积极影响(见图五),股票 市 场 开 始恢复到危机恶化前的水平。
This had a
[...] positive effect on stock markets (see figure XV) which [...]
began to return to levels seen prior to the worsening of the crisis.
利用NComputing X550 PCI卡套件和vSpace软件,个人电脑主机可连 五台 显 示 器。
An NComputing X550 PCI Card Kit with vSpace software enables the host
[...] PC to connect to five additional monitors.
(五 ) 市 民 如 何 就 公務工 程 導 致的土 地 沉 降 所 引 致的損失提 出 索償?
(e) how the public can claim compensation for losses incurred by the soil settlement as a result of public works programmes?
對 物 業 進 行 估 值 時,吾 等 已 遵 循 香 港 聯 合 交
[...] 易 所 有 限 公 司 證 券市 規 則 第 五 章 及應 用 指 引 第12項的規定,以及香港測量師學會頒布的物業估值準則(2005年第一版)。
In valuing the property, we have complied with the requirements set out in
Chapter 5 and Practice Note 12 of the
[...] Rules Governing the Listing of Securities issued [...]
by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
Limited and Valuation Standard on Properties (First Edition 2005) published by the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors.
五台沃曼 ® 20/18 AH®泵中,有两台将并联安装用于挖泥船送料的去砂作业,两台作为处理泵,将精细颗粒的尾矿排回矿池。
Of the five new Warman® 20/18 AH® [...]
pumps, two will be installed in parallel in the dredge feed de-grit duty, and two will
serve as disposal pumps to discharge fine tails back into the mining pond.
[...] 3,736 兆瓦,包括八台燃煤機組五台燃氣輪機,一台風力發電機,一組五百五十千瓦太陽能發電系統及兩台聯合循環機組。
The Lamma Power Station and Lamma Power Station Extension have a total
installed capacity of 3,736MW with eight
[...] coal-fired units, five gas turbine units, one [...]
wind turbine, one 550kW solar power
system and two combined cycle units.
如果想要购买收费应用程序,只需在您的 MetaTrader 5 平台“市场” 窗口双击该应用程序,然后点击"购买"按钮。
If you wish to buy a premium application, simply double
[...] click it in the Market window of your MetaTrader 5 platform and press the [...]
"Buy" button.
此外,賽馬會屯門盲人安老院院長及九龍盲人安老院院長分別於2011年12月10日及2012年3月24日接受了香港 台 第 五台 的 電話訪問,介紹盲人安老院服務及腦退化症服務。
In addition, on line telephone interviews of superintendents of Jockey Club Tuen Mun Home for the Aged Blind and Kowloon Home for the Aged Blind, concerning the aged blind
home service and service for dementia were
[...] arranged by RTHK Radio Five on 10 December 2011 [...]
and 24 March 2012 respectively.
本 公 司
[...] 謹 訂 於 二 零 一三年 五 月 二 十 四 日( 星五 )上 午十一 時 正 假 座 中 國 福 建 省 福市 台 江 區 鰲 峰 街 道 鰲 江 路 福 州 金 融 街 萬 達 廣 [...]
場 二 期 B1 樓 21 層 10 室 舉 行 股 東 週 年 大
會(「 股 東 週 年 大 會 」)或 其 任 何 續 會 , 大 會 通 告 載 於 本 通 函 第 17 頁 至 第 20 頁 。
A notice convening the annual general meeting (the ‘‘AGM’’) of the Company to be held at Room 10, 21st Floor, B1 Building, Wanda
Square Second Stages,
[...] Finance Street, Aojiang Road, Aofeng Avenue, Taijiang District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, PRC on [...]
Friday, 24 May 2013
at 11:00 a.m, or any adjournment thereof is set out on pages 17 to 20 of this circular.
甲斐贤治是仙台媒体文化中心行动支持部主管,大地震之后的几天,他一直追踪 台市 政 厅 指定疏散点的情况。
Kai Kenji, Director of the smt’s Activity
Support Department, spent the days following the earthquake inside a designated
[...] evacuation site at the Sendai City Hall.
在说明氟氯烃淘汰管理计划第一阶段提议的各项活动将如何促使减少维修业中 HCFC-22 的增长并实现 2013 年和 2015
年管制目标(按照第 62/12(b)号决定的要求),
[...] 环境规划署表示,涉及超市部门的方案(其消费量占维修业所使用 HCFC-22 总量的 45%)将五所超市提供技术援助,协助对装置改装进行大规模投资,以便在生命周期结 [...]
In explaining how the activities proposed in stage I of the HPMP will contribute in reducing HCFC-22 growth in the servicing sector and in meeting the 2013 and 2015 control targets (as required by decision 62/12 (b)), UNDP indicated that the programme addressing the supermarket sector (consuming 45 per cent of the total HCFC-22 used
for servicing) will provide
[...] technical assistance to five supermarkets to assist them [...]
to undertake major investments in the
conversion of their installations to low GWP technologies before the end of their life cycle.
技术发展的速度,常常连专家都始料未及:从1895年的皇家科学院院长开尔文勋爵(“比空气重的飞行器飞上天是不可能的”),到1943年的IBM主席(“我想全球大概只需 五台 计 算 机就够了”),再到1981年的比尔•盖茨(“640K对于任何人来说都够了”),无不如此。
The speed at which technology develops constantly surprises even the experts: from Lord Kelvin, the President of the Royal Society in 1895 (“heavier-than-air flying machines are impossible”) to the Chairman
of IBM in 1943 (“I think there is a world
[...] market for maybe five computers”) and [...]
Bill Gates in 1981 (“640 K ought to be enough for anybody”).
IDC 表示,應用伺服器軟件台市場去 年由於受到亞太區經濟不景,以及如九一一等國際事件影響,增長較二零零零年的百分之一百四十八點九,大幅下跌至百分之三十九點四水平。
[...] to IDC, the ASSP market in 2001 was impacted [...]
by the regional economic downturn and world events, such as the September
11 incident. Market growth has dropped considerably to 39.4 per cent, compared to 148.9 per cent in 2000.
[...] 国)、法国外交部、非洲电视台、国际地方与独立广播电 台市 场 和 选定的一些公共广播电 视台(例如,索马里电视台和阿富汗广播电视台)联合举办了一些成功的活动,为在国际或 [...]
A platform for international or regional distribution of endogenous audiovisual production was provided through successful joint ventures with the University of California in Los Angeles (United States), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France,
the African Television Festival (Festel),
[...] the International Market for Local and [...]
Independent Broadcasters (Mitil) and selected
public broadcasters (such as TV Samoa and Radio-Television Afghanistan).




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