

单词 互勉

See also:


mutual adj

External sources (not reviewed)

在此,我希望借用一句出自《易經》的說話,與我的同 互勉: “ 天行健,君子以自強不息;地勢坤,君子以厚德載物”。
Here, I wish to cite a quotation from the Book of
Changes as an encouragement to my
[...] colleagues: "As the ever revolving heaven, the gentleman [...]
should persistently renew his
strengths; like the sustaining power of the earth, the gentleman should practise the great virtue of kindliness to bear all things".
最後,我謹引用聖經的㆒句話語與各 互勉 : 「 惟願公平如大水滾滾,使公義如江河 滔滔」。
Lastly, I will quote a verse from the Bible for the inspiration of all of us: "But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream".
副主席先生,我沉 理智㆞用㆒句㆗國的成語,與總督彭定康先 互勉 , 就 是「㆝㆘ 本無事,庸㆟自擾之」。
MR GILBERT LEUNG (in Cantonese): Mr Deputy President, calmly and sensibly I propose to use a Chinese proverb as a guiding principle for both the Governor and myself.
我深信只要政府、企業及僱互助互勉,一 定能夠攜手跨越種種難關。
I am convinced that so long as the Government, enterprises and employees give one another support and encouragement, they can surely overcome various difficulties hand in hand.
為進一步推動香港社會重視家庭的文化及維繫家庭倫理,在未來一 年,家庭議會將會開展“ 開心家庭運動”,並會聯同政府部門及諮詢組
[...] 織、教育界、商界和非政府組織,鼓勵市民共建香港人珍重的家庭,使 大家共同為家庭注入歡欣、關愛互 助 互勉 、 互 相 欣賞及共同承擔責任 等元素。
In order to further encourage the Hong Kong community to attach importance to family culture and maintain family morality, the Family Council will launch a "Happy Family Campaign" in the coming year and collaborate with government departments and advisory bodies, the education sector, the business sector and NGOs to encourage the public to build families cherished by Hong Kong people, for
the injection of elements such as
[...] happiness, kindness, support, mutual appreciation and [...]
joint commitment, into families.
對於修正案提出“呼籲港人,為內地各省市提供物資及醫護支援",其 實香港的愛國人士一向都十分樂意和在能力所及的情況下,盡一分綿力協助 內地同胞的,而事實上,過去內地遇到災情的時候,香港都有民間自發的賑 災活動,在精神和物質上給予支持,我亦很希望這 互 助 互勉 的 關 係能持續 發展下去。
The amendment proposes to "appeal to the people of Hong Kong to provide supplies and medical support to the various provinces and cities in the Mainland".
該㆗心的宗旨是促進教師的專業發展 和進修機會,以及令教師們可以在友好和諧 互勉互 勵 和 不分等級的氣氛和環境㆘, 加強團結和提高專業精神。
It aims to promote continuous professional development and enrichment Hong Kong. It aims to promote continuous professional development and enrichment among teachers, and to foster among them a greater sense of unity and professionalism among teachers, and to foster among them a greater sense of unity and professionalism among teachers, and to foster among them a greater sense of unity and professionalism among teachers, and to foster among them a greater sense of unity and professionalism in a friendly, encouraging, and non-hierarchial environment. in a friendly, encouraging, and non-hierarchial environment. in a friendly, encouraging, and non-hierarchial environment. in a friendly, encouraging, and non-hierarchial environment.
最重要的是政府、商界、 市民互助互勉,攜手跨越挑戰。
The most important thing is that the Government, the business sector and the public can help each other and join hands to overcome the challenges.
我在施政綱領內便看到,所謂 “開心家庭運動”,綱領是這樣寫的︰“宣揚家庭核心價值,鼓勵社會大 眾共建富有香港特色的家庭(即歡欣、仁愛 互 助 互勉 及 有 責任感的家 庭 )”。
I learnt from the policy agenda that the "Happy Family Campaign" further promotes family core values, and to appeal to the public to build SAR families (that is, Happy, Kind, Supportive, Appreciative and Responsible families)".
有时候我还会充当导师,私 下见见当年一起入职的朋友们互相 勉 励 几 句。
Like a mentor, I often meet new members of our team and encourage and advise them.
不過,我希望以此跟大家 共勉,為香港的民主,中國的民主,香港的社會公義,大家共同努力 互相 勉勵。
We should make every endeavour for the democracy of Hong Kong, for the democracy of China and for the social justice of Hong Kong, and we should encourage one another.
代 理主席,在 《 中 國 六四真相》的 自 序 裏 , 它 以 魯迅先生的 3 句 話 來作 結 束 , 我亦以此 3 句 話 與各同互 勉 :“真的 猛 士,敢 於 直 面 慘 淡 的人生, 敢 於正視 淋漓的 鮮 血 。
Let me also cite these remarks as an encouragement to Honourable colleagues: "A true warrior dares to stare the sadness of life in the face and to see the fresh blood that drips".
她也鼓勵所有CPAD的家長一同與大家分享自己的經驗、經歷,互相加油 互 相 勉 勵。
She also invites all parents to share their experience with fellow CPAD parents so that we can support and encourage each other.
更 重要的是,透 過 參 與社會事務,青年 人 與社區不同組織以至社會
[...] 各界, 得 以建立 互 助 互 信互 勵 互 勉 的 關係, 有 助 增 強 社區以至整個社會的凝 [...]
聚力, 從而推 動 整體社會的發展 和進步 。
This will bring about great benefit to them when they work and contribute to the development of society in later stages of their lives. More importantly, through their
participation in social affairs, the young
[...] people can establish a mutually helpful, trusting [...]
and inspiring relation with different
organizations in the community and even different sectors in society.
主席,我這個建議只是初步的想法,相信當中還有很多細節或瑕 疵有待研究,其實我只不過是拋磚引玉,而我亦不會說我所提出的必 然是對的,但最低限度我希望可以和大 互勉 , 從一個積極的態度想 出一個良好的計劃。
President, this is only a preliminary proposal, and I believe there are still many details or minor problems to be examined.
聖若瑟英文中學舊生會(The Old Boys' Association of SJACS) 成立於1965年,是我校首個校友組織,旨在建立舊生網絡,促進舊生間的聯繫,藉以團結舊生,發 互 助 互勉 之 精 神,同時亦可加強舊生對母校之歸屬感。
Founded in 1965, The Old Boys' Association of SJACS (OBA) was our school¡¦s first old boys' organization aiming at establishing a network among graduates to foster their connection, to maintain the spirit of unity and to reinforce the sense of belonging to their alma mater.
[...] 擔,以身作則,主動提升香港的空氣質素,並跟內地有關當局分享資料和經 驗,才能達互相勉勵、互相幫 助的局面。
Then, we may share information and experience with
the relevant mainland authorities. This is the only way to achieve a
[...] situation of mutual encouragement and mutual help.
I wish colleagues in this Council could join me to encourage and motivate each other in this respect.
懷 民主理想的朋友們,我願意以這㆔種境界 ― 在爭取民主㆗的㆔段心路歷 程,來與大家勉互勵。
My friends, if you have the heart to pursue democracy, I would like to
use these three phases or the three stages that we shall undergo in our
[...] striving for democracy as mutual encouragement.
而且,新村运动的三大宗旨——“ 勉 、 自 助和合作”如燎原之 火,影响了农村以外的广大地区。
Diligence, selfhelp and cooperation, the three tenets of the new community movement, however, spread beyond the rural areas like a prairie fire.
在每週聚會時,姊妹們都彼此扶持、共同代禱, 也互相分享及交換生活中的酸甜苦辣,在其中大 互相 勸勉及鼓勵,真是應驗經上所說的︰「萬事都互相效 力、叫愛神的人得益處。
The Women's Group meets Thursday mornings, we support one another, pray for one another, and share our life experiences with one another; in all this we encourage each other, and thereby experience how God makes all things work together to benefit those that love Him.
主席女士,我希望不同的黨派對自己的立場不要原地踏步,亦不要導致 香港的政制發展原地踏步,讓我互 相 共 勉。
Madam President, I hope that various political parties and groupings will not stay at the same spot when it comes to their positions and that they will not cause constitutional development in Hong Kong to stall.
在过渡时期,办公室有二 至三名极为尽职的塞拉利昂工作人员,以及两位 勉 的 辩 护人办公室代理主任。
In the interim, the office was staffed by two or three extremely devoted Sierra Leoneans, and two different hardworking acting heads of the defence office.
就民調而言,我們還抱着一種心態: 如果民調的評分上升,我們認為是市民對我們工作的一 勉 勵 ; 下跌 便是對我們的一種鞭策。
Insofar as opinion polls are concerned, our mindset is that if the ratings have improved, we would see it as an encouragement from the public for our work, and if the ratings show a decline, we would see it as a reminder to spur us on.
然而,性别平等问题的总体优先事项的地位,在重大计划 IV 的决议草案中只是勉强 地有所体现(在双年度部门优先事项 2 第 16 小段中的简单隐喻和第 4 段中的正式援引 (《又要求总干事……》)。
However, gender equality is only timidly recognized as a global priority in the draft resolution for Major Programme IV: a mere allusion in subparagraph (xvi) of Biennial sectoral priority 2 and a formal reference in paragraph 4 (“Requests the Director-General”).
然而,法律一般規 定公司的每名高級職員(包括董事、董事總經理及秘書)於行使本身的權力及履 行本身的職責時,必須以公司的最佳利益為前提而誠信地行事,並以合理審慎的 人士於類似情況下應有的謹慎、勉 及 技 巧行事。
However, as a matter of general law, every officer of a company, which includes a director, managing director and secretary, in exercising his powers and discharging his duties must do so honestly and in good faith with a view to the best interests of the company and exercise the care, diligence and skill that a reasonably prudent person would exercise in comparable circumstances.
责任:虽尽最大努力及时、勉、专业地执行指定工作,但 Interroll 不会提供任 何保证或承担任何损失的责任,不论是由于任何产品失效或故障或者无法发现日后失 效的产品在工厂验收之前、期间及之后生产延迟或随后停工所引起的直接损失还是间 接损失。
Liability; Whilst every effort will be made to carry out the specified work in a timely, diligent and professional manor, Interroll does not offer any warrantees or accept liability for any costs whatsoever, directly or indirectly arising from delays or subsequent loss of production either before, during or after the Site Survey due to the failure or breakdown of any product or its failure to identify a product that subsequently fails at a later date.
把公司专利和专利产品的 情况包括在商业计划中很重要,因为它 能有力说明你公司产品的新颖,提供勉的证据,并减少侵犯其他公司专利的 风险。
Including information on your company’s patents and patent strategy in the business plan is important, as it is a strong indicator of the novelty of your company’s products, provides evidence of due diligence and reduces the risk of infringement of other companies’ patents.
审查报告指出,该司在及时而有效地甄选和征聘警察方面一直 勉 力 为 之, 而且提供给外地警官的政策指南依据传统的模式,很少就如何实施其临时执法或 警务改革任务提供指导。
The review noted that the Division has struggled to achieve the timely and effective selection and recruitment of police, and that the policy guidance available to police officers in the field was based on traditional paradigms with little direction on how to implement their interim law enforcement or police reform mandates.
3.35 根據第13E(5)條,專業勉的定義是指「按理可期望商戶對消費者有技 巧及謹慎地行事所達的水平,而該水平是與該商戶的活動範疇的誠實市場慣例相 稱的,或與該範疇的一般真誠原則相稱的」。
Professional diligence 3.35 Under section 13E(5), professional diligence is defined as “the standard of skill and care that a trader may reasonably be expected to exercise towards consumers, commensurate with honest market practice in the trader’s field of activity or the general principle of good faith in that field”.




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