单词 | 云南省 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 云南省 noun —Yunnan nSee also:云—(classical) say • surname Yun 南南 adj—triangular adj
这导致缅甸政府 向中国中央政府和云南省政府 提出正式抗议。 crisisgroup.org | This led Myanmar to officially protest [...] to Beijing and Yunnan local officials. crisisgroup.org |
鉴于这些潜在危险,北京必须认真地重新评估它的 战略,与云南省和地方政府协调一致,维持立场和 政策的持续性和统一性,控制各方的行为。 crisisgroup.org | Given these risks, Beijing must carefully re-evaluate its strategy and [...] coordinate with Yunnan and local governments [...]to follow through with consistent [...]positions and policies, thereby reining in the activities of local actors. crisisgroup.org |
中央和云南省地方 之间的政策存在差异——云南负 责应对少数民族地方停火武装,一定程度上使得问 题更加复杂。 crisisgroup.org | These problems are aggravated by differences in approach [...] between Beijing and the provincial government in Yunnan’s [...]capital Kunming, which implements [...]policies towards the ethnic ceasefire groups. crisisgroup.org |
但是,中国的影响力面临制 约,这包括缅甸民间愈发高涨的反对中国公司开采 [...] 缅甸自然资源的呼声,以及北京中央政府 和 云南省 地方 政府在利益方面和落实缅甸政策时存在的分 歧。 crisisgroup.org | But China faces limits to its influence, including growing popular opposition to the exploitation of Myanmar’s natural [...] resources by Chinese firms, and divergent interests and policy implementation between [...] Beijing and local governments in Yunnan. crisisgroup.org |
缅甸高级官员 已发现,大量中国人从云南省涌入 缅甸,他们很引人注意,同 时,与缅甸普通民众的贫困程度相比,他们较为富有。 crisisgroup.org | Senior Burmese officials have noted the marked influx [...] of Chinese from Yunnan Province who are both conspicuous [...]and relatively wealthy compared [...]to the poverty of the average Burmese. crisisgroup.org |
在中国,2008-2009 双年度的项目资金为 140 000 美元,其中 2008 年投入的资金为 87 000 [...] 美元(实际上,截至 2009 年 1 月 7 日,已支出 53 259 美 [...] 元),该笔资金主要用于三个项目:与绵阳市(四川省)体育教育协会签订一份合同,与临 沧(云南省)市 艾滋病预防管理办公室签订一份合同,与北京大学儿童与青少年健康研究院 [...]签订一份合同。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Of the $140,000 available for the biennium in China, $87,000 were committed in 2008 ($53,259 actually spent as at 7 January 2009), primarily to finance a contract with the municipal physical education association of the town of Mianyang (Sichuan), another with the office [...] responsible for anti-AIDS efforts in the [...] municipality of Lincang (Yunan) and a third with [...]the Beijing University Institute of Child and Adolescent Health. unesdoc.unesco.org |
1909年,福伊特准备为云南省石龙坝水电站提供水轮机。 voith.com | But in 1909 the young man follows a call abroad Voith is meant to supply turbines for Shi Long Ba hydro power station in the Yunnan Province. voith.com |
参加中国培训班的是女农民;生活评估专家、研究人 员;和来自甘肃、广西和云南省的卫 生、农校及扫盲工作者;他们编写了关于与农村生活各 [...] 个方面有关的问题的 23 种重视性别的小册子,已经印刷并在中国各省发行。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Participating in the workshop in China were women farmers; livestock experts; researchers; and health, agricultural [...] extension and literacy workers from the [...] Gansu, Guangxi and Yunnan provinces; they produced 23 [...]gender-sensitive booklets on subjects [...]relevant to different aspects of rural living which have been printed and distributed to all provinces of China. unesdoc.unesco.org |
从中国内部看,北京的中央政府和云南 省地方 政府对于边境管理和少数民族问题有不同的 [...] 看法,采取不同的措施。 crisisgroup.org | Internally [...] Beijing and local Yunnan governments have [...]differing perceptions of and approaches to border management and the ethnic groups. crisisgroup.org |
比如说,尽管中国官 方禁止非法砍伐树木,并与缅甸就解决非法砍伐树木问 题增强双边合作签订了协议,但 云南省 政 府 仍允许伐木 公司砍伐缅甸的树木。 crisisgroup.org | For example, provincial authorities gave permission to logging companies to cut down trees in Myanmar despite a Chinese official ban and agreements to strengthen bilateral collaboration to address illegal logging. crisisgroup.org |
例如,在过去几 年中,云南省的地方政府在没有告知中央政府的情况 下,允许伐木公司在缅甸砍树,而与这些伐木公司合作 [...] 的是克钦邦的地方权势,而不是缅甸中央政府。 crisisgroup.org | For example, local [...] governments in Yunnan province have been giving [...]approval to logging companies to cut down trees in Myanmar [...]without informing Beijing of it in the past years. crisisgroup.org |
超过270,000的纳西族人住在云南省北部。 amccsm.org | More than 270,000 Naxi people [...] live in northern Yunnan province. amccsm.org |
丰富的矿产资源也足以让云南省为之 自豪 , 云 南 有 中国储量最多的铝、 铅、锌、锡,此外还蕴藏着大量的铜和镍。 australiachina.com.au | Yunnan also prides itself in its rich mineral resources, [...] with China’s largest reserves of aluminum, lead, zinc and tin, [...]as well as large reserves of copper and nickel. australiachina.com.au |
2009年11月,澳大利亚农林渔业部(DAFF)高层官员及牧草产业高级管理人员一同考察 了 云南省 的 牧 草和乳品加工产业,再次确认双方在国际项目及引进澳大利亚牧草方面的合作机会。 australiachina.com.au | In November 2009, senior officials from Australian DAFF (Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and [...] Forestry) and executives from the pasture [...] industry investigated Yunnan’s pasture and [...]dairy development and reaffirmed the cooperative [...]opportunities in international projects and introduction of Australian pasture. australiachina.com.au |
因此,至少父母/监护人的一方一年以内一同 与学生居住在云南省的居 住时间不得少于九个月。 kia-china.org | Therefore, at least one parent/guardian must live with [...] the student in Yunnan Province for a minimum of [...]nine months of the year. kia-china.org |
由于泰国的水力发电潜力几乎已经被开发殆 [...] 尽,泰国国内进一步开发项目面临着激烈的反对。 因此,泰国计划在未来十五年内,分别从缅甸、老 挝和中国云南省进口至少 1.4 万兆瓦的电力。 banktrack.org | Thailand, which has already developed much of its hydropower potential and faces stiff opposition to further projects [...] at home, plans to import at least 14,000 MW of electricity from [...] Burma, Laos and Yunnan Province over the coming 15 years. banktrack.org |
例如, [...] 正在建设中的皎漂到昆明油气管道项目和拟议 中的云南省瑞利到皎漂的高速公路将通过缅甸把中国和 印度洋连接起来。 crisisgroup.org | For example, the Kyaukpyu-Kunming oil and gas pipeline project under [...] construction and the proposed highway [...] between Ruili in Yunnan province with Kyaukpyu will [...]link China with the Indian Ocean through Myanmar. crisisgroup.org |
克钦民族民主军(NDA-K),克钦独立组织(KIO),掸 邦军(SSA),缅甸民族民主同盟军(果敢族),佤邦联军 [...] (UWSA)和东掸邦民族民主同盟军(猛腊)控制着毗邻中国 云南省的地区。 crisisgroup.org | The National Democratic Army-Kachin (NDA-K), Kachin Independence Organization (KIO), Shan State Army (SSA), Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (Kokang), United Wa State Army [...] (UWSA) and National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (Mongla) control areas [...] adjoining China’s Yunnan province. crisisgroup.org |
福伊特为中国首座发电站 - 石龙坝水电站(位于云南省)提 供水轮发电机组。 voith.com | Voith delivers turbines for the first Chinese hydro power station in the [...] world , Shi Long Ba (Yunnan Province). voith.com |
2008 年,亚太区域办事处公布了一份关于“大湄公河次区域少数民族群体的 生殖健康”的综合报告,报告覆盖了老挝人民民主共和国、泰国、柬埔寨、越南 和中国云南省。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2008, the Asia-Pacific Regional Office published a comprehensive report on the “Reproductive health of ethnic minority groups in the Greater [...] Mekong Subregion”, covering Cambodia, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, [...] Thailand, Viet Nam and the Yunnan Province in China. daccess-ods.un.org |
卢义宣现年 57 岁,有一个女儿,居住在云南省省会 昆 明。 netzhammerbreiholz.de | The 57-year-old is married, with one daughter, and lives in [...] Kunming, the capital of Yunnan Province. netzhammerbreiholz.de |
一位云南省官员 表示,政府一直为难民提供人道援助,但是有一些团体指控中国强 [...] 迫难民返回缅甸,或是根本拒绝他们入境。 amccsm.org | A Yunnan province official said that [...] authorities have been providing humanitarian help to the displaced, but some groups [...]have accused China of forcing refugees to return to Myanmar or refusing them entry in the first place. amccsm.org |
由于这家电厂在云南省和中 国东部供电中将发挥重要作用,我们希望有一个可以保持电厂高效可靠运转的控制系统,”镇雄电厂仪器仪表和控制主管叶正飞表示。 emerson.com | Because of the important role this plant will play in [...] supplying power to Yunnan Province and eastern China, [...]we wanted a control system that will [...]help keep the plant operating efficiently and reliably," said Zhengfei Ye, instrumentation & control supervisor, Zhenxiong Power Plant. emerson.com |
我将遵守“一年之中,父母双方中至少有一方或者一位监护人与学生一同居住 在 云南省 的时 间不得少于九个月”这一规定。 kia-china.org | I will adhere to the policy that one parent/guardian must live with [...] the student in Yunnan Province for a minimum of [...]nine months of the year. kia-china.org |
国际方面我们访问了美国和加拿大,另外香港执行团队的 [...] 成员访问了中国内地;香港办公室的人事有所变动;关于建华 在 云南省 身 份 正式化的一些进展; 最后(但不表示成绩最小),就是我们在香港的工作有了很大的进步。 jhf-china.org | Since conference, this has been a particularly busy period, with international visits to the US and Canada, visits by HK Executive Team members into mainland China, staff changes in the HK Office, [...] developments with regard to the official [...] status of JHF in Yunnan Province and, last but not [...]least, some important promotional work in Hong Kong. jhf-china.org |
PEPFAR的关键贡献有,15个省随访和转诊率的提高,全国艾滋病参比实验室试验能力改善,以及在高发病率 的 云南省 开 发 一个获得殊荣的一揽子全面预防服务。 embassyusa.cn | Among PEPFAR’s key contributions are increasing follow-up and referral rates in 15 provinces, improvements in laboratory capacity at the National [...] AIDS Reference [...] Laboratory and in the provinces, and developing an award-winning comprehensive prevention package of services in the high-prevalence province of Yunnan. eng.embassyusa.cn |
我们,来自亚太地区 28 个国家 55 个政党的领导人和代表,以及部分非洲政 [...] 党和联合国开发计划署、亚洲议会大会等国际组织观察员,于 2010 年 7 月 13-18 日在中国云南省昆明 市出席由中国共产党主办的亚洲政党扶贫专题会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | We, the leaders and representatives of 55 political parties from 28 countries in Asia and the Pacific, together with observers from several African political parties and international organizations such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), gathered at [...] the International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) Conference on Poverty Alleviation held [...] in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, under the [...]auspices of the Communist [...]Party of China (CPC) from 13 to 18 July 2010. daccess-ods.un.org |
道路技术研究所研究开发的重交沥青路面专用抗车辙剂荣获了“国家重点新产品”荣誉,聚羧酸高性能减水剂荣获了“广东省重点新产品”荣誉,排水降噪沥青路面材料荣获了“湖北省科技进步奖叁等奖”和 “ 云南省 科 学 技术进步奖三等奖”荣誉,研究开发的沥青混合料温拌技术、温拌橡胶沥青路面技术、温拌再生沥青路面技术为等为沥青路面的节能减排做出了突出的贡献。 oceanpower.com | The Road Technology Institute researched and developed the heavy traffic for Asphalt Pavement Rutting Resistance which woned the honor of "National Key New Product", polycarboxylate superplasticizer woned the "Guangdong Province Key New Product" honor, drain noise [...] asphalt pavement material [...] woned ”Hubei Province, the third prize of Science and Technology Progress Award "and the “Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology [...]Progress Award" [...]honors, asphalt mixture warm mix technology, warm Mix rubber asphalt pavement technology, warm mix recycled asphalt pavement technology etc. made outstanding contributions to the energy saving of the asphalt pavement. oceanpower.com |