

单词 二道贩子

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External sources (not reviewed)

二连三 的内战破 坏了我们年轻的国家和我们负责执行武器监督和动 向条例的安全部门,助长了我们次区域的犯罪和武贩子的活动。
Successive civil wars, having undermined our young States
[...] [...] and our security services responsible for enforcing regulations on the monitoring and movement of arms, have fuelled crime and the activities of arms traffickers in our subregion.
二,人口贩运的指控也可能威胁到投资者关系,导 致注道德的 投资者和主流投资者进行风险撤资。
Second, allegations of human trafficking may also threaten investor relations and risk divestment on the part of both ethical and mainstream [...]
傀儡军事战贩子未能使西海的第一次小规模冲突成为全面开战的导火索, 此后,在 2002 年,当和解与统一的热风比以往更猛烈地吹遍半岛时,他们却在 这片水域挑起二次武装冲突。
After failing to make the first West Sea skirmish an ignition point for an allout war, the puppet military warmongers sparked off the second armed conflict in the waters in 2002 when the hot wind of reconciliation and unity swept the peninsula [...]
more furiously than before.
二个例子是, 1994 年 7 月 1 日,卢旺达发生种族灭绝 3 个月时,安理会请 秘书长紧急成立一个专家委员会,调查卢旺达境内违反国际 道 主 义法的行为, 包括收集可能犯下种族灭绝罪行为的证据。
In a second example, on 1 July 1994 — three months into the genocide in Rwanda — the Security Council requested the Secretary-General to establish, as a matter of urgency, a commission of experts to investigate violations of international humanitarian law committed in [...]
the territory of Rwanda,
including the evidence of possible acts of genocide.
加拿大也正在通过美国能源部的 二道 防 线 方案在乌克兰空港和 海港安装安保升级设备(根据有关预防非 贩 运 的 执行部分第 10 段)。
Canada is also working through
the United States
[...] Department of Energy’s Second Line of Defense programme to install security upgrades at Ukrainian air and sea ports (pursuant to operative paragraph 10, on preventing illicit trafficking).
它呼吁刚果加强努力,起诉贩子, 并 向 贩 运 活 动受害者提 供援助。
It called upon the Congo to increase its efforts to
[...] prosecute human trafficking offenders and provide assistance to victims of trafficking.
制定法律和程序,以支持没收贩运所得收益及 贩子 的 资产,并 明确规定,这些收益和资产在一审时将被用于对被贩运者的赔偿 二 审 时被 用来为被贩运者提供一般性补救
(v) Laws and procedures are in place to
support the seizure of
[...] the proceeds of trafficking and confiscation of traffickers’ assets, and explicitly indicate that such proceeds and assets are intended in the first instance to compensate trafficked persons and in the second instance for general [...]
provision of remedies to trafficked persons
在伊朗支持下,哈马斯已在加沙站稳脚跟,它继续储存杀伤力日益强 大和射程日益增加的武器,通过广泛分布于埃及-加沙边界地下的 道 网, 全面进贩运武器的活动。
Hamas, entrenched in Gaza with the support of Iran, continues to stockpile weapons of ever-increasing lethality and range,
operating a fullfledged weapons-smuggling
[...] operation through the extensive tunnel network running under the [...]
Egypt-Gaza border.
他们还确认没有任 何一个政府能独自成功打击这种威胁,因为与贩毒活动有牵连的犯罪组织在几 个国家的领土内共同运作,贩运渠 道 和 分销办法也日益复杂,因此所有国家 开展合作、协调和专门行动是制止这种犯罪的关键。
They further, recognized that no single government can combat this menace alone successfully, given that
criminal organisations
[...] linked to drug trafficking operate collectively in the territory of several countries and are multiplying traffic routes and distribution [...]
methods, therefore
cooperation, co-ordination and committed action by all countries are essential to curb this crime.
挪威支持原子能机构的援助方案并为尽量减少高浓铀与发展中国家合作,还 同奥地利和核威胁倡议道,在国际 子 能 机构的合作下,于 2012 年 1 月 23 日 至 25 日在维也纳举办了二届尽量减少高浓铀专题讨论会。
Norway supports IAEA assistance programmes and cooperation with developing countries on highly enriched uranium minimization,
and, together with
[...] Austria and the Nuclear Threat Initiative and in cooperation with IAEA, hosted the 2nd International Symposium on HEU Minimization in Vienna, [...]
from 23 to 25 January 2012.
秘书长 2010
[...] 年的进度报告(S/2010/386*)强调了 两个新出现的建设和平问题的重要性:第一个问题是 有组织犯罪贩毒;第二个是 自然资源的管理。
The Secretary-General’s 2010 progress report (S/2010/386*) stressed the importance of
two emerging peacebuilding issues: first,
[...] organized crime and drug trafficking, and secondly, natural resource [...]
其他内容包括:传统宗教;国王穆特萨一世 (Mutesa I) 之孙、国王姆旺二世 (Mwanga II) 之子——道迪•奇瓦二世 ( Daudi Chwa II) 的品性及角色;基督教的传播及其对乌干达社会的影响。
Other subjects covered are traditional religion; the character and
role of King Daudi
[...] Chwa II, grandson of King Mutesa I and son of King Mwanga II; and the spread of [...]
Christianity and its effect on Ugandan society.
白俄罗斯政府与国际组织和国内社会团体 道 制 订 了 贩 运 人 口受害 者康复和重返社会计划。
The Government, together with international organizations and
national public associations, had put in place a scheme for the rehabilitation and
[...] social reintegration of trafficking victims.
意 识到途经马耳他前往意大利其他地方的非洲移民很容易成为贩运对象,它促请马
[...] 耳他加强努力,消除贩运人口现象,包括采取措施,保护受害者,并大力起诉贩子。
Recognizing that irregular migrants from African countries arriving en route to Italy and elsewhere may be vulnerable to trafficking, it urged Malta to increase its efforts to eradicate
trafficking in persons, including in taking steps to protect victims and through the
[...] vigorous prosecution of traffickers.
此外,委员会还决定死亡抚恤金只可发放给已故 工作人员的配偶或受抚子女, 而不是 二 级 受 抚养人。
Furthermore, it decided that the
death grant should only be granted to a spouse or
[...] dependent child, and not to the secondary dependants [...]
of the staff member.
长时间以来,贩卖人口的过程变得越来越复杂, 走私者和贩子利用 一整套欺骗、秘密、甚至合法的移徙办法,并在旅途的不同 [...]
Over time the process of human trade has become more complex, whereby
[...] smugglers and traffickers use a combination [...]
of deceptive, clandestine or even legal
modes of migration, switching strategies at different stages of the journey, and involving both legitimate and illicit actors at the governmental and non-governmental levels.
根据监察组上次报告(S/2011/433),一名来自吉布提的阿法尔叛乱 子表 示,他道阿法 尔联阵部队正在厄立特里亚红海省 Kiloma 附近接受训练。
An Afar rebel from Djibouti, quoted in the Monitoring Group’s previous report (S/2011/433), stated that he was aware of ARDUF forces being trained near Kiloma, in Eritrea’s Red Sea Province.
人们向贩子支付巨款,而贩子则安 排他们在例如极其危险的情况下翻越崎岖的山路 或者安排他们在既不适合航海又没有充分供给的拥挤不堪的船只中渡海。
[...] sums of money are paid to smugglers who, for example, arrange [...]
journeys across mountain ridges in dangerous circumstances
or across the sea in overcrowded vessels that are neither seaworthy nor adequately provisioned.
(二 ) 《道路交通(車輛構造及保養)規例》(第 374A章 )第 5(1)款訂明 [...]
每部車輛,包括所有車身及配件(包括座位)在內,須採用合 適的材料,妥善及適當地構造;在良好及可使用的狀態;及 其設計及構造方法,使其能抵受相當可能會在運作時遇到的 負荷及應力。
(b) Regulation 5(1) of the Road Traffic (Construction [...]
and Maintenance of Vehicles) Regulations (Cap. 374A) stipulates that
every vehicle including all body work and fittings shall be soundly and properly constructed of suitable materials; in good and serviceable condition; and of such design and method of construction as to be capable of withstanding the loads and stresses likely to be encountered in operation.
这使得时常是不见踪影的武贩子和 各 种使用方变化多端,从小罪犯到装扮成为夺取权力 的革命者和人权卫士的冒险家,还有劫匪路霸等。
This enriches traffickers who are frequently [...]
invisible and users of all sorts, from petty criminals to adventurers posing
as revolutionaries and defenders of human rights to seize power, as well as road blockers and other highway bandits.
设立联合国贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为受害者自愿信托基金,通过 政府、政府间和非政府组织等已建立的 道 向 贩 运 人 口受害者提供人道主义、法 律和财务援助,该基金应作为联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室管理的联合国预防犯 [...]
罪和刑事司法基金的附属基金运行,依照《联合国财务条例和细则》和其他规定 经管,接受一个由具备贩运人口领域相关经验的
5 人组成的董事会的建议,这些 人应由秘书长在与会员国及联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室执行主任协商后、并在 适当考虑到公平的地域分配情况下任命
Establish the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for Victims of Trafficking in Persons,
Especially Women and
[...] Children, to provide humanitarian, legal and financial aid to victims of trafficking in persons through [...]
established channels
of assistance, such as governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, which shall operate as a subsidiary fund of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Fund, managed by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and be administered in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations and other relevant provisions, with the advice of a board of trustees composed of five persons with relevant experience in the field of trafficking in persons who shall be appointed with due regard to equitable geographic distribution by the Secretary-General in consultation with Member States and with the Executive Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime.
报告二章提供了贩卖运 人口问题,特别是妇女和儿童问题特别报告员在所 审查的期间进行的活动的概况。
Chapter II of the report provides an overview of the activities undertaken by the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially [...]
women and children,
during the period under review.
鑒於公眾對實施子道路收費表示關注,此事亦備受爭議, 他詢問當局會否在現行的修訂工作完成後,決定 子道 路 收 費 的未來路向;若會,預計實施的時間表為何。
In view of the public concern and the controversy over the implementation of ERP, he enquired if a decision on the way forward on ERP would be made after completion of the current updating exercise and if so, the anticipated implementation timetable.
还讨论了把发展和能源问题纳入发展和竞争力的政策,重点是里约+ 20 进程;贸易和运输对经济一体化的重要性;提高天然气在欧洲未来能源中的作 用;必须解决中亚能源和水的问题;在 道 和 电 子 网 络 领域的筹资需要和大规模 基础设施投资的必要性;以及欧洲能源资源多样化所面临的挑战。
Discussions also focused on the inclusion of environmental and energy considerations into development and competitiveness policy, with a focus on the Rio+20 process, the importance of trade and transport for economic integration, the increasing role of natural gas in the energy future of Europe, the need to address the energy-water nexus in Central Asia, the financing requirements and needs for large infrastructure investment in pipeline and electricity networks, and the challenges in diversifying energy sources in Europe.
(二 ) 《道路交通(車輛構造及保養)規例》(第 374A章 [...]
)規定,任何 人擅自改動速度顯示器,或在道路上使用,或致使或允許他 人在道路上使用裝有未能正常運作速度顯示器的公共小 巴,均屬違法,一經定罪,可處罰款1萬元及入獄6個月。
(b) Under the Road Traffic (Construction [...]
and Maintenance of Vehicles) Regulations (Cap. 374A), any person who makes unauthorized
alteration to a speed display device, or any person who uses or causes or permits to be used on any road any PLB fitted with a speed display device which does not function normally, commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10,000 and to imprisonment for six months upon conviction.




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