

单词 二等货

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法院同时认为,如果 卖方将二批货物卖给礼品商店和书 等 卖 方已有的市场客户,替代交易也不 会发生。
The Court also held that no substitute transaction
would have taken place if
[...] the seller had sold the goods of the second partial delivery to gift [...]
shops and book stores, the
market in which the seller was already active.
当我们讨论 诸如实用新等二级保 护的重要性时会再回到这个问题上。
We return to this issue when we consider
[...] the importance of second tiers of protection [...]
such as utility models.
无动力驳船通常形成所谓的拖拉物,用来运送诸如煤或铁矿 等货 物。
Unpowered barges are frequently combined to form so-called tows and are used to transport cargo such as coal or iron ore.
2009 年,古巴货膨胀连续二年几乎是零,消费物价指数平均保持在与 2008 年几乎相同的水平。
In 2009, inflation in Cuba was
[...] practically null for the second consecutive year, with [...]
its consumer price index remaining
on average at virtually the same level as in 2008.
此 外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关
[...] 多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益, 包括通过为发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易 货 币 和 金融 体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放、 等 、 非 胁迫性、基于规则、可 预测和非歧视性。
In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for
development which requires
[...] greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, [...]
equitable, non-coercive,
rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.
该条例是为实施欧洲议会和欧盟理事会于2009年9月通过的 二 版 《电 子 货 币 指 令》(以下简称为“2EMD”)而制定。
The issue of electronic money is regulated by the
Electronic Money Regulations 2011 (“EMR”)
[...] which implement the second EU Electronic Money [...]
Directive (“2EMD”), which was adopted by
the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union in September 2009.
根據屋宇署的執法經驗,分間樓宇單位內的常見違規事 項包括:(一
[...] 其他扇門並阻塞逃生通道、因不當改動逃生樓梯的耐火結構而 令樓梯出現無防護開等);(二 )負荷 過重(主要因大幅加高地台 以埋置加裝的水管及排水渠,以及加建間隔牆所致);及(三 [...]
)滲 水問題(因內部水管或排水渠,以及浴室的加厚地台的施工質素 差劣所致)。
Based on the enforcement experience of BD, the usual irregularities found in sub-divided flat units include: (a) fire safety issues (obstruction to means of escape caused by improper installation of doors that obstruct one another when opened, improper alteration to the fire safety construction of escape
staircases caused by unprotected openings
[...] to such staircases, etc.); (b) overloading (mainly due [...]
to the extensive additional floor
screeding used for embedding additional water pipes and drains, as well as the installation of additional partition walls); and (c) water seepage (due to poor workmanship of internal water pipes and drains, as well as floor screeding of bathroom floors).
森林 多样性尤其有助于提供粮食、饲料、药物和木 等货 物 , 并具有精神和文化价值。
Forest biodiversity specifically contributes
[...] to providing goods such as food, fodder, medicine and timber, as well as spiritual [...]
and cultural values.
他们的住房由族长在1914年(安迪·沃霍尔的父亲同年从斯洛伐克迁居匹兹堡)建成,一楼是家族用来做生意的门面,曾经改装成 货 店 和 肉铺 二 楼 有 两间卧室。
Built by the family patriarch in 1914 (the same year Andy Warhol’s father moved to Pittsburgh from Slovakia), the home had a
ground floor that doubled as the
[...] family business, once a grocery store and butcher shop, [...]
and an upper level two-bedroom home.
这张图片在联合国儿童基金会的年度图片评选中获 二等 奖。
This photograph took second place in the UNICEF [...]
Photo of the Year competition.
二、货物的价值根据商品交易价格确定,无此种价格的,根据其市场价格确 定,既无商品交易价格又无市场价格的,参照交货地同种类和同品质货物的通常 [...]
2. The value of the goods is fixed according [...]
to the commodity exchange price or, if there is no such price, according to
their market price or, if there is no commodity exchange price or market price, by reference to the normal value of the goods of the same kind and quality at the place of delivery.
我想問政 府 , 究竟現時 倚 靠 一 項如此簡 單的合 約 條文,政府 會 否 覺得其 實作為 立 約 的一方,應可跟另 一方提出 一 些它認為可以使 用 該 等公共 空 間 的一些指引 , 或 是 甚至可參考政 府 場 地 的 指 引 , 令 政 府管理的和 業主管
理的兩 類 公 共 空 間得以 盡量接近 , 不 會 令 業主管 理的空 間 受 到 諸 多 限 制 , 因 為 業主要保養 、 要 花 錢 ,
[...] 而 空 間便每 每 受 到 限 制 , 甚 麼也不可以做, 導 致 變二等公共 空 間呢?
May I ask the Government, given that the contractual provisions we now rely on are so simple, whether the Government thinks that, as a party to the contract, it should be able to propose to the other party some guidelines which it thinks fit on the use of such open space, or can it even make reference to guidelines on the use of government facilities, so that the arrangement for open space managed by the Government and that by the owners can be made as similar as possible and open space managed by owners will not be subject to excessive restrictions, because the owners are required to carry out maintenance work at their own expense and the use of the open space is often
restricted, thus barring the public from doing anything there and
[...] turning such space into second-class public open space?
就本公司非執行董事委聘書的條款以及 等二 零 零 六、二零零七及二零零八年度的董事袍金向董事會提出 建議。
making recommendations to the Board on the terms of engagement letters of the Non-executive Directors of the Company and their directors’ fees for the years 2006, 2007 and 2008.
令人遗憾的是,在配 偶家中,母亲和女童也面临无止境的歧视,并且被描绘成了闯入者和在社会中没 有重要地位二等公民
Unfortunately, the mother and the girl child face unending discrimination in their spouses’ homes, and are portrayed as intruders and secondary citizens who have no serious place in the society.
它们需要考虑价格 、甚 至产品差异 化之外的因素,以便找到独特的价值定位—可以是卓越的客户服务、 快 速 可 靠 的 配 送 、通 过 精 准 的 营 销 提 升 转 化 率 、高 效 的 购 物 体 验 、定 制 商 品 ,或 是 便捷的退货等等。
They will need to think beyond price and even product differentiation to find a unique value proposition—be it superior customer service, fast and reliable delivery, targeted marketing to increase conversion, streamlined shopping experience, customized offerings, easy returns, or something else.
经合组织的成员国包括经济上最发达的 国家,创造了“最富国的俱乐部”,它是一
[...] 个排外的组织,代表了不到世界六分之一人 口,提供了大约三分二的全球货物 生 产、 五分之三的世界出口和五分之四的全球公共 [...]
The organisation includes the most economically developed countries to create ‘the richest club’, an exclusive organisation representing less than 1/6 of the world’s
population, and providing about 2/3 of the
[...] global production of goods, 3/5 of world exports [...]
and 4/5 of the total public development aid.
墨西哥自 1994 年以来一直是经合组织的成员,但它仍然 二 十 四 国国 货 币 事 务和 发展政府间小组(24 国集团)的成员。
These figures include South-South development cooperation involving Mexico, which has been a member of OECD since 1994 but
remains a member of the
[...] Intergovernmental Group of Twenty-four on International Monetary Affairs and [...]
Development (G 24).
另有 1.7% 的货等待达尔富尔混合行动接收。
An additional 1.7 per cent of
[...] inventory is awaiting UNAMID acceptance.
虽然Ooststroom号货车(Blumea 3: 532-539. 1940) 承二亚种基于最深处的顶端叶片的放高球,没有一个接受在这里。
Although van Ooststroom (Blumea 3: 532-539. 1940) recognized two subspecies based on the depth of apical lobing of the leaf blades, none is accepted here.
(a) 有 關 數 字 包 括 本
集 團 對 政 府 資 助 住 房 基 金 作 出 的 定 額 供 款 佔 僱 員
[...] 基 本 薪 金 的5%至25%不 等(二 零 一 零 年:佔 僱 員 基 [...]
本 薪 金 的5%至25%不 等)和 已 付 及 應 付 其 僱 員 的 現 金 住 房 津 貼。
(a) These include the Group’s defined
contributions to government sponsored housing
[...] funds at rates ranging from 5% to 25% [...]
(2011: 5% to 25%) of the employees’ basic
salaries and cash housing subsidies paid and payable to its employees.
陷阱古董店是弗莱明金街上无二手 旧 货 店 的 其中一家。
Located on Fleminginkatu, Ansa is
[...] one of Kallio’s numerous secondhand shops.
本季度与上一财年同期和二季度 相比, 货 业 绩有所改善,这主要受益于泰国洪灾所造成的供应链中断有所恢复,其它运营业务有所提高,以及美元更加强劲。
Inventory performance improved compared with the prior year and prior
quarter, benefiting from resolution of
[...] the Thailand flooding supply chain disruption, other [...]
operational improvements, and the stronger U.S. dollar.
几位成员在承认主席之友小组某些情况下可起很大帮助作用的同时,又对当 选成员常常受到相对于同属这些小组的国家而 二等 待 遇的情况感到遗憾。
Several members, while acknowledging that groups of friends can be very helpful in some
situations, regretted that elected
[...] members often receive second-class status relative [...]
to countries belonging to such groups.
所需经费增加的原因是,本国工作人员从 2010/11 年度的 164 人增加到 2011/12 年度的 170 人,使用 5%的本国一般事务人员空缺率(2010/11 年度使用的 是7%),并以第四级二等计算 阿尤恩的工作人员的平均薪金(前一年使用的是第 三级第五等的薪金和级别)。
The increased requirements are attributable to the increase in national staff from 164 in 2010/11 to 170 in 2011/12, the application of a vacancy rate for national General Service of 5 per cent compared to 7 per cent used in 2010/11, and the average salary calculated at level 4, step 1, for those based in Laayoune compared to the salary and grade at level 3, step 5, applied in the previous year.
[...] 为它们涉及的是完全不同的案件;当前审理的本案涉及以低于最初报价的价格 出售股份,而上诉人想适用的替代购买规则适用于作物和 等货 物 , 而不是股 份。
The Supreme Court also considered that the judgements that the appellant claimed had been violated were not applicable to the case, since they related to very different cases; the case under examination concerned the sale of shares for a lower price than was initially offered, whereas the appellant was
seeking to apply the rules governing replacement purchases, which
[...] applied to such goods as crops and wine but not to shares.
我们认为,WMS价值应该体现在计划、控制等方面,而不只是仓库里面收货、上架、 货 、 补 货等等 , 一 个自动化的表单的作业系统是没有管理功能的系统。
We believe that the value should be reflected in terms of planning, control of WMS, and not just
inside the warehouse receipt or on the
[...] shelves, soliciting goods, replenishment, and [...]
so on, an automated form of an operating
system is the system that does not have administrative functions.
18 时,当一个执法巡逻队在 Thawra 小区沿着中央监狱街巡逻时,一个武 装恐怖团伙突袭了巡警队,杀死了 Muhammad Izzat 中士和 Fadi Daghar 二等兵, 并导致另外 10 人受伤。
At 1800 hours, an armed terrorist group ambushed a law enforcement patrol as it was proceeding along Central Prison Street in the Thawra quarter, killing Staff Sergeant Muhammad Izzat and Private Fadi Daghar and injuring 10 other men.
(1)本科生发表一级学术类论文三篇; (2)美国国家数学建模大赛获奖一人次; (3)北京市数学建模竞赛等奖二人次; (4)校级数学建模竞赛一等奖五人次 二等 奖 九 人次, 等 奖 二 十 人 次; (5)2004 年全校英语四六级考试夺得通过率,最高分,平均分三项第一。
(4) Five winners of top award, nine winners of the second award, and twenty (5) First place winner of CET 4 and CET 6 in terms of passing percentage, highest score, and average score.
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