

单词 二等



second class cabin


second class

二等货 n

second n

External sources (not reviewed)

这张图片在联合国儿童基金会的年度图片评选中获 二等 奖。
This photograph took second place in the UNICEF [...]
Photo of the Year competition.
我想問政 府 , 究竟現時 倚 靠 一 項如此簡 單的合 約 條文,政府 會 否 覺得其 實作為 立 約 的一方,應可跟另 一方提出 一 些它認為可以使 用 該 等公共 空 間 的一些指引 , 或 是 甚至可參考政 府 場 地 的 指 引 , 令 政 府管理的和 業主管
理的兩 類 公 共 空 間得以 盡量接近 , 不 會 令 業主管 理的空 間 受 到 諸 多 限 制 , 因 為 業主要保養 、 要 花 錢 ,
[...] 而 空 間便每 每 受 到 限 制 , 甚 麼也不可以做, 導 致 變二等公共 空 間呢?
May I ask the Government, given that the contractual provisions we now rely on are so simple, whether the Government thinks that, as a party to the contract, it should be able to propose to the other party some guidelines which it thinks fit on the use of such open space, or can it even make reference to guidelines on the use of government facilities, so that the arrangement for open space managed by the Government and that by the owners can be made as similar as possible and open space managed by owners will not be subject to excessive restrictions, because the owners are required to carry out maintenance work at their own expense and the use of the open space is often
restricted, thus barring the public from doing anything there and
[...] turning such space into second-class public open space?
其产品赢得了40美元以下类别的最佳性能、房屋照明和最佳价值项一等奖,和 工作照明项二等奖。
Its products won first place in the categories of top
performance, room lighting and best value for products that cost under
[...] USD40, and came in second in the category of [...]
task lighting.
所需经费增加的原因是,本国工作人员从 2010/11 年度的 164 人增加到 2011/12 年度的 170 人,使用 5%的本国一般事务人员空缺率(2010/11 年度使用的 是7%),并以第四级二等计算 阿尤恩的工作人员的平均薪金(前一年使用的是第 三级第五等的薪金和级别)。
The increased requirements are attributable to the increase in national staff from 164 in 2010/11 to 170 in 2011/12, the application of a vacancy rate for national General Service of 5 per cent compared to 7 per cent used in 2010/11, and the average salary calculated at level 4, step 1, for those based in Laayoune compared to the salary and grade at level 3, step 5, applied in the previous year.
奖金为7,000欧元二等奖得 主为美籍波兰科学家Paul Podsiadlo博士,他来自美国底特律的密歇根大学。
The second prize of EUR 7 000 went [...]
to the Polish-American scientist Dr. Paul Podsiadlo, from University of Michigan, Detroit, USA.
在这里了解更多关于著名的美国强力球彩票信息,该彩票在2012年彩票大奖累积到一个巨额数字5.88亿美元,同时还为购买了强力投注的彩票提供丰厚的200万美 二等 奖 奖 金。
Learn more about the famous USA Powerball Lotto here, that broke its jackpot record in
2012 by handing out a massive $588 million jackpot and also offers
[...] generous $2 million second prize for Power [...]
Play tickets.
幸运饼干赢彩 ——2005年,110人赢取美国强力球彩票 二等 奖 奖 金。
Fortune Cookie Win - In
[...] 2005, 110 people won second place prizes in the [...]
USA Powerball.
后代津贴可提供给下列人员:死者 18 岁以下的未成年
子女,或在中学、中等专业或高等教育机构继续学习的子女,直到毕业,只要年 龄不超过 23 岁;幸存配偶,条件是在赡养者死亡的时候或死亡之前 5 年,已经
[...] 达到规定的领取养老金年限或被鉴定为 等 或 二等 残 疾 ,同时与死者有至少 15 年的婚姻关系,而且未再婚;护理死者 [...]
3 岁以下子女的配偶或监护人。
Offspring allowances may be given to minor children of an age of up to 18 years or, if they continue their studies with a secondary, professional secondary or higher educational institution, until their graduation, without having passed the age of 23 years; the surviving husband if at the moment of the decease of the supporter or during 5 years before the decease, has
reached the prescribed pension age or was
[...] given the 1st or 2nd level of disability, [...]
had at least 15 years of marriage with
the deceased persons and did not remarriage; to the husband or tutor, that nurses the deceased’s child of and age of up to 3 years.
在 2000 年的总统竞选中,“纯科特迪瓦人”概念在政治上再次复活,并最终导致在国内 引发了长期的种族紧张关系,在所谓的“真正的科特迪瓦族人”(
[...] 在该国至少两 代的科特迪瓦人 ) 与被视二等科特 迪瓦人的其他人之间制造了明确和人为的区 分。
During the 2000 presidential campaign, the concept of ivoirité was again politically revived and eventually contributed to the triggering of long-lasting ethnic tensions within the country by creating a clear and artificial distinction between the socalled “real
ethnic Ivorians” (those of Ivorian origin for at least two generations) and the
[...] others considered as second-class Ivorians.
在这次评选中获二等奖的 照片纪录了一位患有严重营养不良的6岁小女孩——她名叫马里塞拉,生活在危地马拉东部,只有18斤重。
Second place went to a photograph [...]
of severely malnourished Marisela, a 6-year-old girl weighing just 9 kg in eastern Guatemala.
Quadrant Award 2009奖项得主(从左到右):Paul Podsiadlo博士二等奖得 主),美国密歇根大学;Rodney Priestley 博士(一等奖得主),美国西北大学;Edwin P.Chan(三等奖得主),美国马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校。
The winners of the Quadrant Award 2009 (left to right): Dr. Paul Podsiadlo (2nd prize), University of Michigan, USA; Dr. Rodney Priestley (1st prize), Northwestern University, USA; Dr. Edwin P. Chan (3rd prize), University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA.
94.表34表明2006/07 年由政府资助提二等精神保健服务( 专科医院住院或门 诊精神保健服务 ) 和酗酒与吸毒服务的财政年数据( 国家精神保健资料收集)。
Table 34 presents financial year data from 2006/07 on the provision of secondary mental health services (specialist hospital-based or hospital outpatient mental health services) and alcohol and drug services funded by the Government (Mental Health Information National Collection).
於2007年或以後中學會考中文及英文須達 二等 級 或 以上。
Level 2 in Chinese and English (2007 HKCEE or after).
等和二等残疾 人、拥有 3 至 6 岁子女的妇女(残疾子女――16 岁或以 下)、将育儿假与工作混在一起的人员和照顾生病的家庭成员(依据医疗证明)的雇 [...]
Persons with disabilities of 1st and 2nd grade, women with [...]
children between 3 and 6 years (children with disabilities –
up to 16 years), persons that combine childcare leave with work and employees that take care of an ill family member in accordance with the medical certificate may deliver supplementary work only with their written consent.
2005-2007 年 外交部联合国司三等秘书二等秘书 ;负责第五委员会、联 合国改革和维持和平行动问题。
2005-2007 United Nations Division of the Ministry of External
[...] Relations, Third and Second Secretary; Fifth [...]
Committee, United Nations reform, and peacekeeping operations.
俄罗斯联邦表示 关 切的是,包括俄罗斯
[...] 和其他前 苏 联国家在内的移民有 时被看二等 公 民,在融合方面遇 到 困难, 因 而走向 [...]
边缘化 和 犯罪化。
The Russian Federation expressed concern that migrants, including from Russia and
other former Soviet Union countries, are
[...] sometimes seen as second-class citizens and experience [...]
difficulties in integration,
leading to marginalization and criminalization.
Two runners up each will receive a Service Voucher of a max. value of CHF 300.
令人遗憾的是,在配 偶家中,母亲和女童也面临无止境的歧视,并且被描绘成了闯入者和在社会中没 有重要地位二等公民
Unfortunately, the mother and the girl child face unending discrimination in their spouses’ homes, and are portrayed as intruders and secondary citizens who have no serious place in the society.
几位成员在承认主席之友小组某些情况下可起很大帮助作用的同时,又对当 选成员常常受到相对于同属这些小组的国家而 二等 待 遇的情况感到遗憾。
Several members, while acknowledging that groups of friends can be very helpful in some
situations, regretted that elected
[...] members often receive second-class status relative [...]
to countries belonging to such groups.
作为此次大赛新增加的组别,冷冻组共有三个项目获奖,其中,上海高榕食品有限公司金针菇直属工厂项目被评为杰出应用奖,北京天坛生物制品股份有限公司亦庄生产基地冷库项目和四川金忠食品股份有限公司熟食车间项目获得 二等 奖。
The Yizhuang Production Base Cold Storage project of Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Co.
另外,旅客可选择乘坐头等车厢或标准车厢,从米兰至罗马的Frecciarossa直达列车甚至有五种服务方案可供选择,包括 二等 标 准 车厢 二等 高 级车厢、一等商务车厢、一等商务安静车厢或一等商务休息车厢。
Plus there's the option to travel in first or standard class, or even five service options to choose from on non-stop
Milan to Rome Frecciarossa trains
[...] including: 2nd Standard Class, 2nd Premium Class, 1st Business [...]
Class, 1st Business Quiet
Class or 1st Business Lounge Class.
作为此次大赛新增加的组别,冷冻组共有三个项目获奖,其中,上海高榕食品有限公司金针菇直属工厂项目被评为杰出应用奖,北京天坛生物制品股份有限公司亦庄生产基地冷库项目和四川金忠食品股份有限公司熟食车间项目获得 二等 奖。
Ltd. was granted Outstanding Application Award. The Yizhuang Production Base Cold Storage project of Beijing Tiantan Biological Products Co.
[...] 發集約化管理探索與實踐》等5個申報項目分別獲得管理創新 等 獎 、 二等 獎 , 以及標準化管 理獎。
On 6 December, during a series of ratings organised by the China Electricity Council ( ), the Company was awarded as 3A credit enterprise in the power industry for 2011 Five projects such as the Exploration and Practice of Intensive
Management of Windpower Development had won
[...] the first prize, the second prize in Management [...]
Innovation Standardised Management Award ( ) respectively
18 时,当一个执法巡逻队在 Thawra 小区沿着中央监狱街巡逻时,一个武 装恐怖团伙突袭了巡警队,杀死了 Muhammad Izzat 中士和 Fadi Daghar 二等兵, 并导致另外 10 人受伤。
At 1800 hours, an armed terrorist group ambushed a law enforcement patrol as it was proceeding along Central Prison Street in the Thawra quarter, killing Staff Sergeant Muhammad Izzat and Private Fadi Daghar and injuring 10 other men.
(1)本科生发表一级学术类论文三篇; (2)美国国家数学建模大赛获奖一人次; (3)北京市数学建模竞赛等奖二人次; (4)校级数学建模竞赛一等奖五人次 二等 奖 九 人次, 等 奖 二 十 人 次; (5)2004 年全校英语四六级考试夺得通过率,最高分,平均分三项第一。
(4) Five winners of top award, nine winners of the second award, and twenty (5) First place winner of CET 4 and CET 6 in terms of passing percentage, highest score, and average score.
具有自主知识产权的华中数控系统独特的五轴联动SDI曲面直接插补算法为世界首创,有效地解决了复杂曲面加工的快速插补问题,在国内率先通过技术鉴定,被专家评定为"重大成果"、"多项创新"、"国际先进",两次获得国家教委科技进步一等奖,2001年获国家科技进 二等 奖。
With independent intellectual property rights of huazhong nc system unique five-axis linkage SDI surface directly interpolation algorithm for the world's first, effectively solve the complex surface processing of fast interpolation problem, the first in China, through technical identification by expert evaluation for "significant achievements" and "innovation", "advanced", two
national education, scientific and technological progress award in 2001 national science and
[...] technology progress prize.
在2013年1月1日到4月15日,如 有参赛选手获得“国际音乐比赛世界联合会”其它 会员比赛的一二等奖, 将获准直接进入布索尼比 赛的决赛;在这种情况下,最终进入决赛的选手不 能超过27名。
Between 1 January 2013 and 15 April 2013, candidates who have won a 1st or 2nd prize in a competition that is a member of the World Federation of International Music Competitions in the years 2010, 2011 or 2012 may be admitted directly to the final phase of the Busoni Competition; no more than 27 candidates may be admitted to the finals in this way.
但协理干事职等第十一级二等干事 职等第十三级、一等干事 等 第 十 二 级 、高 等干事 职等第十级和特等干事职等第四级以上,必须在原级任满两年才加薪一 次。授权秘书长对应受地域分配原则限制并经证实对联合国第二种正式语文具有 充分知识的工作人员,将其例常加薪间隔时限分别缩短为十个月和二十个月。
The Secretary-General is authorized to reduce the interval between salary increments to ten months and twenty months, respectively, in the case of staff subject to geographical distribution who have an adequate and confirmed knowledge of a second official language of the United Nations.
日前,在生物医学工程研究所召开的2010年度科研工作表彰大会上,生物材料及人工器官研究室 张其清 教授领导的研究团队发表的论文包揽了该年度的 等 奖 、 二等 奖 和 三等奖,其中2010年6月发表在国际核心一区刊杂志纳米技术(Nanotechnology)。
Prof. Qiqing Zhang’s research team at Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) won all 3 top research prizes at the annual research meeting of PUMC’s Institute of Biomedical Engineering.




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