

单词 二氧化硫

See also:

氧化 n

oxidation n (chemistry)
oxidization n



硫化 n

sulfide n
vulcanization n
vulcanisationBE n

External sources (not reviewed)

该代表指出,在本届会议上迅速最终确定药草和香二氧化硫的含量是一项非常积极的行动,构成了世贸组织和食典委建设性合作的一 [...]
The Representative noted that the prompt finalisation
[...] of a level for sulphur dioxide in herbs and [...]
spices at the present session was a very
positive development and provided a good example of constructive cooperation between WTO and Codex.
在2006年至2009年 間,區內錄得二氧化硫、二氧化氮 及 可吸入顆粒物的年均值 已分別下降38%、 9%和 7%。
The average
[...] annual concentration of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide [...]
and respirable suspended particulates in the PRD region
decreased by 38%, 9% and 7% respectively in 2009 as compared to the 2006 levels.
就冶金而言,冶煉廠第三階段項目正在進行中,包括安裝3個新的轉換器、氣體淨化設備及第二個製酸廠, 二氧化硫 排 放 捕集率改善至97%以 上。
In metallurgy, Smelter Phase III project is currently under way, which includes the installation of 3 new
converters, gas cleaning
[...] equipment and a second acid plant, which will improve sulphur dioxide emissions [...]
capture to above 97%.
我們空氣監測站 所顯示二氧化硫、二氧化氮和懸浮粒子下降,正正是我們多年來努力 的成果。
That the levels of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide [...]
and suspended particulates recorded by our General Air Quality Monitoring
Stations have all been dropping is precisely the fruit of efforts over the years.
在 “本港”之前加上“鑒於”;在“日趨惡化,”之後加上“尤其 二氧 化硫及微 細懸浮粒子的排放方面,”;在 “資助等;”之後刪除“及 [...]
”; 及在緊接句號之前加上“; (八 ) 在啟德發展區以外,廣泛推廣應用 區域供冷系統,以便提高能源效益,達致減排效果;及(九
) 改善 城市規劃及設計,以改善市區的空氣流通,減少空氣污染物於市 區積聚,例如加快檢討各區的《分區計劃大綱圖》以修訂規劃參 數、制 訂 ‘空氣流通目標’、研究將‘空氣流通評估’和 ‘空氣流通指引’ 訂為法定要求,以加強規範私人發展項目對周邊環境的影響”。
To add ", as" after "That"; to add "particularly regarding
[...] the emission of sulphur dioxide and fine suspended [...]
particulates," after "the day,";
to delete "and" after "under the schemes;"; and to add "; (h) in areas other than the Kai Tak Development Area, widely promote the use of district cooling system to enhance energy efficiency and achieve emission reduction; and (i) improve town planning and urban design to improve air ventilation and reduce the accumulation of air pollutants in urban areas, such as expediting the review of the Outline Zoning Plans of various districts to revise the planning parameters, formulating 'air ventilation objectives', studying making 'air ventilation assessment' and 'air ventilation guidelines' statutory requirements, so as to strengthen the regulation of the impact of private developments on the surrounding environment" immediately before the full stop.
在过去 20 年里,一些
[...] 国家已经取得重大进展,降低了空气中诸 二氧化硫 、 氮 氧化物和铅等部分污染 物的排放量。
In the past two decades, significant progress has been
achieved in reducing the emissions of some air
[...] pollutants, such as sulphur, nitrogen oxides [...]
and lead, in a number of countries.
新WineScan的 SO2功能可以在分析其它参数的同时分析游离和 二氧化硫 , 并 在1分钟内得到结果。
The new WineScan SO2 features fast and accurate analysis
[...] of free and total sulphur dioxide simultaneously [...]
with other parameters in just one minute.
[...] 委员会的主要议题之一,并忆及斯里兰卡对肉 二氧化硫 的 食 典最高含量需要表示关 注,因为它对肉桂出口产生影响;卫生和植物检疫措施委员会主席曾写信给食品法典 [...]
The Representative of WTO pointed out that the monitoring of the use or non-use of international standards was one of the main agenda items in the SPS Committee and recalled that Sri Lanka had raised its
concern regarding the need for a Codex
[...] maximum level for sulphur dioxide in cinnamon, due [...]
to its implications for export of cinnamon,
and that the Chair of the SPS Committee had written to the Chair of the Codex Alimentarius Commission to draw his attention to this matter.
最新消息: 新WineScan的 SO2 功能可以快速的分析游离和总 二氧化硫。
Latest news: The new WineScan SO2 features rapid, integrated measurement
[...] of free and total sulphur dioxide analysis.
當車 輛 排放的 污 染 物 正不斷 減少的 時 候 , 我們卻看到 中 華 電 力有限公司(“ 中 電”)的燃煤量在 2001 年 至
[...] 2003 年 期 間 大 幅 增加 80%, 結果二 氧 化 硫 、 氧 化 氮 和 懸浮粒 子 等 污 染 物大增 。
While the pollutants emitted from vehicles have continued to drop, we have nevertheless seen a substantial increase of 80% in the consumption of coal by the CLP
between 2001 and 2003, resulting in a surge of
[...] such pollutants as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and suspended [...]
患有敏感的人应参阅预先包装食物的标签,以免摄入某些可致敏的防腐剂,例如 二氧化硫 敏 感 的哮喘病人应避免摄 二氧化硫。
People with history of allergy should read food labels of pre-packaged foods to avoid certain
preservatives as appropriate (e.g.
[...] avoidance of sulphur dioxide in asthmatic patients who are allergic to sulphur dioxide).
乌兰巴托二氧化硫、二氧化氮和一氧化碳浓度超出空气质量标 准,空气污染主要来源于机动车辆的使用。
Sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and carbon monoxide [...]
levels exceed air quality standards in Ulaanbaatar, and a main source
of air pollution is the use of motor vehicles.
有團體建議,當政府修改《空氣污染管制條例》,立法管制兩家電力公 二氧化硫 、 氮氧化物、同可吸入懸浮粒子呢三種空氣污染物排放上限既時候,政府應同時立法管制電力公司既二氧化碳排放量。
The government is about to amend the Air Pollution Control Ordinance and propose to cap emissions of three types of air pollutants, namely sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and respirable suspended particulates, from the two electricity companies.
為遏止整個珠江三角洲區域內空氣質素惡化的趨勢,香港特別行政區政府與廣東省政府在2002年4月達成共識,雙方同意盡最大努力,在2010年或之前把區域內 二氧化硫 、 氮氧化物、可吸入懸浮粒子和揮發性有機化合物的排放量,以1997年為參照基準,分別減少40%、20%、55%及55%。
To arrest the deterioration of air quality in the PRD Region, the Hong Kong SAR Government and the Guangdong Provincial Government reached a consensus in April 2002 to reduce, on a
best endeavour basis, by 2010 the
[...] regional emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen [...]
oxides (NOx), respirable suspended
particulates (RSP) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by 40%, 20%, 55% and 55% respectively, using 1997 as the base year.
即使在干 净的酿酒作坊也可能遇到酒香酵母菌的问题,特别是那些葡 萄酒含有残糖(酵母营养素)和/或遇到 二氧化硫 保 护不力 的较长时期(例如,在酒精发酵与乳酸发酵之间)。
For this reason, it is possible to find extremely clean cellars with Brett problems, especially those in which the
wines contain
[...] residual sugars (nutrients for the yeasts) and/or that are exposed to long periods of poor SO2 protection [...]
(between AF and MLF for example).
此外,还有生物多样性受到威胁 二氧化硫排 放、固体垃圾的快速堆积、以及许多自然资源价格日益攀升的问题。
In addition, there are threats
[...] to biodiversity, sulphur dioxide emissions, the [...]
rapid accumulation of solid waste, and the
increasing prices of many natural resources.
采用湿法除尘器系统,对装置1和2的原始除尘器模块进行改型,以进一步降低颗粒 二氧化硫 的 排 放。
The original scrubber module for Units 1 & 2 was retrofitted with the wet precipitator system to further reduce the emissions of particles and SO2.
可視乎情況適當而混合使用苯甲酸、對羥基苯甲酸乙酯、對羥基苯甲酸甲酯、山梨酸 二氧化硫 , 但 前提是必須符合以下條件:當食物所含的每種該等食物添加劑的分量以其在該食物的最高准許含量所佔百分率的方式顯示時,該等百分率合計不超過100。
Benzoic acid, ethyl para-hydroxybenzoate, methyl para-hydroxybenzoate,
[...] sorbic acid and sulphur dioxide, as appropriate, [...]
can be used in combination only if
the following condition is satisfied: when the quantity of each such food additive present in that food is expressed as a percentage of the maximum permitted level, the sum of those percentages does not exceed 100.
此种技术中有些是在煤炭燃烧前将之净化,有些则是控制煤炭的燃烧,尽量降 二氧化硫、 氮氧化物及微粒物质的排放量。
Some of these technologies purify the coal before it
burns while others control the burning of coal to minimize emissions
[...] of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulates.
航运带来各种环境影响,二氧化硫 、 微 粒物质、氮氧化物和二氧化碳排放、 臭氧层消耗物质、焚烧物排放、压仓水排放、防污涂料、污水、含油污水以及各 [...]
Shipping causes various environmental
[...] impacts such as sulphur dioxide, particulate [...]
matter, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide
emissions, ozone-depleting substances, incineration emissions, ballast water charge, antifouling paint, sewage, oily water, and cargo residues.
除此之外,我们还做了许多工作帮助中国实现其推进全国范围内 二氧化硫 排 放 交易项目计划的承诺。
And we have launched efforts to help China develop a nationwide
[...] program on sulfur dioxide emissions trading.
马德里卡洛斯三世大学(简称卡三)附属公司:SENSIA,研发出第一台红外检测仪用于检 二氧化硫 ( SO2)气体——由能源,冶金,食品工业以及造纸业所造成的酸雨的主要成因之一。
A spin-off of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), SENSIA Solutions, has developed the first
infrared camera for
[...] detecting sulfur dioxide (SO2), a gas that is considered one of the greatest causes [...]
of the acid rain generated
by the energy, metallurgy, food and paper manufacturing sectors.
此餐食不含以下产品或其衍生物:谷頪丶贝谷类丶鸡蛋丶鱼丶花生丶酱油丶奶类丶果仁(杏仁丶胡桃丶榛子)丶芹菜丶芥末丶芝麻丶羽扇豆类植物丶软体动物,以及含量超过每公斤10毫克 二氧化硫 及 亚硫酸盐的食品。
This meal is free of the following products and their derivatives: cereals, shellfish, eggs, fish, peanuts, soy, milk, nuts (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts),
celery, mustard, sesame seeds, lupine,
[...] mollusks, and sulfur dioxide and sulfites in a concentration [...]
exceeding 10 mg/kg.
显然,对同体积的石灰水而言,其喷淋液滴的表面积越大,喷淋液 滴二氧化硫之间 的接触面积越大,系统的脱硫效率也就越高。
It is obvious that the larger the total surface area of produced droplets with the same amount of lime slurry, the higher the absorbing efficiency of
伟尔矿业部的泵和阀门产品广泛应用于火力发电厂去 二氧化硫 的 作 业,并用于远距离清除排渣和飞灰。
Weir Minerals Division pumps and valves are widely used in
[...] the removal of sulphur dioxide from the emissions [...]
of coal fired thermal power plants,
and the long distance disposal of bottom and fly ash.
在本网站,所有污染物的数据(PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO, O3 二氧化氮,二氧化硫,一氧化碳,臭氧)都是使用相同的美国环保署官方的( EPA)转换公式由µg/m3(微克/每立方米)转换出的空气质量指数,(此转换公式是美国2011年修正后的,比2006版年更为严格版本;对不能提供此修正的链接在此表示歉意
In this web site, all pollutant data (PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO, O3) are converted from µg/m3 to AQI using the same convertion formula, which is the official EPA (US Environment Protection Agency) (revision from 2011, which is much more stict than the 2006 one; sorry no we cannot find the link to this revision).
研究表明,植物对铀的吸收26 以及废气燃烧( 有时用于消除原油中的废气)
[...] ,会向大气中释放一氧化二氮(N 25 35. 2O) 和二氧化硫(SO 2 ) ,造成酸性降水,即“酸雨”,可对地表水和土壤造成污染。
Studies have shown that plants uptake uranium,26 and gas flaring, which is sometimes used to remove
unwanted gas from crude oil, releases nitrous
[...] oxide (N O) and sulphur dioxide (SO ) into [...]
the atmosphere, resulting in acidic
precipitation, or “acid rain,” that can contaminate surface water and soil.
尤其是,该项目向若干电厂提供技术支助,以协助中国政府实 现绝对减二氧化硫的目标,并向蒙古政府提供技术支助,以协助制 定燃煤电厂的国家排放新标准。
In particular, the project provided technical support for selected power plants to meet the goal of the Government of China to achieve absolute reductions of SO
可用于检测烃(甲烷、天然气、煤气、乙烷、丙烷、苯、乙炔、丁烷、正丁烷、异丁烷、戊烷、已烷、汽油、甲苯等),卤代烃(氯代甲烷、亚甲基氯、三氯乙烷、氯乙烯),醇类(甲醇、乙醇、丙醇),醚(甲醚)酮(丁酮、丙酮),乙酸甲酯和其它化合物(氢气 二氧化硫 、 氨 、硫化氢、工业溶剂,干清洗液等)。
Can be used to detect hydrocarbons (methane, natural gas, coal gas, ethane, propane, benzene, acetylene, butane, n-butane, isobutane, pentane, hexane, gasoline, toluene, etc.), halogenated hydrocarbons (chlorinated methanes , methylene chloride, trichloroethane, trichlorethylene), alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol), an ether (ether), ketones (methyl ethyl ketone, acetone), methyl
acetate and other compounds (hydrogen
[...] gas, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, industrial [...]
solvents, dry cleaning fluid, etc.).




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