单词 | 二正丙醚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 二正丙醚—di-n-propyl etherSee also:丙醚—n-propyl ether
BELSIL® P 1101与二甲醚以及与含丙烷或丁烷的气溶胶混合物兼容。 wacker.com | In aerosol applications, BELSIL® P 1101 is [...] compatiblewithdimethylether andbutane/propane mixtures. wacker.com |
该公司也正在内蒙古建设60万吨/年甲醇装置和40万吨/年二甲醚装置,定于2007年底建成。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The company is also building 600kt/y methanol and 400kt/y DEM facilities which will be finished by the end 2007. unesdoc.unesco.org |
它还常用作 生产乙酸丁酯、乙二醇丁醚、丙烯酸丁酯和氨基树脂等 化学品的中间体。 talloil.se | It is also an intermediate in the manufacture of chemicals, such as butylacetate, butylglycolether, butylacrylate and amino resins. talloil.se |
另外,位于长治的天际(T i a n j i)煤炭化学工业公司已获准在长治建设60万吨/年 甲醇装置,拟于2007年底建成,并正在研究计划建设二甲醚装置。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition, Changzhi Tianji coal chemical industry company has got the permission to build a 600kt/y methanol equipment in Changzhi, which will be finished by the end of 2007. unesdoc.unesco.org |
还有其他例子表明,使替代化 学品获得登记的重重困难,正妨碍着商业对它们的采用(例如,在 1,3-氯丙烷+氯化苦和二甲基二硫醚,已发现两种非常有效的替代熏蒸剂,在埃及的登记过程缓慢而困难)。 multilateralfund.org | There are also others where difficulties in getting the alternative chemicals registered are hampering their commercial adoption (for example, [...] the slow and difficult [...] registration process in Egypt with 1,3-Dichloropropene + chloropicrin (1,3-D Pic) and dimethyldisulphide (DMDS), two alternative fumigants [...]found to be efficient). multilateralfund.org |
可用于检测烃(甲烷、天然气、煤气、乙烷、丙烷、苯、乙炔、丁烷、正丁烷、异丁烷、戊烷、已烷、汽油、甲苯等),卤代烃(氯代甲烷、亚甲基氯、三氯乙烷、氯乙烯),醇类(甲醇、乙醇、丙醇),醚(甲醚)酮(丁酮、丙酮),乙酸甲酯和其它化合物(氢气、二氧化硫、氨、硫化氢、工业溶剂,干清洗液等)。 sun-gun.com | Can be used to detect hydrocarbons (methane, natural gas, coal gas, ethane, propane, benzene, acetylene, butane, n-butane, isobutane, pentane, hexane, gasoline, toluene, etc.), halogenated hydrocarbons [...] (chlorinated methanes , methylene chloride, [...] trichloroethane, trichlorethylene), alcohols (methanol, ethanol, propanol), an ether (ether), ketones (methyl ethyl ketone, acetone),methyl acetate and other compounds (hydrogen gas, sulfur dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, industrial solvents, dry cleaning fluid, etc.). sun-gun.com |
正丁醇 – 改善涂料性能 本产品可用于生产水性乳胶液的丙烯酸酯单体 以改善 其涂料粘合性 正丁醇还可用于生产聚氨酯涂料的溶 剂 即乙酸丁酯 作为生产化学品和医药品流程之载体 溶剂 以及作为水性涂料之助溶剂 在应用于化学品生 产时正丁醇可以是直接使用的主成份之一如乙二醇丁醚生产也可以作为中间体如氨基树脂生产等 perstorpcaprolactones.com | It is also used as a starter for butylacetate which functions as a solvent for polyurethane based coatings, as a process solvent in production of chemicals and pharmaceuticals and as a co-solvent in water based coatings. n-Butanol is further used as a direct solvent and as an intermediate in the manufacture of chemicals such as butylglycolether and amino resins. perstorpcaprolactones.com |
十二烷基醚硫酸钠(SLES)和椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱(CAPB)已通过实验设计(DOE)进行了研究。 cn.lubrizol.com | Laureth Sulfate(SLES) and Cocamidopropyl Betaine (CAPB) has been [...] studied via a design of experiments (DOE). lubrizol.com |
独立非执行董事确定上述关连交易乃基於以下情况下 签订:(甲)在本集团一般及日常业务过程中订立;(乙)按正常商业条款或按不逊於本集团提供予独立 第三方或由独立第三方提供的条款订立;及(丙)根据规管该等交易的相关协议,按公平合理且符合 本公司股东整体利益的条款订立。 asiasat.com | The INEDs confirmed that the aforesaid connected transactions were entered into (a) in the ordinary and usual course of [...] business of the Group; [...] (b) either onnormal commercial terms or on terms no less favourable to the Group than terms available to or from independent third parties; and (c)in accordance with [...]the relevant agreements [...]governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of the Company as a whole. asiasat.com |
因此,我们要求把所附建议作为议程项目 19(a)项下大会第六十六届会议第二委员会正式文件分发。 daccess-ods.un.org | We are therefore requesting that the attached recommendations [...] be circulated as a documentof the SecondCommitteeof the [...]General Assembly under agenda item 19 (a). daccess-ods.un.org |
通过在甲基丙烯酸十八酯(SMA)中加入亲水性单体甲氧基聚乙二醇甲基丙烯酸酯(PEGMEA),以1-正丙醇/1,4-丁二醇为致孔剂,热聚合得到具有一定亲水性的新型C18填料,并将该填料应用于固相萃取(SPE)富集水中的酚类化合物。 chrom-china.com | A C18 monolithic material with a hydrophilic character was obtained by copolymerizing stearyl methacrylate (SMA) and a hydrophilic monomer poly(ethylene glycol) [...] methyl ether methacrylate (PEGMEA) [...] with porogen of 1-propanol/1,4-butanediol, and the [...]resulting material was used for solid [...]phase extraction (SPE) of phenols in water sample. chrom-china.com |
我们预期这些正面趋势将於二零一零年持续下去。 asiasat.com | We expect these positivetrends to continue throughout 2010. asiasat.com |
研究机构已对水中和水性表面活性剂溶液中的新型碱溶胀性乳液聚合电解质(INCI:丙烯酸酯/山嵛醇聚醚-25甲基丙烯酸酯共聚物)进行了研究。 cn.lubrizol.com | The association of a new Hyper-HASE polyelectrolyte (INCI: Acrylates/Beheneth-25 Methacrylate Copolymer) in water and in aqueous surfactant solutions has been studied. lubrizol.com |
鉴于联合国教科文组织的名称、简称和标识已根据 1883 年通过的并于 1967 年在斯德 [...] 哥尔摩修订的《保护工业产权巴黎公约》第 6 条丙款的规定,正式通告并得到巴黎联 盟成员国的接受,联合国教科文组织可利用巴黎公约成员国国内的有关机制,防止以 [...]任何会造成与联合国教科文组织有关系之误解的方式使用联合国教科文组织的名称、 简称和标识。 unesdoc.unesco.org | To the extent that the name, acronym and logo of UNESCO have been notified and accepted by the Paris Union Member States under the Article 6ter of the Paris Convention for [...] the Protection of Industrial Property, [...] adopted in 1883 and revised at Stockholm in 1967, [...]UNESCO has recourse to Paris Convention [...]Member States’ domestic systems to prevent the use of the name, acronym or logo of UNESCO where such use falsely suggests a connection with UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
异丁醇可用作涂料 树脂和染料的溶剂 也可作为萃取 剂使用 它同时也是生产如乙酸丁酯乙二醇丁醚 丙烯酸丁酯和氨基树脂等化学品的中间体 perstorpcaprolactones.com | Isobutanol is used as a solvent in coatings, resins and dyes, and as an extractant. perstorpcaprolactones.com |
结合罗地亚先进的合成工艺路线和多功能的反应装置,不仅可以使我们在低分子量有机胺产品系列,例如甲氧基丙胺、二甲基丙二胺和甲基乙醇胺等产品的开发和生产上拥有很强的竞争优势,同时也在使我们在其它特种胺产品的开发上获得了长足的进步,从而可以使我们将产品范围扩展至包括醚胺、多胺和酰胺等更加广阔的领域。 rhodia.com.cn | Rhodia’s advanced synthesis technology and flexible manufacturing units also help to extend the specialty amine product portfolio to a wider range including polyamines, etheraminesand amides. rhodia.com.cn |
欧盟代表团对于以下农药/商品组合的最高残留限量建议表达了保留意见:对于除 虫脲的总体保留意见,因为该化合物在欧盟正在接受评估;具体保留意见包括:桃子、 李子和青椒的建议值;噻螨酮(草莓);醚菊酯(葡萄);麦草畏(大豆);啶虫脒 (欧芹(除菠菜外的叶类蔬菜)),以及粉唑醇(葡萄干(无核葡萄干、葡萄干和小葡萄干) 和葡萄)。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of the European Union expressed its reservation on the following proposals for MRLs for pesticide / commodity combinations: general reservation on diflubenzuron as the [...] evaluation of this [...] compoundwas ongoing inthe EU and specific reservations for the proposals for peaches, plums and peppers; hexythiazox for strawberries; etofenproxfor grapes; dicamba [...]for soybeans; acetamiprid [...]for scarole (leafy vegetables except spinach) and flutriafol for dried grapes (= currants, raisins and sultanas) and grapes. codexalimentarius.org |
本通函旨在向股东提供(i)股份拆细及更改每手买卖单位以及重选本公司董事的进一步 资料;(ii)香港联合交易所有限公司证券上市规则(「上市规则」)规定的说明函件;及(iii)有关 本公司将予宣派的末期股息的进一步资料,以及所有其他合理所需的资料,以便彼等就投票 赞成或反对本通函所述的决议案作出知情决定,而(其中包括)有关决议案将提呈於二零一 一年五月二十三日(星期一)下午二时正假座香港金钟道万豪酒店三楼Queensway及Victoria 宴会厅举行的本公司股东周年大会(「股东周年大会」)处理。 cre8ir.com | This circular is to provide the shareholders with (i) further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and which, inter alia, willbe dealt with at the annual general meeting of the Company to be heldat Queensway and Victoria Room, Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Queensway, Hong Kong on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 2 : 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’). cre8ir.com |
与季戊四醇烯丙基醚交联的高分子量丙烯酸和C10-C30丙烯酸烷基酯共聚物。 cn.lubrizol.com | High molecular weight copolymers of acrylic acid and C10-C30 alkyl acrylate crosslinked with allyl pentaerythritol. lubrizol.com |
日本东京三菱化学株式会社投建的高新聚合物工厂,主要生产 PTMG(聚四亚甲基醚二醇)弹性纤维,大量供应于中国纺织市场。 emerson.com | Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, is [...] the majority owner of MCC Advanced Polymers [...] (MAP), whichwill produce PTMG fibers for [...]use in China's textiles industry. emerson.com |
受暴雨影响,少量1 脂肪醇聚乙二醇醚泡沫通过雨水排水道进入Alz运河。 reports.wacker.com | A small1 amount of fatty [...] alcoholpolyglycol ether foamescaped into [...]the Alz Canal from the storm-water drainage system following heavy rainfall. reports.wacker.com |
这套实验采用三种不同水平的表面活性剂(月桂醚硫酸钠、月桂基硫酸钠和椰油酰胺丙基甜菜碱),并在配方中含有不同的阳离子电荷密度(1.7和3.0m Eq/g)的阳离子肉桂聚合物。 cn.lubrizol.com | A design of experiments was conducted by varying the [...] levels of three [...] surfactants (sodium lauryl ethersulfate, sodium lauryl sulfate, and cocamidopropyl betaine) [...]in formulations [...]containing cationic cassia polymers of different cationic charge density (1.7 and 3.0m Eq/g). lubrizol.com |
以十二烷基甲基丙烯酸酯(LMA)为功能单体,乙叉二甲基丙烯酸酯(EDMA)为交联剂,正丙醇、1,4-丁二醇和水为三元致孔剂,以及2-丙烯酰胺-2-甲基丙磺酸(AMPS)为电渗流产生剂,制备了聚十二烷基甲基丙烯酸酯整体柱。 chrom-china.com | The monolithic polylaurylmethacrylate column was prepared in a single step using the monomer solution containing lauryl methacrylate (LMA), ethylene dimethacrylate (EDMA), and 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid (AMPS), with the ternary porogenic solvent consisting of 1-propanol, 1,4-butanediol and H2O. chrom-china.com |
正常情况下,维生素B12的作用为一个辅酶,将甲基丙二酸辅酶A转化为琥珀酰辅酶A。如果没有足够的维生素B12,那么甲基丙二酸辅酶A的量就会升高,机体就会将过量的甲基丙二酸辅酶A转化为甲基丙二酸。 labtestsonline.org.cn | In one step of metabolism, vitamin B12 promotes the conversion of methylmalonyl CoA (a form of MMA) tosuccinyl Coenzyme A. If there is not enough B12 available, then the MMA concentration begins to rise, resulting in an increase of MMA in the blood and urine. labtestsonline.org |
成份: 水 (山竹果浸泡水)、甘油 (棕榈)、乙醯葡萄糖胺、菸硷酸、生育醇 (大豆/玉米/芥花油)、山竹果果皮油 (生物活性果皮油)、乳酸菌/山竹果果皮发酵过滤物 (生物活性聚合与酸复合物)、藤黄属倒捻子果皮粉 (山竹果)、蔗糖月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、葡糖酸内酯 (玉米)、黄原胶 (巨藻)、乙醯卡尼丁、山梨醣醇 (玉米)、葡萄糖、蔗糖二月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、玻尿酸钠、藻萃取 (微藻)、长叶车前叶萃取 (车前草叶)、蔗糖三月桂酸酯 (甘蔗)、蜂斗菜根萃取 (杂交款冬)、脱乙醯壳多糖琥珀醯胺 (蘑菇)、植酸钠(稻米)、苯甲酸钠、山梨酸钾、氯苯甘醚、柠檬酸 (玉米)、乳酸 (甜菜)、精氨酸 (玉米/甘蔗)。 xango.com.hk | Ingredients: water (mangosteen infused water), glycerin (palm), acetyl glucosamine, niacinamide, tocopherol (soybean/corn/canola oil), mangosteen pericarp oil (BioActive pericarp oil), lactobacillus/mangosteen pericarp ferment filtrate (BioActive polymeric and acidic complex), garcinia mangostana pericarp powder (mangosteen), sucrose laurate (sugar cane), gluconolactone (corn), xanthan gum (kelp), acetyl carnitine hcl, sorbitol (corn), glucose, sucrose dilaurate (sugar cane), sodium [...] hyaluronate, algae extract (microalgae), [...] plantago lanceolata leaf extract (plantain), sucrose trilaurate (sugar cane), petasites japonicus root extract (betterbur), chitosan succinamide (mushroom), sodium phytate (rice), sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, chlorphenesin, citric acid (corn), lactic acid (sugar beet), arginine (corn/sugar cane). xango.ca |
BELSIL® DMC 6038是一种蜡状的聚醚改性聚二甲基硅氧烷共聚物,水溶性好,气味温和,温度和光稳定性出色,与配方中的极性成分有很好的相容性。 wacker.com | This is a waxy polyether-modified polydimethylsiloxane copolymer characterized by outstanding water solubility, mild odor, good temperature and light stability, and superb compatibility with polar components in formulations. wacker.com |