

单词 二款

External sources (not reviewed)

三、本条规定概不妨碍索赔人证明,承运人是合同事项所载明的人以外的人, 或是根据本条二款所识 别的人以外的人。
3. Nothing in this article prevents the claimant from proving that any person other than a person identified in the contract particulars or pursuant to paragraph 2 of this article is the carrier.
Sabarsky 先生在被逮捕时未被告知逮捕他的理由或未被迅速告知对他提出
[...] 的指控,构成违反《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第九条 二款 规 定的权利和 逮捕令必须在逮捕前事先签发并必须在逮捕时出示以及被逮捕的人必须被迅速带 [...]
The failure to inform Mr. Sabarsky of the reasons for his detention at the time of his arrest or to inform him promptly of the charges
against him constitute a violation of
[...] the rights under article 9, paragraph 2, of the International [...]
Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights and of the requirements that an arrest warrant must be issued prior to an arrest and must be presented at the time of arrest and that the arrested person must be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power.
二、本条第一款所规定的个人可提出本规约第二条 二款 所 述 暂停执行的请 求。
A request for a suspension of action under article 2, paragraph 2, of the present statute may be filed by an individual, as provided for in paragraph 1 of the present article.
委员会建议缔约国通过全面的反歧视立法,按《公约》第二条 二款 中 的 规定, 列出一切禁止歧视的理由。
The Committee recommends that the State party adopt comprehensive antidiscrimination legislation listing all prohibited grounds for discrimination, as set out in article 2, paragraph 2, of the Covenant.
第五號報告附件B的議案草擬本所載 的《基本法》附件一修正 案 (草 案 )作出了多項
[...] 規定,包括選舉委員會在《基本法》第五十三條二 款 的情況下 選出的新的行政長官的任期 [...]
,為原任行政長官未 任 滿 的 剩餘任 期 ,以及新的行政長官在任期屆滿 後 可 連 任一次 。
The (Draft) Amendment to Annex I to the Basic Law appended to the draft motion in
Annex B of the Fifth Report provides, inter
[...] alia, that the term of office of the [...]
new CE elected by the Election Committee
in the situation under BL 53(2) shall be the remainder of the term of the preceding CE, and the new CE may serve for one more term after expiry of the term.
拉脱维亚共和国外交部向联合国经济及社会理事会致意,并提及秘书长在第 E/2009/78 号文件中有关多民族玻利维亚国对经《修正 1961 年麻醉品单一公约的 议定书》修正的《1961 年麻醉品单一公约》第四十九条第一款(c)项和 二款 ( e) 项的修正提案的说明,谨通报如下。
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia presents its compliments to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and, referring to the note by the Secretary-General contained in document E/2009/78 regarding the proposal of the Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia to amend article 49, paragraphs 1 (c) and 2 (e), of the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961, as amended by the Protocol amending the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961 (New York, 8 August 1975), has the honour to convey the following.
他提到了 1949 年《日内瓦四公约关于保护国际 性武装冲突受难者的附加议定书》(《第一议定书》) 第 50 条第三款的内容,其中规定“在平民居民中存 在有不属于平民的定义范围内的人,并不使该平民 居民失去其平民的性质”,以及该《议定书》第 51 条二 款的内 容,其中规定“平民居民本身以及平 民个人,不应成为攻击的对象”,他想知道,是否可 以认为以色列对平民区的盲目袭击——尽管从理论 上说以色列袭击的是军人——已经公然地、有计划 地违背了占领国应尽的义务。
Recalling article 50, paragraph 3, of the Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (Protocol I), which stated that the presence within the civilian population of individuals who did not come within the definition of civilians did not deprive the population of its civilian character, and article 51, paragraph 2, of the same Protocol, which stated that the civilian population as such, as well as individual civilians, should not be the object of attack, he wondered whether Israel’s indiscriminate attacks against civilian areas — even if a priori they were targeted at combatants — might be considered flagrant and systematic violations by the occupying Power.
根据第二十七条二款,为 保护残疾人不遭不公平解雇、 不被强迫或强制劳动而采取的法律保障措施 通过第 018-2006-TR 号最高敕令,规定了全国残疾人就业 促进办公室的职能,该机构隶属于劳动和就业促进部;其 职能为推动落实残疾劳动者的权利,在不歧视和机会平等 框架下,提供免费的咨询顾问、法律保护和调解服务。
Legal safeguards in place to protect workers with disabilities from unfair dismissal, and forced or compulsory labour according to article 27, paragraph 2 Supreme Decree No. 018-2006-TR establishes the functions of the National Office for the Promotion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities within the Ministry of Labour.
在終審法院作出判決及全國人民代表大會常務委員會解釋《基本法》 第二十四條二款第(三 )項的立法原意後,政府提出有關的決議案,藉 以落實終審法院就非婚生子女的裁決;消除任何對《入境條例》文本 內有關哪類人士享有居留權的疑問;以及糾正該條例附表1 採用“居留 權 ”一詞的無心之失。
Following the Court of Final Appeal (CFA)’s judgment and the interpretation by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the true legislative intent of Article 24(2)(3) of the Basic Law (BL), the proposed resolution sought to implement the decision of the CFA in respect of persons born out of wedlock; to remove any doubt as to the text of the Immigration Ordinance in respect of the categories of persons who had the right of abode; and to correct an inadvertent error relating to the use of the term “right of abode” in Schedule 1 of the Ordinance.
不过,准则 2.9.9 第二款承认 ,在一些特 殊情况下,一国或一国际组织的沉默可能有助于通 [...]
过其行为并结合具体情况,认定它是否已经赞同一 项解释性声明。
However, the second paragraph of guideline 2.9.9 [...]
recognized that, in exceptional cases, the silence of a State or an international
organization might be relevant to determining whether, through its conduct and taking account of the circumstances, it had approved an interpretative declaration.
这种按照二款所进 行的调查程序完成后,委员会在与有 关缔约国协商后,可决定将关于这种程序的结果摘要载入其按照第三十七条所编 [...]
After such proceedings have been
completed with regard to an inquiry made in
[...] accordance with paragraph 2, the Committee [...]
may, after consultations with the State(s)
concerned, decide to include a summary account of the results of the proceedings in its annual report to the General Assembly made in accordance with article 37.
委员会指出,按照《任择议定书》第五条 二款 ( 甲 )项和(乙) 项的要求,同 一事由不在任何其他国际调查或解决程序的审查之中,还注意到对已经用尽国内 补救措施这一点没有异议。
8.2 The Committee notes, as required by article 5, paragraph 2 (a) and (b), of the Optional Protocol, that the same matter is not being examined under any other international procedure of investigation or settlement and that it was uncontested that domestic remedies have been exhausted.
该款规定优于二款的规 定,允许来源国在收入产生于该缔约国的情况下, 对“其他收入”征税。
This provision overrides the first two paragraphs with respect to allowing for source-State taxation of “other income”, where the income arises in that contracting State.
1 经与国家协商后,并考虑到所表达的任何意见,世界银行将根据本协定第 5(b)(二) 款和附 录 4-A 第 1(a)(一)款选择并授权一独立实体,对附录 2-A 第 1.2 行所述国家的消费 情况进行核查。
1. After consultation with the Country and taking into account any views expressed, the World Bank will select and mandate an independent entity to carry out the verification of the consumption of the Country as specified in row 1.2 of Appendix 2-A, as per sub-paragraph 5(a)(ii) of this Agreement and sub-paragraph 1(a)(i) of Appendix 4-A.
将根据有关政府部门根据本协定第 5(a)(二)款所记 录的生产数据和正式进出口数 据,监测和确定国家的消费量。
The national consumption will be monitored and determined based on production data and official import and export data for the Substances recorded by relevant government departments in line with paragraph 5(a)(ii) of this agreement.
此合作关系缔造了Oris赛车系列的关键里程碑,更预计发 二款 众 所期盼的2009年全新限量腕表。
The partnership underlines Oris’
involvement in the world of motor sport and also sees the launch of two spectacular new
[...] limited edition watches for 2009.
委员会可设立一个或更多个工作组,就满足《任择议定书》第一、第二、第 三条和第五条二款所规 定的来文可受理条件的问题向委员会提出建议。
1. The Committee may establish one or more working groups to make recommendations to the Committee regarding the fulfilment of the conditions of admissibility laid down in articles 1, 2, 3 and 5, paragraph 2, of the Optional Protocol.
[...] 成两款:第一款涉及必须迅速供公众查取并加以系统保持的一般适用的法律文 本,二款涉及必须公诸于众的具有先例价值的司法判决和行政裁决。
The title of the article has been broadened to reflect the substantive changes made in the article, which is now split into two paragraphs: the first dealing with legal texts of general application that must be promptly made accessible
to the public and systematically
[...] maintained, and the second dealing with judicial decisions [...]
and administrative rulings with
precedent value that must be made available to the public.
Evo Blue 2.0共有神秘黑及軍裝二款顏色 ,延伸Evo Blue家族舉世聞名的「X」設計概念,其機身二側印有剛毅的X型圖騰,獨到吸睛的電競風格,再再象徵著曜越精湛科技工藝在效能與美學上的完美平衡融合,以及電競超越極限、永不妥協的戰鬥精神。
The Evo Blue 2.0 has a flashy and vivid appearance that comes in black or
[...] military green, features a bold and rigid [...]
“X” shape with a prominent Evo Blue
2.0 logo design on both sides of the chassis and a large 14cm crystal LED fan to endure the gaming essence.
就原则 IX 而言,建议增加二款,强 调文物不得作为战争赔偿的原 则不损害有关国家要求用文物赔偿被毁坏或丢失之文物的权利。
The Russian Federation also requested the deletion of subparagraph (ii) of
Principle V. In respect of Principle IX, it
[...] proposed adding a second paragraph stressing that [...]
the principle of excluding cultural
objects from war reparations did not affect the right of any State concerned to request compensation in the form of cultural objects for objects destroyed or lost.
二款創新 方案均採用Cat 5線連接近端與遠端裝置,因此可以將電腦系統或KVM多電腦切換器與控制端(鍵盤、螢幕、及滑鼠)之間的距離分別延伸達300公尺(CE-252)及100公尺(CE-300)。
Both models feature a Cat 5 cable to connect the local and remote units they consist of, thus extending the distance between the computer system and the console up to 300m (CE-252) or 100m (CE-300).
此外,二款方案 不僅支援可維持最佳視訊品質的自動增益控制功能,CE-252更提供可連接一台附加電腦的功能; CE-300則提供音訊支援功能。
Furthermore, the devices not only support Automatic Gain Control for an optimized video quality, but offer an extra PC port (CE-252) and onboard audio support (CE-300) respectively.
身為史上最偉大的爵士鋼琴家之一 Oscar Peterson與其作品所表達的豐沛文化精神,成為Oris為其打 二款 爵 士限量腕錶的靈感來源,並以此限量計時碼錶向Oscar Peterson無懈可擊的計時精準度,表達誠摯敬意。
As one of the greatest jazz pianists of all time Oscar Peterson and his works have inspired not one, but two limited edition Oris jazz watches.
如果某一缔约国不执行依《公约》第三十条二款提出 的请求,委员会可提出进一步的建议或请求。
The Committee may, in situations where a State party does not comply with a request made under article 30(2), make further recommendations or requests.
Holchin B.V. 及其一致行动人具备实施本次增持的主体资格要求;Holchin B.V. 及其一致行动人实施本次增持已履行了必要的信息披露义务;Holchin B.V. 及其一致行动人的本次增持行为符合《上市公司收购管理办法》第六十三条 二款 第 一 项规定的可以免于以要约方式增持华新水泥股份且可以免于向中国证监会提出豁免要约申请的情形;Holchin B.V. 及其一致行动人在本次增持过程中不存在证券违法行为。
Holchin B.V. and the party acting in concert with it are all legally incorporated and existing under the laws of the country where the company is incorporated, and they are qualified to carry out the Share Increase; Holchin B.V. and the party acting in concert with it have performed necessary obligations regarding information disclosure concerning Share Increase; the Share Increase conducted by Holchin B.V. and the party acting in concert with it satisfies the requirements stipulated in Paragraph 2 (1) of Article 63 of the Administrative Measures on Takeover of Listed Companies , according to which the investor could be exempted from the tender offer and the application to the CSRC for a waiver; Holchin B.V. and the party acting in concert with it did not conduct any illegal activities during the Share Increase.
根据经第42/2004号行政法规修改的11月3日第48/98/M号法令第二十一条 二款 a ) 项 之 规定,有关申请应在事实发生日起90日内向旅游局提出。
According to item 2a of Article 21 of Decree Law no. 48/98/M dated 3rd November, amended by Administrative Regulation no. 42/2004, relevant application should be made to MGTO within 90 days upon the change.
本《协定》经持有不少于附录A所列的认股总金额的75%,且不少于三十个国家的政府签署, 并且本条二款(a) 节所提及的确认书也已存放在银行,则本《协定》即可生效;但是本 [...]
《协定》不会在 1955 年 10 月 1 日之前生效。
This Agreement shall enter into force when it has been signed on behalf of not less than 30 governments whose subscriptions comprise not less than 75
percent of the total subscriptions set forth in
[...] Schedule A and when the instruments [...]
referred to in Section 2 (a) of this Article
have been deposited on their behalf, but in no event shall this Agreement enter into force before October 1, 1955.
2009 年《多民族玻利维亚国宪法》第 30 条二款第 1 5 和 16 项规定:土著 人民享有权利,对于影响土著人民的立法或行政措施,包括在土著人民领土开采 [...]
The 2009 Constitution of the Plurinational State of Bolivia (article
[...] 30, section II, paras. 15 and 16) states [...]
that indigenous peoples have the right
to be consulted following adequate procedures through their institutions, when legislative or administrative measures affect them, including the exploitation of natural resources in indigenous peoples’ territories.
我们今天在联合国论坛这里祝贺南苏丹,它通过 行使《全面和平协议》、《联合国宪章》第一条 二款 以及 《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》和《公民及 政治权利国际公约》共同的第一条所规定的自决权, 创建了一个独立的国家。
We congratulate South Sudan today, here in this United Nations forum, on having created an independent State through the exercise of their right to self-determination, as stipulated in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and in Article 1, paragraph 2 of the United Nations Charter and enshrined in common article 1 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
[...] 由于有大量划界案要处理,为了确保便利和效率,将作为《议事规则》第 51 条 第 4 之二款所列 一般规定的例外情形,设立第四小组委员会。
In view of the completion of the work by the Subcommission established for the examination of the submission made by Japan, the Commission decided that, in order to ensure expediency and efficiency in the light of a large number of submissions, a fourth subcommission
would be established as an exception to the general rule contained in rule
[...] 51, paragraph 4 bis, of its Rules of [...]




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