单词 | 二月份 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 二月份—FebruaryExamples:十二月份—December See also:二月—second month (of the lunar year) 月份n—monthn monthspl
正如印尼外长那塔雷加瓦在二月份时指出, 应寻求更高层政治和军事领导人之间的更强有力的 [...] 和平条约。 crisisgroup.org | As Natalegawa noted in February, astronger pact [...] involving higher-level political and military leaders should be sought. crisisgroup.org |
五月份和十二 月 份内两段 期 间 的 倍 数 与 例 1 ( a ) 所 [...] 计 算 出 来 的 相 同 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The multipliers for the [...] periods in May andDecember are thesame as those [...]calculated in Example 1(a). hkreform.gov.hk |
所有的切换序列均由月份凸轮所操控,这个单一圆盘载入所需的程式资料,以符合四年为周期的月份模式,包括设29天的二月份。 iwc.com | The switching sequences are all controlled by the month cam, a single disc programmed [...] with all the information required to keep [...] trackof themonths in the four-year cycle, including the 29 days inFebruary. iwc.com |
在前两年中,二月份就业报告都很利好,今年也是如此。 china.blackstone.com | The Februaryemployment report was positive [...] in those two years as it was this year. blackstone.com |
自十二月份以來,主要由於美国国库债券的持仓扩大,令主 权债务风险有所增加。 prudential.co.uk | Exposures to sovereign debt have [...] increased sinceDecember duemainlyto an enlarged positionin [...]US Treasuries. prudential.co.uk |
在二月份巴西担任主席期间,在开幕辩论上得到强调的是,安全与发展 相互加强,二者均为可持续和平的要素。 daccess-ods.un.org | As had been underlined at the open debate duringthe Brazil [...] presidency in February 2011, security [...]and development were mutually reinforcing [...]elements of sustainable peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
二月份雄性激素水平最高,与繁殖季节的开始相关。 actazool.org | Androgen levels were [...] highestduring February, correlating with [...]the commencement of the breeding season. actazool.org |
这些政策的后果也延伸到了电力部门,对电力和燃料的限价导致了在刚刚过去的一、二月份的雪灾中全国范围的电力短缺。 embassyusa.cn | The consequences of these policies also extend to the power sector, where [...] price caps on electricity and fuel contributed to nationwide power outages during [...] snowstorms this past January and February. eng.embassyusa.cn |
关于西撒哈拉局势问题,一些代表团表示支持二月份在日内瓦举行的缔约方 近期会议和在建立信任措施方面所取得的进展,尤其是在探亲问题方面所采取的 [...] 措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding the Western Sahara situation, a number of [...] delegations expressed supportfor the recent meeting of [...] parties in Geneva in February, and theprogress [...]made with respect [...]to the confidencebuilding measures - in particular on the issue of family visits. daccess-ods.un.org |
从 1999 年二月份起,UT 拖轮装置上的密封圈已改为用「厚身油膏密封圈」(没有金属弹簧)的一个新式 箱形平底密封圈。 umcproducts.com | The seal on the “UT” unit was changed to a “Thick Lip Grease Seal” (no metal spring) which uses a New style hub with a flat bottom, starting February 1999. umcproducts.com |
不过,根据当地业者以及SALEX展主办单位指出,法案即有可能等到十月总统大选过后,才可能正式公布,甚至可能要到圣诞节、过年(十二月份)以 及嘉年华会(明年二月)过后,才有可能正式公布。 taiwanslot.com.tw | However, according to the local practitioners and the organizer of SALEX, the Bill is likely to be declared after the presidential [...] election, which will take [...] place in October. It is even rumored that the Bill will be announced officially after Christmas, NewYear (January2011) or Carnival [...](February 2011). taiwanslot.com.tw |
苏丹南方政府“2011 年筹备工作队”于二月份提交 了一个框架,其中包括苏 丹南方政府为筹备建国所需采取的 [...] 60 项紧急行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In February, the Government of Southern [...] Sudan task force, “Preparing for 2011”, presented a framework with 60 urgent actions [...]that the Government intends to take to prepare for statehood. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国的经济在近年来快速成长,二月份的出口比去年成长将近50%。 amccsm.org | China's economy has seen rapid growth over [...] recent yearsandin Februaryexportswere reported tohave grown [...]by nearly 50% compared to a year earlier. amccsm.org |
如属非政府地盘,承建商应以地盘/合约为基础,在三月、六月、九月及十二月份填写通用表格第527A号。 devb.gov.hk | For non-government sites, one GF 527A shall be completed on site/contract basis for the month of March, June, September and December. devb.gov.hk |
国 泰 航 空 货 运 部 总 经 理 邓 国 杰 补 充 说 : 「十二 月 份的载货 量 虽 较 十 一 月 份 减 少 , 但 表 现 仍 令 [...] 人 满 意 。 swirepacific.com | Cathay Pacific General Manager Cargo Kenny Tang added: [...] "December's figures were naturally lower from the previous monthbutremained [...]satisfactory. swirepacific.com |
持续的电力供应加速达 产,Kinsevere 於十二月份成功达到按年计算的铭牌额定产能。 mmg.com | Kinsevere successfully attained design [...] nameplate capacity on an annualised basis [...] during the monthof December, the result [...]of continuous ramp up enabled by a consistent power supply. mmg.com |
二零一二年十二月份与二零一一年同月比较,大部分主要整体出口货品类别的货值录得升幅,尤其是「通讯、录音及音响设备和仪器」(增172亿元,升41.6%)、「电动机械、仪器和用具及零件」(增71亿元,升9.3%)和「杂项制品(主要包括婴儿车、玩具、游戏及运动货品)」(增34亿元,升16.4%)。 censtatd.gov.hk | Comparing December 2012with December2011,increases were registered [...] in the values of total exports of most principal commodity [...]divisions, in particular "telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment" (by $17.2 billion or 41.6%), "electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and electrical parts thereof" (by $7.1 billion or 9.3%) and "miscellaneous manufactured articles (mainly baby carriages, toys, games and sporting goods)" (by $3.4 billion or 16.4%). censtatd.gov.hk |
二月份内阁改组后女部长增 加到四位。 daccess-ods.un.org | InFebruary,a Cabinetreshuffle [...] increased the number of women ministers to four. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国的商业文化非常强调政府关系以及官方表态,因而科莫罗 夫斯基先生在十二月份的访问对提升波兰在中国企业界领袖心 目中的地位至关重要。 paiz.gov.pl | Some of the most visible Chinese investments in recent years have been made in Africa, in countries such as Zambia, Kenya, Cameroon and Ethiopia, where Chinese companies are building railways, stadiums and other infrastructure. paiz.gov.pl |
在明年二月份中国春节之后,中国海外上市公司有望重新获得增长势头,2013年,这些被压制的中概股可能会打一场漂亮的翻身仗。 youngchinabiz.com | Look for that recovery to gain momentum after the [...] Chinese New Yearin February, with anice rally [...]possible for these beaten-down shares in the rest of 2013. youngchinabiz.com |
美国国家航空暨太空总署(NASA)的研究人 员发现,由于今年二月份智利发生的地震,地球 的地轴已经发生移位。 barthhaasgroup.com | Event with far-reaching consequences Researchers at [...] NASA have discovered that the earth’s axis has shifted as a result of the [...] earthquake inChile in February of this year. barthhaasgroup.com |
比如三月份第一周的抽奖参加者就是在二月份写过评论的顾客。 wiggle.cn | For example in the first full week in March the prize draw for customer who have [...] placed reviews in February will be made. wiggle.co.uk |
二零一三年二月份与二零一二年同月比较,大部分主要整体出口货品类别的货值录得跌幅,尤其是「电动机械、仪器和用具及零件」(减159亿元,跌21.9%)、「通讯、录音及音响设备和仪器」(减68亿元,跌13.8%)和「办公室机器和自动资料处理仪器」(减51亿元,跌14.5%)。 censtatd.gov.hk | ComparingFebruary 2013 with February 2012, decreases were registered [...] in the values of total exports of most principal commodity [...]divisions, in particular "electrical machinery, apparatus and appliances, and electrical parts thereof" (by $15.9 billion or -21.9%), "telecommunications and sound recording and reproducing apparatus and equipment" (by $6.8 billion or -13.8%) and "office machines and automatic data processing machines" (by $5.1 billion or -14.5%). censtatd.gov.hk |
由于入会申请皆需通过每月底召开的董事会批准,会员只需缴交从来月开始计算的会费 (例:若于一月份申请入会,会员只需缴交从二月份开始计算的会费)。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | As applications will only be approved at the Council meeting held at the end of each month, members will only be required to pay their membership subscription fee starting from the following [...] month (e.g. [...] applicants in January will only be required to start paying their membership subscription feefromFebruary onwards). english.sccci.org.sg |
市民对特区政府表现的满意程度方面,不满情绪继去年九至十一月份在高位徘徊後,在十二月份已开 始回落,而满意程度则由去年十月份开始持续回升。 hkupop.hku.hk | Regarding people's appraisal of the government's performance, dissatisfaction has apparently dropped since it peaked between Septemberand Novemberlast year. hkupop.hku.hk |
於二零一三年三月份,1,300,000股已归属的「G」类别优先股已兑换至710,000「A」类别普通股(由 於一位员工於二零一三年二月份离职,600,000股「G」类别优先股按42%的兑换比率兑换,而其他 [...] 700,000股「G」类别优先股按62%的兑换比率兑换)及250,000股「G」类别优先股被没收。 sunshineoilsands.com | During the month of March 2013, 1,300,000 vested Class “G” preferred shares were converted into 710,000 Class “A” common shares (600,000 Class “G” preferred shares were converted [...] at a rate of 46% due to an employee leaving [...] the company in Februaryand another 700,000 [...]Class “G” preferred shares were converted [...]at a rate of 62%) and 250,000 Class “G” preferred shares were forfeited. sunshineoilsands.com |
二零一三年一月七日,香港)中国具领导地位的大型综合住宅物业房地产开 发商之一 ─ 恒大地产集团有限公司(「恒大」或「集团」;股份代号:3333) 今天发布集团二零一二年十二月份及全年物业合约销售简报。 evergrande.com | (7 January 2013, Hong Kong) Evergrande Real Estate Group Limited (“Evergrande” or the “Group”, SEHK stock code: 3333), one of the leading large-scale integrated residential property developers in China, [...] announces today its contracted property sales [...] results for the month of December2012 and for the year ended31 December 2012. evergrande.com |
因中国调低二零一二年的经济增长预测引发市场忧虑、欧洲对希腊救助方案的 紧张情绪仍未消除以及美国经济数据不景气等因素均致使市场认为全球经济增长於二零一二年前景暗淡,金 属价格於二月份及三月份有所回落。 mmg.com | Metal prices then drifted lower in February and March amid fresh concerns following China reducing its growth rate forecast for 2012, continuing nervousness in Europe regarding the Greek bail-out package and disappointing US economic data all supporting the view that global economic growth would be lacklustre in 2012. mmg.com |