

单词 二月



twelfth month (of the lunar year)





External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 集團於共同控制實體之權益,因此本集團未有確認所多出的數額,並於二零一一年二月三十一日將投資成本撇減至零。
The accumulative share of losses has exceeded the Group’s interest in the jointly controlled entity and
hence the Group did not recognise the excess amount and has reduced its investment
[...] cost to zero as at 31 December 2011.
關於二 零零八年一月一日至二零零八年 二月 三 十一日期 間的核數檢討仍應在該期間完結後三個月內,根據 [...]
本協議附表三 D 部的規定進行。
The Auditing Review in respect of the period commencing from 1 January
2008 to 31 December 2008 shall remain to be
[...] conducted within 3 months after expiry [...]
of that period in accordance with Section
D of Schedule 3 of this Agreement.
[...] 由大会选出后的一月一日开始,直至其继任理事国选出后的 二月 三十一日为止。
Except as provided in rule 147, the term of office of members of Councils shall begin on 1 January
following their election by the General Assembly and
[...] shall end on 31 December following the [...]
election of their successors.
於二零一二年二月三十 一日,並無 與遠期營運開支有關的開放現金流量對沖頭寸。
As at 31 December 2012, there were [...]
no open cash flow hedge positions related to future operating expenditure.
我們在二零零七年十月廿二日諮詢立法會工務小組委員會,及在二 零零七年二月十四 日獲立法會財務委員會通過把 8011YD 號項目的一部分 提升為甲級,按付款當日計算,估計所需費用為 4 億元,用以向地鐵提供資 助,藉以支付項目在獲授權實施前的設計階段所支出的費用。
We consulted the Public Works Sub-committee at
[...] its meeting on 22 November 2007 and obtained the approval of the Finance Committee on 14 December 2007 to upgrade [...]
part of 8011YD to
Category A at an estimated cost of $400.0 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to provide funding support to the MTRCL to cover the design phase expenditure up to scheme authorization.
除上文所披露者外,於二零零九年 二月 三 十 一日,概無本公司董事及主要行政人員於 本公司或其任何相聯法團(定義見證券及期貨條例第 [...]
XV 部)之股份、相關股份或債券 中擁有根據證券及期貨條例第 352 條而須予記錄之權益及淡倉,或根據標準守則而須知
Save as disclosed above, as at 31 December 2009, none of the [...]
Directors and chief executives of the Company had any interests
and short positions in the shares or underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) that was required to be recorded pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model Code.
本公司將根據上市規則第14A.35及 14A.48條尋求獨立股東批准持續關連交
[...] 易及截至二零零八、二零零九及二零一零年 二月 三 十 一日止三個財政年度各年 之年度上限。
The Company would seek approval of the Independent Shareholders of the Continuing Connected Transactions and the
Annual Cap for each of the three financial
[...] years ending 31 December 2008, 2009 and [...]
2010 pursuant to Rules 14A.35 and 14A.48 of the Listing Rules.
[...] 值計)的流通性股本涵蓋Glencore截至二零一二年 二月 三 十 一日的債務總額達115%。
Balance sheet liquidity remains very healthy such that current capital employed plus
investments in listed associates (at book carrying value) covers 115% of Glencore’s total
[...] gross debt as at 31 December 2012.
除上文所披露者外,於二零一一年 二月 三 十 一日止,本公司董事或主要行 政人員或彼等各自的聯繫人概無於本公司或其任何相聯法團(定 [...]
義見證券及 期貨條例第XV部)之股份、股本衍生工具的相關股份及債權證擁有任何權益 或淡倉而須根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第7及8分部通知本公司及聯交所(包
括根據證券及期貨條例有關條文彼等被當作或視作擁有的權益或淡倉);或 根據證券及期貨條例第352條須存置的登記冊中的權益或淡倉;或根據創業 板上市規則第5.46條有關上市發行人董事進行交易的最低標準規定而須通知 本公司及聯交所的權益或淡倉。
Save as disclosed
[...] above, as at 31st December 2011, none of the [...]
Directors or chief executive of the Company or their respective
associates had any interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares of equity derivative and debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required to be kept under section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the minimum standards of dealing by the directors of listed issuers as referred to in Rule 5.46 of the GEM Listing Rules.
永泰已向買方作出若干聲明及保證,包括在股份銷售完成日期餘下集團的經審計綜合資 產淨值不會低於 1,129,350,000 港元,為按照南聯編制南聯集團截至二零一一年 二月三 十 一日止年度的經審計綜合賬目所採用的會計原則及慣例以及該 物業之價值為 1,129,350,000 港元(該價值為編制南聯集團截至二零一一年 二月 三 十 一日止年度之經 審計綜合賬目所使用的價值,該價值是以仲量聯行有限公司對於二零一一年 二月 三十 一日就南聯在麗晶中心之權益(包括構成該物業的單位及車位以及將構成經分派業務一 部分的麗晶中心的其他單位,即麗晶中心 B 座的 505 至 510 單位)的獨立估值為基準) 之基準計算得出。
Wing Tai has provided certain representations and warranties to the Purchaser, including that the audited consolidated net asset value of the Remaining Group as at the date of the Share Sale Completion will not be less than HK$1,129,350,000, calculated in accordance with
[...] principles and practices adopted by Winsor in the preparation of the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 and on the basis that the Property is valued at HK$1,129,350,000 (which was the value used in the preparation of the audited consolidated accounts of the Winsor Group for the year ended 31 December 2011 which was based [...]
on an independent
valuation of the Property by Jones Lang Lasalle Limited as at 31 December 2011 of Winsor's interest in Regent Centre, which included those units and carparks comprising the Property and other parts of Regent Centre, being Units 505-510, Tower B of Regent Centre, that will form part of the Distributed Businesses).
關 於這一點 ,我們已明 確 地告知港燈,當局審議或 批准港燈二零零四至二零零八年 度財政計劃,均不屬於 或不得 視 為下述的申 述
或承諾 – 政 府認為或 接納港燈的減 排 廢氣項目足以 符 合擬規定的廢氣 排 放
[...] 上限,而當局可能會在二零零八年 二月 三 十 一日,或 其前後,在根據《空氣污染管制條例》 [...]
向 港燈續 發的指明工 序牌照中,訂明有關 上限為牌 照 條 件。
In this connection, HEC has been informed specifically that the consideration or approval of HEC’s 2004 to 2008 Financial Plan shall not be or be taken as a representation or promise that the Government considers or has
accepted as adequate the emission
[...] reduction projects in meeting the intended [...]
emission caps as conditions which may be specified
upon renewal of Specified Process Licences issued by the Authority to HEC pursuant to the Air Pollution Control Ordinance before, on or after 31 December 2008.
倘上述任何條件未能於二零零一年 二月 三 十 一日或之前(或各訂約方可 能議定之較後日期)達成,或如屬(a)、 (b)、 (c)及 (d)獲本公司豁免,則本 公司無責任進行交易事項,而協議亦告失效,惟任何先前違反協議所產生 之索償除外。
In the event that any of the above conditions has not been fulfilled or in the case of conditions (a), (b), (c) and (d), waived by the Company on or before 31st December, 2001 (or such later date as may be agreed between the parties), the Company shall not be bound to proceed with the Transaction and the Agreement shall cease to be of any effect save in respect of claims arising out of any antecedent breach of the Agreement.
正如印尼外长那塔雷加瓦二月份时指出, 应寻求更高层政治和军事领导人之间的更强有力的 [...]
As Natalegawa noted in February, a stronger pact [...]
involving higher-level political and military leaders should be sought.
上述經修訂的每年上限金額乃基本上經參照由現有概括租賃協議所規管的租約在截至 二○一一年二月三十一日止財政年度相關租金的估計金額,另加一項合適的緩衝金額 [...]
The revised annual cap amount as mentioned above is arrived at basically by reference to the estimated
amount of the relevant rents for the financial
[...] year ending 31 December 2011 in respect [...]
of those tenancy agreements regulated
by the Existing Master Tenancy Agreement plus a suitable buffer.
[...] (統稱為「貴集團」)之綜合財務報表,包括於二零零九年 二月 三 十 一日的綜合資產負債表及公司資產負 債表,截至該日止年度的綜合全面收益表、綜合權益變動表及綜合現金流量表,以及主要會計政策概要 [...]
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”) set out on pages 54 to 126, which
comprise the consolidated and company balance
[...] sheets as at 31 December 2009, and the consolidated [...]
statement of comprehensive income,
the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.
截至二零零四年六月 三十日止六個月及截至二零零四年 二月 三 十 一日止年度的溢利則分別減少港幣二千二百萬元及港幣六百 萬元。
Profit for the six months ended 30th June 2004 and for the year ended 31st December 2004 have been decreased by HK$22 million and HK$6 million respectively.
(a) 承担实施所参与的规划和计划的全部财务和管理责任;如系资助,一俟项目结
束,即应向总干事递交有关项目实施具体细节的报表,说明拨款已用于该项目 的实施,并将未用于项目的余款退还教科文组织;不言而喻,任何申请方如未
[...] 就总干事先前批准的、并已在上一预算期第一年的 二月 三 十 一日以前发放的 资助提交由有关部委的首席财务官员和全国委员会秘书长共同签署的所有财务 [...]
The applicant shall: (a) assume full financial and administrative responsibility for implementing the plans and programmes for which participation is provided; in the case of a financial contribution, submit to the Director-General at the close of the project an itemized statement accounting for the activities executed and certifying that the funds allocated have been used for the implementation of the project, and return to UNESCO any balance not used for project purposes; it is to be understood that no new financial contribution will be paid until the applicant has
submitted all the financial reports
[...] certified by both the chief financial officer [...]
of the relevant ministry and the SecretaryGeneral
of the National Commission in respect of contributions previously approved by the Director-General and for which payments were effected prior to 31 December of the first year of the previous budgetary period.
新的甲方代理二月上任 之后,对翻修工程实施了一次财务审计,以确定“担保金 总额[……]是否符合[业主代表 ]提供各项要素”以及“拨给 [...]
IV 号楼的金额是否足够”。
After taking up
[...] its duties in February, the ACA carried [...]
out a financial audit of the renovation in order to determine “whether
the amount of the obligations […] is in conformity with the data supplied by [the architectural and engineering team]” and “whether the amount allocated to Building IV is sufficient”.
November/December to April/May is the [...]
wetter, hotter half of the year, while the real Wet, particularly affecting northern
coastal areas, is January to March.
本信託契約已分別根 據一九八九年十月十六日、一九九一年六月一日、一九九一年十 月二 十 六日、一九九一年二月二日、一九二年三月三十 一日、一九九三年六月七日、一九九六年四月十五日、一九九 九年月二十四日、二零零一年十月三十一日、二零 二 年 十 月 七 日及二零零七年七 月九日之 附加信託契約,以及一九九五年 月二 十 日 之卸任及就任契約,和二零零三年 月二 十 四 日之 基金經理卸任及就任契約以及構成大福 SRI 亞洲基金的信託契約之修改而修訂。
This Trust Deed has been amended by supplemental
[...] trust deeds dated 16th October, 1989, 1st June 1991, 26th November 1991, 2nd December 1991, 31st March 1992, 7th June 1993, 15th April 1996, 24th June 1999, 31st October 2001, 7th October 2002 and 9th July 2007 respectively, a Deed of Retirement and Appointment dated 20th May 1995 and a Deed of Retirement and Appointment of Manager and Modification of the Trust Deed constituting Taifook SRI Asia Fund dated 24th October 2003.
IAS 39 所訂明及財務報表附註 2.4
[...] 基金信託契約所示方法計算所得金額之間的差額,導致在計算每基金單位資產淨值以處理子基金認購及贖 回時計算子基金於二零一二年二月 三 十一日的資產淨值中產生差額人民幣 7,337,726 [...]
元(二零一一年: 人民幣 10,842,390 元)。
The difference between the valuation of investment position as prescribed by IAS 39 and as disclosed in Note 2.4 to the financial statements, and the methodology indicated in the Sub-Fund's Trust Deed dated 6 August 2011 results in a difference in the calculation of the Sub-Fund's net
asset value of RMB7,337,726 (2011:
[...] RMB10,842,390) as of 31 December 2012 for the purpose [...]
of calculating the net asset value
per unit for processing subscription and redemptions in the Sub-Fund.
(ii) 據 董 事 或 監 事 所 知 悉,概 無 任 何 人 士(不 包 括 董 事、監 事 或
[...] 總 經 理)於 二 零 零 九 年二 月 三 十 一 日 於 本 公 司 股份或相關股份擁有權益或持有淡倉而須遵照證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及3分部之規定向本公司作出披露, [...] [...]
或 於 附 有 權 利 可 在 任 何 情 況 下 於 本 公 司 之 股 東 大 會 投 票 之 任 何 類 別 股 本 中 將 直 接 或 間 接 擁 有 面 值5%或 以 上 之 權 益,或 其 權 益 或 淡 倉 記 錄 於 本 公 司 根 據 證 券 及 期 貨 條 例 第336條 須 存 置 之 登 記 冊 上 為 任 何 其 它 主 要 股 東。
(ii) So far as is known to any director or supervisor, there is no person other than a
director or supervisor or chief
[...] executive who, as at 31 December 2009, have an interest [...]
or short position in the shares
or underlying shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or will be directly or indirectly interested in 5% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of the Company or any other substantial shareholders whose interest or short position were recorded in the register required to be kept by the Company under section 336 of the SFO.
已 於 二 零零八 年 一 月 一 日 起 開 始 之五年 稅 項 豁 免優惠 將 於 二 零 一二年二 月 三 十 一 日 完 結 , 期 間 不 論 武 漢 陽 邏 港 獲 利 與 否 ; 五 年 稅 項 減 半 優 惠 將 於 二 零 一三年 一 月 一 日 起 開 始 至 二 零 一七年二 月 三 十 一 日 完 結 , 應 繳 稅 項 將 以 12.5 % 計 算 。
The 5-Year Exemption Entitlement, which commenced
[...] on 1 January 2008, will end on 31 December 2012 irrespective of whether WIT is profit-making during this period and the 5-Year 50% Tax Reduction Entitlement will commence from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2017 and tax payable will be charged [...]
at 12.5%.
譚先生 亦擔任其他五間香港聯交所主板上市公司信星鞋業集團有 限公司(自一九九四年五月起)、中建電訊集團有限公司(自 一 九 九 九 年二 月 起 )、 首 長 四 方( 集 團 )有 限 公 司( 自 一九九六二月起)、星光集團有限公司(自二零零四年七 月起)及萬順昌集團有限公司(自二零零四年九月起)以及 一間香港聯交所創業板上市公司北亞策略控股有限公司(直 至二零一三二月)的 獨立非執行董事。
Mr. Tam also serves as an independent nonexecutive director of five other listed companies on the main board
of the HKSE, namely, Kingmaker
[...] Footwear Holdings Limited, CCT Telecom Holdings Limited, Shougang Concord Grand (Group) Limited, Starlite Holdings Limited and Van Shung Chong Holdings Limited since May 1994, December 1999, February 1996, July 2004 and September 2004, respectively, and a listed company on the GEM board of the HKSE, namely, North Asia Strategic Holdings Limited, till February 2013.
伊斯坦布尔会议之后,二月波恩 会议将发出明 确信号,表明阿富汗政府在实现自给自足的道路上正 [...]
不断增强自主权和领导作用,也以及国际社会在过渡 进程之后将长期致力于阿富汗。
Following Istanbul, the December Bonn Conference will [...]
send a clear signal of the Afghan Government’s growing ownership and
leadership on its path to self-sufficiency, and of the international community’s long-term commitment to Afghanistan beyond the transition process.
於二零一零年二月三十 一日及二零零九年 二月 三 十一日,本集團及本公司並無持有按公允值計價的任 何金融工具,而於年內,第一層及第二層之間並無公允值計量轉移,亦無公允值計量轉入或轉出第三層 [...]
The Group and the Company did not have
any financial instruments
[...] measured at fair value as at 31 December 2011 and 2010; and during the year, [...]
there was no transfer
of fair value measurements between Level 1 and Level 2 and no transfer into or out of Level 3 (2010: Nil).
截至二零零五年六月三十日止六個月, 此款額為港幣一億五千八百萬元,而截至二零零四年 六月三十日止六個月及截至二零零四年 二月 三十一日止年度的款額則為港幣五億元,此款額是於二零 零四年支付補地價金額記賬時確定的。
For the six months ended 30th June 2005 this amount was HK$158 million, whilst for the six months ended 30th June 2004 and year ended 31st December 2004 the amount was HK$500 million, an amount determined at the time a payment on account was made in 2004.
(vi) 通過本公司於二零零三年二月三日 舉行之特別大會上正式通過之一項普通決 議案,緊接召開該大會之通知所載第8項特別決議內提述之削減股本建議生效前 ,將本公司股本中每十股面值為0.10港元之已發行及未發行普通股合併為一股 面值為1.00港元之普通股,以及透過本公司於二零零三年 二月 三 日 舉行之特 別大會上正式通過之一項特別決議案,經香港特別行政區高等法院日期為二零 零四年一月六日之法令批准,本公司之法定股本由300,000,000.00港元(分為 300,000,000 股 每 股 面 值 1.00 港 元 之 普 通 股 ) 削 減 至 15,000,000.00 港 元 ( 分 為 300,000,000股每股面值0.05港元之普通股)。
(vi) By an Ordinary Resolution duly passed at the
Extraordinary General Meeting of the
[...] Company held on 3rd December, 2003, every ten issued and unissued ordinary shares of HK$0.10 each in the capital of the Company were consolidated into one ordinary share of HK$1.00 each immediately before the proposed reduction of capital referred to in the special resolution numbered 8 set out in the notice convening that meeting taking effect, and by a Special Resolution duly passed at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company held on 3rd December, 2003 and [...]
with the sanction of
an Order of the High Court of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region dated 6th January, 2004, the authorised capital of the Company was reduced from HK$300,000,000.00 divided into 300,000,000 ordinary shares of HK$1.00 each to HK$15,000,000.00 divided into 300,000,000 ordinary shares of HK$0.05 each.
本通函旨在向股東提供(i)股份拆細及更改每手買賣單位以及重選本公司董事的進一步 資料;(ii)香港聯合交易所有限公司證券上市規則(「上市規則」)規定的說明函件;及(iii)有關
[...] 贊成或反對本通函所述的決議案作出知情決定,而(其中包括)有關決議案將提呈於二零一 一年月二十三 日(星期一)下午二時正假座香港金鐘道萬豪酒店三樓Queensway及Victoria [...]
This circular is to provide the shareholders with (i) further information on the Share Subdivision and the Board Lot Change and the re-election of directors of the Company; (ii) the explanatory statement as required under the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the ‘‘Listing Rules’’); and (iii) further information of the final dividend to be declared by the Company and all other information reasonably necessary to enable them to make an informed decision on whether to vote for or against the resolutions as mentioned herein and
which, inter alia, will be dealt with at
[...] the annual general meeting of the Company to [...]
be held at Queensway and Victoria Room,
Level 3, J.W. Marriott Hotel, Queensway, Hong Kong on Monday, 23 May 2011 at 2 : 00 p.m. (the ‘‘Annual General Meeting’’).
董事會宣佈,已於二零一零年十 月二 十 九 日獲告知(a)本公司股東Fortune Plus與配售 代理訂立FP協議,據此Fortune Plus同意透過配售代理,以全面包銷基準,按每股FP配 售股份5.60港元之價格,配售57,000,000股股份(佔本公司全部已發行股本約5.49%)予 [...]
售代理,以全面包銷基準,按每股WSH配售股份5.60港元之價格,配售3,000,000股股份 (佔本公司全部已發行股本約0.29%)予WSH承配人。
The Board announced that it has been
[...] informed that on 29 November 2010, (a) Fortune Plus, being a shareholder of the Company, entered into the FP Agreement [...]
with the Placing
Agent, under which Fortune Plus agreed to place through the Placing Agent 57,000,000 Shares, representing approximately 5.49% of the total issued share capital of the Company, to the FP Placees at a price of HK$5.60 per FP Placing Shares on a fully underwritten basis, and (b) Mr. Wong, being a shareholder of the Company, entered into the WSH Agreement with the Placing Agent, under which Mr. Wong agreed to place through the Placing Agent 3,000,000 Shares, representing approximately 0.29% of the total issued share capital of the Company, to the WSH Placees at a price of HK$5.60 per WSH Placing Shares on a fully underwritten basis.




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