

单词 二房



house acquired indirectly through a middle-man
second-hand house


tenant who sublets

External sources (not reviewed)

二,房委會 和房屋 署應主動和積極向住戶交代和宣傳天線維修營辦商的權責範圍,制止任何誤 [...]
Secondly, the HA and the Housing [...]
Department should proactively and positively explain to the tenants and conduct publicity
on the rights and responsibilities of the operators of the aerial systems, in order to deter misleading and deceptive conduct on the part of the operators.
二,房委會 同意在落實新租金調整機制時,按 1997 [...]
年以來收入指數 的變動幅度,把現時公屋租金一律調減 11.6%。
Second, the HA has agreed [...]
that when the new rent adjustment mechanism takes effect, it will reduce across-the-board the
existing PRH rents by 11.6% according to the extent of changes in the income index since 1997.
二、房間設 施: 床、書桌、桌燈、電視、電話、衛浴設備、空調系統、吹風機、室內拖鞋、冰箱、熱水壺、衣櫥。
Bed, desk, desk lamp, television, telephone, bathroom, air-condition, hairdryer, indoor slippers, refrigerator, hot-water bottle, wardrobe.
此外,官員中有兩人的民望反對率比支持率高出5個百分比,分別是排名榜末的林瑞麟,和 二 的 房 屋 規 劃地政局局長孫明揚。
Meanwhile, there are two officials with objection rates 5% higher than their support rates. They are
Stephen Lam at the bottom of the ranking, and
[...] Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands Michael Suen at the second last.
國內近期住房交投急增亦促使相關政府部門在部分一線和二線城 市施行新的房價調控措施,包括二 手 房 銷 售 徵收 20% 的資本增值稅。
The recent surge in housing activity prompted PRC officials to impose new property curbs in selected Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities, including a 20% capital gains tax on home sales.
陈​​颖晖指出,筷子基一带的屋苑,如绿杨花园,嘉应花园及威翠花园等,由于单位面积介乎在600呎至900呎之间,且售价不过百万,以一个绿杨海景单位为例,面积750呎 二房 一 厅,也仅售八,九十万,另一例子,如嘉应花园高层靓景,靓装修,单位面积700余呎,且该屋苑平台有花园,羽毛球场及烧烤配套设施等,售价亦仅80余万,最适合不过刚新婚准备过二人世界的夫妇居住。
Chen Yinghui that chopsticks base in the vicinity of housing estates, such as the Willow Garden, Jiaying Wai Tsui Garden Garden and, due to unit area ranging from 600 feet to 900 feet in between, and the price, but millions units a green Yang Haijing for example, an area of ​​750 sq ft, Erfangyiting, also for only eight or nine hundred thousand; the other examples, such as high-level Jiaying Garden Liang Jing, a pretty decoration, more than 700 feet per unit area, and the estate platform has a garden, badminton games and barbecue facilities and so the price has more than 80 million only, the most suitable for just the wedding couple had two of the world live.
第 103.11 条二 房租补 贴和房租扣减(修正处为斜体) (f) 工作人员的住房如果由某一政府、机构或组织提供,并且其租金明显低于用以计 [...]
(f) Staff members whose housing is provided [...]
by a government, an institution or an organization at rents appreciably lower
than the standard rent used in calculating the post adjustment index shall be subject to payroll deductions from their salaries.
位於太古廣場曦暹軒的酒店式住宅現正改建為一間約有 一二十個房間的精品式豪華酒店,工程預期於二零零 九年中完成。
The former serviced apartments at The Atrium, Pacific Place are being converted into a small luxury hotel of approximately 120 rooms, with work expected to be completed in the middle of 2009.
因此, 绝大多数犯人在夜晚被锁在房超过 十 二 小 时
Therefore, the vast majority of prisoners
[...] spent more than twelve hours locked up [...]
at night.
滿,二次的房子, 誰移交政府所在地至新的巴格達市,成功地打了對亞洲國家和人民的未成年人,以及普遍存在的harun基地拉希德( [...]
786 -8 09)和A l-馬穆科學院( 813-833 )時期,有著非同尋常的榮光。
Mansur, the second of the house, who transferred [...]
the seat of government to the new city of Baghdad, fought successfully
against the peoples of Asia Minor, and the reigns of Harun al-Rashid (786--809) and al-Ma'mun (813-833) were periods of extraordinary splendour.
匈牙利新房預期於二零一二年第 二季開始加工,而阿根廷Timbues鎮的大型大豆廠計劃於二零一二年第二季末落成。
A new plant in Hungary is expected to start processing in Q2 2012, while the large-scale Timbues soya bean facility in Argentina is scheduled to be completed by the end of Q2 2012.
香港房屋委員會已行使《房屋條例》(第283章)第10(1)條所賦予的權力,撤銷把《房屋(交通)附例》(附屬法例A)(第283章)條文賦予房屋委員會的權力及職能轉授的安排,即在2003年1月30日第5期憲報第610號政府公告刊登的權力及職能轉授安排;並把附表第一欄所載的權力及職能轉授予附表 二 欄 所載 的 房 屋 委員會小組委員會、任職於房屋委員會的公職人員及某些種類的公職人員,以及房屋委員會的高級人員及某些種類的高級人員,由2006年12月8日起生效。
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 10(1) of the Housing Ordinance (Chapter 283), the Hong Kong Housing Authority has revoked the delegation of powers and functions conferred on the said Authority by the provisions of the Housing (Traffic) By-laws (Chapter 283) Subsidiary Legislation A of which notice was given in G.N. 610 in Gazette No. 5/2003 of 30 January 2003, AND DELEGATED with effect from 8
December 2006 the powers and functions
[...] specified in the first column of the Schedule to [...]
such committees of the said Authority,
public officers and classes of public officers working in the said Authority, and officers and classes of officers of the said Authority specified in the second column of the Schedule.
生產方面,集團將持續密切注視市場需求並加 強產能管理,以及適當調節山東 房二 期 前 期規劃的工作步伐,達至更佳的生產效率。
The Group will also appropriately regulate the pace of the preliminary planning work of the phase II development of the Shandong plant, so as to achieve higher production efficiency.
例如,《星战》盗版出来之后票房收入锐减为原来的 1/5,《恋爱中的宝贝》 首映票房收入是 600 万元,当日晚上在河北地区发现盗版光盘后, 二 日 的 票 房 收 入 暴跌至 200 万元以下,锐减为原来的 1/3。
For example, the box office revenues of “Star Wars” dropped to one-fifth of the original figure after pirated versions showed up in the market; box office revenues of “Baober in Love” were RMB6 million on opening day but fell steeply to less than RMB2 million the next day when pirated optical discs hit the market.
加拿大于本月主办了二次北美住房 和 艾 滋病毒/艾 滋病研究峰会,并且正在制订新的研究方案,以对付 艾滋病毒感染者遇到的合并发病和老化等复杂问题。
Canada hosted the second North American Housing and HIV/AIDS Research [...]
Summit this month and is developing new research programmes
to address the complex issues of co-morbidities and aging experienced by people living with HIV.
本集團的首個收購事項(商洛地區的鎮安及丹鳳 房 ) 於 八月及 二 月 完 成。
The Group’s first acquisitions, the Zhen’an and Danfeng Plants in Shangluo region, were completed in August and December.
以 2004 年由紫禁城公司发行《恋爱中的宝贝》的票 房收入为例,2 月 14 日首映的票房收入是 600 万元,当日 19 时 30 分在河北地区发现了盗 版光盘后,二日的票房暴跌至 200 万元以下。
As an example. “Baober in Love”, distributed by the Beijing Forbidden City Film Company in 2004, scored box office revenue on Feb. 14 of 6 million yuan, but less than 2 million the next day when pirated optical discs were found in Hebei.
为了创造更多空间引入更多的功能,我们把室内地面下挖1.5米,这样就可以在厂房内建造一个三层的钢结构空间;同时整个空间分为3x24米和9x24米两部分,9米面宽的部分每层都有不同的功能:一楼是酒吧,二楼是咖啡、书店、和阳光后院;3米面宽部分的一楼是 房 、 二 楼 是 画廊、三楼是后勤办公室;这样建筑实际是由三个相对独立的功能和一个完全独立的画廊组成的了。
To create more space for all the new programs, we excavated 1.5 meters underground so that we are able to build a new 3-story steel structure inside the building.
本项目工期非常紧张,一期 18 个月内交付 20 万平米产业房,二期 36 个月内交付 70 万平米功能用房,整个项目要在 4 年内全部完成。
The project schedule is very
[...] tight, industrial housing covering 200,000 square meters shall be completed in first phase of 18 months; functional housing covering 700,000 square meters shall be completed in second phase of 36 months, [...]
the whole project must be completed in 4 years.
由於 該等房於二零一 三年全年的貢獻,以及於二零一二年四 月開始運營商洛丹鳳 2 號生產線廠房而帶來的全年貢獻, 本集團預期二零一三年的產量持續增加,並進一步提升西 安市場份額及增加高標號水泥的銷售比例。
With full year contribution from these plants in 2013, as well as a full year contribution from the Shangluo Danfeng Line 2 Plant, the Group expects to see continued volume growth, greater participation in the Xi’an market and an increased proportion of high grade cement sales in 2013.
[...] 制订了《监狱改革支持方案》、发布了有关囚犯配额和 房 设 备 的 二 级 法 令、制 订了《监狱建造最低设计标准》草案,并建造了一些新监狱。
The Committee takes note of measures adopted by the State party to improve conditions of detention, including through the Prison Reform Support Programme (PRSP), the
issuance of a Sub-decree regulating
[...] prisoners’ rations and cell equipment, the development [...]
of draft Minimum Design Standards
for Prison Construction together with international partners and the construction of new prisons.
虽然手工采矿者仍然住在营地一房屋中(见图二,右 图),但其余处所已废弃。
Although artisanal miners still inhabit some
[...] buildings within the camp (see figure XII, right-hand image), the remainder of the premises has been abandoned.
14 还有一起案件:2011
[...] 年 1 月 7 日凌晨,数十名以色列国防军士兵包围了希伯伦的一户人家,闯 房 屋 的 二 楼, 再冲进一间卧室,对在床上睡着了的Qawasmeh先生(66 岁)开火。
According to the information available to OHCHR at the time of finalizing this report, no investigation had been opened into the case.14 In another case, in the early hours of 7 January 2011,
dozens of IDF troops
[...] surrounded a house in Hebron, broke into the second floor of the house, rushed to [...]
a bedroom and opened fire
on Mr. Qawasmeh, a 66-year-old man who was asleep in his bed.
根据文件 167 EX/38 第 II 部分第 21 和 22
[...] 段,本文件提供了教科文组 织为筹措贝尔蒙总部房翻修计划 二 期 工 程资金拟签约借款事,与法国 政府进行谈判的情况。
In accordance with paragraphs 21 and 22 of document 167 EX/38, Part II, this document reports on progress in the negotiations with the French Government concerning the loan to be
contracted by UNESCO for the financing of the
[...] work scheduled for the second phase of the Headquarters [...]
buildings renovation plan.
於二零一二年六月三十日,701百萬美元(二零一一 年:884百萬美元)已訂有合約承擔,用於購置物業、 房 及 設 備,其中9 3% ( 二 零 一一年:92%)與將於下一年度產生的開支有關。
As at 30 June 2012, $ 701 million (2011: $ 884 million), of which 93% (2011: 92%) relates to expenditure to be incurred over the next year, was contractually committed for the acquisition of property, plant and equipment.
[...] 將用於生產牛卡紙及瓦楞芯紙,預期 房 將 於 二 零 零 七年一月試產,並於同年四月正式投產。
JYTP is planning to build a paper mill on a piece of land with a
gross area of approximately 194,000 square metres in
[...] Nantong, Jiangsu, to produce kraftliner board [...]
and corrugated medium.
如果您制造的是独一无二的设备,现有设备已经转移至新的 房 , 目 前购买 二 手 设 备或新设备没有经过相应的认证,那么您必须满足当地的电气安全要求。
If you manufacture one-of-a-kind equipment, relocating existing equipment to a new facility, have purchased used equipment or equipment without proper certification, you will need to comply with local electrical safety requirements.
屋顶塔一般采用角钢塔或增高架(即网架),塔的设置有两种情况,一是建筑物设计时已考虑了铁塔的荷载并设置了预埋件(如电信 房 楼 顶) , 二 是 在 旧建筑物上加建铁塔。
The roof tower using general angle steel tower or elevated rack (grid) tower, set two situations, first, the building design has taken into account the load of the tower and set
embedded parts (such as
[...] telecommunications room the roof), the second is in the old building [...]
on the construction of the Tower.
在这方面,咨询委员会收 到一张表(见表八.8.),显示联合国所有租 房 地 产 的租约到期日、年租金估计 数和面积,并在设施管理处签订的长期租约、基本建设总计划周转空间、设施管 理处租用的基本建设总计划周转空间和设施管理处为“团结”项目租赁 房 地产 之间进行了区分。
In this connection, the Advisory Committee was provided with a table (see table VIII.8) showing the lease expiry, estimated annual rental costs and square footage of all United Nations leased properties, distinguishing between longterm leases concluded by the Facilities Management Service, capital master plan swing spaces, Facilities Management Service leases in the capital master plan swing spaces and properties leased by Facilities Management Service for the Umoja project.




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