

单词 二多数

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此项决定需经执行 局的三分二多数通过
The decision required of the Board in this matter shall be
[...] taken by a two-thirds majority.
缔约国会议可以根据全体会议上与会并投票国家的三分 二多数 作 出 的决定修 订本议事规则。
The Meeting of States Parties
[...] may amend these Rules of Procedure by a decision taken in plenary meeting by a two-thirds majority of States present [...]
and voting.
以色列违反国际法、人权法和国际人道主义法的 行为一直在增多,其很多做法就证明了这一点,例如 在没有任何合法理由的情况下将 10 000 名巴勒斯坦 人拘押在以色列监狱和拘留所中;无视国际法院的咨 询意见,持续修建种族主义隔离墙;违反安全理事会 第 1860(2009)号决议和大会第 ES-10/18 号决议,对 加沙地带实行严密封锁;在西岸设置障碍和检查站;
以色列内阁规定犹太人作出效忠宣誓,以孤立以色列 境内的以色列籍阿拉伯人口;以色列议会最近的立法
[...] 对撤出已被以色列吞并的阿拉伯被占领土规定了新 的苛刻条件,但通过全民投票或经议会三分 二多数 通过则除外;以及由于时间关系,我们不能一一列举 的其他许多违法行为。
Israel’s violations of international law, human rights law and international humanitarian law have been increasing, as manifested by many practices, such as the detention of 10,000 Palestinians in Israeli jails and detention facilities without any legal grounds; the continued construction of the racist separation wall, in defiance of the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice; the tight siege of the Gaza Strip, contrary to Security Council resolution 1860 (2009) and General Assembly resolution ES-10/18; the barriers and checkpoints in the West Bank; the Jewish loyalty oath instituted by the Israeli Cabinet to isolate the Arab-Israel population in Israel; the recent Knesset legislation setting stringent new conditions on any withdrawal from the occupied Arab territories annexed to Israel except through
a referendum or the approval
[...] of a two-third majority of the Knesset; and many other violations [...]
that time will not permit us to list.
根据《关于教科文组织与各基金会及其他类似机构之关系的指示》(第 IV.2 条)与教
科文组织保持关系的组织以及与教科文组织没有正式关系的组织参加大会的问题按《大会议 事规则》第 7
[...] 条行事,该条规定,“经执行局推荐及出席并参加表决之会员国三分 二多数 通过 ,大会可接纳非政府或半政府国际组织代表作为观察员列席大会或大会所属专门委员会 [...]
The participation of organizations maintaining relations with UNESCO under the “Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions” (Article IV.2), and of organizations not having official relations with UNESCO, is governed by Rule 7 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference which stipulates that “the General Conference, on the
recommendation of the Executive Board
[...] and by a two-thirds majority of Members present [...]
and voting, may admit as observers
at specified sessions of the Conference or of its commissions representatives of international non-governmental or semi-governmental organizations”.
拟议宪法和条约草案,通常称为一揽子自决方案,将是相同的, 接受提案的法律门槛仍是三分 二多数。
The proposed constitution and the draft treaty, commonly referred to as the self-determination
package, were to be the same and the legal threshold for acceptance of the proposal would
[...] remain at a two-thirds majority.
(b) 遇争端各当事国于三个月内未能就和委会组成的全部或部分达成协议
[...] 时,争端各当事国未能同意的和委会委员,应由委员会用无记名投票法以三分二多数票从其本身的委员中选举。
(b) If the States parties to the dispute fail to reach agreement within three months on all or part of the composition of the Commission, the members of the Commission not agreed upon by the States parties to
the dispute shall be elected by secret
[...] ballot by a twothirds majority vote of the [...]
Committee from among its own members.
经出席并参加表决的缔约国三分 二多数 通 过 的任何修正案,应当由秘 书长提交大会核准,然后提交所有缔约国供其接受。
Any amendment
[...] adopted by a majority of two thirds of the States [...]
parties present and voting shall be submitted by the Secretary-General
to the General Assembly for approval and, thereafter, to all States parties for acceptance.
[...] 致作出一切努力而仍未达成一致意见,作为最后手段,该修正案须有出席缔约国 会议并参加表决的缔约国的三分 二多数 票 方 可通过。
If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted and no agreement has been reached, the amendment shall, as a last resort, require for its
adoption a two-thirds majority vote of the States
[...] parties present and voting at the meeting [...]
of the Conference of the Parties.
根据 议事规则第 83 条,安全理事会非常任理事国应以三分 二多数 票 选 出。
Under rule 83 of the rules of procedure, the non-permanent members of the Security Council
[...] are elected by a two-thirds majority.
过了要求增列项目的期限,只有经过大会总务委员会审议、并经大会出席和参加表决 之会员国三分二多数通过的重要而紧急的新项目,方可列入议程[《议事规则》第 12 条第 4 段、第 15 条第 2 段和第 42 条第 1(c)段]。
After the time limit for the submission of supplementary items, further items may be added to the agenda only if they are of an important and urgent character, if they have first been considered by the General Committee of the General Conference and if their inclusion in the agenda has been approved by the General Conference by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting (Rules 12.4, 15.2 and 42.1(c) of the Rules of Procedure).
12.1 委员会根据全体会议到会并参加表决的委员的三分 二多数 作 出的决定,通过其 《议事规则》。
12.1 The Committee shall adopt
its Rules of Procedure by a decision taken in plenary
[...] meeting by a two-thirds majority of the members [...]
present and voting.
[...] 为爱好和平的国家而且能够并愿意履行《宪章》所载的义务,并以 出席并参加表决的成员国三分 二多数 对 该 国的入会申请作出决 定。
If the Security Council recommends the applicant State for membership, the General Assembly shall consider whether the applicant is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations
contained in the Charter and shall
[...] decide, by a two-thirds majority of the members [...]
present and voting, upon its application for membership.
得票最多且其票数不少于出席并参加表决的会 员国三分二多数票的候选人将被视为当选,并就此 被大会任命为纽约争议法庭审案法官。
The candidate who obtains the largest number of votes and not less than a majority of the votes of those present and voting shall be considered elected and thereby appointed by the Assembly as an ad litem judge of the Dispute Tribunal.
二、 修正案须经出席缔约国大会并参加表决的缔约国三分 二多数 票 通 过。
Amendments shall be adopted by the Conference of Parties
[...] with a two-thirds majority of States Parties [...]
present and voting.
第六,以色列议会在周一核准了一项新的立法, 要求任何可能的土地换和平协定需要获得三分二 多数同意或者举行公投。
Sixth is the new legislation approved by the
Israeli parliament last Monday, which
[...] requires a twothirds majority or a referendum [...]
on any potential landfor-peace agreement.
根据国民议会所有代表以三分 二多数 批 准的一项条约,斯洛文尼亚可 以将行使部分主权权利让渡给建立在尊重人权和基本自由、民主和法治原则 [...]
基础上的国际组织,并可与建立在尊重上述价值观基础上的国家建立防御同 盟。
Pursuant to a treaty ratified by the National
[...] Assembly by a two-thirds majority vote of all deputies, [...]
Slovenia may transfer
the exercise of part of its sovereign rights to international organizations which are based on respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, democracy, and the principles of the rule of law and may enter into a defensive alliance with states which are based on respect for these values.
如果在推迟期截止时会议仍未达成协商一致意见,即应进行表决,并应以出 席并参加表决的代表的三分二多数 作 出 决定,但此一多数应至少包括参加会议 [...]
If by the end of the period of deferment the Conference has not reached agreement,
voting shall take place and decisions shall be
[...] taken by a two-thirds majority of the [...]
representatives present and voting, providing
that such majority shall include at least a majority of the States participating in the Conference.
应该指出的是,对宪法中涉及人权部分的条款作出修订,需要三 分二多数的同意。
It should be noted that amendments to the human rights sections of the
[...] constitution require a two-thirds majority.
委员会可以出席并参加表决之委员的三分 二多数 做 出 决定,修改、取消或 增加已通过的议程中的问题。
The Committee may amend, delete or add items to the agenda so adopted if so
[...] decided by a two-thirds majority of the Members [...]
present and voting.
特殊情况下,委员会 可与总干事磋商,以三分二多数决 定 在其某个委员国的领土上举行某届会 议。
On an exceptional basis, the Committee may
[...] decide by a two-thirds majority to hold a session [...]
on the territory of one of its Members
in consultation with the Director-General.
除援引公约某些规定的条款外,本议事规则可由委员会以出席并参加表决之 委员的三分二多数在全 会上做出决定予以修改,但建议做出的修改应按照 [...]
第 8 和 9 条的规定列入届会的议程。
The Committee may amend the Rules of Procedure, except when they reproduce provisions of the
Convention, by a decision taken in plenary
[...] meeting by a twothirds majority of the Members [...]
present and voting, provided the proposed
amendment has been included in the agenda of the session in accordance with Rules 8 and 9.
如参加表决的缔约国代表的三分 二多数 决 定 ,可中止一项议事规则,但复述了《公约》 [...]
A rule of procedure, except when it reproduces provisions of the Convention, may be
suspended by a decision of the Meeting
[...] taken by a two-thirds majority of the representatives [...]
of States Parties present and voting.
在紧急特别 会议期间,关于第 377
[...] A(V)号决议所处理事项的增列项目,得以 出席并参加表决的成员国三分 二多数 的 决定增列入议程。
During an emergency special session, additional items concerning the matters
dealt with in resolution 377 A (V) may be added to the
[...] agenda by a two-thirds majority of the members [...]
present and voting.
根据大会议事规则第 83 条,接纳新会员须经三分二多数票 通 过。
Under rule 83 of the rules of procedure of the
[...] Assembly, a two-thirds majority is required [...]
for the admission of new Members.
根据《教科文组织大会议事规则》(第 85(J)条)之确定,接受法国的报价和签订借 贷 79,874,979 欧元的合同,总干事需有大会的授权,该授权需由出席并参加表决的会员国三 分二多数通过 ,因为这笔拨款需列入不止一个财务期预算。
In accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the General Conference of UNESCO (Rule 85(j)), to accept the offer of France and to contract the aforementioned loan of €79,874,979, the Director-General would need an authorization from the
General Conference,
[...] adopted by a twothirds majority of members present and voting, since this would necessitate the inclusion of appropriations in the budget for more than one financial period.
委员会成员过半数即构成法定人数,委员 会的决定应由参加表决的三分 二多数 通 过
A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum. Decisions of the Committee shall be
[...] taken by a majority of two thirds of its members voting.
补充项目亦应以同一方式提出,由出席大会并参加表决之 会员三分二多数通过
Supplementary items shall likewise be submitted for approval
[...] by a two-thirds majority of the Members [...]
present and voting.
如果一项提案以过半数或三分 二多数 获 得 通过或遭到否决,除非 会议以出席并参加表决的成员的三分 二多数 决 定 重新审议,否则不得重新审议 该提案。
When a proposal has been adopted or
[...] rejected by a majority or two-thirds vote, it may not be reconsidered unless the Conference, by a two-thirds majority of the members present [...]
and voting, so decides.
规约》第四条第 4
[...] 款进一步规定,得票最多并获得出席并参加表决 的缔约国三分二多数票的 候选人应当选为法庭法官,但须这项多数包括缔约国 [...]
Article 4, paragraph 4, of the Statute further stipulates that the persons elected to the Tribunal shall be those
nominees who obtain the largest number of votes
[...] and a two-thirds majority of the States [...]
Parties present and voting, provided that
such majority includes a majority of the States Parties.
[...] 15.1 条规定,“经常预算经费应由各成 员按照分摊比额表内的比额来负担,分摊比额表应以方案预算委员会编制的草 案为基础,经理事会以出席并参加表决成员的三分 二多数 通 过 提出建议,由 大会以出席并参加表决成员的三分 二多数 制 定
In accordance with Article 15.1 of the Constitution of UNIDO “regular budget expenditures shall be borne by the Members, as apportioned in accordance with a scale of assessment established by the Conference by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and
voting, upon
[...] the recommendation of the Board adopted by a two-thirds majority of the Members present and voting, on the basis of [...]
a draft
prepared by the Programme and Budget Committee.




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