

单词 二十年

See also:

二十 num

twenty num





External sources (not reviewed)

这些例子包括 2008 年格鲁吉亚局势,或过二十年的索马里局势;在索马 里,粗暴违反国际人道主义法和人权法的情况在继续。
Those examples include, for instance, the
situation in Georgia in 2008, or in Somalia
[...] during the past two decades, where gross violations [...]
of international humanitarian and
human rights law continue to be committed.
首先,生物技术 (特别是基因工程)的到来在过去 二十年 里 在 很大程度上扩大了农业研究的可能性(例 [...]
First, the advent of biotechnology, and in particular genetic
[...] engineering, in the last twenty years has vastly [...]
expanded the possibilities of what can
be achieved in agricultural research (for example, introducing new genetic traits in plants).
总干事雅克·迪乌夫先生在讲话中对亚太区域过 二十年 取 得 的快速经济增 长表示肯定,认为这在很大程度上减轻了贫困。
In his statement, Mr Jacques Diouf acknowledged the impressive
economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region
[...] during the past two decades, which had resulted [...]
in a major reduction of poverty.
在执行局第一七一届会议上,委员会提请注意保密的原则,这一原则应始终支配第 104 EX/3.3 号决定所规定的程序,同时决定,按照执行局议事规则第 29 条第 4 段之规定二十年后公布委员会的秘密文件或让公众查阅,以便让人们更好地了解委员会的成果。
At the 171st session of the Executive Board, the Committee decided, while recalling the principle of confidentiality which dominated the entire 104 EX/Decision 3.3 procedure, that the private documents of the Committee should be published or made accessible to the public after a period of 20 years, as provided for by Rule 29, paragraph 4, of the Rules of Procedure of the Executive Board, in order to give a higher profile to the Committee’s achievements.
[...] 经济的各种机会中受益的私营部门需要尽到其职 责,全球经济在过二十年所取 得的发展表明,包 括新伙伴和新兴伙伴在内的所有发展伙伴都需要做 [...]
The private sector, which stood to benefit from the opportunities of the green economy, would need to play its part and
developments in the global economy over
[...] the previous two decades suggested that all [...]
development partners, including new and
emerging ones, would need to do their fair share.
大会第六十六届会议决定按二十年 周 期 (1976 年、1996 年和 2016 年)在 2016 年召开第三次联合国住房与城市可持续发展会议(人居三),以重振对可持续 城市化的全球承诺,侧重执行在《人居议程》、《关于新千年中的城市和其他人类 [...]
翰内斯堡可持续发展宣言》和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》以及其他主要联合国会议 和首脑会议成果基础上制订的“新城市议程”(第 66/207 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly decided to convene in 2016, in line with the bi-decennial cycle (1976, [...]
1996 and 2016), a third
United Nations conference on housing and sustainable urban development (Habitat III) to reinvigorate the global commitment to sustainable urbanization that should focus on the implementation of a “New Urban Agenda”, which should build on the Habitat Agenda, the Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium and the relevant internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, and the outcomes of other major United Nations conferences and summits, and requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly, at its sixty-seventh session, a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 66/207).
非洲集团并认为理事会工作所的 是一个持续的进程,并回顾在联合国系统内每五年都有一次中期审查,每十年有 一次审查,二十年有一 次系统的结构重组。
The African Group also considered that the Council was dealing with a continuous process and recalled that in the UN system
there was a midterm review every five years, a
[...] review every ten years and a restructuring of the system every twenty years.
例如过二十年,撒哈拉以南 非洲的一些国家(例如刚果、南非、加蓬、马拉维和利比里亚)以及日本的人均 水产品消费量停滞或下降,而每年人均水产品消费量在东亚(从1961年的10.6千 克到2009年的34.5千克)、东南亚(从1961年的12.8千克到2009年的32.0千克)和 北非(从1961年的2.8千克到2009年的10.6千克)有着最实质性的增长。
For example, per capita fish consumption has remained static or decreased in some countries in sub-Saharan Africa (e.g. the Congo, South Africa, Gabon, Malawi and Liberia) and in Japan in the last two decades, while the most substantial increases in annual per capita fish consumption have occurred in East Asia (from 10.6 kg in 1961 to 34.5 kg in 2009), Southeast Asia (from 12.8 kg in 1961 to 32.0 kg in 2009) and North Africa (from 2.8 kg in 1961 to 10.6 kg in 2009).
大会第六十六届会议请秘书长通过社会发展委员会和经济及社会理事会,向 大会第六十八届会议提交报告,说明决议执行情况,包括介绍各级筹备于 2014 年庆祝国际家年二十周年的情 况,并且决定在第六十七届会议题为“社会发展, 包括与世界社会状况以及与青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭有关的问题”的分项下审 议“筹备和庆祝国际家年二十周年 ” 的 议题(第 66/126 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit a report to it at its sixty-eighth session, through the Commission for Social Development and the Economic and Social Council, on the implementation of the resolution, including a description of the state of
preparation for the
[...] observance of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family at all levels, in 2014, and decided to consider the topic “Preparations for and observance of the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family” at its sixty-seventh session under the sub-item entitled “Social development, including questions relating to the world social situation and [...]
to youth, ageing, disabled
persons and the family” (resolution 66/126).
年马德里老龄问题国际行动计划》第二次审查和 评估的方式”、“与青年有关的政策和方案”、“进一步促进由残疾人、为残疾人、
[...] 同残疾人一起创造均等机会并将残疾问题纳入发展议程主流”、“筹备和庆祝国际 家年二十周年”和“非洲发展新伙伴关系的社会层面”的决议草案。
The Commission adopted draft resolutions entitled “Modalities for the second review and appraisal of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, 2002”, “Policies and programmes involving youth”, “Further promotion of equalization of opportunities by, for and with persons with disabilities and mainstreaming disability in the
development agenda”, “Preparation for and
[...] observance of the twentieth anniversary of the [...]
International Year of the Family” and “Social
dimensions of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development”.
截至二零零四年六月 三十日止六個月及截至二零零 年十二 月 三 十一日止年度的溢利則分別減少港幣二千二百萬元及港幣六百 萬元。
Profit for the six months ended 30th June 2004 and for the year ended 31st December 2004 have been decreased by HK$22 million and HK$6 million respectively.
本公司將根據上市規則第14A.35及 14A.48條尋求獨立股東批准持續關連交 易及截至二零零八、二零零九及二零一 年十二 月 三 十一日止三個財政年度各年 之年度上限。
The Company would seek approval of the Independent Shareholders of the Continuing Connected Transactions and the Annual Cap for each of the three financial years ending 31 December 2008, 2009 and 2010 pursuant to Rules 14A.35 and 14A.48 of the Listing Rules.
截至二零零五年六月三十日止六個月, 此款額為港幣一億五千八百萬元,而截至二零零四年 六月三十日止六個月及截至二零零 年十二 月 三十 一日止年度的款額則為港幣五億元,此款額是於二零 零四年支付補地價金額記賬時確定的。
For the six months ended 30th June 2005 this amount was HK$158 million, whilst for the six months ended 30th June 2004 and year ended 31st December 2004 the amount was HK$500 million, an amount determined at the time a payment on account was made in 2004.
截至二零一年十二月三十一日止財政年度,誠如本集團之內部審核部所報告,董事會已透過審核委員會檢討本集團 內部監控系統之成效。
For the financial year ended 31 December 2010, the Board through the Audit Committee had conducted a review of the effectiveness of the Group’s internal control system as reported by the Group’s internal audit department.
上述經修訂的每年上限金額乃基本上經參照由現有概括租賃協議所規管的租約在截至 二○一年十二月三十一日止財政年度相關租金的估計金額,另加一項合適的緩衝金額 而釐定。
The revised annual cap amount as mentioned above is arrived at basically by reference to the estimated amount of the relevant rents for the financial year ending 31 December 2011 in respect of those tenancy agreements regulated by the Existing Master Tenancy Agreement plus a suitable buffer.
本信託契約已分別根 據一九八九年十月十六日、一九九一年六月一日、一九九一 十 一 月 二 十 六 日、一九九 年十 二月二日、一九二年三 月三十一日、一九九三年六月七日、一九九六年四月十五日、一九九 九年六二十四日、二零零一年十月三十一日、二零 二年十 月 七日及二零零七年七 月九日之 附加信託契約,以及一九九五年五 二 十 日之卸任及就任契約,和二零零 年十 月 二 十 四 日之 基金經理卸任及就任契約以及構成大福 SRI 亞洲基金的信託契約之修改而修訂。
This Trust Deed has been amended by
[...] supplemental trust deeds dated 16th October, 1989, 1st June 1991, 26th November 1991, 2nd December 1991, 31st March 1992, 7th June 1993, 15th April 1996, 24th June 1999, 31st October 2001, 7th October 2002 and 9th July 2007 respectively, a Deed of Retirement and Appointment dated 20th May 1995 and a Deed of Retirement and Appointment of Manager and Modification of the Trust Deed constituting Taifook SRI Asia Fund dated 24th October 2003.
还有一项谅解,特 别委员会应继续遵循大会第 55/146 号决议宣布的 2001 至 2010 年第二个铲除殖 民主义国十年行动 计划(A/56/61,附件)的有关规定和关于第二个铲除殖民主 义国十年的第 60/120 号决议。
It is also understood that the Special Committee should continue to be guided by the relevant
provisions of the plan of
[...] action for the Second International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism for the period 2001-2010 (A/56/61, annex), declared by the General Assembly in its resolution 55/146, and resolution 60/120 on the Second International Decade for the Eradication [...]
of Colonialism.
在这 方面,主席特别提请特别委员会注意大会第 64/106 号决议第 7(d)段,其中请特 别委员会在二个铲除殖民主义国 十年 结 束 以前,与有关管理国和领土合作, 为非自治领土逐个拟订建设性的工作方案,以利于执行特别委员会的任务和非殖 [...]
In this regard, the Chair would like to draw the attention of the Special Committee, in particular, to paragraph 7 (d) of General Assembly resolution 64/106, in which the Special Committee was
requested to finalize,
[...] before the end of the Second International Decade for the Eradication [...]
of Colonialism and in cooperation
with the administering Power and the Territory in question, a constructive programme of work on a case-by-case basis for the Non-Self-Governing Territories to facilitate the implementation of the mandate of the Special Committee and the relevant resolutions on decolonization, including resolutions on specific Territories.
我們在二零零年十一月廿二日諮詢立法會工務小組委員會,及在二 零零年十二月十 四日獲立法會財務委員會通過把 8011YD 號項目的一部分 提升為甲級,按付款當日計算,估計所需費用為 4 億元,用以向地鐵提供資 助,藉以支付項目在獲授權實施前的設計階段所支出的費用。
We consulted the Public Works Sub-committee at its meeting on 22 November 2007 and obtained the approval of the Finance Committee on 14 December 2007 to upgrade part of 8011YD to Category A at an estimated cost of $400.0 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to provide funding support to the MTRCL to cover the design phase expenditure up to scheme authorization.
本核數師已完成審核載於第五十四至第一百二十六頁之亞洲衛星控股有限公司(「貴公司」)及其附屬公司 (統稱為「貴集團」)之綜合財務報表,包括於二零零 年十二 月 三 十一日的綜合資產負債表及公司資產負 債表,截至該日止年度的綜合全面收益表、綜合權益變動表及綜合現金流量表,以及主要會計政策概要 及其他附註說明。
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”) set out on pages 54 to 126, which comprise the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December 2009, and the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.
IAS 39 所訂明及財務報表附註 2.4 所披露的投資持倉估值,與按日期為二零一一年八月六日的子 基金信託契約所示方法計算所得金額之間的差額,導致在計算每基金單位資產淨值以處理子基金認購及贖 回時計算子基金於二零二年十二月 三 十一日的資產淨值中產生差額人民幣 7,337,726 元(二零一一年: 人民幣 10,842,390 元)。
The difference between the valuation of investment position as prescribed by IAS 39 and as disclosed in Note 2.4 to the financial statements, and the methodology indicated in the Sub-Fund's Trust Deed dated 6 August 2011 results in a difference in the calculation of the Sub-Fund's net asset value of RMB7,337,726 (2011: RMB10,842,390) as of 31 December 2012 for the purpose of calculating the net asset value per unit for processing subscription and redemptions in the Sub-Fund.
(c) 於二零零三年六月三十日結算,本公司為附屬公司、聯屬公司、其他 關連公司及僱員之長期借款融資提供擔保達港幣十三億五千三百萬元 (二零二年十二月三十一日:港幣十四億零四百萬元),因而有或 有負債。
(c) At 30th June 2003, contingent liabilities existed in respect of guarantees given by the Company on behalf of subsidiary, associated, other related companies and staff relating to long-term loan facilities of up to HK$1,353 million (31st December 2002: HK$1,404 million).
根 據 吾 等 與 估 值 師 的 討論, 吾 等 獲 悉 , 商 業 估 值 準 則 已 在 前 幾年聯 交 所 上 市 發 行 人 的 若 干 須 予 公 佈 的 交 易 的 估 值 報 告 中 被 用 於 進 行 採 礦 公 司 的 商 業 估 值 , 例 如 , 福 山 國 際 能 源 集 團 有 限 公 司( HK : 00639 )日 期 為 二 零零年 十 二 月 二 十 九 日 的 通 函 、 匯 創 控 股 有 限 公 司( HK : 08202 )日 期 為 二 零零九 年 九 月 十 一 日 的 通 函 及 西 伯 利 亞 礦 業 集 團 有 限 公 司( HK : 01142 )日 期 為 二 零 一 零 年 一 月 十 九 日 的 通 函 。
Based on our discussion with the Valuer, we understand that the BVS has been adopted in the business valuation of mining companies in the valuation reports of certain notifiable transactions of listed issuers on the Stock Exchange in the prior year, such as, Fushan International Energy Group Limited (HK: 00639) with circular dated 29 December 2008, Inno-Tech Holdings Limited (HK: 08202) with circular dated 11 September 2009 and Siberian Mining Group Company Limited (HK: 01142) with circular dated 19 January 2010.
已 於 二 零零八 年 一 月 一 日 起 開 始 之五年 稅 項 豁 免優惠 將 於 二 零二年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 完 結 , 期 間 不 論 武 漢 陽 邏 港 獲 利 與 否 ; 五 年 稅 項 減 半 優 惠 將 於 二 零 一三年 一 月 一 日 起 開 始 至 二 零 一年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 完 結 , 應 繳 稅 項 將 以 12.5 % 計 算 。
The 5-Year Exemption Entitlement, which commenced on 1 January 2008, will end on 31 December 2012 irrespective of whether WIT is profit-making during this period and the 5-Year 50% Tax Reduction Entitlement will commence from 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2017 and tax payable will be charged at 12.5%.
於二零一年二月十一日 , 貴公司宣佈彼訂立協議收購目標公司之20%註冊資本, 有關收購已於二零一一年三月十日以貴公司配發及發行合共142,857,140股入賬列為繳 [...]
On 11 February 2011, the Company announced that the Company has entered into an agreement [...]
for the acquisition of 20% of
the registered capital of the Target Company and such acquisition is completed on 10 March 2011 by allot and issue of an aggregate of 142,857,140 new Shares, credited as fully paid, by the Company to satisfy part of the consideration.
在緊接句號之前加上“;(十八) 在保障大專院校自主權和學術自 由的前提下,鼓勵大專院校向香港學術及職業資歷評審局申請 甄審其開辦的學位課程,以取得資歷架構認可 ; ( 十 九) 盡快落 實《二零一一至二年施政 報告》中有關推出前皇后山軍營用 地,供合資格的辦學團體申請開辦非牟利私立大專院校的建 議;及(二十) 增加政府用於應用研究的科研支出,並改善研究 資助局現時不利推動創新與科技應用研究的大學研究經費分配 機制”。
To add "; (18) on the premise of protecting the autonomy and academic freedom of tertiary institutions, to encourage tertiary institutions to apply to the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications for accreditation of the degree programmes they offer, so as to obtain recognition; (19)
to expeditiously
[...] implement the recommendation put forward in the 2011-2012 Policy Address on putting up the Queen's Hill site for qualified sponsoring bodies to apply for establishment of non-profit-making private tertiary institutions; and (20) to increase the [...]
Government's technological
research expenditure on applied research, and improve the Research Grants Council's existing university research funding allocation mechanism, which is not conducive to promoting innovation and applied technological research" immediately before the full stop.
每股盈利乃根據截至二零二年六月 三 十 日 止 期間之股東應佔溢利港幣二 億四千萬元(二零零一年六月十日止 期間為港幣一億七千五百萬元)及於該 期間內已發行之加權平均股份數目 166,334,707 股(二零零一年六月十日止 期間為 166,983,450 股)普通股計算。
Earnings per share are calculated by reference to the profit attributable to shareholders for the period ended 30th June 2002 of HK$240 million (period ended 30th June 2001 : HK$175 million) and on the weighted average number of 166,334,707 (period ended 30th June 2001 : 166,983,450) ordinary shares in issue during the period.
除上文所披露者外,於二零一 年十二 月 三 十一日止,本公司董事或主要行 政人員或彼等各自的聯繫人概無於本公司或其任何相聯法團(定 [...]
義見證券及 期貨條例第XV部)之股份、股本衍生工具的相關股份及債權證擁有任何權益 或淡倉而須根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第7及8分部通知本公司及聯交所(包
括根據證券及期貨條例有關條文彼等被當作或視作擁有的權益或淡倉);或 根據證券及期貨條例第352條須存置的登記冊中的權益或淡倉;或根據創業 板上市規則第5.46條有關上市發行人董事進行交易的最低標準規定而須通知 本公司及聯交所的權益或淡倉。
Save as disclosed above, as at 31st December 2011, none [...]
of the Directors or chief executive of the Company or their respective
associates had any interests or short positions in the shares, underlying shares of equity derivative and debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) which would have to be notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to Divisions 7 and 8 of Part XV of the SFO (including interests or short positions which they are taken or deemed to have under such provisions of the SFO), or which were required to be kept under section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the minimum standards of dealing by the directors of listed issuers as referred to in Rule 5.46 of the GEM Listing Rules.




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