

单词 二十左右

See also:

二十 num

twenty num




left and right

External sources (not reviewed)

經合組織和世界銀行(世銀)指出,香港低收入人士的退休金替代率(即 退休金佔退休前收入的百分比)低於全港平均數字(分別為百分之三十五及三十 八),情況與其他經合組織國家剛好相反;27 一位本地學者甚至估計,本港低收 入人士的強積金的替代率只有百分 二十左右。
The OECD and World Bank state that Hong Kong is characterized by a lower replacement rate (pension as percentage of working income) for low income earners as compared with that for average earners (i.e. 35 per cent and 38 per cent respectively), the situations in other OECD countries are in reverse.27 A local academic even stated that the replacement rate of MPF for low income earners was only around 20 per cent.28 Due to the non-redistributive nature of the MPF system, low income earners contribute less and thus have fewer pensions.
可是,我們看到樹林不斷被砍伐,而二氧化碳的濃度已由 數百年來一百萬分二百八十左右, 上升至現時的一百萬分之三百八十。
However, we see that trees have
been felled unceasingly, and the
[...] concentration of carbon dioxide, which had been about [...]
280 ppm for several centuries, has now increased to 380 ppm.
这幅地图被装帧在一个大的画框中,画 左 侧 标 示黄 十二 星 座 , 右 侧 则 标示各地的气候特征。
The map is enclosed in a large frame that presents the signs of
[...] the zodiac along the left side and the climates along the right.
股 息 支 票 約二 零 一十 月 十 四 日(星 期 五左 右 寄 發 予 各 股 東。
The dividend cheques will be distributed to shareholders on or about Friday, 14th October 2011.
这笔费用总额为 7385 美 元。因此,向数百人发二十分钟 左右 的 演讲,再加上交通费、生活津贴和预约一篇文章, [...]
需要本组织支付高达 12 000 美元的费用。
A 20-minute address before a few hundred people [...]
thus cost the Organization up to $12,000, the sum total of travel and subsistence
costs and the commission of a written paper.
為確保 股 東 獲 得 將 在 股 東 週 年 大 會 上 批 准 派 發 之 末 期 股 息(將 於 二 零 一 一 年 六二 十 日 或左 右 派 發),股 東 須 於 二 零 一 一 年 五 月 十 二 日 下 午 四 時 三 十 分 前,將 所 有 轉 讓 文 件 連 同 有 關 股 票 送 交 本 公 司 之 股 份 過 戶 登 記 處,香 港 中 央 證 券 登 記 有 限 公 司,地 址 為 香 港 灣 仔 皇 后 大 道 東183號 合 和 中 心17樓 1712–1716號舖,辦 理過 戶 登記 手 續。
In order to establish entitlement to the final dividend to be approved at the AGM (and payable on or about 20 June 2011), all transfers accompanied by the relevant share certificates must be lodged with the Company’s share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712–1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, not later than 4:30 pm on 12 May 2011 for registration of transfer.
[...] 會”)卻一直未有調低公屋租金,而自 1998 年起暫停加租至 2005 年 期間,公屋住戶入息指數的跌幅為百分 十 五 左右 , 而 公屋住戶月入 中位數的跌幅亦超過百分二十, 本會促請房委會按公屋居民入息的 下降幅度,盡快減租一成半至兩成,並免租兩個月,以補償公屋居民 [...]
That, as the income of public rental housing (PRH) tenants has dropped as a result of the economic downturn in earlier years, but the Housing Authority (HA) has not reduced the rent of PRH, and during the period from 1998, when rent increases began to be
suspended, to 2005,
[...] the income index of PRH households has dropped by about 15% while their median household monthly income has [...]
fallen by more than
20%, this Council urges the HA to expeditiously reduce the rent by 15% to 20% in accordance with the level of reduction in the income of PRH tenants, and grant a two-month rent remission to compensate for the extra amount of rent that PRH tenants have paid over the years.
For about two thirds of the total lifetime [...]
cost of a refrigeration system are energy costs.
[...] 的一个非常重要的来源,并且其成员认为在过去 十 年 左右 时 间 内他们在许多商用软件产 品的性能和功能方面创造了巨大的增益,而与此同时价格依然保持稳定,甚至有所降低。
The computer software industry
is also a highly important source of
[...] innovation in its own right and its members argue [...]
that they have produced dramatic gains
in the performance and functionality of many commercial software products in the last decade or so while prices have remained stable or even fallen.
寻找十六值为十进制数从上表:本表以上,数排第一十六位代 表 ( 左 十 六位)和一些栏 二十 六 位 表 ( 右 十 六位)的十六人数
Finding Hexadecimal Value for the Decimal number from above table: In the table given above, the number of rows
represent the first
[...] hexadecimal digit (left Hexadecimal digit) and the number of columns represent the second hexadecimal digit (right hexadecimal digit) [...]
of the hexadecimal number
虽然手工采矿者仍然住在营地一 些房屋中(见十二,右图), 但其余处所已废弃。
Although artisanal miners still inhabit some buildings within the
[...] camp (see figure XII, right-hand image), the [...]
remainder of the premises has been abandoned.
取 消分項收費並非單左扣右減十元八 塊,以期惠及某幾群病㆟那麼簡單,而是關乎政 府應採用甚麼原則,以確保政府以公道、公平及㆒致的方式運用資源的問題。
It is a question of what principles the Government should adopt to ensure that we use our resources in a fair, equitable and consistent manner.
然而,在世界大部分地 区,只有在过十年左右,老 年人才开始大规模形成自助组织或宣传团体。
However, in most parts of the world, it is
[...] only in the past decade or so that older [...]
persons have started forming self-help
organizations or advocacy groups on a significant scale.
寻找十六值为十进制数从上表:本表以上, 数排第一十六位代表(左十六 位)和一些栏 二十 六 位 表 ( 右 十 六 位)的十六所以如果你有多少给多少,可转换成十进制数相当于十六、 搜索数目在桌上找到价值相当于十六如下
Finding Hexadecimal Value for the Decimal number from above table: In the table given above, the number of rows
represent the first
[...] hexadecimal digit (left Hexadecimal digit) and the number of columns represent the second hexadecimal digit (right hexadecimal [...]
digit) of the hexadecimal
number thus if you have any decimal number to be converted into equivalent hexadecimal number, search the number in the table and find the equivalent hexadecimal value as follows
利用部分时间在艾滋病病毒/艾滋病领域工作的专门工 作人员数现在在总部和总部外办事处已达 十 人 左右。
The number of professional staff working at least part of the time in the field of HIV/AIDS now numbers some 50 people in Headquarters and in the field.
[...] 容性和可持续经济和社会发展来应对这些挑战的能力 左右 未 来 数十 年的发展性质、速度和可持续程度。
The ability of the region to address these challenges through an inclusive and sustainable economic and
social development approach will determine the nature, speed and
[...] sustainability of its development for decades to come.
实际上,在至十年左 右的时 间里,整个问题被公认属于安全理事会的专属管辖范围,安全理事会决定 将科索沃领土置于国际管理之下(1999 年 6 月 10 日第 1244 号决议)以来特别如此 ——不过,一项例外是 1999 年 12 月 17 日关于科索沃境内人权情况的大会第 54/183 号决议(咨询意见,第 38 段)。
It is recognized that, in substance, the whole of this question had fallen under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Security Council for at least ten years or so, in particular since the latter decided to place the territory of Kosovo under international administration (resolution 1244 of 10 June 1999) ⎯ with the exception, however, of General Assembly resolution 54/183 on the Situation of Human Rights in Kosovo, of 17 December 1999 (Advisory Opinion, paragraph 38).
在过十年左右的时间内,非洲国家的经济处于低迷时期,这对几乎全是公立的学术机 构图书馆服务质量产生了毁灭性影响。
With a corresponding inability to switch to the new information technologies, African university libraries in particular, and African academics in general, face a dim future indeed.
需要指出的是,虽然审查进展情况是论坛每届会议的任务,但是每两年报告 一次量化指标意义不是很大,因为数据收集的频率往往要低很多,一般 十 年左 右,每五年进行中期更新。
It is important to note that, although reviewing progress is a task for every session of the Forum, biennial reporting of quantitative indicators is not very meaningful, since the frequency of collection of data is normally much lower: about 10 years accompanied with five-year midterm updates.
圖為創新科技署副署長黎志華先生( 左二 ) 、 香 港科技園公司行政總裁陳蔭楠先生(左三)及項目及設施副總裁陳文偉博士(左一)、韓國裝置藝術家安畢妍小姐(右三)、為藝術品贊助環保材料的著名韓國糖果製造商Haitai Crown執行董事Yoon Sukbin先生(右二)及韓 國駐香港領事Han Jeahuk先生(右一)出席「藝術@科學園暨ADAMAO展覽」開幕典禮的合照。
Featured in the photo taken at the Opening Ceremony are Mr. Andrew Lai,
Deputy Commissioner for
[...] Innovation and Technology (2nd left), Mr. E. Anthony Tan, CEO of HKSTPC (3rd left), Dr. M.W Chan, Vice President -- Projects and Facilities of HKSTPC (1st left), Korean installation artist Miss Pilyun Ahn (3rd right), Mr. Sukbin Yoon, Executive Director of Haitai Crown (2nd right), the famous Korean confectionary [...]
who sponsored the recycled materials for constructing the art piece and Mr. Jeahuk Han, Korean Consul (1st right).
5 拉巴斯永加斯地区仍然占种植面积的三分 二左右 , 剩 余面积大部分在查帕雷 地区,在阿波罗的面积则小得多。
The Yungas region of La Paz continued to account for
[...] approximately two thirds of that area, with [...]
most of the remainder in the Chapare
region and a much smaller area in Apolo.
我们 致力于将人权融入联合国系统的活动已经 十 年左 右的时 间了,现在似乎无法想象没有高级专员办事 处的联合国了,因为办事处在人权领域的影响是非 常明显的,纽约总部、政府间组织或秘书处制定政 策时高级专员办事处应更多地参与。
While it was difficult to imagine the United Nations without the Office of the High Commissioner, given its tremendous impact on human rights work, the Office should be more involved in policymaking in New York, both in the intergovernmental bodies and in the Secretariat.
公務員敍用委員會主席吳榮奎先生 左二 ) 與委員羅家駿先生 右 一 ) 和羅榮生先 生(右三)在水務署署長馬利德先生 右 二 ) 陪同下參觀位於深水埗的水務署工程 地盤。
Mr Nicholas NG (second left), Chairman of the Public Service Commission, Mr Nicky LO (first right) and Mr Vincent LO (third right), Members of [...]
the Commission, accompanied by Mr MA Lee-tak (second right), Director of Water Supplies,
visited a work site in Shamshuipo of the Water Supplies Department.
大会第十二届会议请秘书长对收集的国际性法院、法庭和其他机构提及条 款的裁判予以更新;并邀请各国政府提供关于本国在这方面的实践的资料;还请 [...]
秘书长在第六十五届会议之前尽早提交这份材料;决定由第六委员会的一个工作 组进一步探讨在这些条款的基础上拟订国家对国际不法行为的责任公约或采取
其他适当行动的问题(第 62/61 号决议)。
At its sixty-second session, the General [...]
Assembly requested the Secretary-General to update the compilation of decisions
of international courts, tribunals and other bodies referring to the articles, and to invite Governments to submit information on their practice in that regard; also requested the Secretary-General to submit that material well in advance of its sixty-fifth session; and decided to further examine, within the framework of a working group of the Sixth Committee, the question of a convention on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts or other appropriate action on the basis of the articles (resolution 62/61).
我們在二零零七年十一月廿二日諮詢立法會工務小組委員會,及在二 零零七十二月十四日 獲立法會財務委員會通過把 8011YD 號項目的一部分 提升為甲級,按付款當日計算,估計所需費用為 4 億元,用以向地鐵提供資 助,藉以支付項目在獲授權實施前的設計階段所支出的費用。
We consulted the Public Works Sub-committee at its meeting on 22 November 2007 and obtained the approval of the Finance Committee on 14 December 2007 to upgrade part of 8011YD to Category A at an estimated cost of $400.0 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to provide funding support to the MTRCL to cover the design phase expenditure up to scheme authorization.
圖二: 長江基建集團董事總經理甘慶林先生(前排中)、副董事總經理甄達安先生(前右二)及國際業務部主管 Duncan Macrae 先生 (前左二)在 Northumbrian Water 旗下位於英國達靈頓的 Broken Scar Water Treatment Works 與 Northumbrian [...]
Water 行政總裁 Heidi Mottram 女士(前排左三)及其他高級管理人員會面。
Photo 2: Mr. H L Kam, Group Managing Director of CKI (front row, centre); Mr. Andrew Hunter,
Deputy Managing Director
[...] of CKI (front row, second from right); and Mr. Duncan Macrae, Head of International Business of CKI (front row, second from left), met with Heidi Mottram, [...]
CEO of Northumbrian
Water (front row, third from left) and the rest of Northumbrian Water’s management team at the company’s Broken Scar Water Treatment Works in Darlington.
陳錦靈夫人(左三)及其女兒(右一)代領勳章後與總領事馬克福先生(中)、副領事宋克強先生(右三)、新世界發展有限公司主席鄭裕彤博士 左二 ) 及 新世界發展有限公司董事總經理鄭家純博士 右二 ) 合 照。
Mrs Betty Chan Kam Ling (third from left) and daughter (first from right) pictured with Mr Marc Fonbaustier, Consul General (middle), Mr. Christian Ramage, the Deputy Consul General (third from right), Dr Cheng Yu Tung, Chairman of
New World Development
[...] Company Limited (second from left) and Dr Henry Cheng, Managing Director of New World Development Company Limited (second from right)
宿霧太平洋航空總裁暨行政總裁Lance Y. Gokongwei (左二) 聯同總經理 (長途航線) Alex Reyes (左) 與港機工程集團營運董事馬凱文 (右二) 及集團商務董事陳正 (右) 攝於簽約儀式。
Cebu Pacific Air President and CEO Lance Y.
[...] Gokongwei (2nd from left) and General Manager Long Haul Division Alex Reyes (left) were pictured at the signing ceremony with HAECO Group Director Operations Mark Hayman (2nd from right) and Group [...]
Director Commercial Summit Chan (right).
Facebook的工程总监David Mortensen在QCon SF 2012上讨论HPHPc时提到,因为网站以很高的速率持续增长,编译阶段延长到 十 分 钟 左右 , 大 量开发人员都要等待。
Because the website continued to grow at a high rate, the compilation phase grew to about 10 minutes, which is a lot for a developer to wait for, according to David Mortensen, Engineering Director at Facebook, discussing HPHPc at QCon SF 2012.




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