单词 | 二十多 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 二十多—over 20See also:二十num—twentynum 二十—20 十二—twelve 12
此外,它们在苏伊士运河有成功的业绩记录,在那里,它们已经运行了二十多年。 voith.com | In addition, they have a successful track record in the Suez Canal where they have [...] been used for over two decades. voith.com |
自 愿重返其原籍国的难民人数已经降至二十多年来的 最低水平。 daccess-ods.un.org | The number of refugees returning voluntarily to their countries of origin was at the [...] lowest level inmore than two decades. daccess-ods.un.org |
世界遗产教育资料《世界遗产掌握在青年人手中》已被译成二十多种语言,并已出版 发行了该资料的第二版。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The World Heritage Education Kit “World Heritage in [...] Young Hands” has now been translated into more than 20 [...] languagesand a secondedition has been published and commercialized. unesdoc.unesco.org |
短短一年,Visual Culture从海外市场引进的眼镜品牌增加至二十多个。 think-silly.com | In the short space of one year, Visual Culture has increased its foreign [...] stock to over twentylabels. think-silly.com |
Proxim有着二十多年的无线创新历史,多年来一直向各种规模的运营商提供点对点和点对多点射频设备。 tipschina.gov.cn | Proxim has over 20 years of wireless innovation, and has been providing PtP and PtMP radios to carriers of all sizes for many years. tipschina.gov.cn |
二十多年来Holt 制造的数据总线和显示驱动器服务于世界各地的商业和军事用户。 digikey.cn | For overtwenty years, Holt has [...] manufactured data bus and display drivers for both commercial and military users worldwide. digikey.ca |
Errol C. Lester出生成长於南非,他在管理网路行销企业方面有二十多年的成功经历。 amaglo.stemtechbiz.com.tw | Born and raised in South Africa, Errol Lester has more than 20 years of experience in managing successful network marketing enterprises. amaglo.stemtechbiz.com |
在得到预算外资金资助(西班牙)的五项《手册》(Vademecum)项目框架下,二十 多位着名专家在指导委员会在指导下编写了《阿拉伯穆斯林文明中的科学、哲学、文学和艺 [...] 术,及其对西方思想与文化复兴的作用选册》,目的是调动广大公众对阿拉伯穆斯林文明的 贡献的了解。 unesdoc.unesco.org | With regard to the five “Vademecum” projects funded from extrabudgetary sources (Spain), about 20 [...] renowned experts in the fields of [...] history, philosophy, literature, scienceand art, [...]led by a steering committee, produced [...]the scientific content of the Scientific, Philosophical, Literary and Artistic Anthology of the Arab-Islamic World and its Contribution to the Renewal of Western Thought and Culture, in order to raise the general public’s awareness of the Arab-Islamic civilization’s contribution to these fields. unesdoc.unesco.org |
特别报告员先前提交大会的报告(A/65/368)指出,选举的法律框架以及选举委员 会和其他有关主管部门对该框架的实施在很多方面阻碍了缅甸二十多年来首次 举行的选举中政党的发展和参与。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Rapporteur’s previous report to the General Assembly (A/65/368) stated that the electoral legal framework and its implementation by the Election [...] Commission and other relevant [...] authorities inmany ways handicapped party development and participation, in the context of Myanmar’s first election in over two decades. daccess-ods.un.org |
游行当天,我们一支二十多人的研究队伍,在维园及游行路线沿途在不同时间及地点抽查了部份游行人士。 hkupop.hku.hk | During theJuly 1 demonstration, we sent more than 20 interviewers to station at the Victoria Park and various "check points" along the marching route. hkupop.hku.hk |
我知道这是不断重建的结果,然而,这两套模型的强烈对比,正说明了过去二十多年来,市民的基本生活水准已大大提高。 housingauthority.gov.hk | While I was generally aware of the impact of progressive re-developments, the stark contrast [...] of the models brought [...] home just how enormous an improvement in basic living standards has been achieved over the last quarter century. housingauthority.gov.hk |
二十多年来,孟加拉国一直在收容缅甸难民, 缅甸难民问题是 2008 年难民署启动的 2009-2011 [...] 年 度《全球行动计划》规定的工作重点。 daccess-ods.un.org | For morethantwo decades, Bangladeshhad been [...] hosting Myanmar refugees, a situation that had been given priority under [...]the Global Plan of Action for 2009-2011 launched by UNHCR in 2008. daccess-ods.un.org |
以下是我达到“健 康生活”目标前,历时二十多年的历程;亦是对您建立自己传奇故事的一种鼓励。 vital-impact.com | It is meant to instill faith in yourself and encourage you to create an inspirational storyof your own. vital-impact.com |
Bell 先生是二十多个国内和国际技术委员会的活跃成员,从事消防喷淋器和相关喷淋系统设备的标准和准则的制定工作。 ul.com | Mr. Bell has served as an active member [...] of morethantwo-dozen national and international [...]technical committees involved [...]with the development of standards and codes for sprinklers and related sprinkler system equipment. ul.com |
在实际当中,尽管种族灭绝灾 难和持续二十多年的战争 使柬埔寨的社会 经济困难重重,但王国政府为 公务员 和 武 装 部 队 制 订 了社会保障政策 , 以 帮助他 们在年老、死亡和由于就业或执行任务致残时度过难关。 daccess-ods.un.org | In real practice, even though the country is in a difficult condition of socio-economy resulted from great disasters of genocidal acts and wars prolonged over two decades, the Royal Government has set a policy of social security for civil servants and armed forces for facilitating their difficulties when they are old, dead and disabled resulted from danger during employment or mission. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们重申,目前当务之急是安理会建议大会接 纳巴勒斯坦为联合国正式会员国,以重申二十多年来越来越多的国家逐步给予巴勒斯坦的国际承认, 教科文组织等论坛已经正确地反映出这种国际承 认。 daccess-ods.un.org | We reiterate the urgent need for the Council to recommend to the General Assembly the admission of Palestine as a [...] full Member State, in [...] reaffirmation of theinternational recognition that the concert of nations has granted progressively and in greater numbers to [...]Palestine over more than [...]two decades, and which has been rightly reflected in forums such as UNESCO. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一主题依然是联合国所有会员国关切的一个 重要问题,至今已过去二十多年,会员国还在继续为 改革这一机构举行会议;然而,无济于事。 daccess-ods.un.org | The topic has remained a major concern for all Member [...] States of the Organization who have [...] continued, forover two decadesnow, tomeet in [...]order to reform that body; however, to no avail. daccess-ods.un.org |
二十多位非洲各国部长、联合国经济及社会理事会主席、联合国经济和社会事务部(经社部)与WIPO的首长,以及私营部门和民间社会组织的高级代表出席的一次会议强调了科学、技术和创新对支持非洲发展的重要性。 wipo.int | A meeting bringingtogether overtwenty African ministers, [...] the President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council, [...]the heads of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and WIPO, together with senior representatives of the private sector and civil society organizations has underlined the importance of science, technology and innovation to supporting development in Africa. wipo.int |
以色列对真主党在该地区的活动尤为关切,二十 多年来,这个地区一直是该恐怖组织的一个行动中 心。 daccess-ods.un.org | Israel is particularly concerned about Hizbullah’s activity in the region, which has served as a hub for the terrorist organization’s operations for more thantwo decades. daccess-ods.un.org |
在此之前,May Tung女士在银行业工作二十多年,曾在摩根大通、美国银行、瑞士信贷第一波士顿银行和荷兰合作银行工作。 pactera.com | Prior to her executive search career, Ms. Tung was a [...] banker for overtwenty years and worked at [...]JP Morgan, Bank of America, Credit Suisse [...]First Boston and Rabobank where she held various front line banking positions in New York and Hong Kong with P&L responsibilities. pactera.com |
为 了应 对 长达二十多年的战乱危 机 造 成的社会价值观 退 化,柬埔寨王国 政府要求相关 部 [...] 委 加 速 制 订 法律,同 时有效 执行柬埔寨王国发布 的各项 法 令 , 以 确保社会保障。 daccess-ods.un.org | In response to the decrease of the social [...] value resulted from a crisis of [...] protractedwars overtwo decades, theRoyal Government [...]of the Kingdom of Cambodia has accelerated [...]the concerned ministries to pay much attention on creating laws and efficiently executing the laws promulgated by the Kingdom of Cambodia to ensure the social security. daccess-ods.un.org |
Heather Livingston在保健营养教育与训练行业上有二十多年的经验,她是营养、 运动营养以及保健方面的国际专家。 amaglo.stemtechbiz.com.tw | Heather Livingston has more than 20 years of experience in the health, nutritional education and training industries. She is recognized as an international expert in the fields of nutrition, sports nutrition and wellness. amaglo.stemtechbiz.com |
经过二十多年的密切合作,悉尼大学(University of Sydney)的伊万•肯尼迪(Ivan Kennedy)教授和安格森•克劳森(Angus Crossan)博士与天津科技大学的王朔教授(曾在棉花合作研究中心师从肯尼迪教授)共同研发出了针对水道农药污染的快速测试方法,并为其申请了专利。 australiachina.com.au | Working closely together over the past 20years,Professor Ivan Kennedy and Dr Angus Crossanat the University of Sydney and Professor Wang Shuo (a former graduate student of Professor Kennedy under Cotton CRC) at TUST have developed and patented a rapid test for waterway pesticide contamination, which is particularly relevant to China’s prodigious rice industry. australiachina.com.au |
宏达高科控股股份有限公司始创于1985年,经过二十多年的创新发展,已成为中国经编行业首家上市公司,各项经济指标名列国内同行前茅,人均创利税位居中国针织行业首位,是“中国针织行业竞争力前十强企业”。 interfiliere.com | All economic indexes of the company rank the first among its domestic competitors and revenue per capita ranks the first in China’s knitting industry, being one of the 10 most competitive enterprises in China’s knitting industry. interfiliere.com |
结果发现,就本身为公务员或其薪酬与公务员挂钩的一百多名被访者而言,三成六赞成减薪、五成正认为应该冻薪、表示应该加薪的只占百分之一,而这类直接受影响的被访者提议的薪酬调整幅度平均为减薪百分之一点八六;至於另外一百五十多名家人为现职公务员或其家人之薪酬与公务员挂钩的被访者中,三成九支持减薪、四成正支持冻薪、认为应该加薪的则占百分之三,而这类间接受影响的被访者提议的薪酬调整幅度平均为减薪百分之三点三九;其余不受影响的九百二十多名被访者(即本身及其家人中没有一位是公务员或其薪酬与公务员挂钩者),五成认为公务员及资助机构员工应该减薪、二成八认为应该冻薪、表示应该加薪的只占百分之一,其提议的薪酬调整幅度平均为减薪百分之四点零一,建议的减幅明显为三组中最高。 hkupop.hku.hk | The average adjustment figure proposed by this indirectly affected group was a cut of 3.39%. As for the remaining 922 unaffected respondents (neither the respondents themselves nor any of their family members is a civil servant or whose salaries is linked to the salary scale of civil servants), 50% believed that a salary cut should be implemented, 28% suggested a salary freeze, only 1% suggested a pay rise, and the average salary cut proposed by this unaffected group was 4.01%, the highest percentage recorded amongst the three sub-groups. hkupop.hku.hk |
在自动化弹道辨识方面,刑事科技公司(Forensic Technology)二十多年前就已经独占鳌头,并且一直是促进社会安定的弹道和轻型武器辨识技术方面的领导者。 tipschina.gov.cn | Forensic Technology pioneered automated ballistics [...] identification more than twentyyears agoand continues [...]to be a leader in ballistics and [...]firearms identification technologies that promote a safer society. tipschina.gov.cn |
阿尔梅勒市和他所在的省份福利弗兰省,都是荷兰围海造地的杰出代表,从二十多年前阿尔梅勒市的成立,到现在的突飞猛进的发展,阿尔梅勒市和深圳市都鉴证了奇迹的发生。 chi.mazars.cn | The province of Flevoland - where Almere belongs to - is the result of reclaimed land where the whole city has been built from scratch two decades ago. mazars.cn |
多普勒组织成像(DTI) [...] 从用多普勒超声追踪组织运动这一概念提出后的早期尝试1 到其后的二十多年里,DTI 技术不断发展2 ,已经有很多研究 [...]者试图应用这一成像技术提高人们对心脏病理生理的认识并 从很多方面检验它做为新的,有潜力的技术的诊断价值,我 [...]们可以检索到大量的相关文献。 asecho.org | Since the early attempts to implement the concept of tracking tissue motion using Doppler ultrasound1 [...] and the subsequent development of DTI [...] over thepasttwo decades,2this imaging technique [...]has been used by multiple investigators [...]to advance the understanding of cardiac pathophysiology and test a variety of potential new diagnostic techniques, as evidenced by a large body of literature. asecho.org |
西班牙花费20年,让代表队累积一批优秀球员,年龄都在二十多岁至三十出头,这个现象绝非巧合,热爱篮球的孩子要成长为绝佳成人球员,就是需要这麽多年。 thisbigcity.net | Spain’s status as non-American favorite 20 years after the Barcelona Games with a roster filled with excellent players in their latetwenties and early thirtiesis no coincidence, it simply took that long for basketball obsessed kids to become fantastically talented adults. thisbigcity.net |