

单词 二十四孝

See also:

二十 num

twenty num







External sources (not reviewed)

這情況亦造就了很多 封建文化的偽善,因為那些人其實都不是孝順父母,他們只是談 二十四孝》 而已。
This created a great deal of hypocrisy in feudal culture because
those people were in fact not really pious to their parents but merely
[...] talking about the "twenty-four acts of filial piety".
梁國雄議員:剛才我聽到梁耀忠議員說孝道, 二十四孝 》 是 古時封建階級 用來欺騙人民的。
The "twenty-four acts of filial piety" were [...]
used by the feudal class in ancient times to deceive the people.
話說漢朝的時候有孝廉公的選舉,為了中這個功名,應選 者既要孝,又要廉,所以便以 二十四孝 》 永 垂典範。
The candidate had to be both pious and
[...] incorrupt, so the "twenty-four acts of filial piety" [...]
were compiled to set examples for posterity.
我們在此再討論二十四孝》, 正 真的是“大件事”了,根本不是這個樣子的。
It is indeed alarming for us
[...] to discuss the "twenty-four acts of filial piety" here.
因此,我在這裏提出,不要再用二 十四孝》, 不要再說長者可憐,要建立一個有尊嚴的公民社會,所謂公民社 [...]
Therefore, I propose here that we should not
[...] refer to the "twenty-four acts of filial piety" [...]
or talk about having pity on the elderly anymore.
我們在二零零七年十一月廿二日諮詢立法會工務小組委員會,及在二 零零七十二月十四日獲 立法會財務委員會通過把 8011YD 號項目的一部分 提升為甲級,按付款當日計算,估計所需費用為 4 億元,用以向地鐵提供資 助,藉以支付項目在獲授權實施前的設計階段所支出的費用。
We consulted the Public Works Sub-committee at its meeting on 22 November 2007 and obtained the approval of the Finance Committee on 14 December 2007 to upgrade part of 8011YD to Category A at an estimated cost of $400.0 million in money-of-the-day (MOD) prices to provide funding support to the MTRCL to cover the design phase expenditure up to scheme authorization.
二十四) “ 使用”是指通过摄取、注射或其他任何方式应用禁用物质或禁用方法。
Use” means the application, ingestion, injection or consumption by any means whatsoever of any prohibited substance or prohibited method.
主席建议,委员会可通过下列几种方 法做出贡献:(a) 再次请求委员会主席在年度部长级审查会议上发言,强调人口
[...] 与发展问题对于执行全球公共卫生方面国际商定目标和承诺的贡献;(b) 邀请理 事会主席在四十二届会 议议程项目 6 下向委员会发言,以便开始讨论人口问题 [...]
与实施全球公共卫生方面国际商定目标和承诺之间的关系;(c) 请秘书处考虑是 否能在年度部长级审查会议期间组织一次会边活动,讨论人口问题与全球卫生之 间的相互关系。
The Chairperson suggested that there were several ways in which the Commission could contribute: (a) by requesting, once more, that the Chairperson of the Commission make a statement at the annual ministerial review to highlight the contributions of population and development issues to the implementation of the internationally agreed goals and
commitments in regard to global public health; (b) by inviting the President of the Council to address the Commission under item 6 of its
[...] agenda for the forty-second session [...]
in order to launch a discussion
on the relevance of population issues to the attainment of the goals and commitments on global public health; and (c) by requesting the Secretariat to look into the possibility of organizing a side-event at the time of the annual ministerial review that would highlight the interrelations between population issues and global health.
根据第 60/180 号决议第 4 段(a)至(d),二十四个国家已经当选或被遴选为 建设和平委员会组织委员会成员:安全理事会甄选中国、法国、加蓬、墨西哥、 俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国担任委员会成员;经 济及社会理事会选举澳大利亚、巴西、埃及、几内亚比绍、摩洛哥、波兰和大韩 民国担任成员;加拿大、德国、日本、荷兰和瑞典作为从向联合国预算分摊会费 最高以及向联合国各基金、方案和机构、包括向建设和平常设基金自愿捐助最多 的 10 个国家中遴选出成员;孟加拉国、印度、尼泊尔、尼日利亚和巴基斯坦作 为从向联合国特派团派遣军事人员和民警最多的 10 个国家中遴选出的成员。
Pursuant to paragraphs 4 (a) to (d) of resolution 60/180, 24 States had already been elected and/or selected as members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission: China, France, Gabon, Mexico, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America selected by the Security Council; Australia, Brazil, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, Morocco, Poland and Republic of Korea elected by the Economic and Social Council; Canada, Germany, Japan, Netherlands and Sweden selected by and from among the top 10 providers of assessed contributions to United Nations budgets and of voluntary contributions to United Nations funds, programmes and agencies, including a standing peacebuilding fund; and Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan selected by and from among the top 10 providers of military personnel and civilian police to United Nations missions.
麻醉药品委员会各附属机构在 2011 年举行了五次会议:6 月 28 日至 7 月 1 日在维也纳举行了欧洲各国禁毒执法机构负责人第九次会议;9 月 5 日至 9 日在 亚的斯亚贝巴举行了非洲各国禁毒执法机构负责人 二十 一 次 会议;10 月 3 日 至 7 日在圣地亚哥举行了拉丁美洲和加勒比各国禁毒执法机构负责人 二十一 次会议;11 月 22 日至 25 日在阿格拉举行了亚洲和太平洋各国禁毒执法机构负 责人第三十五次会议;12 月 19 日至 22 日在维也纳举行了近东和中东非法药物 贩运和有关事项小组委员会四十六 届 会议。
Five meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs were held in 2011: the Ninth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (HONLEA), Europe, held in Vienna from 28 June to 1 July; the Twenty-first Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Africa, held in
Addis Ababa from 5 to 9
[...] September; the Twenty-first Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Santiago from 3 to 7 October; the Thirty-fifth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Asia and the Pacific, held in Agra, India, from 22 to 25 November; and the forty-sixth session of the Subcommission on Illicit Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and Middle East, held in Vienna from [...]
19 to 22 December.
又回顾《发展筹资问题多哈宣言:审查蒙特雷共识执行情况的发展筹资问题 后续国际会议成果文件》,4
[...] 还回顾社会发展问题世界首脑会议5 和大会二十四届特 别会议的成果,6 着重指出,面对当前多重相互关联的全球危机和挑战,如金融和经济危机、 [...]
要包括公共部门、私营部门和民间社会在内的所有相关伙伴开展合作,作出更大 的承诺,在这方面,认识到迫切需要实现包括千年发展目标在内的各项国际商定 发展目标
Recalling also the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development: outcome document of the Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus,4 Recalling further the outcomes
of the World Summit for Social
[...] Development5 and the twenty-fourth special session of [...]
the General Assembl y,6 Underlining
the fact that, in the face of the current multiple, interrelated global crises and challenges, such as the financial and economic crisis, the food crisis, volatile energy and commodity prices and climate change, cooperation and increased commitment by all relevant partners, including the public sector, the private sector and civil society, are needed more than ever, and recognizing in this context the urgent need to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals
鄺志強* 卜孝* 許  洪* 徐  清  (二零零七年十二月一日退任) (續) 根據本公司之公司細則第86(2)條及87(2)條,陸奕女士、梁順生先生、卜凡孝教授及許洪先生將於本公司即將舉 行之股東週年大會上任滿告退,而彼等均符合資格並願意於上述大會上膺選連任。
Hui Hung, stephen* (Continued) in accordance with clauses 86(2) and 87(2) of the Company’s bye-laws, ms. lu Yi, Gloria, mr. leung shun sang, tony, Professor bu Fan Xiao and mr.
二 , 我 留 意 到孝華 議員和 周梁淑怡議員均 提 到 , 當天內 地放旅 客 過 [...]
關 時出現一個現象 , 便 是 將 旅 客集中一起 放,即 有所謂 bunching 的 現 象, 集 中在午 後才放 旅 客 過 關,所 以
令 落 馬 洲 口 岸 非常擠 迫 。
Second, I notice that Mr Howard YOUNG and Mrs Selina [...]
CHOW both pointed out that on that particular day, the mainland authorities
let the travellers through the customs en masse, that is to say, a so-called "bunching" effect occurred where the travellers were allowed to get through the customs only after midday and that caused the Lok Ma Chau Control Point to become very congested.
十㆓、 楊孝華議 員問題的譯文:政府可否告知本局,自從機場巴士站於數月前遷離的 [...]
士站後,就的士流量及的士乘客的候車時間而言,提供給抵港旅客的機場的士服務是否 有任何改善?
MR HOWARD YOUNG asked: Will the [...]
Government inform this Council whether there has been any improvement, in terms of taxi
throughput and passengers' waiting time, to the taxi service for passengers arriving at the airport, since the airport bus stop was relocated away from the taxi stand a few months ago?
十㆒、 楊孝華議 員問題的譯文:政府可否告知本局,目前共有多少部車輛已安裝海底 [...]
隧道及香港仔隧道自動繳付通行費的電子設備,以及是否有計劃將此項自動繳費計劃推 展至其他收取通行費的隧道?
MR HOWARD YOUNG asked: Will the [...]
Government inform this Council of the number of vehicles equipped with an electronic device
for auto-toll use through the Cross Harbour and Aberdeen Tunnels, and whether there are plans to extend the auto-toll scheme to other toll tunnels?
委员会获悉,在四十八届和第四十 九 届会议之间,秘书长收到了安哥拉 的第三和第四次合并定期报告、布隆迪和格林纳达的 二 次 定 期报告、突尼斯第 三次定期报告、比利时,西班牙和苏丹的第三和第四次合并定期报告、以及丹麦 和尼加拉瓜的第四次定期报告。
The Committee was informed that
[...] between its forty-eighth and forty-ninth sessions, the Secretary-General had received the consolidated second, third and fourth periodic report of Angola, the second periodic reports [...]
of Burundi and
Grenada, the third periodic report of Tunisia, the consolidated third and fourth periodic reports of Belgium, Spain and Sudan and the fourth periodic reports of Denmark and Nicaragua.
主席团建议,委员会审议通过下列决议或决定:(a) 关于第四十三届会议的 议程项目的决定;(b) 关于 2011
[...] 年第四十四届会议主题的决定;以及(c) 关于四十二届会 议特别主题的决议,即“《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》对国际 [...]
The Bureau recommended that the Commission consider adopting the following resolutions or decisions: (a) a decision on the draft agenda for the fortythird session; (b) a
decision on the theme for its forty-fourth session in 2011; and (c) a resolution on the special
[...] theme of the forty-second session, namely, [...]
“The contribution of
the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development to the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals”.
委員同意按主席的建議,待政府當局就上述事 項作出書面回應後,法案委員會便會在2007年 2 月 28日 (星期三)上午8時 30分舉行的下次會議上,進一步討論平 權行動的事宜,以及政府當局提供的關於"有關條文是否 符合《基本法》二十四及第二十五 條" 的文件[ 立法會 CB(2)1019/06-07(04)號文件]。
At the suggestion of the Chairman, members agreed that, subject to the availability of the Administration's written response to the above issues, the Bills Committee would further discuss the subject of affirmative action as well as the Administration's paper on "Compatibility with Articles 24 and 25 of the Basic Law" [LC Paper No. CB(2)1019/06-07(04)] at the next meeting to be held on Wednesday, 28 February 2007 at 8:30 am.
在緊接句號之前加上“; (二十一) 增加長者資助宿位,延長長者日 間護理中心的開放時間;(二十二) 在考慮提供‘長期病患受養人免 稅額’及 ‘私人醫療保險供款免稅額’時,政府應同時研究發展私營 醫療保險制度對整個醫療體系的影響、海外國家對私營醫療保險 制度的規管,以及長遠在本港推行中央醫療保險制度的可行性; (二十三) 盡快實施‘全民退休保障計劃’,凡 60歲或以上的市民,均 有資格領取‘老年退休金’,確保長者能夠維持合理生活水準;及 (二十四) 針對現時巴士服務方面,落實分段收費及轉乘優惠”。
To add "; (u) to increase the number of subsidized places for the elderly and extend the opening hours of day care centres for the elderly; (v) in considering the provision of 'chronically ill dependant allowance' and 'allowance for private medical insurance contributions', the Government to concurrently study the impact of developing a private medical insurance system on the overall healthcare system, the regulation of private medical insurance systems in overseas countries, as well as the feasibility of implementing a central medical insurance system in Hong Kong in the long run; (w) to expeditiously implement a 'universal retirement protection scheme' whereby all citizens aged 60 or above are eligible for receiving an 'old age pension', so as to ensure that the elderly will be able to maintain a reasonable standard of living; and (x) targeting at the existing bus services, to implement sectional fares and interchange concessions" immediately before the full stop.
鄭家富議員:主席,首先十分多謝 楊 孝 華 議 員和譚耀宗議員提出一些另類 意見,因為我剛才聆聽辯論,發覺一直也是我們民主派議員在發言。
MR ANDREW CHENG (in Cantonese):
[...] President, first of all, I am very grateful to Mr Howard YOUNG and Mr TAM Yiu-chung [...]
for putting forward
some alternative viewpoints because, as I listened to the debate just now, I found that all along it was we, Members of the pro-democracy camp, who had been speaking all the time.
[...] 区域影响的局势,我谨请求安全理事会,在《联合国宪章》 二十四 条 赋予它的 权力范围内,以负责维持国际和平与安全的实体的身份,在特别会议上分析几内 [...]
几内亚比绍派遣一支维持和平部队举行辩论,这支维和部队将被赋予广泛的权 力,维护本国的政治稳定和捍卫几内亚比绍人民以极大的牺牲换来的民主进步以 及维护本国经济、社会和文化发展的愿望。
In this connection, with a view to containing this situation which is threatening the peace and security of Guinea-Bissau, with possible subregional consequences, I would like to hereby request
that the Security Council, within its
[...] powers enshrined under Article 24 of the [...]
Charter of the United Nations, in its capacity
as the entity charged with the maintenance of international peace and security, analyse at an extraordinary meeting the internal situation of Guinea-Bissau resulting from the non-acceptance of democratic, free, just and transparent elections; and debate the dispatch of a peacekeeping force to Guinea-Bissau, the latter to be charged with extensive powers aimed at the maintenance of political stability in the country and at defence of the democratic gains which the people of Guinea-Bissau obtained at great sacrifice and desire to preserve for the economic, social and cultural development of the country.
十㆔、 楊孝華議 員問題的譯文:政府可否告知本局,是否有計劃提高受資助大專院校 [...]
MR HOWARD YOUNG asked: Will the [...]
Government inform this Council whether there are plans to improve the quality of the staff
teaching Japanese language courses in subvented tertiary institutions and to strengthen such courses?
本核數師已完成審核載於第十四至 第一 百 二十 六 頁 之亞洲衛星控股有限公司(「貴公司」)及其附屬公司 (統稱為「貴集團」)之綜合財務報表,包括於二零零九年十二月三十一日的綜合資產負債表及公司資產負 債表,截至該日止年度的綜合全面收益表、綜合權益變動表及綜合現金流量表,以及主要會計政策概要 及其他附註說明。
We have audited the consolidated financial statements of Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings Limited (the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (together, the “Group”) set out on pages 54 to 126, which comprise the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December 2009, and the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory notes.
作为观察员出席会议的有:《第二议定书 四十二 个 缔 约方中的八个缔约 方(保加利亚、加拿大、厄瓜多尔、埃及、危地马拉、卢森堡、斯洛伐克和西班 [...]
牙);属《海牙公约》缔约国但不是《第二议定书》缔约方的五个国家(捷克共和 国、伊拉克、摩纳哥、俄罗斯联邦和土耳其);教科文组织的其他三个成员国(安道
尔、日本和美利坚合众国);一个常驻观察员(巴勒斯坦);一个政府间组织(红十 字国际委员会--ICRC);以及四个非政府组织(国际档案理事会--ICA、国际博物馆理 事会--ICOM 、国家古迹遗址理事会--ICOMOS 及国际图书馆协会和机构联合会-IFLA)--国际档案理事会观察员同时还代表国际蓝盾委员会(ICBS)。
Were also attending as observers : eight Parties (Bulgaria, Canada, Ecuador, Egypt,
Guatemala, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Spain)
[...] out of the then forty-two Parties to [...]
the Second Protocol; five States party to
the Hague Convention not Parties to the Second Protocol (the Czech Republic, Iraq, Monaco, the Russian Federation and Turkey); three other UNESCO Member States (Andorra, Japan and the United States of America); one Permanent Observer (Palestine); one intergovernmental organization (the International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC); and four non-governmental organizations (the International Council on Archives - ICA, the International Council of Museums - ICOM, the International Council on Monuments and Sites - ICOMOS and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions - IFLA) – the ICA observer also represented the International Committee of the Blue Shield (ICBS).
(乙) 按照大会第 377 A(V)号决议而举行的紧急特别会议, 应在秘书长收到安全理事会依据任何九个理事国的赞成票提出召 开此种会议的请求,或在收到联合国会员国过半数以其在临时委员 会的赞成票或以他种方式表示的请求,或在按照第九条规定得到会 员国过半数赞同开会的通知二十四 小 时 内召开。
(b) Emergency special sessions pursuant to General Assembly resolution 377 A (V) shall be convened within twenty-four hours of the receipt by the Secretary-General of a request for such a session from the Security Council, on the vote of any nine members thereof, or of a request from a majority of the Members of the United Nations expressed by vote in the Interim Committee or otherwise, or of the concurrence of a majority of Members as provided in rule 9.
本信託契約已分別根 據一九八九年十月十六日、一九九一年六月一日、一九九一年十一月二十六日、一九九一年十 二月二日、一九九二年三月三十一日、一九九三年六月七日、一九九六年四月十五日、一九九 九年六二十四日、二零零 一年十月三十一日、二零零二年十月七日及二零零七年七 月九日之 附加信託契約,以及一九九五年五月二十日之卸任及就任契約,和二零零三年十 二十四 日之 基金經理卸任及就任契約以及構成大福 SRI 亞洲基金的信託契約之修改而修訂。
This Trust Deed has been amended by supplemental trust deeds dated 16th October, 1989, 1st
June 1991, 26th
[...] November 1991, 2nd December 1991, 31st March 1992, 7th June 1993, 15th April 1996, 24th June 1999, 31st October 2001, 7th October 2002 and 9th July 2007 respectively, a Deed of Retirement and Appointment dated 20th May 1995 and a Deed of Retirement and Appointment of Manager and Modification of the Trust Deed constituting Taifook SRI Asia Fund dated 24th October 2003.
安全理事会回顾《2005 年世界首脑会议成果》(A/RES/60/1)、《北京 宣言和行动纲要》(A/CONF/177/20/Rev.1)、妇女会议和大会 二十 三 届特 别会议的成果,以及妇女地位委员会 四十 九 届会议在第四次妇女问题世界 会议十周年时发表的宣言(E/CN.6/2005/11)。
The Security Council recalls the 2005 World Summit Outcome (A/RES/60/1), the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (A/CONF/177/20/Rev.1), the outcomes
of the Conference
[...] and of the twentythird special session of the General Assembly, and the Declaration of the fortyninth session of the Commission on the Status of Women on the occasion of the tenth anniversary [...]
of the Fourth World
Conference on Women (E/CN.6/2005/11).
化工生产分组在缔约方二十四次会 议的间隙举行了一次闭会期间会议,因此,执 行委员会将收到关于该次会议以及执行委员会本次会议间隙内将要举行的会议的报告。
The Production Sector Sub-group had
convened an intersessional meeting in the
[...] margins of the Twenty-Fourth Meeting of the [...]
Parties and the Executive Committee would
have before it reports on that meeting and on the meeting to be held in the margins of the present Executive Committee meeting.
孝華議員重點講述法案委員會研究的主 要事宜,包括擬議非應邀電子訊息規管制度的涵蓋 [...]
範圍、擬議法例對政府的適用範圍、規管發送商業 電子訊息的規則、有效打擊職業濫發訊息者及其他 與發送商業電子訊息相關的非法活動的擬議措施、 以及擬議法例的執行。
Mr YOUNG highlighted the [...]
major issues examined by the Bills Committee, including coverage of the proposed regulatory scheme
for UEMs, application of the proposed legislation to the Government, rules governing the sending of commercial electronic messages, proposed measures for effective tackling of professional spammers and other illegal activities relating to the sending of commercial electronic messages, and enforcement of the proposed legislation.
[...] 域擠迫問題源於中港兩地採用不同的標準量度飛機之間的橫向 和縱向距離,孝華議 員籲請政府當局分配資源就此課題進行 [...]
Considering that the problem of airspace congestion in PRD had stemmed from the different standards in horizontal/vertical separation of
aircrafts adopted by the Mainland and Hong
[...] Kong, Mr Howard YOUNG called on the [...]
Administration to allocate resources in commissioning
a consultancy study on the subject for the reference of the aviation authorities concerned.




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