

单词 二十八宿

See also:









External sources (not reviewed)

本公司将根据上市规则第14A.35及 14A.48条寻求独立股东批准持续关连交 易及截至二零零九一零十二十一日止三个财政年度各年 之年度上限。
The Company would seek approval of the Independent Shareholders of the Continuing Connected Transactions and the Annual Cap for each of the three financial years ending 31 December 2008, 2009 and 2010 pursuant to Rules 14A.35 and 14A.48 of the Listing Rules.
委员会获悉,在第十八第四十九届会议之间,秘书长收到了安哥拉 的第三和第四次合并定期报告、布隆迪和格林纳达的期报告、突尼斯第 三次定期报告、比利时,西班牙和苏丹的第三和第四次合并定期报告、以及丹麦 和尼加拉瓜的第四次定期报告。
The Committee was informed that between its forty-eighth and forty-ninth sessions, the Secretary-General had received the consolidated second, third and fourth periodic report of Angola, [...]
the second periodic
reports of Burundi and Grenada, the third periodic report of Tunisia, the consolidated third and fourth periodic reports of Belgium, Spain and Sudan and the fourth periodic reports of Denmark and Nicaragua.
本 公司之股份登记总处将於二零一零年五十八(星零年五日(星期 二)(包括首尾两天)暂停办理股份过户登记手续。
The register of members of the Company will be closed from Tuesday, 18 May 2010 to Tuesday, 25 May 2010 (both days inclusive), during which period no transfer of shares in the Company will be effected.
有关谘询 会将於二零一一年七二十八二十三十日分别在荔枝角政府合署、香港中 央图书馆及香港科学馆举行。
She also invited traders to enrol to the forthcoming three public consultation forums to be held on 28 July 2011, 20 August 2011 and 30 August 2011 at Lai Chi Kok Government Offices, Hong Kong Central Library and Hong Kong Science Museum respectively.
根据第 172 EX/43 和 176 EX/45 号决定,并遵照大会二十八议(28 C/13.42 号决议)通过的和第三十一届会议(31 C/48 号决 议)修订的《关于联合国教科文组织与非政府组织(ONG)之关系的指 示》,以及大会第二十六届会议(26C/13.23 号决议)通过的和二十 八二十会议(28 C/13.5 号决议和 29 C/64 号决议)修订的《关 于联合国教科文组织与基金会及其他类似机构之关系的指示》,总干事 向执行局提交本文件。
The Director-General submits this document to the Executive Board pursuant to 172 EX/Decision 43 and 176 EX/Decision 45, and in accordance with the Directives concerning UNESCO's relations with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) adopted by the General Conference at its 28th session (28 C/Resolution13.42) and amended at its 31st session (31 C/Resolution 48) and those governing UNESCO's relations with foundations and similar institutions adopted by the General Conference at its 26th session (26 C/Resolution 13.23) and amended at its 28th and 29th sessions (28 C/Resolution 13.5 and 29 C/Resolution 64).
二、除非根据第六十七条或第十二在一项具有约束力的排他性法院选 择协议,承运人或海运履约方提起的诉讼寻求一项不承担赔偿责任声明的,或提 起的其他任何诉讼将剥夺一人根据第六十六条或第十八择诉讼地的权利 的,该承运人或海运履约方应在被告已选择根据第六十六条或第十八(两者 以适用者为准)所指定的法院的情况下,根据被告的要求撤回该诉讼,然后可以 在该法院重新提起诉讼。
2. Except when there is an exclusivechoice of court agreement that is binding pursuant to article 67 or 72, a carrier or a maritime performing party that institutes an action seeking a declaration of non-liability or any other action that would deprive a person of its right to select the forum pursuant to article 66 or 68 shall, at the request of the defendant, withdraw that action once the defendant has chosen a court designated pursuant to article 66 or 68, whichever is applicable, where the action may be recommenced.
Places government said, "TwelveFive-Year" period, [...]
the province's overall idea is that water development: distribution of
water resources based on characteristics of the province, highlighting the economic and social development and supporting capacity of matching resources to optimize economic and social development of the province's water and the main function of position, form a highly efficient, coordinated and sustainable East, central and western water development pattern.
为此,执行局第会议(1965 年)委托该委员会审议有关执行教育领域方面反对歧视的公约与建议案的定期报告,执行局八二议(1969 年)委托它审议国际劳工局与教科文组织混合专家委员会关于实施教 师地位的建议案的报告;执行局第一 O 五届会议(1978 年)委托它审议关于实施有关禁止和 阻止文物非法进口、出口和所有权转移的措施的公约与建议案的报告。
For instance, at its 71st session(1965) the Executive Board required the Committee to examine periodic reports relating to the implementation of the Convention and Recommendation on Discrimination in Education; at its 82nd session(1969) [...]
the report of the Joint
ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers; at its 105th session (1978) reports on the implementation of the Convention and Recommendation on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Export, Import and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property.
24 除上述所披露者外,本公司或其任何附属公司於截月三十日止六个月期间内概无 订立任何安排,使本公司董事或行政总裁可藉购入本公司或任何其他公司之股份或债务证券(包 括债券)而获益、而期内各董事、行政总裁、其配偶十八下之子女概无拥有任何认购本公 司证券之权利,亦未曾行使任何此等权利。
Save as disclosed above, at no time during the six months ended 30 June 2002 was the Company or any of its subsidiaries a party to any arrangements to enable the directors or the chief executive of the Company to acquire
benefits by means of acquisition of shares in,
[...] or debt securities (including debentures) of, the Company or any other body corporate and none of the directors, the chief executive, their spouses or children under theage of18, had any rights to subscribe for securities of the Company, or had exercised any such rights during the period.
(e) 该研究所的工作人员向国际预防诈骗大会提交文件,包括 2010 年举
[...] 行的注册舞弊审查师学会环太平洋地区舞弊问题会议;在英国剑桥大学耶稣学 院举行的二十八际经济犯罪专题讨论会。
(e) Staff members of the Australian Institute presented papers at international fraud prevention conferences, including the Association of Certified
Fraud Examiners’ Pacific Rim Fraud
[...] Conference 2010; the twenty-eighthInternational Symposium [...]
on Economic Crime, at Jesus College,
University of Cambridge (United Kingdom).
法律小组委员会满意地注意到外层空间使用核动力源问题工作组根据科学 和技术小组委员会第四十七届会议通过的多年期工作计划和目标(A/AC.105/ 958,附7 和第 8 段),在科学和技术小组委员会第十八十九届 会议期间组织的各次讲习班。
The Legal Subcommittee noted with satisfaction the workshops organized by the Working Group on the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space during the forty-eighth and the forty-ninth sessions of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee, in accordance with the multi-year workplan and objectives adopted by the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee at its forty-seventh session (A/AC.105/958, annex II, paras. 7 and 8).
动议批准及确认由本公司之全资附属公司东莞益豪时装有限公司、东莞达 利盛时装有限公司及达利(中国)有限公司於二零零七年十一月二十六日订
[...] 别)之各项条款及拟据此进行之交易,其中包括将截至二零一零十二十一日止三个财政年度各年之加工订单费年度上限由 初步加工协议所规定之9,900,000港元增至加工协议所规定之30,000,000港元; [...][...]
including, amongst other things, the increase of the annual cap for the Subcontracting Order Fee for each of the three financial years ending 31 December 2008, 2009 and 2010 from HK$9,900,000 under the Initial Subcontracting Agreement to HK$30,000,000 under the Subcontracting Agreement,
be and are hereby
[...] approved and confirmed and the entering into of the Subcontracting Agreement by [...]
Dongguan Yihao Fashions
Limited be and is hereby confirmed, approved and ratified.
然而,失控的城市化可能对人类福祉和社会经济发展有害;这样的城市化是 造成城市内外环境问题的一个关键因素,例如不可持续地利用为城市提供资源的生
[...] 态系统,以及城市对全球问题(例如沿海/海洋污染)的推动作用(见二十八)
However, uncontrolled urbanization can be detrimental to human well-being and socio-economic development; such urbanization is a key contributor to environmental issues inside and outside the city, such as the unsustainable use of ecosystems supplying
cities with resources and the contribution of cities to global issues, such as coastal/marine
[...] pollution (see figure XXVIII).
Round the clock personal and nursing care services, catering service, laundry service, group or individual counseling services as well as social and recreational activities were rendered to our residents.
本 公 司 合 规 顾 问 丰 盛 融 资 有 限 公 司(「 合 规 顾 问 」)表 示 , 除 本 公 司 与 合 规 顾 问 於 二 零 一二年 六二 十 八立 的 合 规 顾 问 协 议 外 , 於 二 零 一二年 六 月 三 十 日 , 合 规 顾 问 及 其 董 事 、 雇 员 或 联 系 人 士 概 无 拥 有有关 本 公 司 且 根 据 创 业 板 上 市 规 则 第 6A .32 条 须 知 会本集 团 的 任 何 权 益 。
As at 30 June 2012, as notified by the Company’s compliance adviser, Ample Capital Limited (the ‘‘ Compliance Adviser’’ ), except for the compliance adviser agreement entered into between the Company and the Compliance Adviser dated 28 June 2012, neither the Compliance Adviser nor its directors, employees or associates had any interests in relation to the Company which is required to be notified to the Group pursuant to Rule 6A.32 of the GEM Listing Rules.
根据大会第二十六届会议通过并经二十八二十会议修订的《关于联合国教科 文组织与基金会及其它类似机构之关系的指示》第 [...]
II 和第 V 条的要求,总干事在此向执行 局通报有关她就与基金会及其它类似机构建立为期六年且期满后可续延之正式关系所做决定 的情况。
Under Section II and Section V of the Directives [...]
concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions
adopted by the General Conference at its 26th session and amended at its 28th and 29th sessions, the Director-General shall inform the Executive Board of her decision to establish official relations with foundations and similar institutions for a renewable term of six years.
按照於二零一一年九二十八亦即股份在联交所暂停买卖前最後一个交易日)的股 [...]
份收市价每股0.161港元(相当於新股份每股16.1港元),假设股本重组已经生效而股份亦已 於联交所恢复买卖,新股份每手5,000股的价值将为80,500港元。
Based on the closing price of HK$0.161 per Share
(equivalent to HK$16.1 per New Share) as at 28
[...] September 2011, being thelast trading [...]
day before suspension of trading in the
Shares on the Stock Exchange, the value of each board lot of 5,000 New Shares, assuming the Capital Reorganisation had already been effective and the trading in the Shares on the Stock Exchange had been resumed, would be HK$80,500.
本公司与 黄先生亦分别於二零一零年四月二十三日、二零一零年六月十五日及二零一零年九二十八服务购股权协议订立三份独立补充协议,以延长达成服务购股权协议之先决条件之最後 日期。
The Company and Mr. Wong enteredinto three separate supplemental agreements to the Service Option Agreement on 23 April 2010, 15 June 2010 and 28 September 2010 to extend the last date on which the conditions precedent of the Service Option Agreement shall be fulfilled.




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