

单词 二八



16-year-old beauty


Shanghai incident of 28th January 1932, Chinese uprising against Japanese quarters of Shanghai


eight-to-two powder (TCM)

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

我們二○○八至○ 九財政年度已預留約5 億元,以支援準備新學制的各項工作。
We have earmarked about $500 million in the 2008-09 financial year to support the preparatory work for the new academic structure.
J.C.與他的家人二○○八年二月移 民,目前 在倫敦召會的一個區服事。
J.C., moved with his family in February 2008 and is serving in a district in the church in London.
F.C.於二○○七年八月搬到倫敦,二 ○ ○八 年一月開始在法國巴黎服事。
F.C., moved to London in August 2007 and has served in Paris, France since January 2008.
附註:匯兌收益/(虧損)淨額包括由外匯期貨合約產生之匯兌收益港幣五千萬元 二 ○○ 八年:匯兌虧損港幣二億二千萬元)。
Note: Net foreign exchange gain/(loss) included exchange gain of HK$50 million (2008: exchange loss of HK$220 million) arising from forward exchange contracts.
二○○八至○ 九財政年度,有關教育政策範圍的總 開支預算約為773億元,佔政府總開支24.7%, 二 ○ ○ 七至八年度 的修訂預算增加40%,主要因為我們將會 二 ○○ 八至○ 九年度設立一個180億元的研究基金,以及推行其他 有助進一步改善教育質素的措施。
The total expenditure for the policy area of education for the 2008-09 financial year is estimated at about $77.3 billion, accounting for 24.7% of total Government expenditure and representing an increase of 40% as compared with the revised estimate for 2007-08, mainly due to the provision of $18 billion for setting up a Research Endowment Fund in 2008-09 and the implementation of other initiatives to further improve the quality of education.
有關採礦/礦權許可證的到期日二 零 二八 年 十 二 月 五 日。
Expiry date of relevant mining/concession licences: 5 December 2028.
(xiv) 於二零零八年三 月十八日訂立的土地使用權租賃協議, 二 零 零 八 年 三 月十八日開始,及二零二八年三 月十八日屆滿,年租金為人民幣740,500元,該土地使用權與威海工業園區的 土地有關。
(xiv) Land use right lease agreement dated on 18 March 2008 with the commencement date and expiry date on 18 March 2008 and 18 March 2028, respectively, was entered at an annual rental of RMB740,500 for the land relating to the Weihai Industrial Park Area.
八十二、八十三和八十五条均系转载《宪章》第十八条的三项条款 原文。
Rules 82, 83 and 85 reproducing textually the three paragraphs of Article 18 of the Charter.
每股基本及攤薄盈利乃按是年股東應佔盈利港幣九十六億三千一百萬元 二 ○ ○ 八 年 : 港幣 三十四億三千二百萬元)及在截至二○○九年 二 ○ ○ 八 年 十 二 月 三 十一日止年度一直皆已 發行的二十億三千二百萬股普通股而計算。
The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is based on profit attributable to equity shareholders for the year of HK$9,631 million (2008: HK$3,432 million) and 2,032 million ordinary shares in issue throughout the years ended 31 December 2009 and 2008.
在 2009 年 12 月 13 日以及于 2009 年 12 月
14 日提交法庭书记官处的一封信函中,孟加拉国外交
[...] 部部长通知法庭庭长,根据《联合国海洋法公约》二八七条,缅甸和孟加拉国分别于 2009 [...]
年 11 月 4 日 和 2009 年 12 月 12 日发表声明,其中两个国家均接 受法庭作为解决其海洋边界争端的机构所拥有的管 辖权。
In a letter dated 13 December 2009 and filed in the Registry of the Tribunal on 14 December 2009, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh notified the
President of the Tribunal of declarations issued
[...] under article 287 of the United Nations [...]
Convention on the Law of the Sea, by Myanmar
on 4 November 2009, and by Bangladesh on 12 December 2009, in which both countries accepted the jurisdiction of the Tribunal as the forum for settlement of their maritime boundary dispute.
憑著其廣闊的內地航空網絡、頻密的班次,以及在內地營運航班服務的豐富經驗,港龍航空連續六年在Skytrax研究機構的旅客調查中,獲選爲「中國地區最佳航空公司」 二 ○ ○ 八 年 獲該機構選為「東南亞地區最佳區域航空公司」,於二○一○年及二○一一年更獲選為「全球最佳區域航空公司」。
The airline’s expertise has been recognised in its winning the Best Airline – China category for six consecutive years in the respected Skytrax passenger survey.
具 體 詳 見 本 公 司 於 2009年5月26日 發 佈 的《發 行 紅 股 及 派 發 股 息 股 票 及 支 票 的 寄 發 日 期 及 開 始 買 賣 的 日 期 為 非 居 民 企 業 股 東 代扣企業所得稅 》公告以及於2009年5月2'日的發佈的 二 ○ ○ 八 年 度 利潤分配及資本公積金轉增股本公告 》。
For details please refer to the announcement of the Company “Bonus Shares Issue and Dividends payment, Date of Dispatch of Shares Certificates and Cheques, Date of Commencement of Dealings, Withholding of EnterpriseIncomeTaxforNon-resident,EnterpriseShar eholders”dated26May2009andthe“Announcement of profit distribution and capitalisation of capital reserves for 2008” dated 2' May 2009.
二十八届会 议期间,法庭继续根据书记官处编制的文件,审议有关法庭 管辖权和对《规约》第二十条、《公约》 二八 七 条 和《规则》第 138 条的解释 问题。
During the twenty-eighth session, on the basis of a document prepared by the Registry, the Tribunal considered questions concerning the jurisdiction of the Tribunal and the interpretation [...]
of article
20 of the Statute, article 287 of the Convention, and article 138 of the Rules.
二○○八年二月五 日,本集團持有66.8%權益的海港企業建議透過按合資格股東當時持有每兩股現有普通股獲配發一股供股股 份的比例,以每股供股股份港幣二 元 八 角 的 認購價供股的方式,發行157,500,000股每股面值港幣五角的新普通股。
On 5 February 2008, HCDL, 66.8%-owned by the Group, proposed to issue 157,500,000 new ordinary shares of HK$0.50 each by way of a rights issue in the proportion of one rights share for every two existing ordinary shares then held by qualifying shareholders at a subscription price of HK$12.80 per rights share.
关于 决议草案序言部分二、八和九 段以及执行部分第 2 和 4 段,他表示《北京宣言和行动纲要》和后续审查 [...]
及评价会议发表的案文绝不意味或暗示美国打算建 立新的权利,或打算建立或承认堕胎权利。
Referring to the second, eighth and ninth preambular [...]
paragraphs and to paragraphs 2 and 4 of the draft resolution, he said
that the references to the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and their five- and ten-year reviews did not imply or suggest that States intended to create any new rights and, in particular, did not in any way suggest the creation or recognition of the right to abortion.
每股攤薄盈利乃根據本年度之公司股東應佔盈利港幣一百三十一億四千三百萬元(二○○六年:港幣一百零七億五千七百萬元)及二○○八年一月已完成的供股所有可攤薄盈利的潛在普通股的影響作出調整後的加權平均數二十四億五千六百萬股(二○○六年: 二十四億四千八百萬股)普通股而計算。
The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the earnings attributable to ordinary equity shareholders for the year of HK$13,143 million (2006: HK$10,757 million) and the weighted average of 2,456 million (2006: 2,448 million) ordinary shares after adjusting for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares resulting from the Rights Issue which was completed in January 2008.
創見資訊(Transcend):為一間以各式記憶體、數位記憶卡、USB行動碟、可攜式硬碟產品、多媒體產品與其他週邊產品作為主要產品的公司,攤位號碼 二八 三 一,展出電玩相關的記憶體、SSD硬碟等產品。
Transcend: Providing all types of memory products, digital memory cards, USB mobile hard drives, portable hard drive products, multimedia products and other peripheral products, Transcend exhibited gaming related memory products and SSD hard drives at Booth No. 2831.
依 金 管 會 於 一 ○ 一 年 四 月 六 日 發 布 之 金 管 證 發 字 第 一 ○ 一 ○ ○二 八 六 五 號 函 令 規 定 , 首 次 採 用 IFRSs 時 , 應 就 帳 列 股 東 權 益 項 下 之 未 實 現 重 估 增 值 及 累 積 換 算 調 整 數( 利 益 ), 因 選 擇 適 用 國 際 財 務 報 導 準 則 第 1 號 豁 免 項 目 而 轉 入 保 留 盈 餘 部 分 , 分 別 提 列 相 同 數 額 之 特 別 盈 餘 公 積 ; 但 轉 換 日 因 首 次 採 用 IFRSs 產 生 之 保 留 盈 餘 增 加 數 不 足 提 列 時 , 得 僅 就 因 轉 換 採 用 IFRSs 產 生 之 保 留 盈 餘 增 加 數 予 以 提 列 。
Under Order 1010012865 issued by the FSC on April 6, 2012, on the first-time adoption of IFRSs, an entity should appropriate as special reserve an amount the same as the amount of the IFRS adjustment an entity may use the exemption application specified in IFRS 1 and reset the unrealized revaluation increment and cumulative translation differences under stockholders’ equity to zero, with the reset to result in an increase in retained earnings.
2009年2月6日,深圳市长许宗衡主持召开市政府四届 二八 次 常务会议,研究审议并原则通过了《深圳市LED产业发展规划(2009-2015年)》、《深圳市推广高效节能LED照明产品示范工程实施方案》、《深圳市LED产业公共技术服务平台建设方案》、《关于促进半导体照明产业发展的若干措施》、《关于光明LED产业聚集园区规划研究及相关实施建议》、《LED国际交易采购中心筹建工作方案》等一系列支持LED产业发展的政策文件,全面扶持LED产业发展。
February 6, 2009, Shenzhen
[...] Mayor Xu fourth twelve city hosted eight executive meeting [...]
approved in principle the "Shenzhen
LED Industry Development Plan (2009-2015)", "Shenzhen to promote energy efficient LED lighting demonstration project implementation plan "," Shenzhen LED industry, public technical service platform, "the" on the promotion of semiconductor lighting industry, a number of measures "," gathered on a bright LED industry park and the related implementation of the proposed planning studies, "" LED International Procurement Centre's establishment program trading "and a series of policies to support the development of LED industry documents, full support for the LED industry.
鼓励尚未作出书面声明的公约缔约国考虑作出书面声明,在《公约》二八七条 所列各种方式中作出选择,用于解决涉及《公约》和《第十一部分协定》 的解释或适用的争端,同时铭记《公约》第十五部分所规定的解决争端机制的全 面性;41.
Encourages States Parties to the Convention that have not yet done so to consider making a written declaration choosing from the means set out in article 287 of the Convention for the settlement of disputes concerning the interpretation or application of the Convention and the Part XI Agreement, bearing in mind the comprehensive character of the dispute settlement mechanism provided for in Part XV of the Convention
反對者二○○八年十 月二 十三日來信,支持在沒有過度填海的情況下盡早 興建主幹道。反對者亦認為取消臨時防波堤恰當 及符合法律規定。
In a letter dated 23 October 2008, the objector supported that the Trunk road should be built as soon as possible, but without excessive reclamation, and considered that the deletion of the temporary breakwater to be proper and in compliance with the law.
成員來自台灣的企業菁英和知識份子,在228期間,他們積極擔任人民和 陳儀間的協調角色,因此,很多也 二二八 事 件 處理委員會(228 Settlement Committee)的主要人物,臨時形成的委員會由來自台灣社會各部分的人組成,以便於處理當時的情況以及和陳儀協商改革事宜。
Its members came from Taiwan’s entrepreneurial and intellectual elite and during 2.28 they took on an active role in mediating between the people and Chen Yi. As such, many of them were also at the forefront of the “2.28 Settlement Committee” (二二八事件處理委員會), a body formed ad hoc with members from all parts of Taiwanese society to deal with the situation and to negotiate reforms with governor Chen Yi.
根据大会第二十六届会议通过并经 二 十 八 、 二 十 九 届会议修订的《关于联合国教科 文组织与基金会及其它类似机构之关系的指示》第 [...]
II 和第 V 条的要求,总干事在此向执行 局通报有关她就与基金会及其它类似机构建立为期六年且期满后可续延之正式关系所做决定 的情况。
Under Section II and Section V of the Directives [...]
concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions
adopted by the General Conference at its 26th session and amended at its 28th and 29th sessions, the Director-General shall inform the Executive Board of her decision to establish official relations with foundations and similar institutions for a renewable term of six years.
為確保校園管理邁向國際環保要求, 二 ○ ○ 八 年 開 始,考取ISO 14001:2004環境管理系統認證,且成功續考至今。
The school has obtained the certification of Environmental Management System (EMS) – ISO 14001:2004 – to ensure that our environmental management has reached the international standard since 2008 and successfully kept on getting it until now.
本公司將根據上市規則第14A.35及 14A.48條尋求獨立股東批准持續關連交 易及截二零零八、二零零 九及二零一零年十二月三十一日止三個財政年度各年 之年度上限。
The Company would seek approval of the Independent Shareholders of the Continuing Connected Transactions and the Annual Cap for each of the three financial years ending 31 December 2008, 2009 and 2010 pursuant to Rules 14A.35 and 14A.48 of the Listing Rules.
動議批准及確認由本公司之全資附屬公司東莞益豪時裝有限公司、東莞達 利盛時裝有限公司及達利(中國)有限公司於二零零七年十一月二十六日訂
[...] 別)之各項條款及擬據此進行之交易,其中包括將截 二 零 零 八 、 二 零 零 九及 二零一零年十二月三十一日止三個財政年度各年之加工訂單費年度上限由 [...]
including, amongst other things, the increase of the annual cap for the Subcontracting Order Fee for each of the three financial years ending 31 December 2008, 2009 and 2010 from HK$9,900,000 under the Initial Subcontracting Agreement to HK$30,000,000 under the Subcontracting Agreement,
be and are hereby approved and
[...] confirmed and the entering into of the Subcontracting [...]
Agreement by Dongguan Yihao Fashions
Limited be and is hereby confirmed, approved and ratified.
委 員 會 於 考 慮 中 期 研 究 的 意 見 後 , 於 一八 二 年 八 月 修 改 了 檢 討 範 圍 , 將 其 限 於 研 究 在 民 事 法 律 程 序 中 有 關 傳 聞 證 據 的 法 律 和 常 規 。
After considering the findings of the interim study, the Commission reframed the reference in August 1982, to limit the study to an examination of the law and practice in relation to the hearsay rule in civil proceedings.
亞洲二號衛星於一九九五年十一月發射升空 ,定位於東經一百點五度 。該衛星載有二十四個 C 波段和 九個 Ku 波段轉發器 ,於二零零七年六月三十日之整體使用率為百分之四 八 ( 二 零 零 六年十二月三十一日: 百分之四十七)。
AsiaSat 2 was launched in November 1995 and is positioned at 100.5o E. This satellite carries a payload of 24 C-band and 9 Ku-band transponders, and its overall utilisation rate as at 30 June 2007 was 48% (31 December 2006: 47%).




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