单词 | 二元 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 二元 noun —dualist ndualism n二元 —binaryless common: two yuan • two dollars 二元 adjective —dualisticExamples:二元醇—ethyl alcohol C2H5OH 二元论 n—dualism n 二元论—dualism, belief that the universe is made of two different substance (e.g. mind and matter or good and evil) 三十二位元—32-bit (computing)
下面的图 3 通过一 个简单的二元混合 物揭示了这些系统的典型行为。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | Typical behavior of these systems is [...] illustrated for simple binary mixtures in Figure [...]3 below. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
第一个标准是:国际法规范是否 可直接适用于国内法(一元制),是否必须先纳入国内 法 ( 二元 制 )。 daccess-ods.un.org | The first test is whether the norms of international law are [...] directly applicable in [...] domestic law (monist system) or whether they must first be incorporated into domestic law (dualist system). daccess-ods.un.org |
在具有二元论系 统的国家问题 比较不严重:国际条约本身不被适用,虽然,在所有情况下,国家法官将适用最近期的国内 法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The problem is less acute in [...] States with a dualist system: international [...]treaties are not applied as such, although, in [...]all cases, national judges will apply the most recent domestic law. daccess-ods.un.org |
局限于二元论方法的框架会越来越多 地显露其不足之处。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Frameworks that are [...] limited to a dualism approach will [...]become increasingly inadequate. unesdoc.unesco.org |
爱尔兰实行二元制,按照这一制度,除非议会通过立法作出决定,爱尔兰 为其缔约国的国际协定不成为国内法的组成部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ireland has a dualist system under [...] which international agreements to which Ireland becomes a party do not become part of [...]domestic law unless so determined by the Oireachtas through legislation. daccess-ods.un.org |
因為在這個阿契美尼德題詞是絕對沒有痕跡的 是 二元 的 特點和所有普遍的特點,阿維斯塔,並沒有提及任何的偉大先知Zoroaster [...] ,或啟示了他的喉舌。 mb-soft.com | For in this Achaemenid inscriptions there is absolutely [...] no trace of the dualism which is the characteristic [...]and all-prevailing feature of [...]the Avesta, and no allusion whatever to the great prophet Zoroaster, or the revelation of which he was the mouthpiece. mb-soft.com |
有些镜头有第 二元件,位于第一元件和胶片之间。 motion.kodak.com | Some lenses include a second element, positioned between the first element and the film. motion.kodak.com |
相反,法院如果不依据“Lotus”案判决,原本可以探讨国际法是否可 [...] 以在某个问题上特意保持中立或沉默,是否允许容忍概念,因为这一概念可以打 破对许可/禁止的二元理解 ,从而允许有一系列非禁止的选项。 daccess-ods.un.org | By contrast, by moving away from “Lotus”, the Court could have explored whether international law can be deliberately neutral or silent on a certain issue, and whether it allows for [...] the concept of toleration, something which [...] breaks from the binary understanding of [...]permission/prohibition and which allows [...]for a range of non-prohibited options. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于要求加速使以色列的国家立法符合以色列加入的主要国际文书的规 [...] 定的建议,以色列指出,尽管由于其 二元 法 律 体制,国际条约没有直接被纳入以色 [...] 列立法,但以色列仍致力于确保国内立法、政策和实践符合其国际承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to the recommendation calling for the acceleration of the process of bringing Israel's national legislation in compliance with the provisions of the main international instruments to which it is a party, Israel noted that [...] while international treaties are not [...] directly incorporated into Israeli legislation, [...]given its dualistic system of law, it [...]remains committed to ensuring that domestic legislation, policies and practice comply with its international commitments. daccess-ods.un.org |
這似乎是最喜歡的學說現代Parsees孟買,可以看出先生Navroji Maneckji阿卡勒的文章在“東方巴比倫和記錄” [...] 5月, 1900年(第八224-28 ) ,它聲稱是嚴格成立於教學的Gathas [...] ;但是,儘管這樣的發展思路真正一神教的拜火 教 二元 論 , 這些理論不能真正被稱為Avestic所有,但在迄今為止的Zrvana [...]Akarana是一個Avestic任期。 mb-soft.com | This seems the favourite doctrine of the modern Parsees of Bombay, as may be seen in Mr. Navroji Maneckji Kanga's article in the "Babylonian and Oriental Record" for May, 1900 (VIII, 224-28), and it is claimed to be strictly founded on teaching of the Gathas; but although such a [...] development of thought a real monotheism with [...] the Zoroastrian dualism, these theories [...]cannot really be called Avestic at all, [...]except in so far as Zrvana Akarana is an Avestic term. mb-soft.com |
面对这个展览,我们需要带着审慎的姿态,思考这样一个事实:资本政权所传播的重新发展的逻辑,已经阻碍了自然生态的改变,因此,除了发展与重新发展 的 二元 对 立 逻辑,人们需要为社会的未来想出一个其他的办法。 shanghaibiennale.org | Countered toward this exhibition, we need to gather head and chest depth view to ponder that the logic of redevelopment disseminated by the power of the state and capital obstruct these ecological changes and from the [...] result people need to imagine an alternative of future [...] society beyond the dichotomous logic of development [...]and redevelopment. shanghaibiennale.org |
399 此外,对国际法来说,国内法是奉行 一 元 论 或 二元 论 的涉讼国家 所依靠的“ 简单事实”,400 在国际一级提出而未经撤回的保留原则上在国际一级 继续发挥充分的效力,保留国继续可以利用它来对付其他缔约国,尽管这种态度 可能使人对真诚原则发生疑问。 daccess-ods.un.org | (12) These examples, taken together, show that the withdrawal of a reservation may never be implicit: a withdrawal occurs only if the author of the reservation declares formally and in writing, in accordance with the rule embodied in article 23, paragraph 4, of the Vienna Conventions and reproduced in guideline 2.5.2, that he intends to revoke it. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此 政 府 應該加 大 力度, 為 各 種高就業商業模式的 拓 展 提 供 方 便 , 積 極 發展二元經 濟,為 基 層 勞工創 造 更 多 的 就業機 會 。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, the Government should dial up its strength, facilitate the development of various business models which offer high employment opportunities and develop actively the dual economy to create more job opportunities for the grassroots. legco.gov.hk |
本年度之虧損約為 8,324,000 港元(二零零 八年:虧損 54,209,000 港元),主要是本 集團於截至二零零九年十二月三十一日止年度之經營成本所致。 cflg.com.hk | Loss for the year was approximately HK$8,324,000 (2008: loss of HK$54,209,000) which was mainly contributed by the operating cost of the Group during the year ended 31 December 2009. cflg.com.hk |
截至二零零五年六月三十日止六個月,共同控制及聯屬公司的應佔稅項分別為港幣七千一百 萬 元 ( 二 零 零四 年六月三十日:港幣五千二百萬元; 二 零 零四年十二月三十一日:港幣一億六千四百萬元)及港幣七千九百 萬元(二零零 四年六月三十日:港幣一億九 千 二 百 萬 元 ; 二 零 零四年十二月三十一日:港幣三億八千三百萬 元),已列入共同控制及聯屬公司的應佔溢利減虧損項下。 swirepacific.com | Share of jointly controlled and associated [...] companies’ taxation for the six months ended 30th June 2005 of HK$71 million (30th June 2004: HK$52 million; 31st December 2004: HK$164 million) and HK$79 million (30th June 2004: HK$192 million; 31st December 2004: HK$383 million) respectively are included in the share of [...]profits less losses [...]of jointly controlled and associated companies. swirepacific.com |
於二零零五年六月三十日,本集團之資本承諾總額為港幣二千九百 萬 元 ( 二 零 零 四年十二月三十 一日:港幣二千一百萬元),其中港幣八百 萬 元 ( 二 零 零 四年十二月三十一日:港幣一千六百萬元) 已簽訂合約,但尚未於財務報表作出準備;其餘港幣二千一百 萬 元 (二 零零四年十二月三十一日: 港幣五百萬元)已得到董事局授權,但尚未簽訂合約。 asiasat.com | As at 30 June 2005, the Group had total capital commitments of HK$29 million (31 December 2004: HK$21 million), of which HK$8 million (31 December 2004: HK$16 million) was contracted for but not provided in the financial statements, and the remaining HK$21 million (31 December 2004: HK$5 million) was authorised by the Board but not yet contracted. asiasat.com |
每股盈利乃根據截至二零零二年六月三十日止期間之股東應佔溢利港幣二 億四千萬元(二零零 一年六月三十日止期間為港幣一億七千五百萬元)及於該 期間內已發行之加權平均股份數目 166,334,707 股(二零零一年六月三十日止 期間為 166,983,450 股)普通股計算。 swirepacific.com | Earnings per share are calculated by reference to the profit attributable to shareholders for the period ended 30th June 2002 of HK$240 million (period ended 30th June 2001 : HK$175 million) and on the weighted average number of 166,334,707 (period ended 30th June 2001 : 166,983,450) ordinary shares in issue during the period. swirepacific.com |
IAS 39 所訂明及財務報表附註 2.4 所披露的投資持倉估值,與按日期為二零一一年八月六日的子 基金信託契約所示方法計算所得金額之間的差額,導致在計算每基金單位資產淨值以處理子基金認購及贖 回時計算子基金於二零一二年十二月三十一日的資產淨值中產生差額人民幣 7,337,726 元(二零一一年: 人民幣 10,842,390 元)。 htisec.com | The difference between the valuation of investment position as prescribed by IAS 39 and as disclosed in Note 2.4 to the financial statements, and the methodology indicated in the Sub-Fund's Trust Deed dated 6 August 2011 results in a difference in the calculation of the Sub-Fund's net asset value of RMB7,337,726 (2011: RMB10,842,390) as of 31 December 2012 for the purpose of calculating the net asset value per unit for processing subscription and redemptions in the Sub-Fund. htisec.com |
於二零零二年六月三十日,本公司為授予從事物業發展聯營公司尚未使用之融資信貸所給予之個別及 按比例保證為391,000,000港元(二 零 零 一年十二月三十一日:125,000,000港元)。 wingtaiproperties.com | At 30 June 2002, the Company’s share of several and proportionate guarantees, given in respect of unutilised credit facilities granted by financial institutions to associates of the Group which are engaged in property development, amounted to HK$391.0 million (31 December 2001: HK$125.0 million). wingtaiproperties.com |
存貨成本包括與員工成本、折舊開支及存貨撇減有關的人民幣153,02 1, 0 0 0 元 ( 二 零 零 八 年:人民幣144,338,000元),該等金額亦包括在上文或附註5(ii)獨立披露的各項該等類別 開支各自的總金額內。 cre8ir.com | Cost of inventories includes RMB153,021,000 (2008 : RMB144,338,000) relating to staff costs, depreciation expenses and write down of inventories which amounts are also included in the respective total amounts disclosed separately above or in Note 5(ii) for each of these types of expenses. cre8ir.com |
截至二零一二年九月三十日止三個月及九個月期間,金額包括股份購回責任的融資成本資本化部分分別 為零加元及 1,878,488 加元(二零一一年-2,635,882 加元及 4,164,276 加元)及信用貸款的資本化融資成 本分別為零加元及 236,873 加元(二零一 一年-零加元及零加元)。 sunshineoilsands.com | For the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2012, amount comprises of [...] $Nil and $1,878,488 [...] (2011 - $2,635,882 and $4,164,276), respectively, for capitalized portion of finance costs on share repurchase obligation and $Nil and $236,873 (2011 - $Nil and $Nil), respectively, [...]capitalized [...]finance costs on credit facility. sunshineoilsands.com |
截至二零一二年十二月三十一日止,本集團支付總數為95百萬美 元(二零一 一年:140百萬美元,差額的大部分乃由於Kazzinc的大型 投資項目完成所致)之純慈善及社區投資用途之款項。 glencore.com | For the year ended 31 December 2012, the Group spent a total of $ 95 million (2011: $ 140 million), a large part of this difference due to the conclusion of an extensive investment project at Kazzinc on both purely philanthropic and community investment initiatives. glencore.com |
截至二零一二年九月三十日止三個月及九個月 期間,已確認融資成本總額分別為零加元及 266,090 加元(二零一 一年-零加元及零加元),其中零加 元及 236,873 加元(二零一 一年-零加元及零加元)已分別於勘探及評估資產中資本化,而餘下零加元 及 29,217 加元(二零一 一年-零加元及零加元)已於融資成本中支銷。 sunshineoilsands.com | During the three and nine month periods ended September 30, 2012, total finance costs of $Nil and $266,090 (2011 - $Nil and $Nil), respectively, were recognized, of which $Nil and $236,873 (2011 -$Nil and $Nil), respectively, was capitalized in exploration and evaluation assets with the remaining $Nil and $29,217 (2011 - $Nil and $Nil), respectively, expensed in finance costs. sunshineoilsands.com |
持續經營及已終止經營業務的每股基本及攤薄盈利乃根據本年度來自持續經營及已 終止經營業務的溢利分別為122,695,000 港元 (二零一零年: 132,900,000 港元) 及 549,885,000港元 (二零一零年: 114,483,000 港元) 以及上文詳述的分母計算。 sis.com.hk | The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share from continuing and discontinued operations are based on the profit for the year from the continuing and discontinued operations of HK$122,695,000 (2010: HK$132,900,000) and HK$549,885,000 (2010: HK$114,483,000) respectively and the denominators detailed above. sis.com.hk |
於 二 零 一 零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 , 本 集 團 之 現 金 及 現 金 等 價 物 總 額 為 49.64 百 萬 港 元( 二 零零九 年 ︰ 26.64 百 萬 港 元 ), 綜 合 資 產 淨 值 則 為 149.70 百 萬 港 元( 二 零零九 年 ︰ 147.86 百 萬 港 元 )。 cigyangtzeports.com | The Group also had total cash and cash equivalents of HK$49.64 million as at 31 December 2010 (2009: HK$26.64 million) and consolidated net assets of HK$149.70 million (2009: HK$147.86 million). cigyangtzeports.com |
於 二 零 零 七 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日, 就 按 融 資 租 賃 持 有 之 資 產 而 言, 本 集 團 電 腦 設 備 之 賬 面 淨 值 包 括 為 數 約 504,000港元(二零零六年:1,221,000港元)。其中賬面值約504,0 00 港 元 ( 二 零 零 六年:1,094,000港元) 之電腦設備,乃根據與最終控股公司之附屬公司南方國際租賃有限公司( 「南方租賃」)訂立之融資租約安排而 持有。 gdc-world.com | at 31 December 2007, net book values of computer equipment of the Group included an amount of approximately HK$504,000 (2006: HK$1,221,000) in respect of assets held under finance leases. out of which, computer equipment with carrying values of approximately HK$504,000 (2006: HK$1,094,000) are held under finance lease arrangement with south China international leasing Company limited (“south China leasing”), a subsidiary of the ultimate holding company. gdc-world.com |
二零一二年六月三十日,倘人民幣兌港幣上升或下跌100個基準點而其他變數 維持不變,本集團權益將增加或減少約港幣6,00 0, 0 0 0 元 ( 二 零 一 一年十二月 三十一日:約港幣6,000,000元),主要是由於以人民幣計值的營運資金結構 性持倉淨額引致的外匯影響所致。 publicbank.com.hk | At 30 June 2012, if RMB had strengthened or weakened by 100 basis points against HKD with all other variables held constant, the Group's equity would have increased or decreased by HK$6 million (31 December 2011: HK$6 million) mainly as a result of foreign exchange impact arising from net structural position of RMB denominated operating capital. publicbank.com.hk |
二零零七年上半年之經營開支為港幣九千萬 元(二零零 六年:港幣九千九百萬元),減少了港幣九百萬元 ,主要原因為衛星在軌保險費用下降 ,以及 二零零六年部分表現花紅之準備回撥 。 asiasat.com | Operating expenses in the first half of 2007 amounted to HK$90 million (2006: HK$99 million), a decrease of HK$9 million due mainly from a reduction in satellite in-orbit insurance and a reversal of certain performance bonus provisions in relation to 2006. asiasat.com |
於二零零八年九月三十日,本集團已付予南京新一棉之購買按金總額約為32,642,0 00 港 元 ( 二零 零 八年三月三十一日:55,577,000港元),已計入按金、預付款項及其他應收款項。 equitynet.com.hk | As at 30 September 2008, the aggregate amount of purchase deposits placed by the Group in Nanjing Synergy was approximately HK$32,642,000 (31 March 2008: HK$55,577,000) which were included in deposits, prepayments and other receivables. equitynet.com.hk |