

单词 二人世界

See also:


second generation (e.g. Chinese Americans)
the Second (of numbered kings)


the world
this world
the world of the living




(common) people

External sources (not reviewed)

What would be the best time of the day for you to set aside for time together?
Chen Yinghui that chopsticks base in the vicinity of housing estates, such as the Willow Garden, Jiaying Wai Tsui Garden Garden and, due to unit area ranging from 600 feet to 900 feet in between, and the price, but millions units a green Yang Haijing for example, an area of ​​750 sq ft, Erfangyiting, also for only eight or nine hundred thousand; the other examples, such as high-level Jiaying Garden Liang Jing, a pretty decoration, more than 700 feet per unit area, and the estate platform has a garden, badminton games and barbecue facilities
and so the price has more than 80 million only, the most suitable for just the
[...] wedding couple had two oftheworld live.
Whether you are after an indulgent weekend retreat, a romantic oasis, a family getaway or a base for business, The Langham Xintiandi has 357 enchanting rooms and suites to suit your needs.
他们还指出世界人的三分在不允许使用莱克多 巴胺的国家。
They pointed out thattwo thirds of the world population was living [...]
in countries where ractopamine was not authorized.
经社会认识到世界三分生活在亚太 区域,而且农村与城市区域之间、不同的社会和各族群体之间、以及各国国 内不同地区之间仍然存在着明显的差距。
It recognized that the Asia-Pacific region remained
[...] home to almost two thirds of the worlds poor and that there were [...]
visible disparities between
rural and urban areas, between different social and ethnic groups, and between regions within countries.
世界际十年的框架下,联合国系统及其会员国和土着人 民应当共同努力实现千年发展目标的第八个目标, 尤其是消除极度贫困和饥饿,保护环境,建立世界 [...]
In the context oftheSecond International Decade oftheWorld’s Indigenous Peoples, [...]
the United Nations system, Member States
and indigenous peoples should make every effort to achieve the eight Millennium Development Goals, in particular eradication of extreme poverty and hunger, environmental sustainability and the establishment of a global partnership for development.
会议强调世界困和饥饿生活在亚太区域,因此需要根 据本区域面临的粮食安全挑战,向本区域提供充足的资金,并呼吁粮农组织据此情 况分配预算资源。
The Conference emphasized the need for adequate financial resources to be provided to the Asia-Pacific region, commensurate with the challenges of achieving food security in the region, which is home to two-thirds of the world’s poor and hungry, and called upon FAO to allocate budget resources accordingly.
在把秘书处的工作转化为成果的过程中,《公约》已进入强化实施阶 段,并积极寻求和鼓励土着和地方社区参与第
[...] 8(j)条和相关条款工作组工作方案 的审查、制定和执行过程,从而为实现世界十年的各项目标作 出了直接的贡献。
In distilling the work of the secretariat into outcomes, the Convention has entered a period of enhanced implementation and actively seeks and encourages the involvement of indigenous and local communities in the review, development and implementation of the work programme of the Working Group on Article 8
(j) and related provisions, which contributes directly to
[...] the goalsof the SecondDecade oftheWorld’s Indigenous People.
执行秘书在演讲中首先提请经社会回顾世界结束后出现的 重大过渡时期,并指出在这一过渡时期内具有远见卓识的亚太领策 者汇聚一堂,努力在彼此之间建立起团结、合作和友谊的新纽带。
The Executive Secretary commenced her
statement by
[...] reminding the Commission that, in the period of great transition following the SecondWorld War, Asia-Pacific leaders and policymakers of vision and foresight had come [...]
together to forge
new ties of solidarity, cooperation and friendship.
在审议期间,主要活动包括促进提高认识的政策和标准,以及监测在实现普遍获取信息方面的 进展,特别是通过重点落实信息社世界会议(第一阶段,日内瓦,以及,突尼斯) 的成果以及在全民信息计划及其三个战略重点——信息扫盲、信息伦理和信息保护——的框架内, [...]
During the period under consideration, main activities included the promotion of policies and standards to raise awareness and monitoring progress towards universal access particularly by focusing on the
implementation of the
[...] outcomesof the WorldSummit onthe Information Society (WSIS, Phases I, Geneva, and II, Tunis) and [...]
within the framework
of the Information for All Programme (IFAP) and its three strategic priorities – information literacy, information ethics and information preservation – by consolidating its operational functions through the implementation of concrete activities.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中提出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共同出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以世界联合房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行政首长协调理事会对独立审查小组的建议作出反应。
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the Secretary-General submitted a preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the recommendations of the Independent Panel.
[...] 家对文化财产的所有权的示范条款的起草工作、联合国教科文组织关于文化遗产的国 家立法数据库、世界流失文物的国际原则宣言、委员会基金发展情况、国 [...]
More specifically, the report gave an account of the promotion of bilateral relations between countries concerned by pending requests for restitution of cultural property brought before the Committee; the progress of the draft rules of procedure on mediation and conciliation; the preparation of model rules defining State ownership of cultural property; the UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws; the draft declaration of principles relating
to cultural objects displaced in
[...] connectionwith the Second World War; thestatus [...]
of the Fund of the Committee; international
cooperation (focusing on Haiti and the organization of training workshops on every continent), and awareness-raising initiatives using publications, audio-visual materials and links with the art market.
[...] 将制订行动计划,有效落实普遍定期审议的建议,并随时准备与所有国家和国际 组织讨论和分享经验,以在越南世界更好地确
For its part, Viet Nam would develop a plan of action to implement effectively the universal periodic review recommendations and would stand ready to discuss and
share experience with all countries and international organizations to
[...] betterensurehuman rights in Viet Nam andthe world.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为世界计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和教育计划;根据信息社世界会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知识经济的背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital
heritage, including
[...] archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory oftheWorld Programme”; to develop media education programmes for children and adults; [...]
and to increase
familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
摆脱了民族主义色彩世界人产概念将在冲突后的管理方面 发挥特定作用,西巴尔干的经验就表明了这一点。
The concept of the universalheritage ofhumanity, which was free of nationalist aspects, played a specific role in post-conflict management, as demonstrated by the experience of the western Balkans.
(巴黎第七大学 荣誉退休教授 M.Chemillier-Gendreau);“保护国际社会的普遍利益”(一般课程) (佛罗伦萨大学教授 G.Gaja);“联合国维持和平行动的发展”(巴伦西亚大学教授 J.Cardona Lorens);“国家分裂”(比勒陀利亚大学教授 J.Dugard);“解释国际 法:理论和哲学问题”(巴黎第二大学教授
[...] (国际法院法官薛扞勤);“国际法院和国际法庭增加对国际法应用的影响”(那不 勒斯“费德里二世学教授 M.Iovane);“联合务高级专员与人权普 遍性”(亚当密茨凯维支大学教授 [...]
(M. Chemillier-Gendreau, Professor Emeritus, University of Paris VII); “Protecting general interests in the international community” (general course) (G. Gaja, Professor, University of Florence); “Developments in United Nations peacekeeping operations” (J. Cardona Lorens, Professor, University of Valencia); “State secession” (J. Dugard, Professor, University of Pretoria); “Interpretation of international law: theoretical and philosophical aspects” (D. Alland, Professor, University of Paris II); “Contemporary Chinese perspectives on international law” (H. Xue, Judge, International Court of Justice); “Influence of the multiplication of international courts and tribunals on the
application of international
[...] law” (M. Iovane, Professor, University of Naples “Federico II”); and“United [...]
Nations High Commissioner
for Human Rights and universality of human rights” (Z. Kedzia, Professor, Adam Mickiewicz University).
随着世界爆发七十周年的日益临近, 并且考虑到反希特勒同盟的胜利为联合国的创建铺 [...]
平了道路,各会员国以协商一致的方式通过该决议 草案是特别适宜的。
As the seventieth anniversary of the
[...] beginningof the Second World Warapproached, [...]
and given the victory of the anti-Hitler
coalition which had paved the way for the founding of the United Nations, it would be especially fitting for Member States to adopt the draft resolution by consensus.
2010 年,萨尔瓦多颁布了《国内妇女无暴力生活法》划定了两种 杀戮女性罪的类别:罪犯出于仇恨或基于蔑视女性犯下的凶杀女性罪;和罪犯身 为公务员、“政府官员或警察或军队成员;案情涉二人多人;系当着受害 者家庭任何一位在场亲属的面实施的凶杀;受害者系为未成年人或残疾人;或罪 犯滥用了在家庭中所拥有的任何权威地位,工作或教育环境,即为杀戮女性罪加 重罪责的情节。
In 2010, El Salvador passed the Integral Lawfor a Life Free of Violence for Women, which defines and classifies two types of femicide: when the perpetrator of the death of a woman is motivated by hatred or contempt based on gender; and aggravated femicide, when the perpetrator is a civil servant, government official or member of the police or army, when two or more persons are involved, when the killing is committed in the presence of any of the victim‘s members of the family, when the victim is a minor or with a disability, or when the aggressor has abused any authoritarian power held in the family, work or educational environment.
各位部长认识到,采取有效行动预防和打击陆、海和空偷运移民需要国 家、区域和国际各级的综合方法,为此,敦促各国根据世界人言》和国 家法律,除其他外采取有效措施,保护被偷运移民特别是妇女和儿童的人权和 基本自由。
The Ministers recognized that effective action to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air requires a comprehensive approach, at the national, regional and international levels, and to that end, urged all States to adopt effective measures, inter alia, protecting thehuman rights and fundamental freedoms of smuggled migrants, especially women and children, in accordance with the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and national laws.
1896 年该地图出版时,比利时刚果,或称为刚果自由邦,实际上为国王利奥波二世有,而不是比利时的正式殖民地。
In 1896, when this map was published, the Belgian Congo–known as the Congo Free State–was actually a personal possession of King LeopoldII and not an official Belgian colony.
任何人都不得援引本公约的规定侵犯世界人言》规定的或受到 国际法保障的人权和基本自由或限制其适用范围。
No one may invoke the provisions of this Convention in order to infringe human rights and fundamental freedoms as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or guaranteed by international law, or to limit the scope thereof.
其中包括:世界人言》、《保护所有移 徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》、《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》、《禁 [...]
止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》、《儿童权利公 约》、欧安组织《赫尔辛基最后文件》,及其他有关妇女、儿童、难民、消除种
These include the Universal Declaration of HumanRights, the [...]
International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of
All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the OSCE Helsinki Final Act and other instruments on the rights of women, children, refugees, the elimination of discrimination, and genocide.
本组织还参加了:(a) 关于妇女地位委员会的几次咨询和公开会议;(b) 与 销毁核武器有关的广岛/长崎年度纪念活动方案;(c) 关于妇女与和平、裁军、 非暴力和可持续清洁能源问题的国家会议;(d) 关于执行安全理事会第 1325 (2000)号决议的各种讨论和活动;(e) “让贫穷成为历史”等运动;(f) 关于放
弃战争、妇女与发展、打击贩运以及非军事化等问题的公开讲座;(g) 在卢旺达
[...] 举行的建设和平专题讨论会;(h) 研究战争对青年的影响以及庆祝世界人言》通过六十周年的演讲;(i) 响应妇女地位委员会商定结论中的呼吁,为索马 [...]
It also participated in: (a) consultation tours and public meetings on the Commission on the Status of Women; (b) annual Hiroshima/Nagasaki commemoration programmes pertaining to the abolition of nuclear weapons; (c) national conferences on women and peace, disarmament, non-violence and sustainable clean energy; (d) various discussions and events on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000); (e) campaigns such as “Make Poverty History”; (f) public lectures on the abolition of war, women and development, anti-trafficking and demilitarization; (g) a peacebuilding symposium in Rwanda; (h) presentations to examine the impact of war on youth and to mark
the sixtieth anniversary of the
[...] adoption of the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights; (i) [...]
workshops for Somali youth in support
of gender equality education, as called for in the Agreed Conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women; (j) a public forum against nuclear weapons.
世界后,成立了南斯拉夫联 邦国民共和国,后来被称为南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国,塞尔维亚共和国是南 [...]
The Federal National Republic of Yugoslavia was
[...] established after the Second World War, laterto be [...]
called the Socialist Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia with the Republic of Serbia as one of its federal units.
加勒比区域的艾 滋病毒感染率(9 个国家高于 1%)世界排名太平洋小岛屿发展中国 家和大西洋、印度洋、地中海和南海区域的艾滋病毒感染率相对较低(艾滋病毒 感染率为 [...]
2.5%的巴布亚新几内亚和感染率高于 1%的几内亚比绍和毛里求斯除 外)。
While the
[...] Caribbean region hasthe second-highest HIVprevalencerate in the world(withninecountries [...]
above 1 per cent),
the Pacific small island developing States and those in the Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and South China Seas region have comparatively low HIV prevalence rates (with the exception of Papua New Guinea, where it is 2.5 per cent, as well as Guinea-Bissau and Mauritius, with rates over 1 per cent).
至于对捷克共和国领 土进行真正彻底(世界独一)地质勘探问题,不太可能发现任何新的石 油或天然气储量,也不需要签署新的国际协议对其共同开采和/或利用进行管理。
With regard to the really
[...] thorough (unique in the world) geological exploration [...]
of the territory of the Czech Republic,
no new oil or natural gas deposits are likely to be found and requiring a new international agreement that would regulate their shared exploitation and/or use.




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