

单词 事端

事端 ()


External sources (not reviewed)

由于这些共同努力,在选举进行中新闻界没有惹出 什么大事端。
Thanks to those joint efforts, the elections were held
[...] without any major incidents attributable by the press.
重要的是两国同样希望维持地区稳定,因此需要保持 克制,以免在人民向往和平之时挑 事端。
The essential thing is for both countries to share the same concern to maintain regional stability, which will require restraint so as not to fuel passions at a time when the people aspire to peace.
我們懇請所有各方 在前往專業調解機構之前首先試圖在本場所解 事端。
All parties are urged to attempt to
[...] resolve the matter at the venue [...]
level before going to professional mediation.
b. 列強計劃將來定時召開會議,以求解決那些可能會影響歐洲均勢 事端。
France was treated as one of the Big Five to preserve the overall balance of power in Europe.
事端发生 数量仍然很高,但近 几年略有降低,已建立一个工作组制定《保护儿童免受伤害全国计划》,将重点 [...]
[...] the number of accidents remained high, [...]
it had decreased slightly in recent years. A working group had been set
up to prepare a National Plan for the Protection of Children from Injuries, and focus would be placed on the cooperation of local communities and civil society in improving awareness.
在当地制事端使必要的妥 协更难达成。
Creating facts on the ground makes [...]
the necessary compromises harder to achieve.
這 就 是 政 府 的 目 的 ﹐ 即 避 免 形 成 一 個 無 產 階 級 ﹐ 這 個 階 級 在 歐 洲 常 常 制事 端 。
This was what the government aimed at to prevent the forming of a proletariat class which usually brought much unrest as in Europe.
以我在選舉期間的第一身經驗,加上與其他黨友和民主派的朋 友分享經驗所得,我可以斷言,早前區議會選舉和港島區立法會補選所發生 的一系列暴力、恐嚇及其他爭事端 , 絕 對是我接觸選舉政治以來前所未見 的,而且問題並非只在個別選區出現,而是在不同地區同時發生。
According to my personal experience gained during the election period, coupled with the experience shared with my party comrades and friends from the democratic camp, I can conclude that a series of events related to
violence, intimidation
[...] and other disputes occurred earlier during the District Councils Election and the Legislative Council By-election [...]
for the Hong Kong Island
are absolutely unprecedented since my exposure to election politics.
一些观察家认为:中国将九段线连同其它两个普通外 交照会一起提交给联合国海洋法公约委员会,给人造成 了 “ 中国升事端,扩大声索” 的印象。
Some observers argue that the nine-dashed line, together with two other notes verbales that Beijing submitted to UNCLOS, created the perception that “China was escalating the dispute and expanding its claims”.
除了是与一群记者的非正式谈话外,梅西奇总统措词选用的是表明条件的时 态,即他推测如果发生另一个事件——塞族共和国实际脱离独立而又得到国际公
[...] 认的波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那,并且并入塞尔维亚共和国——就有可能出 事端。
In addition to the fact that he was speaking informally to a group of journalists, President Mesić formulated his words in the conditional tense, i.e., he was speculating about something that might happen in the case of another event — the concrete secession of Republika
Srpska from independent and internationally recognized Bosnia and
[...] Herzegovina, and its annexation [...]
to the Republic of Serbia.
应当承认,为应对反对派引发事端 曾 经 犯过一些错误,不仅对长期以来 侵犯人们基本权利的政策无动于衷,甚至在维护国家安定和民众安全方面也无 所作为。
We fully acknowledge that a number of mistakes were made in response to the excesses committed by opposition groups against individuals, and against public and private property; they were not the result of a systematic policy of violation of fundamental rights, but of a desire to preserve the stability of the nation and the security of its inhabitants.
局長或會說一些人在製事端,認 為他們利用這機會製造混 亂,但有一點可以肯定,就是這關乎我們年青一代入讀他們喜歡的學校的權 利。
The Secretary might say that people are causing trouble, they are taking this opportunity to try to make chaos, but surely, we are talking about the rights of our young people to get into the schools that they want.
联 黎部队民政单位和军民合作单位与地方社区保持着密切联系,并力求迅速解决可 能导致产生问题事端,减 轻联黎部队的重大业务活动对当地居民日常生活造成 的影响。
The mission’s Civil Affairs and Civilian-Military Cooperation units maintained close contact with local communities, seeking to swiftly resolve any issues that could give rise to problems and to mitigate the effects of the Force’s significant operational activities on the daily lives of local residents.
由于气候变化的预期影响,资源压力在大部分地方会变得更突出,这可能会影响普通 事件和端事件。
These pressures on the resources will become even more critical in most
places as a result of the anticipated impacts of climate change, which may well affect
[...] both average and extreme events.
此外,端事件和 气候变化对更广泛的国家和区域粮食安 全的影响显示,这些因素也需要相互整合。
Moreover, the
[...] implications of both extreme events and climate change [...]
for wider national and regional food security suggest
that these elements also need to be integrated with each other.
社会需要设法适应这些预期的变化,并使水 资源基础设施和服务在面对新情况和 端事 件 时 具有更大的应变能力。
Society needs to find ways to adapt to the changes that are
expected, and to render its water infrastructure and services more resilient in coping with
[...] new conditions and extreme events.
气候变化与端事件的 相互作用改变居住地,社区因此受到影响。
Climate change will
[...] interact with extreme events to change their [...]
location and, thus, the communities affected.
特别是在帝汶岛西部,绝大多数生计依赖农业(80%),无 常的气候与端事件经 常导致农作物歉收,使许多人处于粮食无保障状态。
In particular, in the western part of Timor Island, where livelihoods are
overwhelmingly dependent on agriculture (80%),
[...] erratic climate and extreme events regularly cause [...]
crop failure, placing many at risk of food insecurity.
2009 年 12 月 21 日,比利时对瑞士提起诉讼,争端涉及“1988 年 9
月 16 日关于民事和商业事项管辖权和判决的执行问题《卢加诺公约》中的解释和适 用……以及关于行使国家权力(特别是在司法领域)的一般国际法规则的适用,
[...] [并涉及 ]瑞士法院裁定不承认比利时法院的裁决,不暂停瑞士后来就同一 端事 由所提诉讼”。
On 21 December 2009, Belgium initiated proceedings against Switzerland in respect of a dispute concerning “the interpretation and application of the Lugano Convention of 16 September 1988 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters ... and the application of the rules of general international law that govern the exercise of State authority, in particular in the judicial domain, [and relating to] the decision by Swiss courts not to recognize a
decision by Belgian courts and not to stay proceedings later initiated in
[...] Switzerland on the subject of the same dispute”.
政府间气候变化专门委员会在其2012年 端事 件 和 灾难风险管理报告中总结道:“气候的变化导致极端天气和气候情况的发生频率、强度、地域分布、持续时间和节奏发生变化,并且能引起前所未有的极端天气和气候情况的发生”。
In its 2012 report on
[...] managing the risks of extreme events and disasters, [...]
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
concluded that "A changing climate leads to changes in the frequency, intensity, spatial extent, duration, and timing of extreme weather and climate events, and can result in unprecedented extreme weather and climate events.
我们的服务:博思堂会员主要包括本土知名企业CEO,董事长及总经理、成长型中小企业主、国内外有影响力的(包括退隐)的政界要员、著名经济文化学者、管理专家、以及时尚界精英人士等,为会员提供 端事 业 论 坛,品位生活、互动提升、沙龙拓展以及人才、资本、商机资源的整合等多种综合性服务。
Our services:The members of Boss Town are mainly CEO, presidents and general managers of local famous enterprises, owners of developing small and medium-sized enterprises, influential politicians (including the retired) at both home and abroad, famous economic and cultural scholars,
experts in management, and elites in
[...] fashion, we provide them top career forums, [...]
integration of quality life, interactional
improvement, salon expanding, human resources, capital, business resources and other many overall services.
指出气候变异、端事 件和风险的特性
Characterize climate
[...] variability, extremes and hazards
家庭法典》第二部分 X 标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。
Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation.
同样,水资源服务和端事件的 管理也是复杂而广 泛的。
Similarly, water services and
[...] regulation of extreme events are complex [...]
and vast.
法庭在第二十八届会议上核可了工作人员和行政问题委员会的建议,即将行 政端事项交由联合国上诉法庭审理,并请书记官处相应通知联合国。
At its twenty-eighth session, the Tribunal approved the recommendation of the Committee on Staff and Administration to opt
for the United Nations Appeals
[...] Tribunal in the matter of administrative disputes and requested [...]
the Registry to inform the United Nations accordingly.
九个领域包括:方法与工具;资料与观测;气候模式、气候情景与减排规模;气候相关风险与 端事 件 ; 社会经济信息; 适应计划与实作;研究适应技术;经济多样化。
The areas are: methods and tools; data and observations; climate modelling,
scenarios and downscaling; climate
[...] related risks and extreme events; socio-economic [...]
information; adaptation planning and
practices; research technologies for adaptation; and economic diversification.
科技咨询机构欢迎气专委“关于把握 端事 件 和灾害风险、推进气候变化 适应工作的特别报告”,并注意到,其所依据的研究和系统观测十分重要,使编 [...]
The SBSTA welcomed the IPCC Special Report on
[...] Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters [...]
to Advance Climate Change Adaptation,
noting the importance of the underlying research and systematic observations enabling the production of that report.
维护大自然提供如食物、燃料和纤维等产品的能力 和减缓端事件的 影响的能力不仅可为人类福祉提 供多项益处,还可为我们提供极具成本效益的解决 [...]
Maintaining nature’s capacity to provide products
such as food, fuel and fibre and to
[...] mitigate impacts of extreme events is critical for [...]
adapting to climate change not only because
of the multiple benefits for human well-being but also because it offers costeffective solutions.
[...] 弱点和障碍,其原因是继续依赖少数初级产品、商品和活动,以及人口增长快, 加上高失业率,特别是青年失业率高;容易受 端事 件 的 影响;人类发展相对缓 慢,比如,持续赤贫、饥饿和营养不良,基本服务机会有限,最受排斥和边缘化 群体的情况尤其严重;施政能力仍然薄弱。
However, the least developed countries are still confronted with the most daunting development challenges, including persistent structural vulnerabilities and handicaps due to continued reliance on a few primary products, commodities and activities, as well as rapid population growth rates combined with high unemployment, particularly
among youth;
[...] vulnerability to extreme events; relatively slow progress in human development, reflected in persistent extreme poverty, hunger [...]
and malnutrition,
and limited access to basic services, particularly among the most excluded and marginalized groups; and continued weaknesses in governance capacities.
设置怎样打开工具提示——单击帮助按钮、单击相关的窗体元素(例如:一个文本框、文本区、下拉框、按钮或者其他任何拥有onFocus以及onBlur客 端事 件 的控件)、按下F1键——设置AssociatedControlID值,或者鼠标指针位于帮助按钮上方时。
Specify how the ToolTip opens - with a click on a Help button, with a click on the related form element (e.g. a TextBox, TextArea, DropDown,
Button or any other control that has onFocus and
[...] onBlur client side events), by pressing [...]
the F1 key - set AssociatedControlID
value, or when the pointer rolls over the Help button.




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