

单词 事後诸葛亮

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External sources (not reviewed)

们成立了评审小组,主席是政府资讯科技总监 ⎯⎯主角 ⎯生。
It was chaired byMr Jeremy GODFREY, the former Government Chief Information Officer ― the protagonist of the incident.
Secondly, I always believe that "two heads are better than one".
从三个 臭 皮 匠 胜 过一诸 葛 亮度 看 ,政府应该要多 听。
From the perspective of "three heads are better than one", the Government should listen to opinions more extensively.
司长这样 说会令公务员觉得他认为互联网专业协会很适合,所以才会引生所说的情况:一个跟一个的公务员向他提及这
What he said gave the civil servants an impression that he thought the iProA
was very suitable,
[...] which ledto thesubsequent scenarioas Mr GODFREY described: the civil servants mentioned this issueto himone after [...]
邀请兰克福机场,法兰克福机场公司参观工厂在Rittershausen该公司未来的生产车间和收件人的地址看看:其中50的年 威图。
Invitation of Fraport AG behind the scenes of
[...] Frankfurt airport, a factory tour in Rittershausen a look at the future workshop of the company and the address of the recipient: These were the highlights of thepress events "50 Years Rittal.
诸葛亮名的文章是“出师表”,他劝刘备的儿子刘禅“亲贤臣,远小人”,连 在封建社会、封建时代的君主亦懂得亲疏是以贤臣和小人来划分,当中包含 了理性管治的基础,何况是现代政治家曾荫权?
Even in feudal society and in the feudal age, the emperors knew that the closeness and distance in relationships should be differentiated according to whether people were worthy officials or petty individuals and in here lies the evident the basis of rational governance, so it goes without saying this is also applicable to a modern politician, Donald TSANG.
俗语有云:“三个臭皮 匠,胜过一诸葛亮何况这里有很多诸葛亮
There is this saying: "three cobblers with their
[...] wits combined exceed that of ZHUGE Liang, the mastermind", not to mention [...]
that we have so many masterminds here.
涂谨申议员表示,据他了解,由於列入内务委员会会议的议程,由黄成智 议员及何俊仁议员提出的两项议案,应在有关 议员正式提出动
Mr James TO said that it was his
[...] understanding thatas the matterhad been placed on the agenda for the HC meeting, the two motions proposed by Mr WONG Sing-chi and Mr Albert HO should be putto vote after they hadbeen formally [...]
moved by the Members concerned.
我们不接受政府当局有关问责方面的观念: 政府在向本局解释其政策的时候,会听我们的建议和批评,事後
We do not accept the Administration's notion
of accountability: where it explains its
[...] policy to this Council, it listens to [...]
our suggestions and our criticisms and then
it can proceed to ignore them.
(注:员以书面申报,他本 人是中国银行( 香港) 信托有限公司及集友 银行的一名受薪
(Post-meeting note: Mr NG Leung-singdeclared in writing that he was a remunerated director of the Bank of China (Hong Kong) TrusteesLimited and [...]
the Chiyu Banking Corporation Limited.
公众和立法会今天虽然不能监察日後监警会的取(资)料权力,或警务 处处长关於法律专业保密权的保障,又或於当局在执行这项法例时将给予警会法律保障,但我很希望在执行这项法例时,当局能 够透过实际行动,给予监警会足够支持,这样亦会令市民增加信心。
Although today the public and the Legislative Council are unable to monitor the IPCC's power to obtain information or the Commissioner of Police concerning the protection of legal professional privilege, or to subject the authorities' granting of legal protection to the future IPCC topublic judgment in implementing this legislation, I very much hope that the authorities will, in implementing this legislation, provide the IPCC with adequate support through concrete actions so as to enhance public confidence.
经考虑上述因括独立非执行董事)认为,要约的条款属公平合理,并符合本 公司及本公司股东的整体利益。
Having considered the above, the Directors (including the independent non-executive Directors) consider that the terms of the Offer are fair and reasonable and are in the interests of the Company and the Company Shareholders as a whole.
先生讯科技及广员会提交 文件,敍述上网学习支援计划推行机构的遴选过程,以及导致 他离开政府的因由。
Subsequently,Mr Jeremy Godfrey provided a submission to the ITB Panel onthe events leading to [...]
the selection of the implementers
for the ILSP and his departure from the Government.
员会已审阅生及兩 间相关机构提供的文件,以及政府当局提供的文件。
The Panelhad examined the submissions from Mr Godfrey and [...]
the two relevant contenders as well as the papers and documents
provided by the Administration.
On the other hand, Mr Jeremy GODFREY, the former Government Chief Information Officer who led the ILSP assessment work, suddenly resigned in January this year. While the Government indicated that
he resigned for
[...] personal reasons, MrGODFREY said in his letter addressed to the Panel on Information Technology and Broadcasting ofthis Councilin April after [...]
his departure that
"the personal reasons" for his resignation were unrelated to his health or private life, but related to the conduct of government business.
I wish him all the best in the years to come.
至於处理有关议案的时间,秘书解释, 议案应在有关的财务建议付诸表决前处理,因为当有关 建议的议题员不得就该建议发言。
As regards the timing for dealing with the motion in question, the Clerk explained that it should be dealt with before the financial proposal
was put to vote as no members would be allowed to speak on
[...] the proposal afterthe question on the proposal had been put.
很明显,所有学员在参与这个计 划时,均会参考所有提供的培训课程,选择,其㆗包括了不同类型的培训当受欢迎的转业锦囊便是㆒例。
Obviously, all trainees, when they participate in this scheme, decide on the basis of all the training programmes which are available, including other types of training like the job search skills which are very popular.
Yuen’s lifetime goal is to become the best fighter in the Martial Arts World.
李永达议员: 代理主席,香港大学在本年6月进行的民意调查显 示,香港政府的管治危机在不断加深,近期“僭特首竞选偷步及‘地产霸权’争议”等,在在削弱政府的公信力。
MR LEE WING-TAT (in Cantonese): Deputy President, an opinion poll conducted by the University of Hong Kong in June this year has revealed that the governance crisis of the Hong Kong Government
continues to deepen
[...] and recent incidents concerning unauthorized building works, Jeremy GODFREY, thefoul [...]
start of the Chief Executive
election campaigns and disputes over the "real estate hegemony", and so on, have eroded the Government's credibility.
The importance of family services counselling should not be lightly dismissed or forgotten.
关 於香港国际机场与
[...] 珠 江 三角洲地区 其他 机场的合员询 问,在 此 方面将有 何 最适当的安排, [...]
亦 即 对 香港有 利,而 又 为 内 地所 接受的 安排。
As regards cooperation between the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA)
and other airports in the Pearl River
[...] Delta region, MrNG Leung-sing asked what would [...]
be the most suitable arrangements,
i.e. arrangements which would be beneficial to Hong Kong and acceptable to the Mainland.
此外,还有很以做的,例如在晚上可以禁止某些招没 理由在 11
For instance, it can
[...] prohibit some advertising signs from switching on the lights at night as it is unreasonable for them to be illuminated after 11pm.
涂谨申议员询问, 由於议员在提交质询供主席 批准时,须就报章 报道提明,员应否就该项报章 报道提 供 事 实证明 。
Hon James TO asked if Hon NG Leung-sing should provide substantiation with regard to the press report, as Members were required to do so when submitting questions for the President's approval.
(e) 察悉:(i)一项建议,就是在刑事检控中将举证 责任倒置,或将援引证据的责任关董他证明自己对公司所犯的强积金相关罪 行并不知情或并没有给予同意,及(ii)立法会 LS67/07-08号文件第13段所建议的做法,使董 事须为欠缴强制性供款负上个人法律责任;以 及部分委员的建议,即政府当局应重新考虑会 否采纳(i)及 (ii)项。
(e) note (i) a suggestion to reverse the onus of proof or impose an evidential burden incriminal prosecution against the director as to his not having knowledge of or consented to the MPF-related offences committed by the company and (ii) the approach outlined in paragraph 13 of LC Paper No. LS67/07-08 proposing to impose a personal liability on directors for the unpaid mandatory contributions; as well as some members' suggestion that the Administration should re-consider whether to take on board (i) and (ii).
第三,他们在何时知道,人大常委会不单止把 2007 年及 08 年的普选完 全否决了,更会决定在民主发展上,香港要原地踏步,而所谓循序渐进、迈 向普选目标的原则,现时已完全被
Third, when did they know that the NPCSC had rejected the elections by universal suffrage in 2007 and 2008 and that it would decide that in respect of the progress to democracy, Hong Kong is to remain as it is and the talks about "gradual and orderly progress" towards the goal of universal suffrage is all thrown away?
然而,岂料过了数天,财政司司长竟然做出180度转变,把 所谓刺激通胀的顾虑出了我觉得是超乎想像的“派钱”方 案︰不单向每个有身份证的人派发6,000元,还要退税6,000元和豁免 差饷。
However, the Financial Secretary made a 180 degree about-turn several dayslater,putting behind all his so-called inflationary concerns and putting forward the "cash handout" proposal which was beyond my imagination: not only will all identity card holders be given $6,000, there will also be tax rebates and rates exemptions.
当病人和家属对公众投诉委员 会无信心,像我刚才所指,便只好媒,在独立司法制度 上,付上不少的资源和法庭时间,寻求公道。
When the patients and their families do not have confidence in the PCC, as I have just said, they can only resort to seeking assistance from the media and continue to seek justice, using a lot of resources and court hours under an independent judicial system.
因此,代理主席,我发言希望各位看清楚,如果吴霭仪 议员的修正案不获通过,我们便无法有效地规范政府的行为,无法当政府明 [...]
显地有种族歧视的行为时,在资源分配、执行职务、提供公共服务时,如果 出现了这种行为,我们便无法以这项法例有效规管政府。
Therefore, Deputy Chairman, I hope that throughmy
[...] speech, Honourable colleagueswill opentheir eyes wide and [...]
see clearly that if the
amendments proposed by Ms Margaret NG cannot be passed, it will be impossible for us to regulate the Government's acts effectively and if the Government displays acts that amount to overt racial discrimination when allocating resources, performing its duties or providing public service, it will not be possible for us to regulate the Government effectively with this piece of legislation.
11 这一新机构并不采用传统的公共行政官僚手段 直接展开工作,而是基于“三个臭皮匠胜过一个葛亮概念建立了一个更广 泛的解决问题的群体,并在网上组织了为期一周的“关于信息和通信技术解决方 案的复兴对话”,让政府能够聆听到由信息和通信技术界的供应商、客户和思想 领袖构成的更大、更多样化的群体所发出的声音。
Rather, it built a broader, problem-solving community on the basis of the concept that “none of us is as smart as all of us”, and it engaged in a week-long online recovery dialogue on information and communications technology solutions to allow government to hear from a much larger and more diverse group of vendors, customers and thought leaders in the information and communications technology community.12 The present federal Administration in the United States is proceeding on the basis of the view, as expressed by President Barack Obama in his speech accepting his nomination by the Democratic Party as its presidential candidate, that twenty-first-century challenges cannot be met with a twentieth-century bureaucracy.




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