

单词 事势

See also:

male genitals
outward appearance


work n
matter n
affair n
item n

External sources (not reviewed)

尽管缺乏民众支持和领导人内部长期分裂,青年党仍有恢复力,这主要 是因为过渡联邦政府软弱无力,而且不能扩大其政治影响力或与该国其他事实 上的政治和事势力分享权力。
441. Al-Shabaab’s resilience, despite its lack of popular support and the chronic divisions within its leadership, is principally due to the weakness of the Transitional Federal Government, and the latter’s failure to broaden its political appeal or share power with other de facto political and military forces in the country.
正如一位中国分析人士所称,“和平”意指中国开始从 是否有利于国际和地区和平而非追求 事 优 势 的 视 角制 定本国外交政策,而“独立”意指中国开始根据它的国 [...]
As a China analyst noted, “‘Peace’ means that China began to formulate its foreign policy from the viewpoint of whether it is beneficial to international and
regional peace, instead of the viewpoint
[...] of pursuing military superiority, while ‘independence’ [...]
means that China began to
formulate its foreign policy according to its national interests and the common interests of peoples of all the countries in the world”.
我们希 望,按照核裁军领域中国事务的总 趋 势 , 近年来看 到的对我们决议的支持与日俱增的情况今年将会继 续。
We hope that, in line with
[...] the broader trends in international affairs in the area of [...]
nuclear disarmament, the growth that
has been seen in recent years in support for our resolution will be continued this year.
但由于许多地区事不断,该国势 仍 不 利于返 回。
With ongoing fighting in
[...] many areas, however, the situation is not conducive to repatriation.
特使还告知安全事会,鉴于势的脆弱性,仍需密切监察,因此,特使在内罗毕的办公室不仅在一 段有限时间内需要一些能力以继续监察进一步进展,而且需要有某种机 制来继续开展其后的监察及后续工作。
The Special Envoy also
[...] informed the Security Council that owing to its fragility, the situation would continue to [...]
require close monitoring
and that his office in Nairobi would therefore require not only some capacity to continue monitoring further progress for a limited period, but also some form of mechanism to carry forward the monitoring and follow-up thereafter.
据指出,该报告中只 有某些部分与麻醉药品委员会及预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会这两个委员会的工 作都有关,例如机构间合作和与事 司 法 和犯罪 势 有 关 的 事 宜。
It was noted that only some parts of that report were relevant to the work of both the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and the Commission on Crime Prevention and
Criminal Justice, such as the areas of inter-agency
[...] cooperation and matters relating to criminal justice and crime trends.
俄罗斯联邦关于提高安全理事会军事专业水平 以及加强军事参谋团工作的倡议将会增进安全理事
[...] 会的作用,特别是就使用武力规定明确的授权任务, 并确保严格监督其实施工作;藉此可对世界上发生问 题的区域进行系统的事和政治局势 分 析
The Russian Federation’s initiative to enhance the level of military expertise of the Security Council and step up the work of its Military Staff Committee would enhance the Security Council’s role of formulating clear mandates, particularly in relation to the use of force, and ensuring strict monitoring of their
implementation; it would allow a systematic
[...] analysis of the military and political situation in problem regions [...]
of the world.
我们决心增进安全事会高 级别会议产生 势 头 ,这 一 势 头 使 安全事 会通过了第 1887(2009)号决议,使美利坚合众国和俄罗斯联邦签署了新 的《裁减战略武器条约》,使美利坚合众国开展了核态势评估,召开了 核安全首脑会议。
We are resolved to
[...] build upon the momentum that was created by the highlevel Security Council meeting leading to the adoption of Council resolution [...]
1887 (2009), the signing
of a new START agreement between the United States of America and the Russian Federation, the United States Nuclear Posture Review and the Nuclear Security Summit.
访问过程中可举行听证会,使委员会指定的委员能够确定与评估 势 有 关的 事实或问题。
Visits may include hearings to
enable the designated members of the Committee to
[...] determine facts or issues relevant to the assessments of the situation.
本文件提供的信息涉及从第十二次联合国犯罪 势 和 刑 事 司 法 系统运作情况调查 关于蓄意杀人趋势及非洲犯罪和受害情况的统计数字和分析中得出的初步结果, [...]
The document provides information on preliminary results
from the Twelfth United Nations
[...] Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems, [...]
statistics and analysis on
trends in intentional homicide and on crime and victimization in Africa and findings from a series of surveys on the nature and extent of corruption.
[...] 刑事司法现况的报告(A/CONF.213/3)表扬了毒品和犯罪问题办公室,还有与 会者表示支持为简化联合国关于犯罪 势 和 刑 事 司 法 系统运作情况的调查而正 在进行的努力。
A number of speakers commended UNODC for the report of the Secretary-General on the state of crime and criminal justice worldwide (A/CONF.213/3), and support was expressed for
the efforts being made to streamline the United Nations
[...] Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems.
例如,在报告编写期间, 向第十一次联合国关于犯罪势和刑 事 司 法 系统运作情况调查(2007-2008 年) 提交回复的非洲国家数量接近于向第十次联合国关于犯罪 势 和 刑 事 司 法 系统 运作情况调查(2005-2006 年)提交回复的非洲国家数量的两倍。
At the time of writing, for example, the number of African countries responding to the Eleventh
United Nations Survey
[...] of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems (2007-2008), was almost double that of African countries responding to the Tenth United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems [...]
(2005-2006) .
报告《IDC 预测 2013 年:第 3
[...] 平台上的竞争》(来源:IDC)指出“2013 年最重要的势和事件将围绕在 IDC 所称的 IT 业增长和创新的‘第 [...]
3 平台’- 它由以下因素构建而成:移动设备、云服务、社交技术和海量数据,及建于它们之上的新兴高价值行业解决方案和将在下一个八年的大部分增长中扮演非常重要角色的不断浮现的供应商(例如服务提供商和行业
PaaS 提供商)与客户(例如消费者、中小企业、企业高管及新兴市场客户)。
The report "IDC Predictions 2013: Competing on the 3rd
Platform" (source: IDC) identifies “the
[...] most important trends and events in 2013 will cluster [...]
around what IDC calls the "3rd
Platform" for IT industry growth and innovation — built on mobile devices, cloud services, social technologies, and Big Data, as well as the emerging high-value industry solutions built on top of them, and the rising vendors (e.g., service providers and industry PaaS providers) and customers (e.g., consumers, SMBs, line-of-business executives, and emerging market customers) that will play leading roles in much of the next eight years' growth.
这一地区将继续享受其“新常态”特征所带来之好处(高增长,低脆弱性),但 “处理好这一利好局面”,以及“减少不平衡”仍 势 在 必行 之 事。
The region will further enjoy the blessings of its “new normal” nature (higher growth with less vulnerabilities) but managing success and depleting imbalances remains imperative.
[...] 条,培训大批宣誓译员以保障获得口译服务的机会,同时确保不讲阿拉伯语的势群体诉讼事人, 特别是阿马齐格人、萨拉威人、黑人、非国民、难民和寻求 [...]
The Committee recommends that the State party ensure full application of articles 21, 73, 74 and 120 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, guarantee the availability of interpretation services by training a greater
number of sworn interpreters, and
[...] ensure that litigants from vulnerable population groups who [...]
do not speak Arabic, in particular
the Amazigh, Sahraouis, Blacks, non-nationals, refugees and asylumseekers, may benefit from proper administration of justice.
在报告第 1969(c)和(e)段,调查团进一步建议: “安全理事会收到委员会报 告之后即审议这一局势,”如果以色列国有关当局或者加沙有关当局没有分别“根 据第四十条的规定,在安理会决议通过六个月之内已经或正在依照国际标准独立
[...] [...] 进行真诚调查”,“则再次根据《联合国宪章》第七章行事,根据(国际刑事法院) 《罗马规约》第 13(b)条将加沙势提交国际事法院检察官处理”;在报告第 1969(f)段,调查团进一步建议:“安全理事会将以色列政府或加沙当局不配合委 [...]
In paragraphs 1969 (c) and (e) of its report, the Mission further recommended that “upon receipt of the committee’s report, the Security Council should consider the situation and, in the absence of good-faith investigations that are independent and in conformity with international standards having been undertaken or being under way within six months of the date of its resolution under
Article 40” by the appropriate
[...] authorities of the State of Israel or the relevant authorities in Gaza, respectively, [...]
“acting under
Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, refer the situation in Gaza to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court pursuant to article 13 (b) of the Rome Statute” of the International Criminal Court.
尽管势困难,该事处还是落实并整合了几项发展方案(教育卡片、培训人员的培 训、教育统计和国家扫除文盲计划)。
Despite the tough economic context, the Office contributed to the establishment and/or consolidation of several development tools (school map, training of trainers, education statistics and a national literacy plan).
同样,巴拿马在司法机关中也成立了官方监察员办公室机 构,其主要任务就是为经济上处于 势 的 当 事 人 提 供法律援助,从而保护宪法和 其他法律赋予他们的各项权利。
The Public Defender’s Office operates within the judicial branch and is tasked with defending the constitutional and legal rights and guarantees of persons with insufficient economic resources.
但同样也出现了苏丹那样的势, 事实证明,处理联合国与非洲联盟之间的复杂关系极 具挑战性。
But, equally, there have been cases, such as that of the Sudan, where managing the complexities of the United Nations/African Union relationship has proved challenging.
[...] 外办事处与各计划部门和中央服务部门保持“一站式”界面,从而实时交流能力和局 限性,冲突后和灾后势中总部外 事 处 及 时共享务实的信息。
The Intersectoral Platform management and its secretariat encourages a “one stop” interface between field offices and the programme sectors and central services, in order to exchange real-time
exchange on capacities and constraints, as well as timely and relevant
[...] knowledge sharing to field offices in PCPD settings.
(b) 探讨收集、分析和传播具体涉及贩运文化财产相关方面的资料的可能 性;(c) 通过联合国关于犯罪势和刑事司法制度运作的调查,继续收集、分析
(b ) To explore possibilities for the collection, analysis and dissemination of data specifically addressing the relevant aspects of trafficking in cultural property
此外,安理会本身已开创了重要先 例,包括设立波斯尼亚、卢旺达和达尔富尔调查委员会,为 1993 年和 1994 年的
[...] 前南斯拉夫问题和卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭铺平了道路,并于 2005 年将达尔富 尔地区的势移交国际事法院
In addition, the Council itself has set important precedents, including the establishment of commissions of inquiry on Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur which paved the way for the international tribunals for the
former Yugoslavia and Rwanda in 1993 and 1994, respectively, and
[...] the referral of the situation in Darfur to ICC in 2005.
关于利比亚势,事实上 还有安全理事会过去已 经或将来可能移交国际刑院处理的其他案件,南非十 分清楚移交案件给国际刑事法院带来的财政紧张。
With respect to the situation in Libya, and indeed [...]
other cases, whether past or future, that have been or may be referred
to the Court by the Security Council, South Africa is well aware of the financial strain that that places on the International Criminal Court.
[...] 在区域框架内加强次区域合作,为此,除其他外,将:(a) 定期分析 该次区域的社会经济势和优先事项 ; (b) 通过开展更深入和重点更 突出的能力建设活动,确保平衡地交付技术援助;(c) [...]
加强与相关多 边组织和其他相关伙伴的工作关系;(d)
支持政府间进程;(e) 成为收 集和传播与发展政策有关的良好做法的知识中心。
Through the operationalization of the Subregional Office for East and North-East Asia, the secretariat has aimed to continue strengthening subregional cooperation within a
regional framework by,
[...] among other things: (a) providing regular analysis of socio-economic trends and priorities [...]
in the subregion; (b)
ensuring a balanced delivery of technical assistance through more in-depth and focused capacity-building activities; (c) strengthening working relations with multilateral organizations and other relevant partners, (d) supporting intergovernmental processes; and (e) acting as a knowledge hub for gathering and disseminating good practices related to development policy.
鉴于利比亚势严重,根据事会执 行第 2011/300/CFSP 号决定,执行针对 利比亚局势的限制性措施的第 2011/137/CFSP 号决定,另有其他人和实体也被列 [...]
入须接受第 204/2011 号条例(欧盟)附件三所述限制性措施的个人和实体的清单 中。
In view of
[...] the gravity of the situation in Libya and in accordance with Council Implementing [...]
Decision 2011/300/CFSP implementing
Decision 2011/137/CFSP concerning restrictive measures in view of the situation in Libya, an additional person and an additional entity have been included in the list of persons and entities subject to restrictive measures set out in annex III to Regulation (EU) No. 204/2011.
这项工作应该包括更明确地列出该部将最大程度地发挥其比较 势 的 优 先 事项 和 重要活动, 特别是其与政府间进程的密切联系和中立的召集权,使其任务得 以更加协调和有效地执行。
This should include more explicit identification of the priorities and critical activities of the Department that will maximize its comparative advantages — in particular its close ties to the intergovernmental processes and neutral convening power — leading to a more coordinated and efficient implementation of its mandate.
中东势凸显了以事实, 那就是:如果巴勒斯 坦人民不能够享有其不可剥夺的权利,不能够实现公 正、全面地解决问题,那么常规武器领域建立信任措 [...]
施就不会得到实际执行,特别是鉴于以色列实体从某 些武器生产国获得了支持。
The situation in the Middle East highlights the fact that confidence-building [...]
measures in the field of conventional weapons
cannot be implemented in a practical manner unless the Palestinian people are able to enjoy their inalienable rights and obtain a just and comprehensive solution, especially in view of the support that the Israeli entity receives from some weapons-producing countries.
天主教末世的势在于一个事实, 即没有自称回答每个问题,闲置的好奇心可能表明,它给一个明确的,一贯的,所有需要,目前已知,或能在赢利的理解,对于满足声明的永恒生死问题对于我们每个个人,以及宇宙的一部分,我们是最后的圆满。
The superiority of Catholic eschatology consists in the fact that, without [...]
professing to answer every question that idle
curiosity may suggest, it gives a clear, consistent, satisfying statement of all that need at present be known, or can profitably be understood, regarding the eternal issues of life and death for each of us personally, and the final consummation of the cosmos of which we are a part.
[...] 及如何加以避免,采取何种行动可缓和 势 ( 平 息 事 态 ); 以及个人特使可开展何 种多样和辅助活动。
With regard to innovative negotiating approaches, the parties finally agreed to examine three subjects: what constitutes
provocation and how to avoid it; what measures can be
[...] taken to calm the situation ( apaisement ); [...]
and what diversified
and complementary activities the Personal Envoy could undertake.
这种冷却剂不仅具有出色的环保特性(不会破坏臭氧层且不会造成全球变暖),能够提供更高的温度,而且相较同类技术而言,可以从消耗的资源中获取更多热量,因而具有出众的性能 势 。 事 实 上 ,比起使用R-134A制冷剂的热泵,新的氨冷媒工业热泵在性能上估计至少提升了 15%。
In fact, the new ammonia-based industrial heat pump has a performance improvement estimated to be more than 15 percent higher than a heat pump using R-134A refrigerant.




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