

单词 事关

事关 verb ()

concern v


政事关系 n

political affair n


event-related potential


a matter of no concern oneself [idiom.]


feel unconcerned and let matters rest [idiom.]

(事物之间的)关联 n

relationship n


Council on Foreign Relations (US policy think thank)

External sources (not reviewed)

为了扩大教科文组织有关不同文明之间对话的活动,战略规划编制局开展了许多活 动,其中包括:建立一个全球(互联网基的电子)网络,使各主管组织、研究机构以及研究 人员、哲学家和知识分子都参与进来;出版科学论文及政策论文和在教科文组织的“系列对
话”中的发言;在各种国际会议上介绍教科文组织参与不同文明之间对话的情况;共同组织 和主办关于不同文明之间对话方面的会议和活动(见文件
[...] 166EX/5,第一部分:决定 164EX/7.1.3- 《总事关于教科文组织参与实施不同文明之间对话全球议程情况的报 [...]
In order to broaden the basis of UNESCO’s activities pertaining to the dialogue among civilizations, a number of activities were undertaken by BSP, including: the setting up of a global (electronic, Internet-based) network, involving competent organizations and research institutions as well as individual researchers, philosophers and intellectuals; the publication of scientific and policy-relevant papers and speeches in UNESCO’s “Dialogue Series”; presentations at international conferences and meetings on UNESCO’s involvement in the dialogue among civilizations; and the co-organization and sponsorship of international conferences, meetings and events on the dialogue among civilizations (see
document 166 EX/5, Part I: 164 EX/Decision
[...] 7.1.3 – Report by the Director-General on UNESCO’s [...]
contribution to the implementation
of the Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilizations).
[...] 实现在达喀尔确定的目标方面取得的进展情况的全面说明见文件 166 EX/7(“总事关于 《达喀尔行动纲领》的实施和后续活动取得的进展情况的报告”)。
Complete details of these meetings and publications and a full description of the progress towards
achieving the goals set at
[...] Dakar can be found in document 166 EX/7 (Report by the Director-General on [...]
the progress achieved in
implementation of and follow-up to the Dakar Framework for Action).
在 2011 年实质性会议上,理事会第 2011/242
[...] 号决定注意到秘书长的说明: 转递联合国教育、科学及文化组织总 事关 于 遗 传隐私权和不歧视的报告 (E/2011/108),其中请机构间生物伦理委员会继续定期讨论遗传隐私权和不歧视 [...]
问题,以确定需要进行一致或共同努力的领域,并处理影响加强这一领域合作的 主要缺陷和限制。
At its substantive session of 2011, the Council, in its decision 2011/242, took note of
the note by the Secretary-General
[...] transmitting the report of the Director-General of the [...]
United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization on genetic privacy and non-discrimination (E/2011/108), invite the Inter-Agency Committee on Bioethics to continue to regularly address the issue of genetic privacy and non-discrimination in order to identify areas calling for concerted or joint efforts and address major gaps and constraints affecting enhanced cooperation in the field.
预期这些‘气候行动倡导者’将设计和实施项目和活动,与政策制订者一起事关于气候变化缓解和适应政策的工作,在同龄人中传播获得的知识,参加国 家和国际政策制订进程,如《公约》缔约方会议的各届会议。
These ‘climate champions’ are expected to design and implement projects and campaigns, work with policymakers on climate change mitigation and adaptation policies, disseminate knowledge gained among their peers and participate in national and international policymaking processes such as sessions of the COP.
在我昨天向安理会发言时(见 S/PV.6490),我指 出,事关系到整个阿拉伯世界的和平与安全这一根 [...]
本问题,我们所面临的共同挑战是如何提供真正的保 护和制止正在发生的暴力。
When I addressed the Council yesterday (see [...]
S/PV.6490), I noted that fundamental issues of peace and stability were at stake
across the Arab world and that our collective challenge was how to provide real protection and halt the ongoing violence.
这些倡议包括不 结盟运动在
[...] 1996 年提交的全面谈判文件,该文件载 于安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及 其他与安全事会有关事项不 限成员名额工作组的 报告(A/51/47)。
Those initiatives include, but are not limited to, the comprehensive negotiating paper submitted by the Movement in 1996, as contained in the report of the Open-ended Working Group on the Question of Equitable
Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the
[...] Security Council and Other Matters Related to the Security Council (A/51/47).
(c) 继续促进和教育家长、监护人和从事与儿童 关事 务 和 儿童事务的专 业人员认识对体罚的危害效应,以期扭转看待体罚做法的公众态度,推行正面、 非暴力、参与性的抚育和管教儿童形式,以取代体罚。
(c) Continue to sensitize and educate parents, guardians and professionals working with and for children on the harmful effects of corporal punishment with a view to changing the general attitude towards this practice, and promote positive, non-violent, participatory forms of child-rearing and discipline as an alternative to corporal punishment.
[...] 外地主要建筑、设施、系统和工程活动的设计和建设;为所有新特派团拟订工程 投入,并就工程支助关事项与 外勤支助部和联合国内部其他单位联络;以及为 所有相关费用中心承担主要核证职能(见 A/66/724,第 [...]
63 和 64 段)。
The Engineering Standards and Design Centre is responsible for strengthening the support provided to field missions as regards the provision of expert advice on long-range development planning and policies; the development of system contracts; the management of complex and specific engineering projects; the review and approval of the design and construction of major structures, facilities and systems and of engineering activities in the field; the development of
engineering input for all new
[...] missions and liaison with other units within the Department of Field Support and the United Nations on [...]
matters relating to
engineering support; and principal certifying functions for all related cost centres (see A/66/724, paras. 63 and 64).
在这方面,会议指出厄立特里亚 仅请求获得必要的时间以评估关事 实 并 以这些事实为基础制定有意义的前瞻性 [...]
In this context, the Meeting noted the importance of Eritrea
requesting only the period of time necessary
[...] to assess relevant facts and develop [...]
a meaningful forward looking plan based on these facts.
(c) 一些儿童受到心理或间接影响,包括失去单亲或双亲的儿童、在暴力 中受伤的儿童、亲眼目击事件或通过媒体等方式获知事件的儿童,以及其生活受 到关事件影响的儿童和家人。
(c) A number of children are affected psychologically or indirectly, including children who have lost one or both of their parents; children injured by the violence; children who witnessed the incidents first hand or have been
informed of the
[...] incidents by, among others, the media, and children and families whose lives have been affected by the incidents.
二. 收文缔约国应当在六个月内向委员会提交书面解释或陈述,澄清 关事 项及 该缔约国可能已提供的任何补救办法。
Within six months, the receiving State Party shall submit to the
Committee written explanations or statements
[...] clarifying the matter and the remedy, [...]
if any, that may have been provided by that State Party.
世卫组织的代表提到世卫组织对建议 5 反馈意见的处理,告知食典委,由粮农组
[...] 织和世卫组织助理总干事参加的高层管理机构定期会晤,讨论影响法典和粮农组织/世卫 组织关事务的 战略性问题,这是提高法典运行的重要步骤。
The Representative of WHO referred to the WHO management response on Recommendation 5 and informed the Commission that a high level management group met regularly with the participation of the Assistant Directors General
of FAO and WHO to consider strategic issues
[...] affecting Codex and related FAO/WHO activities, [...]
which was an important step
to improve the operation of the Codex programme.
事实上,委员会会就广泛的政策事项和服务 范畴向香港特区政府提供意见; 关事 项 和 范畴遍及无障碍通道、教育、就业及 职业训练、资讯及通讯科技、医疗康复、艺术及文化、康乐及体育、社会及社区 康复,以至交通运输等。
RAC advises the HKSAR Government on a wide span of policy subjects and service areas, ranging from barrier-free access, education, employment and vocational training, ICT, medical rehabilitation, art and culture, recreation and sports, social and community rehabilitation and transportation, etc.
麻醉药物委员会第五十一和五十四届会议;每年主持两次欧洲毒品和毒瘾监 测中心联络人国家会议,里斯本(2006-2011 年);在匈牙利任欧盟轮值主席期间 以土耳其代表团团长身份参加欧盟土耳其对话会议,布鲁塞尔(2011
年);蓬皮杜 小组:研究平台会议(2007 年)和部级会议(2006
[...] 年),巴黎和斯特拉斯堡;近东 和中东非法贩运毒品及关事项小组委员会第四十一次会议(2006 年);联合国毒 [...]
伊斯兰共和国(2005 年);麻管局黄玉色行动和紫色行动联合会议,墨西哥(2005 年)。
Fifty-first and fifty-fourth sessions of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs; chaired national European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction focal point meetings twice a year, Lisbon (2006-2011); European Union-Turkey dialogue meeting during the Hungarian presidency of the Union, as head of the Turkish delegation, Brussels (2011); Pompidou Group: Research Platform meeting (2007) and ministerial meeting (2006), Paris and Strasbourg; forty-first
meeting of the Subcommission on Illicit
[...] Drug Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and [...]
Middle East, Amman (2006); United Nations
Office on Drugs and Crime Expert Assessment Meeting on utilizing Iranian borders within the framework of the Paris Pact, Islamic Republic of Iran (2005); International Narcotics Control Board combined meetings on Operation Topaz and Operation Purple, Mexico City (2005).
因此,在关事项未 解决之前,持外国护照的人在前往 其国籍国领事馆寻求服务时,也可能遭到拦截。
Foreign passport holders may therefore also be denied
[...] access to the consular services of [...]
their country of citizenship pending resolution of the matter.
接线图 此外,请注意欧盟和各国立法普遍有效的法律法规和其他具有约束力的规定, 以及所在国关事故防 范和环境保护的现行法规。
In addition, generally applicable legal and other binding regulations of European and national law and the regulations for accident prevention and environmental protection in force in the country of use must be complied with.
第五委员会秘书处的职责包括:(a) 向第五委员会主席和主席团主动提供 协助,以加强和便利他们的工作,包括提供有关其会议程序的分析性和历史性资 料;(b)
[...] 主动协助会员国代表处理有效安排会议时间和举行会议的所有 关事 项, 包括预先提供工作方案并及时印发各种报告和来文。
The responsibilities of the secretariat of the Fifth Committee include: (a) provision of proactive assistance to the Chair and Bureau of the Fifth Committee, strengthening and facilitating their work, including provision of analytical and historical information on the proceedings of the Committee; and (b) provision of proactive
assistance to representatives of
[...] Member States on all matters relating to the effective [...]
scheduling and conduct of meetings,
including the provision of an advance programme of work and the timely issuance of reports and communications.
[...] 及长期或偶然向其提供服务之其他人员,不得为本身或他人利益而泄露或使用因 担任本身职务所获知关事实之资讯。
Members of administrative or monitoring bodies of financial institutions, their employees, auditors, experts, representatives or other persons providing them with services on a permanent or occasional basis may not reveal or use any information for their own benefit or for the benefit of others, regarding facts or
elements related to the activities of the
[...] institution or its relations with customers, which [...]
they may access solely for and in
the performance of their duties or services.
我 已经任命一个专家委员会,就这些及其他 关事 项 向 我提出咨询意见,我希望本 次会议的结果也能为我们提供进一步共同努力的新基础。
I have appointed a Commission of Experts to advise me on
[...] these and other related matters, and I hope [...]
that the results of this Conference will
give us new ground on which to build together.
麻醉药品委员会各附属机构在 2011 年举行了五次会议:6 月 28 日至 7 月 1 日在维也纳举行了欧洲各国禁毒执法机构负责人第九次会议;9 月 5 日至 9 日在 亚的斯亚贝巴举行了非洲各国禁毒执法机构负责人第二十一次会议;10 月 3 日 至 7
日在圣地亚哥举行了拉丁美洲和加勒比各国禁毒执法机构负责人第二十一 次会议;11 月 22 日至 25 日在阿格拉举行了亚洲和太平洋各国禁毒执法机构负 责人第三十五次会议;12 月 19 日至
[...] 22 日在维也纳举行了近东和中东非法药物 贩运和关事项小 组委员会第四十六届会议。
Five meetings of subsidiary bodies of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs were held in 2011: the Ninth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies (HONLEA), Europe, held in Vienna from 28 June to 1 July; the Twenty-first Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Africa, held in Addis Ababa from 5 to 9 September; the Twenty-first Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Latin America and the Caribbean, held in Santiago from 3 to 7 October; the Thirty-fifth Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies, Asia and the Pacific, held in Agra, India, from 22 to 25 November; and the forty-sixth
session of the Subcommission on Illicit Drug
[...] Traffic and Related Matters in the Near and [...]
Middle East, held in Vienna from 19 to 22 December.
世卫组织的代表提请食典委注意由粮农组织和世卫组织在文件 CAC/32 INF/3 中提 供的有关科学建议方面法典关事务 分配到的经费信息,指出世卫组织和粮农组织贡献 的经费没有包括职员的费用。
The Representative of WHO drew the attention of the Commission to the information provided by FAO and WHO on the budget allocated to Codex-related activities on the provision of scientific advice in document CAC/32 INF/3, and indicated that the WHO and FAO contribution did not include staff costs.
大会以第 64/229 号决议中认可方案和协调委员会的建议,决定不把议程项
[...] 目“改进方案和协调委员会的工作方法和程序”列入今后会议,并决定需要时在 议程项目“通过议程和工作安排”下讨论 关事 项。
By its resolution 64/229, the General Assembly endorsed the recommendations of the Committee for Programme and Coordination and decided not to include the agenda item “Improving the working methods and procedures of the Committee for Programme and Coordination” in future sessions, and further
decided to discuss related matters under the agenda item “Adoption of the agenda and organization of
[...] work” as and when needed.
逐区 实施扫雷战略以及量化威胁和成本已得出积极成
[...] 果,而且该政府正同时努力建立防止出现地雷关 事故的 机制,具体方法是培训扫雷专家并在多地雷 [...]
The district-by-district clearance strategy and the quantifying of threats and costs were already producing positive results, and the Government was at the same
time working to establish a mechanism
[...] to prevent mine-related accidents through [...]
the training of clearance experts and the publicizing of mine-infested areas.
在大会方面,它也通过一些里程碑性决议:1982 年 11 月 15 日题为“关于和
平解决国际争端的马尼拉宣言”的第 37/10 号决议;1992 年 12 月 18
[...] 日题为“和 平纲领:预防性外交和关事项”的第 47/120 A 号决议;1993 年 9 [...]
月 20 日题为 “和平纲领”的第 47/120 B 号决议和 1997 年
9 月 15 日题为“和平纲领补编” 的第 51/242 号决议。
The General Assembly has, for its part, adopted milestone resolutions, namely, 37/10 of 15 November 1982, entitled “Manila Declaration on the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes”; 47/120 A of 18 December 1992,
entitled “An Agenda for Peace:
[...] preventive diplomacy and related matters”; 47/120 B [...]
of 20 September 1993, entitled “An Agenda
for Peace”; and 51/242 of 15 September 1997, entitled “Supplement to an Agenda for Peace”.
[...] 了该中心在落实技转中心的工作方案过程中取得的进展及其目前的行 政和财政状况,并重点介绍了其所开展的主要活动及 关事 态 发 展。
The annual report of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology (APCTT) to the Commission reviews the progress in the implementation of the
programme of work of APCTT and its administrative and financial status, and
[...] highlights major events and related developments.
因此我们担心:对《与贸易有关的知识产权协定》规定的国际著作权 规则和其它关事物的 更强劲保护和实施无意产生的影响,将只能减少发展中国家对知识 产品的使用,给贫困人口带来灾害性的后果。
We are therefore concerned that an unintended impact of stronger protection and enforcement of international copyright rules as required, inter alia, by TRIPS will be simply to reduce access to knowledge products in developing countries, with damaging consequences for poor people.
(c) 国家臭氧机构、关事务署 、国家食品药物管理监督局、环境住房城市发展 部及其他化学品管制部门之间合作和数据交流的组织和进展。
(c) Organisation of and progress in cooperation and data exchange between the NOU, the Customs Service, National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control and the Ministry of Environment, Housing and Urban Development, as well as other chemical regulatory agencies.




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