

单词 事倍功半


half the work, twice the effect (idiom); the right approach
saves effort and leads better results
a stitch in time saves nine



timely handling doubles the effect and halves the effort
a stitch in time saves nine
the right approach saves effort and leads better results

External sources (not reviewed)

政府应设法解决贫 穷问题,但如果不了解问题的根源,努力也只事倍功半
However, if it does not understand the root cause of the
[...] problem, itcan only gethalf thedesiredresult [...]
with all its efforts.
例如,在街头表演的问题上,据我理解,政府的构思是选出 一些地方,把它们锐意发展成街头表演区域,这其实事倍功半
For instance, insofar as street performances are concerned, I understand that the Government wants to select certain places and it is keen on
developing these places into street
[...] performance venues; however, it actually gets half theresult with twice the effort.
现时的 情况明 显
[...] 不过,就是没有一套 正确的政策方向, 投入的资源 即 使 再 庞 大 , 也 只 会 有 如 泥牛入 海事倍功半
However massive the injection of resources is, the resources will only be engulfed, and
[...] we will only get halfthe resultwith twicetheeffort.
可惜,中小企往往因资源及 网络不足,对於品牌开拓内销市场一事无从入手,事倍功半
Unfortunately, due to inadequate resources and poor networks, SMEs often do not know
how to go about exploring the domestic market for their
[...] brands or endup getting half theresultswith double [...]
the effort.
有必要通过严格审查教科文组织各项活动和机制来加强其行动的 全面协调,以便减事倍功半散方法,消除工作重叠,限制资源的分散,促 进各级协作,并避免孤立的活动“点”。
The overall consistency of UNESCO’s action should be strengthened by rigorously reviewing its activities and mechanisms in order to reduce counterproductive fragmentation, eliminate overlaps, limit the dispersion of resources, build synergy at every level and avoid “silos” of isolated activities.
否则,即使政府再多拨更大的土地,也 只事倍功半
Otherwise, even if the Government will allocate a larger piece of land, the
[...] Government will only get half theresult with twicetheeffort.
我 认为如果对一 个 已 上 轨 道 、 运 作 经 年 的 专 业,政府持这种 态 度 无可厚 非 , 但如果对一 个 正 待 推 动纳入 轨 道 的 专 业,政府这种放任 自流的 被 动 态 度 , 只事 倍 功 半至 是 与 推 动 中 医 规 范 化 的 目标背 道 而 驰 。
However, when it comes to a profession that has yet to be brought onto the proper track of development, such a laissez-faire and passive attitude of the Government will only cause hindrance and even run counter to the very objective of bringing Chinese medicine under regulation.
[...] 有些学校未有足够的配套设施,前线教师的培训亦 不足,而学校需予照顾的有特殊需要的学生类别也 太多,令教事倍功半如有些自闭症儿童虽然 有优异的学习能力,但未能在课堂发挥所长,相反, 因为他们在社交及沟通上的障碍,更令教师难於处 [...]
有特殊教育需要的学童入读的主流学校投放更多资 源,以巩固这些学童的学习基础,帮助他们尽早融 入主流教育。
Hon Bernard CHAN The motion: "That, as integrated education in Hong Kong is currently implemented by a whole-school approach, and as some schools do not have sufficient complementary facilities and adequate training for frontline teachers, and they have to take
care of too many types
[...] of students with special needs, the result achieved is not proportionate to the efforts made; for example, [...]
although some autistic
students have excellent learning abilities, not only do they fail to exploit their strengths in class, their social adjustment and communication difficulties also make it difficult for teachers to deal with their behaviour, emotions and discipline in class, this Council urges the Government to deploy more resources to mainstream schools which admit students with special educational needs, so as to consolidate the foundation of such students for learning and help them integrate into mainstream education as soon as possible.
只顾服务数量的增加而不理质 素的改善,效果往往事倍功半局应引为监诫。
The Government should learn from past experience that if consideration is only
given to the quantity of service with the quality
[...] overlooked, it will only gethalf theresultswith twice theefforts.
任何语言学习均须日夜浸淫,少数族裔学童缺乏家庭的中文支援,学 习中文往事倍功半此,政府必须为幼稚园的少数族裔学童,按 人数提供特别的中文教师或巡回补习教师,打好学童的中文根基,消 [...]
The learning of any language requires
constant exposure, and as
[...] EM students lack Chinese support at home, theytend to gethalf the results with double [...]
the effort. Therefore,
the Government must, based on the number of EM kindergarten students, arrange special Chinese teachers or visiting tutorial teachers to teach them and help them lay a sound Chinese foundation, eliminate the cultural gap, and alleviate their psychological fear of learning Chinese.
If you are one of those people who reaches for a fizzy drink or sugary treat to get through the afternoon, try taking Liftoff™ instead andfeel the difference.
可 见 ,
[...] 死 者 生 前 的 捐 赠 意 愿 如 未 能 有 效 地 向 其 家 属 表 达 , 会 令 器 官 捐赠的工事倍功半
From this, we can see that if the deceased's wish of becoming a donor was not
effectively conveyed to their family, then the work of organ
[...] donation willtake twice theeffort and only achieve half the result.
但是,日後 如果有食品的来源地并没有完善的食物来源追溯制度,而食物进口渠
[...] 道和分销点亦广泛,那麽,要是没有现时的法例,政府要追查食物及 分销网络便将事倍功半
However, in the future, if the food products come from places which do not have a sound food traceability system and there are widespread food importation channels and distribution
outlets, without the present legislation, the
[...] Government hasto work twice as hard in tracing [...]
food and distribution network.
专 业 联 盟 和 香港多 个 专 业 学 会 现 时所努 力 的,就 是 这事 倍 功 半作。
Though we are fully aware that what the professional alliance and a number of professional bodies are doing is precisely this, we still insist on doing it.
举 例 而 言 , 如果运输业不 愿 意转用 污染较少的 燃 料 ,环保工作 便 可事 倍 功 半
If, for example, the transport industry is reluctant to switch to fuels causing less pollution, the work of environmental pollution will be much hindered.
越早给与幼儿充分的照顾和提供 良好的学前教育,就越能避免和减少日後的青少年问题,以及大㆗小学各环节的教育 问题,况且任何补救性的措施均耗用庞大的资源事倍功半府应有先见之明,早 日决定全面资助幼儿教育的政策,为香港的家长和学生做㆒件好事。
The Government should be far-sighted enough to make an early decision to adopt a policy of full subsidization of kindergarten education, thus doing a good turn to Hong Kong's parents and children.
如 果 各 个 政 策 局 在 扶 贫 方 面 各 有 自 己 一 套 , 只 会 令 工事 倍 功 半
If various bureaux come up with their own packages in respect of combating poverty, the
[...] causewill onlyget half the results withtwice the efforts.
议案提出的、要提升竞争力的公众及公屋街市,不少皆走过石水渠街一 带街市的轨迹,我十分支持今天同事提出的种种改善建议,但我认为如
[...] 果要正本清源,真正帮助小商贩发展的话,首先便要打破恶性循环,不 再肆意把一些充满活力的露天市集摧毁,否则,动用再多资源也只事 倍功半
I very much support the various improvement proposals made by colleagues today, but I think that in order to solve the problem at root and truly assist the development of small traders, we must first break the vicious cycle by ceasing to wantonly destroy these dynamic open markets, or else no
matter how much more resource were injected into these markets,
[...] we would only get halfthe result withtwice the effort.
可惜,中小企往往 因资源网络不足够而令开拓内销市事倍功半立基金,中小企便 可以参与由基金举办的“香港时尚购物展”、 [...]
“香港品牌天下行”等旗舰 活动而直接得益,有机会向内地消费者、超市、百货公司等零售批发 行业,大力宣传香港的形象、品牌及产品。
The establishment of a fund will enable SMEs to take part
[...] in suchflagship eventsas the "Style Hong [...]
Kong Show" and the "Brand Hong Kong Round
the World", so that they can benefit directly from them and access opportunities of promoting Hong Kong's image, brand names and products vigorously to consumers as well as such retail and wholesale industries as supermarkets and department stores on the Mainland.
副主席先生,港府过去在宣传爱滋病方面的努力,是令㆟赞赏的,但墨守成规的策 略只会收事倍功半果,现在正是适当时候作出改变,以应社会的需要。
Mr Deputy President, while the Government's publicity effort as
regards AIDS in the past has been commendable, a hidebound strategy
[...] will onlyachieve halfthe effect with double [...]
the effort.
不过,除了节能外,我们在使用能源的同时,即使怎样节约也好, 我们的能源组合如果仍然是高碳,或是未能够及早使用清洁能源的 话,结果则有可能事倍功半
But energy conservation aside, if the energy mix remains to be high-carbon or fails to promptly
include clean energy, no matter what we do in energy
[...] conservation, wemay get onlyhalf theresult withtwice the efforts.
如果住户不注意本身最起码的家居和个㆟安全,不愿 意挺身举报罪案,则警方的工作,即使加㆖房署的全面协助,亦只能事倍功半
If the residents do not pay any heed to home security and their own physical safety, if they are not willing to come forward to report crimes, then the police will have an uphill battle to fight and will not be able to achieve the good result which they deserve for their effort, even working in full co-operation with the HousingDepartment.
抚恤金间接地导致了社区内的货币流通,是地方经济的一个重 大额外资源,因此具事半功倍果。
Indirectly, the pensions lead to an increase in the circulation of currency in the
community, and represent a significant additional resource for the local economy,
[...] having therefore amultiplying effect.
倘若政府当局能率 先保证,在设计新的公共大厦时能顾及节约能源的问题,则这项计划的推行将事半 功倍
The process will be enhanced if the Administration could take the lead to ensure new public buildings are designed to be energy efficient.
加强对基础设施领域公共和 私营投资的协调,可以对发展援助产事半功倍果。
Improved coordination between public and private investment in
[...] infrastructure canhave amultiplier effect on development [...]
在起始阶段就这个问题进行讨论将获益匪浅,可能使各方在原则问题上逐渐达成协议, 取事半功倍果。
There is much to gain at this early stage by considering the issue in a number of fora, while ensuring coherent approaches are developed and that effort is not duplicated.
我 们期望
[...] 政 府积极 介 入 , 多做类似 律政司司长所 做 的工作 , 使 我 们 的工作变事 半 功 倍
We expect proactive intervention by the Government to make
more efforts like what the Secretary for Justice has done in order
[...] that wemay get twice the result with half the effort.
如果这数千 万 元 是 用以运 作 一 个 独 立 於 警 队 之 外 的 投 诉机制,处 理 市 民 对 警 方的投 诉 , 我们绝 对有理 由 相信,成本
[...] 效益会 大大增加, 办 事 效率事半 功 倍会 大 大增加这个投诉 渠 [...]
道 的公信 力 。
If tens of millions of dollar is to be spent on the operation of a complaint mechanism independent of the Police Force for handling public complaints against the police, we have all the reason to believe that
cost-effectiveness will be greatly enhanced,
[...] efficiency will be doubled, and the credibility [...]
of this complaint channel will be substantially boosted.
就达致学与教「范式转移」的最终目标而言,专责小组认为 电子学习可以使学事半功倍有成效和趣味,并有助学生养成终 身学习的习惯,从而促进全人发展。
To materialise the ultimate goal of “paradigm shift” in learning and teaching, e-Learning is considered as an effective means to make learning more efficient, effective and interesting, and help students develop the habit of life-long learning, which in turn facilitates whole-person development.
两个组织之间的合作关系为发展中国家专家的参与和研究发展中国家的问题提供了一 个广泛的论坛,使各项有关南方国家能力建设及发展一流科学中心方面的活动能够取事半 功倍果。
Partnership between the two organizations provides a broad forum for the participation of experts from and about the developing countries, and offers a multiplying effect in activities relating to scientific capacity-building and the development of centres of scientific excellence in countries of the South.




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