

单词 事与愿违

External sources (not reviewed)

无视第二类人的意愿而强行调动第一类人,只 会造成普遍的沮丧,并且可能会对某类工作人员不利,最 事与愿违。
To force the first group while neglecting the wish of the second only causes general frustration and is potentially penalizing for certain categories of staff and ultimately counterproductive.
Many of the control functions traditionally associated with school leadership become less important or even counter-productive.
During the audit, it was noted that in some cases, the length of time taken to receive authorization from
Headquarters could run counter to the
[...] expected outcomes, notably when it is possible [...]
to obtain lower transport prices by booking in advance.
y 2010 年 6 月 25 日,美国前总统吉米·卡特在加泰罗尼亚电台发表讲话, 要求奥巴马总统解除对古巴的封锁,因为这是 事与愿违 的 ”
On 25 June 2010, former United States President James Carter, speaking on Radio Catalunya, requested President Barack Obama to lift the embargo against Cuba because it was counterproductive.
不幸的是事与愿违,在随后数月 中,本会议无法在如何执行工作计划方面解决分歧。
Unfortunately, it did not happen, as the Conference could not resolve differences over how to implement the work programme in subsequent months.
问题 13: 我该如何确保货币估值不事与愿违?
How can I ensure that monetary estimates do not backfire?
如果您想确保货币估值不会产 事与愿违 的 结果, 需要将货币估值嵌入一系列的论点中或迁入多重标 准分析中。
Monetary estimates need to be embedded into a chain of arguments or into a multi-criteria analysis if you want to ensure that they do not backfire.
他们的目标是联邦制,对土地和税收具有控制权,而穆塞韦尼所希望的分权是建立在地区依赖于中央政府资金的基础之上的,并坚持保留最终权力,他限制卡巴卡影响力的策略导致结 事与愿违。
Their goal was federalism, with control over land and the power to tax, while Museveni wanted decentralisation based on districts dependent on funds from the central government and insisted on keeping final authority.
但是,如 果不减少需求,回购方案很可 事与愿违。
However, buy-back programmes risk being counterproductive if they do not reduce demand.
由此产生的机制越 来越多,削弱和瓦解了实现一致性的努力,结果使这些机制的效 事与愿违。
The resulting proliferation undermines the very purpose of these mechanisms by weakening and fragmenting the efforts to introduce coherence.
如果说主任的理科教育背景和他对项目的兴趣使他更为关注某些在正常情况下应由科 学股长主持的工作,如果说他的集权做法是为了平息部门的冲突局面,但这种干预实际上不 仅适得其反,而事与愿违地影 响了业务管理气氛和效率。
Although the Director’s scientific training and keen interest in the programmes may explain why certain duties normally performed by the Natural Sciences Sector representative were moved up to his level and the aim of centralizing certain decisions was to resolve conflicts with the sectors, it is nonetheless the case
that this policy of
[...] intervention has, counter-productively and contrary to all intention, affected the smoothness and efficiency of the management of activities.
上述各种困境,不论是人为的或 事与愿违 , 总 给当事人及其家人带来压力和痛苦。
The various difficult situations mentioned above, whether caused by human failings
or brought about
[...] against one's wishes, definitely bring pressure and pain to the parties involved and to their [...]
冷战的结束使 我们继续希望,我们将能够实现这项目标,但 事与 愿违。
The end of the Cold War kept the hope alive that we would be able to reach that goal, but it was not to be.
也许事与愿违,时间的推移改变一切。 显然,一个职业生涯是由非凡的时刻构成的:1989年盛世长城奖,与画廊老板卢西奥·阿梅里奥,邀请XLV威尼斯双年展展出个展,都会在马丁·格罗皮乌斯 - 巴乌博物馆在展览,会议柏林。
Obviously a career is made of remarkable moments: the Saatchi & Saatchi prize in 1989, the meeting with gallery owner Lucio Amelio, the invitation to exhibit at the XLV Venice Biennale with a solo show, the Metropolis exhibition at the Martin Gropius-Bau Museum in Berlin.
2011 年美国反恐战略只是 2010 年春季发布的美国国家安全大战略的一部分, 这个大战略确认,仅从反恐怖主义的角度看待外交和安全政策 事与愿违。
The 2011 United States Strategy is only one part of the larger National Security Strategy of the United States, which was released in the spring of 2010 and recognizes that it is counterproductive to view foreign and security policy through a counter-terrorism prism alone.
(c) 请对有违背本人意愿将赵 秀珍送入南安区精神病院的报告作出答 复,并说明采取了哪些步骤对事件 进 行调查。
(c) Please respond to the report involving Zhao Xiuzhen, who was
[...] [...] reportedly held against her will in a psychiatric hospital in the Nan’an District, and indicate any steps that have been taken to investigate the incident.
同样,我愿赞扬安全事会内 所有坚持在第 2046(2012)号决议中纳入对袭击和入侵伊格利格之 举和南苏丹武装部队的行动进行谴责的成员,这些行 动被描述为侵略行径,是对国家主权的侵犯和对其领 土完整的破坏,所有这些行径违背 了 《联合国宪 章》违反了管辖与国之间关系的各项国际标准。
By the same token, I would like to commend all of the members of the Security Council who insisted that resolution 2046 (2012) contain a condemnation of the attack and aggression on Heglig and of the actions of the South Sudanese armed forces, which were described as an act of aggression, a violation of State sovereignty and an encroachment upon its territorial integrity, [...]
all of which run counter to the Charter of the United Nations and to all
of the international standards that regulate relations among States.
在同次会议上,智利代表代表里约集团发言:重申里约集团支持阿根廷与联合 王国的主权争端中的合法权利;回顾了 2010 年 2 月 22 日和 23 日拉丁 美洲和加勒比国家元首和政府首脑在墨西哥举行的团结峰会上通过的关于在 群岛周围大陆架勘探矿物燃料问题的宣言和特别公报;反对大不列颠及北爱尔 兰联合王国在群岛的军事活动,这些 事 活 动 违 背 了 该区域寻求以和平手段解 决争端的政策;还回顾了 2010 年 10 月在圣地亚哥就该问题通过的声明(见 A/C.4/66/SR.2)。
At the same meeting, speaking on behalf of the Rio Group, the representative of Chile: reiterated the Group’s support for the legitimate rights of
Argentina in the
[...] sovereignty dispute with the United Kingdom; recalled its declaration and special communiqué on the exploration for fossil fuels on the continental shelf around the Islands, adopted by the Heads of State and Government of Latin America and the Caribbean gathered at the Unity Summit held in Mexico on 22 and 23 February 2010; rejected the military activities of the United Kingdom in the Islands, which ran counter to the region’s policy of seeking a solution to the dispute through peaceful means; [...]
and also recalled the
declaration on that matter that had been adopted in Santiago in October 2010 (see A/C.4/66/SR.2).
该员额任职者接受一级诊所外勤医务 事 ( 联 合国 志 愿 人 员 )的 监督,确保每天和定期维护分配给诊所的救护车;核实救护车中的设备安全并可 供使用;报告有关任何设备无法使用/出现差异的情况;在必要时协助病人的搬 动和定位;协助值班医生稳定病人病情并后送到提供更高一级护理的设施;确保 及时完与医疗有关的所有事。
Under the supervision of the Field Medical Officer (United Nations Volunteer) at the level-I clinic, the incumbent of the
[...] post would ensure daily and regular maintenance of the ambulance assigned to the clinic; verify the safety and availability of the equipment in the ambulance; report any unserviceability/ discrepancy of the equipment; assist with lifting and positioning of patients when required; assist the medical duty doctor in the stabilization and evacuation of patients to facilities that provide a higher level of care; and ensure that all medical errands are undertaken in [...]
a timely manner.
拟议续设信息系统事(P-4) 职位,就维持和平经费筹措司所与预算 、部队费用和资金监测相关的系统向该司提供系统支持,指导如何制定将 维持和平预算报告各项要求和支持维持和平经费筹措司的辅助系统纳入“团结” 系统的战略愿景, 包括向“团结”系统小组阐 与 维 持 和平相关的特殊业务要 求,与其协调。
It is proposed that the Information Systems Officer (P-4) position be continued to provide systems support for the Peacekeeping Financing Division for all budget, troop cost and fund monitoring-related systems serving the Division, and to provide guidance for the development of strategies and a vision for integrating the peacekeeping budget submission requirements and the auxiliary systems supporting the Division into Umoja, which includes the articulation of the particular business requirements related to peacekeeping and coordination with the Umoja team.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他人无 与 他 们 合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任何效果,应出租人和其他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使事上述 破坏 违 规 甚 至犯罪行为的住户搬走,而且 不提供其他住所。
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules
make it impossible for others to live with them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.
土耳其代表强调如下几点:(a) 该组织“欧洲——第 三世界中心”不尊重土耳其的领土完整和政治统一,一直 违 背 《 联合国宪章》 的基本原则和事会第 1996/31 号决议的基本要求;(b) 该组织一直在对土耳其 进行无事实根据并有政治动机的指控;(c) 该组织一直在煽动和纵容针对联合国 会员国的恐怖主义行动,而这是被国际法所禁止的;(d) 该组织已经成为恐怖主 义组织库尔德工人党/库尔德国民大会的宣传工具;(e) 该组织未能考虑到土耳 其之前关于需要捍卫《联合国宪章》和 事 会第 1996/31 号决议所规定的该国的 义与责任的发言。
The representative of Turkey underlined the following points: (a) the organization, Centre Europe-tiers monde had been failing to adhere to the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations
and the basic
[...] requirements set out in Council resolution 1996/31 by disrespecting the territorial integrity and political unity of Turkey; (b) the organization had been undertaking unsubstantiated and politically motivated allegations against Turkey; (c) the organization had been inciting and condoning acts of terrorism against States Members of the United Nations, which is prohibited under international law; (d) the organization had become a propaganda vehicle of the terrorist organization PKK/Kongra-Gel; and (e) the organization had not taken into consideration earlier statements of Turkey regarding the need to uphold its obligations and responsibilities under the Charter and Council resolution 1996/31.
几十年来以色列在阿拉伯被占领土上犯下的罪 行、它对国际人道主义法最基本原则的违反,以及它 享有的有罪不罚,不仅证明以色列的占领及其政治和 军事领导层触犯了法律,而且也证明安全 事 会 中的 某些国家是如何宽恕和容忍且愿意 终 止此 违法 行为的。
The crimes committed by Israel over several decades in the occupied Arab territories, its violations of the most basic principles of international humanitarian law and the impunity it enjoys not only prove the violations of law by the Israeli occupation and its political and military leadership; they are also evidence of
how certain countries
[...] in the Security Council have condoned and tolerated those violations and have been reluctant to end them.
该委员会职责广泛,包括通过教育、培训和公关提高公众认识;推广有关 方案和活动;与其他实体合作,包括雇员和雇主;开展研究和收集信息;经法庭 允许,在司法诉讼过程中采取干预措施;处 与违 反 组 织法有关的投诉,包括通 过向法院提起事诉讼 ;请求法院发布一般规则,要求雇主针对所有或部分员工 或求职者采取一般措施。
The Commission is charged, inter alia, with a wide range of duties, including fostering public awareness by way of education, training and public relations; promoting programs and activities; co-operating with other entities including employees and employers; conducting research and collecting information; making interventions, by leave of the
court, in legal
[...] proceedings; dealing with complaints relating to violation of the constituent legislation, including by way of filing a civil action in the courts; [...]
applying to the
court for general orders instructing employers to take general measures regarding all or part of their work force or employment applicants.
这项 条约规定的权利包括受保护免遭虐待、暴力和酷刑的权利 与 家 人 一起在社区中 生活而不违反个人意愿关进公共机构的权利;利用教育、交通和其他公共服务 的权利;获得信息和交流,包括通过手语或盲文的权利;就业和体面生活的权 [...]
The rights included in this treaty are the right to be protected from
abuse, violence, and
[...] torture; the right to live in the community, with one’s family, without being institutionalized [...]
against one’s
will; the right to have access to education, transportation, and other public services; the right to access information and communication, including via sign language or Braille; the right to employment and a decent standard of living; and the right to access social justice.
2009 年 11 月 26 日,政府同意采取行动计划草案列举的下列步骤:除了外交部和社会福利和安
[...] 置部的代表外,从军事安全主任办公室任命一位协调人;与联合国合作,加强出 生登记制度,以便在招募时核查年岁;在各招募中心和培训学校提供关于提高对 儿童权利与保护的认识的培训;向所有 事 部 门 发出指示,规定对征兵 与违法 者 的纪律措施,不准招募未成年人;应联合国连同国家和部门协调委员会提出的 具体要求,为本国国内访问提供方便;并为联合国参观政府招募中心和军事据点 [...]
On 26 November 2009, the Government agreed to undertake the following steps identified in the draft action plan: to appoint a focal point from the Office of the Chief of Military Affairs Security, in addition to representatives from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Social Welfare and Resettlement; to cooperate with the United Nations so as to strengthen birth registration systems that facilitate age verification during recruitments; to provide awareness training on
child rights and protection at all
[...] military recruitment centres and training schools; to issue directives stipulating disciplinary measures for recruiters and violators to all military [...]
divisions on the prohibition
of recruitment of minors; to facilitate in-country access on specific requests by the United Nations, in conjunction with states and divisional coordination committees; and to facilitate visits by the United Nations to Government recruitment centres and military sites.
在欧洲和中亚网络,有一些活动旨在预防非法贸易,如:吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯 坦和中国在 2005 年举行的三边会谈;与世界海关组织的区域情报联络处建立合作关系; 通过鼓励欧洲和中亚网络各国与, 支持亚洲及太平洋区域办事处的补天行动倡议和愿 事先知 情同意;在区域情报联络处情报部门和国家级臭氧干事之间建立合作关系;将《执 法人员指南》翻译成俄语;验证摩尔多瓦的制冷剂鉴定仪;吉尔吉斯斯坦开发软件系统, [...]
In the ECA network, several activities aim to prevent illegal trade, e.g. a trilateral meeting with Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and China in 2005, establishment of cooperation with the regional intelligence organization (RILO) of
the World Customs Organization (WCO), support of ROAP initiatives Sky Hole
[...] Patching and voluntary Prior Informed Consent by encouraging ECA network countries to participate, establishment of cooperation between RILO Intelligence and ozone officers at [...]
national level, translation
of Guide for Enforcement Officers into Russian, certification of refrigerant identifiers in Moldova, development of a software system to exchange data between customs administrations by Kyrgyzstan.
此外,对于各国是否有能力提供离岸价的信息的问题,秘书处代表指出,如果各国 提供此种数据有困难,秘书愿与个 别 国家讨论 事 , 并确认有关的数据是进口的数据。
In addition, in response to questions regarding the ability of countries to provide information on Free on Board (FOB) prices, the representative of the Secretariat indicated that if countries had
difficulty providing such data the Secretariat
[...] was open to discussing that with the individual country, and [...]
confirmed that the data in question was for imports.
这包括出于以下目的而对儿童采取 的所有形式的暴力:逼供、对儿童的非法或不佳行为进行法外处罚,强迫儿童事违背自身意愿的活 动,通常由警察和执法官员、寄宿机构和其他机构人员以及 对儿童拥有权力者包括非国家武装行为人等采用。
This includes violence in all its forms against children in order to extract a confession, to extrajudicially punish children for unlawful or unwanted
behaviours, or to force
[...] children to engage in activities against their will, typically applied by police and law-enforcement [...]
officers, staff of residential
and other institutions and persons who have power over children, including non-State armed actors.




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