

单词 争论

争论 (...) verb ()

argue (sth.) v

争论 noun, plural ()

controversies pl
arguments pl




争论性 adj

controversial adj


lit. argue who is right and wrong (idiom); to quibble
a storm in a teacup

See also:

vie for
strive for
argue or debate
deficient or lacking (dialect)
how or what (literary)

External sources (not reviewed)

就像已争论过的 那 样,仇外心理不可与种族主义或种族歧视相提并论――公约里是很清楚的;但 [...]
As had been contested, xenophobia could [...]
not be equated to racism or racial discrimination – the Convention was clear; however,
in some instances there could be linkages.
但在多边层次上, 对技术转让的
[...] 投资并不能换取碳信用 (除非我们想重开补充性争论)。
But at the multilateral level, investment in technology transfer does not earn carbon credits (unless we want to re-open
[...] the supplementarity debate).
这包括但不限于青年才俊通过文字和图像表达对本组 织和本组织会员国领导人的期望;学者、学生和教师在他们的工作中看到联合国
[...] 大会的各种活跃潜能;非政府组织和个人从更加广泛的地域给长 争论 的 专 题注 入新的生命并带来更多的参与机会;各国政府、研究机构和媒体寻求而且现在能 [...]
These include, but are not limited to, talented young voices giving expression, through word and image, to their expectations of the Organization and those who lead its Member States; scholars, students and teachers who see in their work a discernible United Nations “impact”; college students who adapt the dynamism of the General Assembly’s possibilities to a “Global Model United Nations” that is entirely their own; non-governmental
organizations and individuals who breathe new
[...] life into long-debated topics with the [...]
vigour of a vaster geographical base and
greater opportunities for participation; Governments, research institutions and the media, which seek, and can now find, the recorded positions of Member States on key issues in readily accessible form; and the creative community, which sees in matters vital to the Organization’s agenda the chance to reach its audiences in a fashion that informs as it entertains.
在倍争论的前 列腺特异性抗原(PSA)的问题上,大多数癌症标志物都不够灵敏或具体,因而无法用作无疾病风险因素的健康人士的癌症筛查工具。
With the debated exception of the [...]
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), most tumor markers are not sensitive or specific enough
to be effectively used as tools for cancer screening in healthy populations with no risk factors for the disease being tested.
保管国必须将文物送回的规定是根据 1954 年《议定书》第 II(5)条的规定提出的,其目
[...] 的是为了避免出现象波兰与加拿大在波兰艺术珍品问题上发 争论 的 情况,这些珍品于 1940 年为使其免受第二次世界大战 [...]
的威胁而被撤到加拿大,1961 年已被最终送回波兰。
The provision on the obligation of the depositary State to return cultural objects is inspired by Article II(5) of the 1954 Protocol and
is aimed at preventing cases such as the
[...] Polish-Canadian dispute concerning the [...]
Polish art treasures evacuated to Canada
in 1940 to protect them against the danger of the Second World War and finally returned to Poland in 1961.
最近围绕知识产权在科学和科学商务应 用界有三争论争得热火朝天:过于宽松的专 利权授予可导致诉讼费用增加,并使公司和政 [...]
府间的交叉许可制度及专利贸易制度高度复 杂化;新数据库法律能有效地授予公司事实权 (世界知识产权体系早就明确反对),甚至由
于引起极贵费用而阻碍了最无害的基础研究; 信息技术中所谓“商业方法”专利的增加。
Three kinds of controversies have bedeviled the use [...]
of intellectual property in science and in sciencebased commerce recently:
an over-liberal granting of patents, which can lead to increased litigation costs and extremely complex systems of cross-licensing and patent trading amongst corporations and governments; new database laws, which effectively give single corporations rights over facts – something the intellectual property systems of the world have long been explicitly opposed to, and which can curtail even the most innocuous basic research by introducing prohibitive costs; and the rise of so-called ‘business-method’ patents in information technology.
但虽然人们可能对这个问题的大小及其对研究激 励机制的束缚程度有争论,我 们关心的焦点是发展中国家在自己的知识产权体制中尽可 能避免出现类似问题。
However, while there may be debate about the scale of the problem, and the degree of inhibition on research incentives, our principal concern is that developing countries avoid where possible the creation of similar problems in their own IPR regimes.
但正如我们争论的, 如果应该鼓励发 展中国家制定适合其自身情况和目标的专利制度,而这些情况和目标又因其发展阶段的不 同而不同,那么这些国家应该如何着手呢?
But if, as we argue, developing countries should be encouraged to devise patent systems that suit their individual circumstances and objectives, which themselves will vary according to their stage of development, how should developing countries then proceed?
对死者的区域位置是一个中间Assyriolo gi s t s 争论 的 主 题,而在一个从死里复活(或回到地球相当),其中有些人会推断,从信仰的美好希望建议的形式从引用“生命水”,以马尔杜克,或米罗达巴拉,为“一谁带来死的生命”,是一个非常令人怀疑的猜想。
The location of the region of the dead
[...] is a subject of controversy among Assyriologists, [...]
while the suggestion of a brighter
hope in the form of a resurrection (or rather of a return to earth) from the dead, which some would infer from the belief in the "waters of life" and from references to Marduk, or Merodach, as "one who brings the dead to life", is an extremely doubtful conjecture.
(ii) 如果在一个进口国,声称符合一项通用标准的一个产品发现不符合该项标 准,无论是就产品所附的标签而言还是表现为其它方式,该进口国应向出口国主管 部门通告所有有关事实,特别是 争论 产 品原产地的详细情况(出口商的名称和地 址),如果认为出口国某个人对此负有责任的话。
(ii) Where, in an importing country, a product claimed to be in compliance with a general standard is found not to be in compliance with that standard, whether in respect of the label accompanying the product or otherwise, the importing country should inform the competent authorities in the exporting country of all the relevant facts and in particular the details of the origin of the product in question (name and address of the exporter), if it is thought that a person in the exporting country is responsible for such non-compliance.
与转基因有关的过敏问题第一次引起大规 争论 是 在1996年,那时研究人员显示,在从巴西坚果向大豆转移一个主要过敏原的过程中,同样也转移了它引发国民的能力,它能够在本来对巴西坚果过敏的个体中引发过敏反应。
The issue of GM-related allergies flared up for the first time in 1996, when researchers showed transfer of a major allergen from Brazil nut into soybeans also transferred its ability to trigger allergic reactions in individuals with pre-existing Brazil nut allergies.
有 关可衡量、可报告和可核实争论充 满 政治色彩, 要想取得进展的唯一途径是集中在细节上,清晰地 [...]
With the debate around MRV being politically [...]
charged, a way of making some progress may be to focus on details – clearly
defining what is meant by measurable, reportable and verifiable.
然而,尽管近 20 年前,里约 原则 15
[...] 就建议执行该预防原则,但迫于政治压力,这一原则的适用给变成了一 场辩论,人们仍争论,如 果存在不确定性,是否可以采取行动。
However, nearly two decades after Rio Principle 15 recommended implementation of the precautionary
approach, political pressure has turned the
[...] issue into a debate about whether [...]
action can be taken if there is uncertainty.
[...] 命成员组成的宪法法庭做出了一项有争议的判决, 由此引发争论导致 一些法庭成员遭到弹劾诉讼, 并最终辞职,这凸显了立法机构的权力,以及政治 [...]
体系在转型中所面临的风险,因为新组建的部门会 不断试探其上级的底线。
A dispute over a controversial ruling by the [...]
presidentially-appointed Constitutional Tribunal led to impeachment proceedings
and the resignation of the tribunal members, highlighting both the power of the legislature, and the risks to a political structure in transition as new institutions test the boundaries of their authority.
争论地位 问题只能分散实现这个重要战略目标 的注意力。
Continued disagreement over status [...]
issues will only serve as a distraction from achieving that important strategic objective.
(28) 在这个问题中最主要的案件或许是 Karnuth 诉美国(1929)案争论的问题 是杰伊条约中使缔约一方的子民自由访问对方领土的第 3 条。
(28) In what is perhaps the leading case in the matter — Karnuth v. United States (1929) — the provision in issue was article III of the Jay Treaty, which gives the subjects of one Contracting Party free access to the territory of the other.
最新的官方建议指出,以色列阿 拉伯人的问题应该是一个通过谈判解决的问题,这
[...] 一建议使得“转移”或驱逐等想法变成为以色列的 官方政策争论的焦 点亦如此,那就是谈判应以土 地换人口原则为基础,而不是以土地换和平原则为 [...]
The recent official suggestion that the issue of Israeli Arabs should be a matter for negotiation made the idea of
“transfer” or deportation an official
[...] Israeli policy, as did the contention that negotiations [...]
should be based on the principle
of exchange of land and population rather than exchange of land for peace.
这些报告和《实践指南》所载的深入分析,已经为澄清这个领域的许 多法律和学争论提供了帮助。
The in-depth analysis contained in
the reports and the Guide to Practice has already contributed to clarifying many
[...] legal and academic debates in this area.
这一更广泛的疑问从严格意义上说也许不属于作为特定主题 的授权范围之内,但解决这个问题会直接影响到对违反国际人道主义法和人权法
[...] 的指控的解释,而反过来这又是关于是战争罪还是反人类罪 争论 的 基 础,以及 对问责和个人的刑事责任所涉及的问题产生直接影响。
This broader inquiry is perhaps not strictly within the ambit of the mandate as a distinct subject matter, but its resolution bears directly on the interpretation of alleged violations of international humanitarian
and human rights law, which in turn underpin
[...] contentions of war crimes and crimes [...]
against humanity, as well as implications
for accountability and individual criminal responsibility.
由于不能依靠多边基金的额外支助,这种情形导致企业和 设备供应商在确定财政责任争论不 休,进而造成项目的长时间拖延。
Since there is no recourse to additional support from
the Multilateral Fund such situations led
[...] to interminable disputes between the enterprise [...]
and the equipment vendor to determine
financial responsibility thus resulting in long delays.
根据与喀土穆的激争论,朱 巴也与中方极 力讨价还价,以包含能够将石油公司利益与自身利 益保持一致的措施,以及保证在石油行业被关闭的 情况下具备相当大的法律权利和代偿性保护的措 施。
In light of the heated row with Khartoum, Juba also bargained hard to include measures that would bring oil company interests in line with its own and secure considerable legal rights and compensatory protections in the event of an oil-sector shutdown.
这也是双 方接下来需争论的另 一话题,但考虑到要与美国法 律保持一致,透明度指南的豁免权很有可能被拒绝。
Again this is a matter
[...] of continuing debate between the two [...]
bodies, although exemptions are likely to be excluded from the
EU Directive in order to create consistency with the US law which explicitly rejected them.
各方当事人均同意在一方当事人就任何与本协议或违反本协议的行为〔相关的或因本协议或违反本协议的行为所产生的 争 议 、 争论或 索 赔发出书面通知(“争议通知”)后的〔日数〕日内,试图友好地解决 争 议 、 争论 或 索 赔。
Required Negotiations or Mediation Before Commencement of Arbitration – The parties agree
to attempt to settle
[...] amicably any controversy or claim [related to OR arising out of] this contract, or the breach thereof, within [number of days] of written notification by a party of the claim, controversy or [...]
dispute (“Dispute Notice”).
经过进一步争论终于 加里说,他不会帮助灼烧,然后退出BASA前灼烧可以解雇他。
After further arguing finally Gary says that he won’t be helping Scorch and quits BASA before Scorch can fire him.
最后但同样重要的是,在联合国系统中实现协调一致和一体化,以支持和平和 发展努力,根本之举是各有关方面不 争论 , 而 是同意这一进程必须由有关的会员 国推动,立足于通过与相关国家、联合国系统代表、捐助社会和其他行为者的伙伴 [...]
Last but not least, the cornerstone to bringing coherence and integration into the United Nations system to support peace and development
efforts is for all concerned to accept,
[...] without further debate, that the process [...]
must be driven by the Member States concerned,
based on the needs and wants of each country as defined in partnership with the country concerned, the United Nations system representatives, the donor community and other actors, and in full respect of agreed national priorities and strong State commitment.
它可确定不同利益相关者的观点,特别是在多种观点互相冲突,调查者需要找 争论 根 源 的情况下, 该方法尤为有用。
This method of determining different stakeholder viewpoints is especially useful in contexts where there are conflicts created by a diversity of views and the interviewer needs to establish the source of the disagreement.
作为每一个在一个学校的校长塔纳,然而,有,如上所述,他自己在其中的mishnaic收集与前教师halakot以及他们 争论 是 不 同的阐述,在教学中统一其中的mishnah曾渴望的编纂并几乎已经达到再次落空,因为有许多不同的教诲,因为有米示拿的集合。
As every tanna at the head of a school, however, had, as stated above, his own mishnaic collection in
which the halakot of preceding teachers
[...] as well as their controversies were differently [...]
expounded, the uniformity in teaching
which the redactors of the Mishnah had desired and which had almost been attained was again lost; for there were as many different teachings as there were Mishnah collections.
发生任争议、争论或索 赔不得免除各方当事人履行其在协议项下义务的责任,除非仲裁庭做出这样的裁决。
Requirement for “Continued Performance” During the Arbitration – The occurrence of a claim, controversy or dispute shall not release any party from its duty to perform its obligations hereunder unless the Arbitration Tribunal shall so order.
对“项目”的定义现在仍是议会和理事会之 争论 的 焦 点。 议会法律事务委员会建议:与美国证交会一致,定义项目时应基于涉及政府财政条款的 [...]
合同;而理事会则提出一个更宽松的定义,包括美国证券交易委员会已经放弃的公司内 部业务单元和地理定义的做法。
The definition of ‘project’ is
[...] still a matter of debate between Parliament [...]
and Council, with the Parliamentary Legal Affairs
committee suggesting a definition based upon individual contracts from which fiscal terms with a government arise – in alignment with the SEC rules direction that projects should be based on contracts, while the Council suggest much looser definitions including the ‘reporting units’ and geographical definitions that have been rejected by the SEC.
[...] 势数据有限,这一挑战助长了关于选民登记 争论 等 难 题,也对巩固和平和促进 民主施政的努力产生了负面影响。
Many West African countries continued to be faced with limited availability of credible and
up-to-date data on demographic trends, a
[...] challenge that fuels disputes over voter registration, [...]
among other difficulties, and
impacts negatively on efforts to consolidate peace and promote democratic governance.




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