

单词 争夺战





External sources (not reviewed)

另 一 方 面 ﹐ 虽 然 挪 威 拥 有 一 支 庞 大 的 商 舰 队 ﹐ 但 没 有 参争 夺 战
On the other hand, although Norway had a large merchant fleet, she did not join the race.
电视、宽频及话音服务的经营环境仍然险峻,竞争对手不断以进取的市场推广策略和割 喉式减争夺
The operating environment remained tough in the TV,
Broadband and Voice
[...] sectors, with competitors constantly mounting aggressive marketing initiatives and cutthroat price wars to lure subscribers.
然而﹐它们体现了旧政权最好而非最坏的部份﹐它们的决议在欧洲的四 十年间避免了任何大战争
But they represented the best but not the worst of the old regime, and their settlement averted any major war in Europe for forty years.
Speaking at the pledging ceremony, the Chairman of the 4th HKG Organising Committee, Mr
William Tong, noted that district teams had stepped
[...] up training activities to gear up their athletesfor the competitions.
Same as Wong Ka-ying, the author hopes while
everybody are competing for the supports
[...] from the public, they should also focus [...]
on the scientific aspects of the public
opinion surveys, and to understand the limitations of different types of polls, so that politics never got mixed with science.
因此, 虽然在这些场合的比赛 中, 重要的是两队能公平争夺利益还是必须给与投进球 的一队。
The advantage then must always lie with the team throwing the ball in, although, here again, it is important that these areas of play can be fairly contested.
从 地 区 上 看,各 地 区 发 达 国 家 市 场 的2G 、3G网 络 已 经 进 入 新 的 替 换 期, 新 兴 市 场 也 开 始 进 入 建 网 高 峰 期;争 夺场 竞 争 中 的 有 利 地 位,3G的 普 及 和 移 动 互 联 网 的 发 展 不 断 加 快,运 营 商 对 带 宽 升 级 和 创 新 业 务 的 需 求 越 来 越 迫 切。
Regionally speaking, 2G and 3G networks in developedcountrieshadmovedintothereplacementstage ,whilenetworkconstructionwasatitspeak inemergingmarkets.Therewasgrowingdemandforbandwid thupgradeandserviceinnovationamong carriers,astheysoughttocopewiththefastpenetrationof3Gandthedevelo pmentofmobileInternet connections driven by carriers’ attempts to gain an upper hand in market competition
(b) 因後述各项产生的任何损失或损害:任何发布资料者的疏忽行为或遗漏,或任何不可抗力事件(包 括但不限於:洪水、异常天气条件、地震、其他天灾、火灾战争动、骚乱、劳动纠纷、意 外、政府行为、电力故障、设备、软体或通讯线路故障或失灵),或任何发布资料者合理控制范 围外之原因所造成之⑴任何不准确、错误、延误或遗漏,(ii)没有履行责任,或(iii)任何此等数据、 资料或讯息的中断。
(b) any loss or damage arising from or occasioned by (i) any such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission, (ii) non-performance, or (iii) interruption in any such data, information or message, due either to any negligent act or omission by any Disseminating Party or to any “force majeure” (such as, without limitation, flood, extraordinary weather condition, earthquake or other act of God, fire, war, insurrection, riot, labor dispute, accident, action of government, power failure, equipment, software or communications line failure or malfunction) or any other case beyond the reasonable control of any Disseminating Party.
为 了 建 立 与 公 司 业 绩 和 长密 挂 鈎 的 长 期 激 励 机 制,从 而 完 善 公 司 整 体 薪 酬 结 构 体 系,为 公 司 的 业 绩 长 期 持 续 发 展 奠 定 人 力 资 源 的,公 司 董 事 会 薪 酬 与 考 核 委 员 会 制 定 了 公 司 第 一 期 股 权 激 励 计 划,该 计 划 已 经 公 司 股 东 大 会 批 准 并 开 始 实 施。
In order to establish a long-term incentive mechanism closely linked with the Company’s business performance and long-term strategy, so as to help optimise the overall remuneration structure and create a competitive advantage in human resources that will contribute to the long-term, sustainable growth of theCompany’s operation, the Remuneration and Evaluation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company has formulated the Phase I Share Incentive Scheme of the Company, which has come into effect upon approval by the general meeting of the Company.
因此 ,业界人士及 市民大众均期望政府营造良好的环境 ,鼓励市场进行竞争 。预期每个国家最终将会拥有多个电视平台 , 互争夺,同时透过卫星 、有线系统 、电话网络及无线方案将节目传送给观众 。
It is envisaged that every country will eventually have multiple television platforms all competing for viewers reaching their viewers via satellite, cable, the telephone network and wireless solutions.




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