

单词 争夺

争夺 verb

scramble v

争夺 noun

contest n



scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle


making every second count
lit. fight minutes, snatch seconds (idiom); a race against time


fight for fame, grab profit (idiom); scrambling for fame and wealth
only interested in personal gain


fierce rivalry
lit. you fight, I snatch (idiom); compete fiercely offering no quarter

See also:

vie for
strive for
argue or debate
deficient or lacking (dialect)
how or what (literary)

wrest control of
leave out
take away forcibly
compete or strive for
force one's way through


lose v

External sources (not reviewed)

该国代表团 承认,偶尔也发争夺资源 ,特别会在该国的低地,激起族群关系的紧张和冲 突。
The delegation admitted that,
[...] occasionally, resource competition, particularly [...]
in the lowlands of the country, had triggered
communal tension and conflicts.
苏丹南方的生命损失仍是一项重大关切,因为尽管当 局采取了若干地方举措争夺资源 的部落纠纷和冲突仍层出不穷。
The loss of life in Southern Sudan remains a major
[...] concern as tribal disputes and clashes over [...]
resources continue to occur in spite of some
local initiatives undertaken by the authorities.
审查工作将以五个原则为指导:(a) 所
有规划进程都应咨询当地妇女和国家两性平等专家且体现他们的观点;(b) 分析
[...] 需求和优先事项时必须认识到冲突对妇女和男子、男孩和女孩产生的影响不同, 还应认识到现存的性别关系可能会影响到重建有效和公平机构的工作;(c) 应根 据竞争夺资金 对两性平等的影响的预设情况,分配资源;(d) 应将与性别相关 的成果指标和计算成本的活动纳入规划框架;(e) 应该在整个规划过程中提供足 [...]
够的社会分析和两性平等分析专业知识,以便在规定的时限内有效执行这些步 骤。
Five principles should inform the review: (a) local women and national gender experts should be consulted, and their views reflected, in all planning processes; (b) the analysis of needs and priorities should be based on an appreciation of the differential impact of conflict on women and men and boys and girls, and of the potential for prevailing gender relations to affect efforts to
rebuild effective and
[...] equitable institutions; (c) resource allocations should be based on projections of the gender implications of competing funding scenarios; [...]
(d) gender-related
outcome indicators and costed activities should be included in planning frameworks; and (e) sufficient expertise in social and gender analysis should be provided throughout the planning process to allow these steps to be implemented effectively and within the stipulated time frames.
与会者建议主要优先事项范围内的重点领域应当 包含气候变化对水资源的影响,对水患水灾的防范,生态-水文措施的加强、共同占有的地水域和蓄 水层的管理,争夺水资 源引发的冲突及其预防,促进可持续发展的生物圈保护区以及妇女在水资 源管理和卫生中的作用。
It was suggested that areas of focus within the principal priority should also encompass the impact of climate change on water resources, the preparedness to water-related risks and disasters, the enhancement of the eco-hydrological approach, the management of shared groundwater basins and aquifers and the prevention of water-related conflict, biosphere reserves for sustainable development and the role of women in water resources management and sanitation.
在若干次干预行动中,沙漠化都被认为是干旱地区的主要环境问题,也因其严重破环经济 发展和粮食安全、导致贫困和引发对自然资 争夺 等 问 题,对可持续发展构成了重大威胁。
In several interventions, desertification was highlighted as the main environmental problem in dry lands and a major threat to sustainable development, as it had a very adverse impact on economic development and food security, caused poverty and triggered conflict over use of natural resources.
紧急情 况,特别是加沙地带和西岸的紧急情况,给近东救济工程处造成沉重的业务和财
[...] 政负担,威胁到近东救济工程处服务的可持续性和质量,而且导致需要发出同经 常预争夺资金的紧急援助呼吁。
Emergency situations, especially in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, impose heavy operational and financial burdens on the Agency, threatening the sustainability
and quality of UNRWA services and necessitating emergency
[...] appeals, which compete with fund-raising [...]
for the regular budget.
亚洲扑克巡回赛澳门扑克节将举办20多场赛事,其中15场是官方赛事 -- 12日到16日产生四强争夺奖金 池里的奖金。
The Asian Poker Tour Macau hosts over 20 events with
15 official side events -- the first four taking place between the 12th - 16th
[...] August featuring guaranteed prize pools.
向联合国森林论坛自愿提供的资料表明,在大多数但非所有情况下,对森林 生物多样性和实现森林文书全球目标 1 和 3 的主要威胁一直而且依然是破坏生态
环境、外来物种入侵、森林火灾、森林区块化、过度放牧、风害、气候变化对森 林生态系统的不利影响、更为频繁的自然灾害、需要更多的木材和木材残渣生成
[...] 能源、对生物燃料的需求、木材行业和能源行 争夺 来 自 森林的木材原料,缺乏 进行可持续森林管理的财政资源。
According to on voluntary information provided for the eighth session of the United Nations Forum on Forests, significant threats to forest biodiversity and the implementation of global objectives 1 and 3 of the forest instrument, in most but not all cases, have been, and continue to be, habitat destruction, invasive alien species, forest fires, forest fragmentation, overgrazing, wind damage, negative impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems, increased frequency of natural disasters, increase in demand for wood and
wood residues for energy generation,
[...] demand for biofuels, competition for wood raw material [...]
from forests (wood-based industries
versus energy generation), and lack of financial resources to implement sustainable forest management.
在发展中国家,如果堕胎合法化导致堕胎需求上升 争夺 稀 缺 资源的妇女人 数将增加,因堕胎而死亡或受害的妇女人数也会增加。
In the developing world, if legalization
triggered a higher demand for abortion, the
[...] number of women competing for scarce resources [...]
would increase and more women would die or be harmed by abortion.
总统阁下指出,各国在 与粮食不安全作斗争的过程中都面临着众多挑战,包括提高农业生产率存在困难、 城市扩张和工业发展以及生物燃料作物生产对土地 争夺 、 气 候变化及频繁的自然 灾害。
His Excellency noted the many challenges that countries confront in their efforts to overcome food insecurity, including difficulties in
[...] agricultural productivity, competition for land for urban and industrial expansion and biofuel crop production, [...]
climate change and frequent natural disasters.
一个中心事件是可以 预见 ZANU-PF 和安全部门的强势人物之间很快就 会为从年老多病的穆加贝手中接掌权力而展开激争夺;另一个中心事件则是即将在不到一年的时间 内举行的选举很有可能重演前次的历史——选举过 程暴力,选举结果未能代表多数人民的意愿。
One involves the prospect that a fierce struggle among ZANU-PF barons and security service strongmen to take over the mantle of the ancient and ill Mugabe may be near; the other that the next election, which cannot be much more than a year off, is likely to be as violent and its result as unrepresentative of the popular will as its predecessor unless progress is quickly made on electoral reforms, and something is done about the unreconstructed security services.
由于各主要电影制片厂积极与黑白电 争夺 观 众 ,在 1953 年 共生产约 40 部 3D [...]
电影,随后一年也生产了 20 多部。
As the major studios struggled to compete with black-and-white [...]
television at home, nearly forty 3-D movies were produced
in 1953, and another 20 were started the following year.
但是,在后续的双边投资条约协商中,缺乏有影响的市场势力的资本 输入方在与其他各争夺投资 时感到压力越来越大,因为他们要接受更广泛的规 [...]
However, in successive BIT negotiations, capital importers that lacked
significant market power felt increasingly
[...] pressured to compete with one another for investments [...]
by accepting ever-more expansive
provisions, constraining their policy discretion to pursue legitimate public interest objectives.
24 协调与合作取决于共同系统各实体是否愿意合作追求共同目标。即使各实体愿意 参与协作努力,竞相争取资金和 争夺 地 盘 ”也可能造成重大障碍。
Even if entities are willing to engage in collaborative efforts, competition for funding and “turf battles” can present major obstacles.
提及 Adaani 资助武装团体和协助冲突(S/2004/604,第 76-77 段和第 100 段);向反对团体运送武 器(S/2005/153,第 29 段);武装支持反对派和购买武器(S/2005/625,第 18 段和第 40 页); 争夺马安港(S/2006/229,第 136 段);资助伊斯兰法院联盟、建立训练设施和运送武器 (S/2006/913,第 12 和第 143 段);被过渡联邦政府驱逐(S/2007/436,第 64 至 65 段)。
Adaani for funding armed groups and facilitating conflict (S/2004/604, paras. 76-77 and 100); arms shipments to opposition groups (S/2005/153, para. 29); armed support of opposition and arms purchases (S/2005/625, para. 18 and p. 40); fighting over Eel Ma’aan port (S/2006/229, para. 136); financing of the Union of Islamic Courts, establishment of training facilities and arms shipments (S/2006/913, paras. 12 and 143); and ousting by the Transitional Federal Government (S/2007/436, paras. 64-65).
绿色增长方针的核心是要认识到,在环境和发展之间不存在孰轻孰 重的问题,二者并争夺有限 资源的两条不相干的道路,而是一条统筹实 [...]
At the core of the green growth approach is the recognition that there is no trade-off between the environment and
development: they are not two separate
[...] lines of effort competing for limited [...]
resources, but provide a path for effective
development efforts in an integrated manner.
其中并不要求泄漏企业经营机密和商业秘密,或 争夺 重 要信息或者其他具有保护价值的信 息。
However, this does not justify the
surrendering of trade or business secrets, or of information that
[...] is related to competition or is otherwise [...]
worthy of protection.
其 他因素也会引发冲突,包括夺取获得水或农田等基 本资源的机会争夺对珍 贵原材料和能源的控制 权。
Other factors can be sources of conflict,
[...] including competition for access to basic resources such as water or agricultural land and rivalry for control [...]
over precious raw materials and energy resources.
在接下来的四个圈中,Zaugg 与 Piguet 之间争夺首位 展开了一场戏剧性的角逐战。
For the next four laps, a dramatic battle unfolded for the lead between Zaugg and Piguet.
[...] 这个障碍,可能需要与其他项目和国家优先事争夺预算 ,或从其他来源和政府寻找资金。
Overcoming this barrier
[...] may require competing for budgetary [...]
resources with other programs, and national priorities or finding
funding from other sources and governments.
三天善良与邪恶的精争夺的灵 魂附体,在这之后采取清算和刚刚男人是欢欣鼓舞的幽灵,在美丽少女的形式,他的善行,文字,思想,以及安全地越过一个幸福的天堂,而邪恶的人是面临着一个可怕的幽灵他的劣迹,并拖累了地狱。
For three days good
[...] and evil spirits contend for the possession [...]
of the soul, after which the reckoning is taken and the
just men is rejoiced by the apparition, in the form of a fair maiden, of his good deeds, words, and thoughts, and passes over safely to a paradise of bliss, while the wicked man is confronted by a hideous apparition of his evil deeds, and is dragged down to hell.
渔业和水产养殖对全球粮食安全及经济增长所做的重要贡献一直受到 一系列问题的干扰,这些问题包括治理不善、渔业管理体制薄弱、对自然 资源争夺、渔 业和水产养殖方式长期采用不当、小型渔业社区的优先重 点和权利未得到足够重视、性别歧视和童工等不公正现象等。
These include poor governance, weak fisheries management regimes, conflicts over the use of natural resources, the persistent use of poor fishery and aquaculture practices, a failure to incorporate the priorities and rights of small-scale fishing communities, and injustices relating to gender discrimination and child labour.
在法国征服阿尔及利亚的 10 年前,在欧洲争夺非洲 ”的半个多世纪前,Brué 的地图显示了撒哈拉以及有撒哈拉沙漠以南的非洲中部有多少是欧洲人尚未了解的区域。
A decade before the French conquest of
Algeria and more than a half century prior to
[...] the European “scramble for Africa,” [...]
Brué’s map shows how much of Saharan and
sub-Saharan central Africa remained terra incognita for Europeans.
[...] 放军、准军事团伙、政府安全部队和贩毒者都 争夺 Awá 领土的控制权。
FARC, ELN, paramilitary groups, Government security forces and drug
[...] traffickers are all vying for control of [...]
Awá territory.
考虑到政府能力有限,立法 框架未经考验,南苏丹的经济规划者必须小心利用
[...] 这些投资以服务于自身利益,以免资 争夺 遍 及这 个非洲最新成立的国家。
Given limited government capacity and an untested legislative framework, its economic planners must
take care to harness such investment for its own benefit, lest Africa’s newest state
[...] be overrun in a resource scramble.
弗朗西斯爵士宝载货的船被一艘海盗船,蒙面红色拉克姆(丹尼尔·克雷格)的带领下,和,爵士弗朗西斯选择了激烈 争夺 , 并 最终投降后,下沉的独角兽,而大多数的宝藏,而不是让陷入拉克姆的手。
Sir Francis’ treasure-laden ship was attacked by a pirate ship, led by the masked Red Rackham (Daniel Craig), and, after a fierce battle and eventual surrender, Sir Francis chose to sink the Unicorn, and most of the treasure, rather than allow it to fall into Rackham’s hands.
准备好奴才的笑中最有趣的重磅炸弹击中的一年争夺“世 界上最伟大的小人”,GRU(由史蒂夫·卡瑞尔配音) [...]
- 伴随着他的热闹船员调皮的爪牙 - 图拉本世纪最疯狂的犯罪的标题,盗取月亮! 但格吕征的帮助下,三个小女孩时,他们看到的东西,他没有其他人从未见过的:完美的爸爸。
Vying for the title of “World’s Greatest [...]
Villain”, Gru (voiced by Steve Carell) – along with his hilarious crew of mischievous
minions – plots to pull off the craziest crime of the century: steal the moon!
近东救济工程处在中东夜以继日地从事着拯救 生命和人类发展工作,在这样的机构中,当与管理
[...] 有关的需求与基本方案和紧急需 争夺 逐 渐 减少的 财务资源时,后者必然占据上风。
At an agency like UNRWA which performed lifesaving and human development work in the Middle East
day in and day out, when management-related
[...] requirements competed for dwindling [...]
financial resources with essential programme
and emergency demands, the latter must prevail.
在发展中国家,贫穷、对稀少资源 争夺 、 从 农村向城市的迅速迁移以及由 此在提供粮食、基础设施和获得基本保健、用水、能源服务的机会等方面产生的 [...]
Challenges have been intensified in developing
[...] countries by poverty, competition for scarce resources, [...]
rapid rural-tourban migration and
the concomitant challenges to provide food, infrastructure and access to basic health, water and energy services.
包括海 平面上升在内的与气候变化相关的新威胁有可能导 致像小岛屿国家这样的国家整个消失;荒漠化和农业 用地流失加快有可能导致粮食无保障、贫困现象增加
[...] 和发展遭到逆转;移民和流离失所者的流动有可能成 为邻近地区社会和政治紧张的源头;水资源匮乏可能 加剧对自然资源争夺。
Emerging threats related to climate change include sealevel rise, which could result in the loss of entire countries such as the small island States; accelerated desertification and erosion of agricultural land, which could lead to food insecurity, increased poverty and reverse development; migratory and displacement flows, which could become a source of social and
political tensions in the neighbouring areas; and water scarcity,
[...] which could exacerbate competition over natural resources.




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