

单词 予协助

See also:

(archaic) I

External sources (not reviewed)

下列服务为残疾人而设:改变工作空间和方式,免费提供工作必需的技术 协助,与支助人员一起工作,在征聘面试期间 予协助。
The following services are intended for disabled persons: adapting the work space and means, free
provision of technical aid necessary for work, work with a
[...] support person, and assistance during the recruitment [...]
塞内加尔鼓励科摩罗积极努力确保有效实施所接受的建议,并呼 吁国际社会在这方面予协助。
Senegal encouraged the Comoros to be vigorous in its efforts to ensure the
effective implementation of the accepted recommendations, and appealed to the
[...] international community to assist in this regard.
在采取这些措施时,可请 其它缔约国予协助。
In taking such measures assistance may be requested [...]
from other States Parties.
其它联合国机构和筹资机构要求 该网络在计划的制订方面予协助, 这 些机构包括亚 洲社会科学研究理事会协会,尤其是日本基金会和福 特基金会。
Other United Nations Agencies and
Funding bodies call
[...] upon the network for assistance in program development, including the Asian Association of Social Science [...]
Research Councils
(AASSREC), the Japan Foundation and the Ford Foundation in particular.
除非安全理事会要求第三国根据依照《联合国宪章》第七章通过的决议给予 合作,否则横向合作模式适用于第三国:根据《程序和证据规则》规则 13 和 15, 第三国只有在同意协助特别法庭(例如与特别法庭订立协定或安排)的前提下方 须予协助。
Except when the Security Council requests third States to cooperate pursuant to a resolution adopted under Chapter VII of the Charter, the horizontal model of cooperation applies to third States: they shall provide assistance to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon only if they have agreed to do so, for instance, by entering into an agreement or arrangement with the Tribunal, as provided by rules 13 to 15 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
我们赞赏 海洋事务和海洋法司司长和工作人员在支持各国代 表团就这些草案开展工作方面 予协助。
We record our appreciation to the Director and staff of the
Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law
[...] of the Sea for their assistance in supporting delegations’ [...]
work on those drafts.
如果经捷克共和国过境,由警方根据国际条约,或应欧洲联盟成员国或其他 实行 2003 年 11 月 25
[...] 日关于对空中驱离所需过境予协助 的 理 事会指令 2003/ 110/EC 规定程序的国家的主管机构的请求,提供必要的协助。
In cases of transit through the Czech Republic, the required assistance is provided by the police pursuant to an international treaty or at the request of the competent authority of a European Union member State or of another State applying the procedure laid down
in Council Directive 2003/110/EC of 25
[...] November 2003 on assistance in cases of transit [...]
for the purposes of removal by air.
检察官办公室要求波 斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那对正在进行的审判和上诉 予协助 ; 协助 逮 捕逃犯及其支持 网络中的个人;在移交案件方面给予合作。
The Office of the Prosecutor requires Bosnia and
[...] Herzegovina to: provide assistance with ongoing trials and appeals; assist in arresting [...]
the fugitives and
the individuals in their support networks; and cooperate in relation to transferred cases.
(a) 更注重主权的子模式:国家在法律上有义务合作,但通过本国检察或司 法当局协助提出要求的国际法庭或法院执行调查或司法行动,必要时须有国际法 庭或法院官员在场; (b) 更注重层级体系的子模式:国家完全授权国际法庭或法院在本国领土上 执行调查或司法行动,无须本国 予协助 — —除非是性质上需要当地执法机构给 予积极合作或保护的行动,例如搜查、执行逮捕令或执行法庭传票。
for all an international tribunal or court to carry out investigative or judicial acts of assistance on their territory without the assistance of their own authorities — except for those acts that, by their nature, require the active cooperation or protection of local enforcement agents, such as searches, the execution of arrest warrants and the execution of subpoenas.
调查团希望明文感谢土耳其和约旦政府 予协助 , 为 其访问伊斯坦布尔、 安卡拉和阿曼提供便利,并提供了有关资料,而土耳其的资料属于官方性质。
The Mission wishes to place on record its
[...] appreciation for the assistance provided by the Governments [...]
of Turkey and Jordan in facilitating
its visits to Istanbul, Ankara and Amman and providing relevant information, in the case of Turkey at an official level.
如果过境行动是通过空中进行,并需要在欧洲联盟另一成员国或其他实行 2003 年 11 月 25 日关于对空中驱离所需过境予协助 的 理 事会指令 2003/110/EC 规定程序的国家境内作中途停留,警方可请该国主管当局对中途停留 予协助。
If the transit operation is effected by air and requires a stopover in the territory of another European Union member State or another State applying the procedure laid down in Council
Directive 2003/110/EC of 25
[...] November 2003 on assistance in cases of transit for the purposes of removal by air, the police may ask the competent authority of such State for assistance during the stopover.
小组还寻求利比里 亚政府在旅行禁令和资产冻结两方面 予协助。
The Panel
[...] also sought the assistance of the Government [...]
of Liberia regarding both the travel ban and assets freeze.
如果过境国是欧洲联 盟成员国,则适用 2003 年 11 月
[...] 25 日关于对空中驱离所需过境予协助 的 理事 会指令 2003/110/EC 规定的程序。
If the transit State is a member State of the European Union, the
procedure is stipulated by Council
[...] Directive 2003/110/EC on assistance in case of transit [...]
for the purpose of removal by air.
[...] 民自己来领导,但来自国际社会包括联合王国的私营 企业,随时准备予协助和投入。
Of course this effort has to be led by the Government and the people of Haiti themselves, but private
enterprises from across the international community, including from the United
[...] Kingdom, stand ready to assist and invest.
该股确保各特派团遵守关于 设备和设施的当地空运标准和国际标准,并对航空站总规划、机场维修方案拟定 以及空中和地面支助服务管理 予协助 , 以满足外地特派团的机场和航空站需 求。
The Unit ensures that local aviation standards and international standards on equipment and facilities are adhered to in all missions and provides support for airport master planning, airfield repair programming and the management of air and ground support services in order to meet the field missions’ airfield and air terminal requirements.
[...] 名额或低于限额国家的常驻代表团和全国委员会以及总部外办事处和各部门/局取得联系, 请它们对秘书处予协助。
Permanent Delegations and National Commissions of non- or under-represented
countries as well as field offices and sectors/bureaux have therefore been
[...] contacted and asked to assist the Secretariat.
大会在题为“全面禁止核试验条约”的第 66/64
号决议执行部分第 11 段中 请秘书长同全面禁止核试验条约组织筹备委员会协商编写报告,说明已批准《条
[...] 约》的国家为各国普遍加入《条约》作出的努力,以及向请求在批准程序上予 协助的国 家提供这种协助的可能性,并向大会第六十七届会议提出这份报告。
By operative paragraph 11 of its resolution 66/64, entitled “Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty”, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive NuclearTest-Ban Treaty Organization, to prepare a report on the efforts of States that had ratified the Treaty
towards its universalization and
[...] possibilities for providing assistance on ratification [...]
procedures to States that so request
it, and to submit such a report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session.
该实体要成功履行授权,就要 求联合国所有机构和机关开展全面协调,所有条约机
[...] 构特别是消除对妇女歧视委员会和儿童权利委员会 都要给予配合,对各种委员会 予协助 , 以 便协调其 努力并支持发展中和发达会员国以及所有区域和次 区域组织以及政治共同体。
The success of the entity in fulfilling its mandate will require comprehensive coordination by all United Nations agencies and organs, cooperation with all treaty bodies, especially the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women and the
Committee on the Rights
[...] of the Child, and assistance to committees aimed at coordinating their efforts [...]
and supporting Member
States from both developing and developed countries, as well as all regional and subregional organizations and political communities.
其中不 包括对其他缔约国进行干预的责任,并且协调国可请其他缔约国予协助。
This does not exclude the responsibility to
intervene of the other
[...] States Parties and assistance can be requested from the other States Parties by the Coordinating State.
[...] 处需要利用其他机构的资源,包括主动提议在这方面 予协助 的 机 构的资源, 并根据本届会议的审议情况,界定专题讨论会本身可能讨论的议题。
In preparation for a colloquium, the Secretariat would therefore need to define the possible topics for discussion at the colloquium itself, drawing on the
resources of other bodies, including those that
[...] had offered to assist in that regard, [...]
and based on the deliberations at the current session.
联合培训由联合国建设和平基金出资,联塞建和办予 协助。
The joint training was funded by the Peacebuilding Fund and facilitated by UNIPSIL.
根据安全理事会第 1860(2009)号决议,特设联络 委员会正在积极予协助这些努力。
In line with Security Council resolution 1860 (2009), the AHLC is taking an
[...] active part in facilitating those efforts.
他请联刚特派团对宪兵队以 及军事行动法庭的配备予协助。
He requested the assistance of MONUC in equipping these units [...]
as well as the military operational courts.
据媒体报道,2011 年,管理国派遣 了最资深警官和团伙犯罪专家到领土,在犯罪调查领域 予协助。
According to media reports, the administering Power sent one of
its most senior political officers and gang experts to the
[...] Territory in 2011 to help in the area of crime [...]
在大多数案件中都会避免这种情况,但是,如果需要使用过境国的服务,马 耳他将遵照 2003 年 11
[...] 月 25 日关于对空中驱离所需过境予协助 的 欧 洲联盟理 事会指令 2003/110/EC。
Such instances are avoided in the majority of cases but, should the use of the services of a transit State be needed, Malta abides by European
Union Council Directive 2003/110/EC of 25
[...] November 2003 on assistance in cases of transit [...]
for the purposes of removal by air.
此类中心和区域合作计划证明是在区域一级加 强执行保护海洋环境多边条约,从而对各国 予协助 的十分有益的工具。
Such Centres and regional cooperation schemes have proved to be very useful tools for assisting countries by enhancing at the regional level the enforcement of multilateral treaties on the protection of the marine environment.
中欧自由贸易区专家和部长联合委员会会议于 11 月 23 日在巴黎举行,这是 审查中欧自由贸易区 2011 年主席年的良好机会,在这期间,科索沃特派团予 协助,使 大部分的年度目标得以实现,2011 年全部会议日程得到落实。
The CEFTA Experts and Ministerial Joint Committee meetings held on 23 November in Paris presented a good occasion to review the 2011 CEFTA chairmanship year, during which UNMIK facilitation enabled most of the annual objectives to be accomplished and the full 2011 schedule of meetings to be held.
其他目标还包括促进思考和与医疗团体开展合作、促进与其他 协会的交流和联合项目、为实现上述目标进行观念宣传并寻求公共权力部门予 协助。
Other aims are to foster reflection and collaboration with the medical profession, to promote exchanges and joint projects with other associations and to raise public awareness and engage public authorities in order to achieve the goals set out above.
适用于这类情 况的程序是 2003 年 11
[...] 月 25 日关于对空中驱离所需过境予协助 的 理 事会指令 2003/110/EC所规定的,该指令于 [...]
12 月 6 日生效(2003 年 12 月 6 日欧洲联盟公报, L 321 号,第 26 页)。
The procedures to be applied in such cases are laid down in
the Council Directive 2003/110/EC of 25
[...] November 2003 on assistance in cases of transit [...]
for the purposes of removal by air,
which entered into force on 6 December (Official Journal of the European Union of 6 December 2003, L 321, p. 26).
提交争议法庭的每一个案件(以 及任何可能导致案件的问题,包括管理评价请求)均由案件或问题发生所在区域 办事处的项目厅法律干事管理,由上述总部法律干事 予协助。
Each case filed with the Dispute Tribunal (as well as any issue that may lead to a case, including requests for management evaluations) is managed by the UNOPS legal officer in whose regional office the case or issue arose, supported by the abovementioned legal officer at headquarters.




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