单词 | 了 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 栭—tree mushroom了—surveyless common: watch from a height or distance understand clearly clear-sighted (of eyes) bright 了verb—know clearlyvExamples:明了n—plainn 了解v—understandv learnv learn aboutv 了解n—knowledgen
了解与遵守科学活动的安全规则是了解科学与科学活动特性的一部分。 sfusd.edu | Knowing and following safe practices in science are part of understanding the nature of science and scientific activities. sfusd.edu |
於1973年成立巧新企业有限公司,以OEM型态,从事即热式瓦斯热水器的生产,交於国内各知名厂牌销售,受到巿埸肯定,我们了解热水器出厂後经由各销售管道分布於各个家庭使用,攸关人民生命财产安全,在品质方面是极为重要的,所以本公司以品质第一为目标的理念,要求各同仁确实做到,提高与本公司往来的客户对本公司产品信任、交货准时、品质优良,彼此都能长期合作愉快。 tgas.org.tw | Established the Charl Sign Enterprise LTD. in 1973, by OEM condition, was engaged in namely the hot gas water heater production, handed over to the domestic each well-known trade mark sale, received market the affirmation, after we understood the water heater left the plant distributes by way of each sales pipeline in each family use, the matter people life and property security, in the quality aspect was extremely important, therefore this company take the quality first as the goal idea, requested various colleagues truly to achieve, enhanced punctually with this company intercourse customer to this company product trust, the delivery, excellent in quality, each other all could the long-term cooperation be happy. tgas.org.tw |
我们可能会联系您或您的医生或其他开药医生了解详细资讯。 lacare.org | We may contact you or your doctor or other prescriber to get more information. lacare.org |
在这方面, 委员会了解到英国法律委员会在其报告书中(第 3.4 段)亦曾考虑把 这法律的分枝作成法典的意見,惟结果不予接纳。 hkreform.gov.hk | The Commission noted in this respect that the English Law Commission in its Report (at para. 3.4) had also considered but rejected the idea of codification of this branch of the law. hkreform.gov.hk |
更进一步,学生必须学习认知控 制变數实验的必要性,以及科学知識的累积本质,整合一个領域以上的科学知識,研究 科学領域的问题,并了解到科学是人類努力的成果,偶而也会因错误甚至欺诈而出现瑕 疵。 sfusd.edu | Further, they must learn to recognize the need for controlled experiments and the cumulative nature of scientific knowledge, integrate knowledge from more than one area of science, investigate science-based issues, and recognize that science is a human endeavor occasionally flawed by mistakes and even fraud. sfusd.edu |
本 集 团 网 站 资 料 定 期 更 新,及 时 让 投 资 者 及 公 衆 人士了解本集 团 的 最 新 发 展 动 向。 zte.com.cn | The Group’s website is updated regularly to provide investors and the public with timely information of the Group’s latest developments. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
如需了解您的药物属於哪一种费用分摊等级, 请查阅计划的药物清单。 lacare.org | To find out which cost-sharing tier your drug is in, look it up in the plan’s Drug List. lacare.org |
在审计过程中,审计委员会与主要项目负责人员进行了沟通,了解审计工作进展和会计师关注的问题, 并 及 时 反 馈 给 公 司 有 关 部 门,同 时 审 计 委 员 会 以 函 件 的 形 式,两 次 发 函 给 会 计 师 事 务 所,要 求 项 目 审 计 人 员 按 照 原 定 的 时 间 表 及 时 推 进 审 计 工 作。 zte.com.cn | The Audit Committee also issued two letters to the accountants’ firms requesting auditors in charge of the assignment to expedite their work in accordance with the original timetable. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
此外,即使 青年人或可明了某个医療过程的性质,但未必理解治療後可能需要的 社会支持。 hkreform.gov.hk | Further, while a young person may understand the nature of a particular procedure, he or she may not appreciate the social support that may be required after treatment. hkreform.gov.hk |
当您透过,举例来说,发送电子邮件或透过我们的 WWW 页面提交材料时,作为材料提供者您便已经同意遵守以下条款:(1)您了解我们可能发布您提供的材料;(2) 您保证所提供的材料不含任何非法、或不适宜公布的条目;(3) 在提交任何材料前,您将采取适当努力来扫描并删除任何病毒或其他受污染或有害的电脑病毒; (4) 如果任何第三方因您提交的材料对我们提出诉讼,您同意将赔偿我们的损失; (5)您同意不因任何上述材料对我们提出诉讼;并且(6) 您拥有该材料、或拥有其无限制权利以将其提供给我们, Doro 可以出版该材料、或其中所述任一观念,及/或将其与我们的产品合并,并且无需承担任何赔偿责任或义务。 doro.hk | When submitting material to us for example by e-mail or through our WWW pages, you as provider of material agree to the following terms: (1) You make the material available knowing that we may publish it; (2) You warrant that the material will not contain any item that is unlawful or otherwise unfit for publication; (3) You will use reasonable efforts to scan and remove any viruses or other contaminating or destructive features before submitting any material; (4) You agree to indemnify us if any third party takes action against us in relation to the material you submit; (5) You agree not to take action against us in respect of said material; and (6) You own the material or have unlimited right to provide it to us and Doro may publish the material and/or incorporate it, or any concepts described in it, in our products without accountability or liability of compensation. doro.ch |
本人/我们/本号明了倘若投标落选,上述*支票/本 票将以挂号信寄还至*本人/我们/本号最後报称的香港地址,如有寄失,房委会概不负责; 若支票或本票经已兑现,则该笔标金将会无息发还。 housingauthority.gov.hk | I/Weunderstand that in the event of *my/our tender being unsuccessful *my/our *cheque/cashier’s order will be returned by registered post to *my/our last known address in Hong Kong at *my/our own risk or if banked on receipt, the tendered premium will be refunded without interest. housingauthority.gov.hk |
您确认遵守并服从这些法律和法规是您的责任,并确保依据您的请求而由 Seagate 直接供应之产品的所有客户或供应商亦皆了解相关的出口控制条款。 seagate.com | You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to comply with and abide by those laws and regulations, and that any customer or vendor that you request Seagate to route products to directly has also been made aware of the associated export controls. seagate.com |
设备或伺服软体之凭证主体名称必须为该设备或伺服软体之管 理者的名称,同时其中的通用名称(Common Name) 应以易於了解为原则,例如是模组的名称或序号或应用的程序等。 epki.com.tw | The certificate subject name of the equipment or server shall be the name of the administrator of equipment or server software and at the same time use the Common Name for easyunderstanding, for instance, the module name or serial number or application procedure, etc. epki.com.tw |
您必须参考您的无线接收器手册,以了解如何在您的特定无线接收 器上变更设定。 lanschool.com.hk | You'll have to consult your Access Point's manual to see how to actually make the change on your particular Access Point. lanschool.com.hk |
香港大学民意研究计划自1992年起便开始在澳门进行实地研究,了解澳门的民情发展,当中又以选举研究及民意测验为主要项目。 hkupop.hku.hk | Since 1992, the Public Opinion Programme (POP) at the University of Hong Kong has been conducting studies, mainly election and opinion polls, in Macau, in order to map its changing public sentiment. hkupop.hku.hk |
阁下如欲了解交收安排之详情 及有关安排将如何影响 阁下之权利及权益,应谘询 阁下之持牌证券交易商或其他专 业顾问。 equitynet.com.hk | You should seek the advice of your licensed securities dealer or other professional advisers for details of the settlement arrangement and how such arrangement will affect your rights and interests. equitynet.com.hk |
本 校 在 建 立 各 种 有 效 沟 通 渠 道 的 同 时 , 亦 会 鼓 励 家 长 、 学 生 及 员 工 善 用 有 关 渠 道 , 向 校 方 表 达 意 见 和 抒 发 感 受 , 促 进 双方了解,建 立 互 信 关 系 , 以 避 免 产 生 不 必 要 的 误 会 。 deliahw.edu.hk | While being aware of the importance of building various effective communication channels, our school will encourage parents, students and staff to make good use of these channels to express their opinions and feelings, so as to enhance mutual understanding and trust and avoid unnecessary confusing messages. deliahw.edu.hk |
UL 长期参与发展IEC 62368-1 标准的各类国家委员会组织,对HBSE的相关知识和资讯有深入的了解,是您在认识及采用新标准时最佳的谘询资源。 ul.com | UL has been serving on various national committees involved in the development of IEC 62368-1 and is your resource for HBSE knowledge and information on hazard-based standards development. ul.com |
同 时,本 集 团 加 强 新 进 员 工 的 培 训 力 度,使 之 迅速了解公司 的 企 业 文 化,以 保 障 集 团 的 快 速 稳 定 发 展。 evoc.cn | Meanwhile, efforts were enhanced in training newly-recruited employees to enable them to quickly grasp our corporate culture, and secure the rapid and steady development of the Group. evoc.cn |
任何年轻人均不得操作任何机器,除非彼已获充分告 知有关机器的危险性并遵守预防措施,且(aa)已接受操作机器的足够培训, 或(bb)在一个对机器有透彻了解且经验丰富的人士的充分监督下操作。 cre8ir.com | No young person shall work at any machine unless he has been fully instructed as to the dangers arising in connection with the machine and the precautions to be observed, and (aa) has received sufficient training in work at the machine, or (bb) is under adequate supervision by a person who has thoroughknowledge and experienceof the machine. cre8ir.com |
如果您购买的产品有广播功能的话,您可以利用以下的介绍了解更多关於广播功能的资讯。 avermedia.eu | If the product you purchase with radio function, then you can read this chapter to learn more knowledge about this. avermedia.eu |
我们开发的软体工具及模型,可帮助客户了解台风、龙卷风、地震、野火及恐怖攻击等对财产险、伤害险及农作物保险之保险人及再保险人的潜在风险。 aon.com | We develop software tools and models that help clients understand underlying risks from hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires and terrorist attacks on property, casualty and crop insurers and reinsurers. aon.com |
虽然四地的政经体制、生活水准、资讯的开放程度以及言论的自由度有所差别,未必都适合作直接的比较,但是通过对具体问题作细微的分析,仍可以了解到影响结果的社会背景。 hkupop.hku.hk | Although, due to the differences in economics, politics, living standard and openness of media, a direct comparison among them may not be suitable, we can still examine the social background factors involved through a comprehensive analysis of the problems. hkupop.hku.hk |
您应当联络子女拟就读的学校,确保了解所有需要的资讯,以满足招生截止日期的要求。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | You should contact your child’s school to ensure you have all the information required to meet enrolment deadlines. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
份小礼物可以是友好的代表;一次商务晚宴也许能够提 供一次进一步了解客户或供应商的机会,但是不恰当的 礼品可能会为业务交易带来不良影响,并流露出透过非 法方式开展业务的意图。 lds-france.com | A small gift can be a gesture of goodwill; a business dinner may provide an opportunity to get to know a customer or supplier better but an inappropriate gift may suggest improper influence in business transactions and indicate attempts to conduct business using illegitimate tactics. lds-france.com |
我们联手 Astec 和 Artesyn 两大品牌,充分利用这两家公司的先进技术 和经验,注以艾默生网络能源固有的品质、创新和深入了解客户需要的优 良传统,这一切都保证了艾默生网络能源在嵌入电源市场的不断壮大和领 导地位。 hybridelectronics.com | Uniting the well-known Astec and Artesyn brands, the combined strength and experience of these companies, fused with pedigrees of quality, innovation and a deep understanding of our customers’ needs, positions Emerson Network Power for continued growth and leadership in the embedded power markets. hybridelectronics.com |
根据吾等与估值师的讨论及吾等对估值师所从事工作的了解,吾等认为该等 物业的估值过程中所采用的假设、基准及方法属公平合理。 cre8ir.com | Based on our discussion with the Valuer and our understanding of the works conducted by the Valuer, we consider that the assumptions, the basis and the methodology adopted for the valuation of the Properties are fair and reasonable. cre8ir.com |