单词 | 乾脆 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 脆脆—crispy干脆—simplyless common: clear-cut blunt (e.g. statement) you might as well 干脆adverb—straightforwardadjExamples:干脆利落—(of speech or actions) direct and efficient without fooling around See also:脆—fragile crunchy neat clear and loud voice 脆adj—brittleadj crispadj tenuousadj weakadj
一般人认为,主办者的数字很可能是高估的,而警方的数字则倾向於保守,於是大家只有在这两个数字之间自行猜估,或 乾脆把两者求个平均数。 hkupop.hku.hk | People tend to think that the organizers' figures are over-estimated, and the police's figures are too conservative. hkupop.hku.hk |
大概现在,你和你的宝宝很可能是准备走出去,大约再满足其他妈妈,访问家人或朋友,或者 乾脆去购物。 hkcarworld.com | Around now, you and your baby are likely to be ready to get out and about again to meet up with other mums, visit family or friends or simply go shopping. hkcarworld.com |
这 引 致 很 多 人 为 避 免 遵 从 有 关 规 定 的 麻 烦而乾 脆不予理 会 , 而 只 依 赖 法 庭 运 用 酌 情 决 定 权 以 接 纳 其 证 据 。 hkreform.gov.hk | This has led to many parties trying to overcome the difficulties and inconvenience of complying with the requirements by simply ignoring them and relying on the court's discretion to admit. hkreform.gov.hk |
可能是後来的壶主看到年款颜色那麽淡漠,又考虑到人人以为这种烟壶都是十九世纪作的仿品,就 乾脆把它消除了。 e-yaji.com | It is possible that a later owner, seeing how faint the mark was and being [...] influenced by a prevailing belief that these wares were nineteenth-century copies, [...] decided it would be better without it. e-yaji.com |
其中一种 “烤”是烤焗,利用高温将肉或鱼汁锁住而外面焗至 乾脆。 daydaycook.com | One type of browning is searing, which is heating meat or fish on high heat to lock in juices and flavor and develop a crust on the outside. daydaycook.com |
有 关 建 议 的 支 持 者 可 能 会 说 此 人 应该乾 脆与警方 合 作 , 老 老 实 实 地 回 答 所 有 问 题 。 hkreform.gov.hk | Those in favour of the proposals might say that he should simply co-operate with the police and answer all questions truthfully. hkreform.gov.hk |
赫尔、穆林丝、Stelarc则指向第三条路,与其操控地球,不如操控人类,若担心人类足迹过大, 乾脆直接缩小尺寸,在《伦理、政策与环境》期刊即将发表的论文中,S. Matthew Liao、Anders Sandberg、Rebecca Roache提议,藉由缩小人类身高处理气候变迁问题,其中写道,「身体每公斤都需要固定的饮食与营养份量才能维持…较高大的人也以间接方式消耗能源,例如乘客愈重,车辆行驶每公里所需燃料愈多,高个子的衣服也需要较多布料」等等。 thisbigcity.net | We need a certain amount of food and nutrients to maintain each kilogram of body mass … Larger people also consume energy in less obvious ways. thisbigcity.net |
工具留下的凿痕,乾脆让它成为纹理,是真实;基本形状与比例的采用,是简朴;内里完美打磨的介指,外圈却布满鎚子留下的痕迹,是对比。 think-silly.com | Dents left by tools are incorporated [...] into a design (honesty); basic shapes and proportions (simplicity); pairing perfectly [...]polished interior with raw exterior covered with hammer marks (contrast). think-silly.com |
2012年2月开幕的台中乌日店,乾脆把火 车搬进餐厅,并积极重现台湾各地特色,像是清境农场的羊咩咩、集集国小的课堂等,甚至连沙发、餐桌椅、用餐器皿都是瓦楞纸做的,等於走进一个瓦楞纸的世界。 lohaspot.com.tw | The Taichung Wuri branch opened in February 2012, features a train right in the restaurant, and showcases the special character of Taiwan’s regions, such as the sheep and goats from Cingjing Farm, the classrooms in Jiji Elementary School, etc. Even the sofas, dining tables and chairs, and tableware are made of the highlighted material in this corrugated-paper world. lohaspot.com.tw |
兰特(Jay Land)声称,如果突然要公司跟从这些指引,「结果是工厂将会马上要作大幅度裁员」,并且「我要告诉雇员,如果他们要回家吃饭,那他们就要 乾脆留在家里……但我不会对留在工厂里的人这样讲。 globalmon.org.hk | As a response to the guidelines, ClearSource’s CEO Jay Land stated that if the company were to suddenly follow this requirement “the result would be a mass layoff this morning in the plant,” and that, “I’d have to tell [employees] that if you go home for lunch you have to stay home…But I will not do that to the people in the plant. globalmon.org.hk |