

单词 乾女儿

See also:


sons and daughters

External sources (not reviewed)

政府“霸王硬上弓”,以关心民间疾苦的名义,说要改革,但现在 关乎民困的事情他却置之不理,这与我乾女儿分别?
The Government is forcing its way, saying reform has to be carried out in the name of showing concern for the plights of the people, but now it is turning a blind eye to the people's hardships.
本 公 司 监 事 会 主 席 为 张 太 峰 先 生,监 事 包 括 王 网 喜 先 生、何 雪、王
The Supervisory Committee of the Company comprises Mr. Zhang Taifeng (Chairman), Mr. Wang Wangxi, Ms. He Xuemei, Mr. Qu Deqianand Ms. Wang Yan.
Holle有机尔特优质有机斯佩 尔特面粉及最上盛的有机⽜油制成。
Holle Organic Baby Spelt Biscuits aremade from high quality [...]
Demeter spelt flour and improved by the use of best Demeter butter.
无千斤顶升降台車配备可刺穿机身的刺针喷管,在机舱内喷射 水、泡沫扑灭机舱内的火警,包括波及辅助动力装置或 [...]
Jackless Snorkels are equipped with a nozzle which can
pierce through the fuselage and discharge
[...] water spray,foamand dry powder totackle [...]
fire in the cabin of the aircraft, including
fire involving the auxiliary power unit or tail engine.
但有些反对利他主义的㆟士就会 指出,利他主义往往成为压迫真理,要个社会发展过程㆗,心甘情愿处 於辅助性的㆞位,为他㆟,尤其是为丈夫兄弟牺牲自己的发展潜能。
But people against the notion of altruism may point out that altruism
has often been abused
[...] to suppress women andto ensure that they are willing to play second fiddle in society and to sacrifice their own development potential for the sake of others, in particular their husbands, theirsons or their [...]
我很希望 在这里向政府呼吁,不如实施3年的免费,於是便清脆 地承担了这个责任,这样才是最简单。
I wish to call upon the Government to implement a
[...] three-year free early childhoodeducation. This is a [...]
neat and tidy method to take on the
responsibility, and the simplest way in doing so.
7.32 冯资深大律师提述在续聘莫礼时教授的问题上投票的校董会 校外成员( 包括张国华博士、马绍良先生、张百康先生、彭先生、吴 先生、郑文耀先生、陈荣光先生、卢乃桂教授、罗颂戴希立先生及严嘉洵女士) 的陈述书。
7.32 Mr Fung SC referred to the statements of the external Council members who voted on the question of Professor Morris’s re-appointment, including Dr Cheung Kwok-wah, Mr Ma Siu-leung, Mr Cheng Pak-hong, Mr Pang, Mr Ng, Mr Cheng Man-yiu, Mr Chan Wing-kwong, Professor Leslie Lo Nai-kwai, Miss Bella Lo Sung-yi, Mr Lee Chien, Ms Wong, Mr Tai Hay-lap and Miss Catherine Yen Kai-shun.
有关服务包括辅导、支援小组及计划,旨在协助个人 和家庭建立自信;培养正确价值观;使家长掌握更多管儿 女巧;以及加强他们解决问题和应付压力的技巧。
Services include counselling service, supportive groups and programmes, aiming at assisting individuals and families build up self-confidence and develop proper values, enhance parents’parentingskills and strengthen their skills in problem solving and stress management.
The tree eventually grew to a hazardous size and had to be cut down, just when Dawn is starting a new relationship.
看看现时那羣非全职顾问,有国务院港澳事务办公室前副主任陈 佐洱女儿香港协进联盟(即现时的民建联)许长青的儿子,有中 [...]
国人民政治协商会议全国委员会委员(“全国政协委员”)施子清的儿 子,有前香港基本法委员会副主任黄保欣的儿子,有全国人民代表大
会常务委员会委员范徐丽泰的儿子,还有全国政协委员胡法光的儿 子。
They include the daughter of CHEN Zuoer, former Deputy Director of the
Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the
[...] State Council;the son of HUI Cheung-ching [...]
of the Hong Kong Progressive Alliance
(that means the present Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong); the son of SZE Chi-ching, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC); the son of WONG Po-yan, former Deputy Director of the Committee for the Basic Law; the son of Rita FAN, member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress; and the son of HU Fa-kuang, member of the CPPCC.
故 此 , 控
[...] 方 可 强 制 被 告 的 六女 儿指 证 父 亲 ; 同 样 [...]
道 理 , 被 告 的 母 亲 亦 可 受 强 制 指 证 儿 子 。
Thus the prosecution can compel
[...] the six-yearold daughterofan accused to [...]
testify against her father; similarly the mother
of an accused could be compelled to testify against her son.
[...] 的扶贫政策,政府只谈减少跨代贫穷,但却忽视为家庭任劳任怨,为湿的出的是“只救孩子,不救妈妈”的态度,无视处於弱势的 [...]
The concept of administration as reflected in the policy address reveals that the Government has absolutely not
formulated any poverty alleviation
[...] policy with an emphasis on womenfrom the grassroots. All [...]
that the Government has been talking
about is the reduction of inter-generational poverty, whereas women who have toiled so hard for their families and children are overlooked.
当然,如果神没有给予我们生育的能力是另一回事。 我们大部份的夫妇是蒙神恩赐我们我们是可 以见证得到,因儿女儿女来真正无条件,像神 般的爱的学习。
Unless, for some reason, God has not given you
[...] the giftof children, those of us who are blessed with children can testify to the tremendous privilege of learning what God-like, unconditional love is through the rearing of children.
[...] e-COE 和 CAAW 表格前往澳大利亚的驻外单位为您儿女签证。
Please take the e-COE form and the CAAW form to an Australian Diplomatic Mission to apply
[...] for a visa foryour son or daughter.
於 本 公 告 刊 发 日 期 , 本 公 司 的 执 行
董 事 为 欧 阳 和 先 生( 主 席 )、 欧 阳 伯 康
[...] 先 生( 行 政 总 裁 )及 蔡儿 女本 公 司 的 非 执 行 董 事 [...]
为 甘 志 超 先 生 、 Arvind Amratlal Patel 先 生 及 王
俊 光先生 ; 及 本 公 司 的 独 立 非 执 行 董 事 为 陆 观 豪 先 生 、 Patrick Thomas Siewert 先 生 及 Steven Julien Feniger 先 生 。
As at the date of this announcement, the executive directors of the Company are Mr. Auyang Ho (Chairman), Mr.
Auyang Pak Hong, Bernard (Chief Executive
[...] Officer) and Ms. Choi Po Yee, Alice; the non-executive [...]
directors of the Company are
Mr. Kam Chi Chiu, Anthony, Mr. Arvind Amratlal Patel and Mr. Wong Chun Kong and the independent non-executive directors of the Company are Mr. Luk Koon Hoo, Mr. Patrick Thomas Siewert and Mr. Steven Julien Feniger.
007年'月'0日 召 开 的 本 公 司'007年 第 二 次 临 时 股 东 大 会 上,本 公 司 第 三 届 监 事 会 股 东 代 表 担 任 的 监 事 屈及 王选 举 连 任 本 公 司 第 四 届 监 事 会 股 东 代 表 担 任 的 监 事;本 公 司 第 三 届 监 事 会 职 工 代 表 担 任 的 监 事 张 太 峰 先 生、王 网 喜 先 生、何 雪 梅 女 士 已 於'007年'月'0日 由 本 公 司 职 工 代 表 民 主 选 举 连 任 本 公 司 第 四 届 监 事 会 职 工 代 表 担 任 的 监 事。
Mr. Zhang Taifeng, Mr. Wang Wangxi and Ms. He Xuemei, Staff Representative Supervisors of the Third Session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company, were re-elected as Staff Representative Supervisors for the Fourth Session of the Supervisory Committee through democratic elections among staff representatives of the Company on 30 January 2007.
只要设立公共公司、进 行私营化工作以分包合约方式批 予私营机构负责,便可达到这项目标。
This can be accomplished through the creation of public corporations, privatization or simply subcontracting work to the private sector.
As we look to high-quality Christian gifts, books and audio-visual products through the wholesale and retail network, be able to borrow the experience of the local market, the global market, strategic thinking, and the main relied on the grace of God with the same at will of Jesus Christ Gospel, His great love and good information, spread to
every corner of the world, and help has been the salvation of
[...] God werethe sons and daughters, life more abundant growth.
它主人女儿地电视上看到亚洲动 物基金的工作后说服她的父亲释 放了这只熊。
His owner’s daughterhad seen our work [...]
on local TV and she convinced him to release the bear.
简介 首播日期: 2012.08.27
[...] [...] 息影电视红星商映虹(汪明荃)和缪星河(黄淑仪)本属同门师姊妹,但二女为争一日之长短,闹至决裂长达三十年之久,若不是师父冯恨晚(锺景辉)经常居中拉拢,两人基本上老死不相往还,但讽刺的是星河的儿子庄家朗(钱嘉乐)原来是映虹的女婿,而映女儿朗冒生命危险诞子,後更难产去世,令映虹一直痛在心嵌。
Synopsis Release Date: 2012.08.27 Striving for temporary superiority
over one another, retired TV
[...] actresses SHEUNGYING-HUNG (Liza Wang) and MIUSING-HO [...]
(Gigi Wong) have had ruptures in their
relationship as fellow students for thirty years.
其中一名阵亡将士Armand Delcourt先生女儿Monique Westmore出席仪式,并朗读一封她父亲朋友的来信,描述其父亲阵亡的惨痛遭遇。
During the ceremony, Ms. Westmore read out a moving letter written by her father’s friend, describing the tragic death of her father.
Texas Instruments (TI) Business
[...] Development ManagerHan Gan intheir [...]
analysis, it is well known, the LED driver module high
ambient temperature, and the module thermal conditions is poor, leading to the LED driver circuit has been working at higher temperatures, this will lead to the reliability of LED applications reduce, shorten the life of a series of questions, so the heat had to focus to consider; reliability and safety regulations is very easy to ignore the part, especially before the enforcement of relevant provisions, in order to reduce costs, part of the LED lighting manufacturers will be omitted reliability and safety circuits; but this is precisely the LED lighting industry can develop long-term fundamental, but also the embodiment of the LED driver chip manufacturers to design capacity, different chip manufacturers to provide programs to increase this part of the circuit to increase the costs vary greatly .
他们妄言至仁主女儿他们中的一个人听说自己的妻子女儿候,他的脸 色变成暗淡的,而且他是拗怒的。
Forgive me and my parents and him
who entereth my
[...] house believing, and believing men and believingwomen,and increase not the wrong-doers in [...]
aught save ruin.
陈克勤议员:主席,最近大家谈论年青人时,除了用“80後 ”、 “90後 ”等
[...] 代名词外,有时候,我们亦会采用一些较负面的字眼,例如“电车男”、 “宅男”、“愤青”、 “隐闭青年”等,其实,这些字眼皆显示出 [...]
MR CHAN HAK-KAN (in Cantonese): President, recently when we discuss the young people, apart from using such synonyms as "post-80s" and "post-90s", sometimes we also use
terms with negative connotations, such as "train man",
[...] "otaku", "himono onna","frustrated young [...]
man", and "hermite youth".
属於本细分類的传统食品例子有 羅望子果浓缩物(无杂质的羅望子果提取物,总可溶性固体不少於65%)、羅 望子果粉(羅望子果酱混合木薯粉)、羅望子果拖肥糖(羅望子果肉、糖、奶 固体、抗氧化剂、调味料(flavours)、稳定剂及防腐剂的混合物),以(果肉(芒果、菠蘿或番石榴)与糖、调味料(flavours)及防腐剂混合并脱水 制成的薄片)。
Examples of traditional foods in this sub-category are: tamarind concentrate (clean extract of tamarind fruit with not less than 65% total soluble solids), tamarind powder (tamarind paste mixed with tapioca starch), tamarind toffee (mixture of tamarind pulp, sugar, milk solids, antioxidants, flavours, stabilisers and preservatives), and fruit bars (a mixture of fruit (mango, pineapple, or guava) pulp mixed with sugar, flavours and preservatives, dried into a sheet).
[...] 别,即 (i)发酵谷物類食品( 面包( 包括有馅面包) 及)(ii)豆類食品( 发 酵大豆食品) ; (iii)腌制菜;(iv)肉類制品( 发酵猪肉制品) ; (v) 发酵乳類制品;(vi)发酵鱼類制品;(vii)调味料及酱料;(viii)不含酒精 [...][...]
Nine major food groups were included in this study, namely (i) fermented cereals and
grains products
[...] (bread/rolls/bunsand crackers); (ii)legumes (fermented soy products); (iii) preserved/dried vegetables; [...]
(iv) meat products
(fermented pork products); (v) fermented dairy products; (vi) fermented fish products; (vii) condiments and sauces; (viii) non-alcoholic beverages; and (ix) alcoholic beverages.
Mrs Betty Chan Kam Ling
[...] (third from left)and daughter (first fromright) [...]
pictured with Mr Marc Fonbaustier, Consul General
(middle), Mr. Christian Ramage, the Deputy Consul General (third from right), Dr Cheng Yu Tung, Chairman of New World Development Company Limited (second from left) and Dr Henry Cheng, Managing Director of New World Development Company Limited (second from right)




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