单词 | 乳霜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 乳霜 noun —lotion n乳霜 noun, plural —lotions plSee also:乳 pl—lotions pl 乳 n—breast n • milk n 霜 n—cream n • frost n • smog n 霜—frosting • (skin) cream • white powder or cream spread over a surface 乳 adj—colorectal adj
豐富綠茶成份,具有保濕作用,綠茶身 體 乳霜 質 地 清爽,容易吸收,同時具有清淡氣味,使肌膚柔軟潤澤。 aster.com.hk | Enriched with green tea with its moisturizing and refreshing [...] properties, this body lotion has a light texture [...]that is quickly absorbed, leaving your [...]skin supple, soft and with a pleasantly smell. aster.com.hk |
使用BELSIL® OW [...] 1500能够显著减少因表面活性剂、 乳化剂、 乳液或乳霜造成的刺激感。 wacker.com | BELSIL® OW 1500 is able to mitigate irritations caused by [...] surfactants, emulsifiers, lotions or creams. wacker.com |
舒缓疲劳的腿部!含山金车萃取的 乳霜 助 您舒缓浮肿或疲劳的腿部,带来云端漫步的体验。 clarinsusa.com | Experience the [...] walking-on-clouds feeling of a cream that helps relieve [...]swelling and fatigue with Arnica extract. clarinsusa.com |
用毛巾将皮肤拍至半干,然后将乳霜 ( 不 推荐用乳液)涂于手掌上再均匀地抹至全身。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Use a towel to pat the skin half dry, and [...] then apply the cream (lotion is not [...]recommended) on the palms to smear it evenly over the whole body. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
柔軟的凝膠狀水份乳霜,專 為平衡和增加肌膚的天然勁能而制定。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | A soft gel-cream specially formulated [...] to balance and increase the natural functions of the skin. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
乳霜狀的質地軟滑細綿給肌膚提供更水潤的呵護t。 priceless.com.hk | Long lasting Moisture Essence for Smooth and Clear Skin Texture. priceless.com.hk |
乳霜使肌膚細胞記憶得以恢復活力,因此獲得更深層的肌膚再生,令肌膚變得柔軟、緊緻及充分滋潤。 ainhoacosmetics.com.hk | With the cream skin cell memory is [...] rejuvenated and therefore we obtain the deep skin regeneration responsible for soft, [...]firm and perfectly moistruized skin. ainhoacosmetics.com.hk |
配套Moisturizing Renewal Cream使用的日间滋润乳霜同样以RES技术研制,在日间修复明显的衰老痕迹,细致呵护。 joyce.com | Complementing the [...] Moisturizing Renewal Cream this nourishing cream uses the [...]same RES technology to repair the visible signs of ageing throughout the day. joyce.com |
浓郁的乳霜配方 含有娇韵诗独家配方的乳木果油、荷荷芭油与棕榈油,温和地卸除彩妆、污垢与细胞屑,使肌肤更光滑,达致保湿平衡,倍感放松舒适。 clarinsusa.com | Rich, creamy formula — with Clarins’ [...] proprietary blend of Shea Butter, Jojoba Oil and Palm Oil — gently lifts-off make-up, [...]impurities and flaky cells leaving skin smooth, moisture-balanced and perfectly relaxed. clarinsusa.com |
此款如丝般柔滑的中度滋养型乳霜含 有 3%的抗坏血酸磷酸镁,可有效美白肌肤,提升皮肤光泽。 cn.lubrizol.com | This medium [...] rich, velvety soft cream contains 3% Magnesium [...]Ascorbyl Phosphate to brighten and enhance skin radiance. lubrizol.com |
很多人都喜歡用由玻璃質酸製造的不油 膩 乳霜, 但由於玻璃質酸是一種”扯水”劑, [...] 作用是一種把底層的水份抽到皮膚表面, 當水份揮發後, 有機會變得更乾燥。 lavedo.com | Many people like [...] Hyaluronic Moisturizers because of [...]their non sticky feeling. However as it is a humectant, it draws water [...]from inside the skin to the skin surface, and once the water has evaporated, it can sometimes leave the skin even more dry. lavedo.com |
誠邀親臨中環置地廣場見證最罕有及尊貴的新產品 – Lancôme極緻完美再生修護精華乳霜, 每 瓶載有 2 百萭的 Lancôme玫瑰幹細胞。 blog.harveynichols.com.hk | Come and explore the most luxurious creation by LANCOME – The Absolue L’EXTRAIT, containing 2 million Lancôme Rose stem cells per bottle. blog.harveynichols.com.hk |
这芬香舒缓乳霜可为 干燥的皮肤作晚霜使用,颈部亦可使用。 cosme-de.com | A heaven sent solution for maturing or deeply needy skin that feels tight and stretched. cosme-de.com |
慢性皮膚増厚型可用含焦油成份的軟膏 或 乳霜 、 強效抗炎藥物,平日使用具有滋潤成份的潤膚液。 lavedo.com | Chronic thickened areas may be treated with [...] ointments or creams that contain tar compounds, powerful anti-inflammatory medicines, and ingredients that lubricate or soften the skin. lavedo.com |
可作为抗静电剂用于头发护理用品、 乳霜 与 乳 液。 stepan.com | Used in hair [...] conditioning systems, creams and lotions and as an [...]antistatic agent. stepan.com |
这款添加玫瑰香气的乳霜拥有SPF15防晒保护,同步抵御阳光的侵袭;配方以RéVive闻名的RES技术研制,发挥更新紧致的效果,肌肤更见年轻,更会抵抗地心吸力的威胁。 joyce.com | Simultaneously protecting from harsh sun damage with SPF15, [...] this rose-scented cream uses RéVive’s [...]RES technology to renew and firm skin, leaving [...]it younger-looking and more resistant to the daily pull of gravity. joyce.com |
圖像推廣技倆普遍用來顯示瘦身產品、 節食計劃、化粧乳霜和產品及頭髮護理產品的效用。 legco.gov.hk | Visual promotional gimmick is commonly used to demonstrate the efficacy of slimming products, diet [...] regimes, cosmetic creams and products and [...]hair treatments. legco.gov.hk |
Kose 玫瑰花蜜柔膚乳霜 天然的柔嫩配方,爲肌膚導入細緻的玫瑰精華,深層滋潤,淡淡的玫瑰香氣舒壓提神,美容成份迅速滲入肌膚深處,彷佛一層滋潤保護膜呵護著全身的肌膚,美麗飽滿,成就冰肌玉韻的玫瑰美人。 aster.com.hk | Kose Rose Essence Butter enriched with several kinds of natural active formula that provides the previous rose essence to the delicate skin with deep moisture. aster.com.hk |
此款清爽的乳状配方采用轻质乳霜形 态,可提供长效定型发蜡的效果。 cn.lubrizol.com | This light and creamy formulation provides the effect of a firm-hold styling wax [...] in the form of a lightweight cream. lubrizol.com |
用具有护肤和促进皮肤愈合功效的护肤产品治疗灼伤,比如芦 荟 乳霜 和 抗 菌药膏。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Treat the burn with a skin care product that protects and heals skin, [...] such as aloe vera cream or antiseptic ointment. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
顧客 B 當時上身並無衣物覆蓋,只塗有乳霜 及 藥 膏。 legco.gov.hk | B was embarrassed by the manageress’ abrupt move as her upper body was barely [...] covered with body cream and ointment. legco.gov.hk |
独特的水润可剥落型面膜,采用了Baycusan® [...] C 1001作为成膜原料,面 膜具有乳霜般质 地,手感丰满,同时作为活性物和营养物质的有效载体,有效 [...] 增强肌肤的吸收,同时还可以清洁皮肤,紧致毛孔,恢复肌肤弹性。 cn.industrysourcing.com | This unique water peel-off mask is formulated with [...] Baycusan C 1001, with cream texture and velvety [...]smooth touch feeling when application [...]on face. This mask can act as delivery carrier of some active and nutrimental ingredients, at the same time enhances skin absorption. us.industrysourcing.com |
独家Crème [...] Ancienne面霜的抗衰老配方灵感来自公元200年第一瓶美 容 乳霜 ; 还 有Sake清酒沐浴露,传说中日本艺伎的美容秘诀便是用清酒沐浴,已达到为肌肤排毒和修护的功效。 lvmh.cn | They also discovered the exclusive anti-aging [...] formula of Crème Ancienne, inspired by [...] the world's first emulsion-based cream of the 2nd century [...]A.D., and Sake, a legendary beauty [...]secret of Japanese Geisha who were known to bathe in it to detoxify and restore their skin. lvmh.com |
各种扑可以用在粉底、B.B 霜、乳液、 遮瑕霜、防晒霜、洁面膏等基本护肤或化妆品上。 cosme-de.com | The puffs can be used with your [...] daily skincare or makeup products, e.g. [...] foundation, BB cream, lotion, cream, sunscreen, [...]concealer and cleansing cream, etc. cosme-de.com |
SynCrystal [...] 效果颜料适用于各种化妆品,如粉底、唇膏、唇彩和指甲油等,同时也可用于不透明的化妆品,如 面 霜 、 乳 液 和 啫喱。 eckart.com.cn | SYNCRYSTAL effect pigments are suitable for color cosmetic applications like [...] powders, lipsticks, glosses and nail polishes, but also can be beneficial in [...] opaque systems like creams, lotions and gels. eckart.net |
然而,產量仍低於預期,此乃由於有關地區於六月及八月 受到嚴霜的影 響,從而降低了農業產量。 glencore.com | Production was however below [...] expectations, due to severe frosts which affected [...]the region in June and August, and consequently lowered agricultural yields. glencore.com |
上海易必凯化学有限公司拥有多种特种调配蜡,其中包括沙索蜡(Sasol Wax) 4608的软质石蜡以及Sasol Wax [...] 5105、5803和6203的硬质石蜡,可用于个人保养及彩妆护理如唇膏、 面 霜 、 乳 液 、 脱毛和彩妆等产品。 epchem.net | EPChem has a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical grade waxes, specially formulated for use in [...] personal care products like lipsticks, [...] creams, lotions, depilatory products and color [...]cosmetics, etc. Our Sasolwax grades [...]display excellent performance, and exhibits consistently high quality products. epchem.com |
娇韵诗实验室在其Delicious Self Tanning Cream晒后护理霜中结 合了两种可可豆萃取物:具有滋养、防脱水和抗衰老特性的可可脂不皂化物,以及一种富含具有柔肤和抗自由基活性的多酚的可可萃取精华。 clarinsusa.com | In Delicious Self Tanning Cream, Clarins Laboratories [...] have combined two Cocoa bean extracts: Unsaponifiables of Cocoa Butter [...](the most precious part of the lipidic fraction) with nourishing, anti-dehydrating and anti-ageing properties, and a Cocoa extract rich in polyphenols with a soothing and anti-free radical action. clarinsusa.com |
所有已知润滑特性的液体都可计量,如汽油,石 蜡,航空煤油,柴油,航空液压油,矿物油,液压油,抗 [...] 燃液压油,油墨,染料,油脂,聚亚安酯,多元醇和异 氰酸酯,环氧树脂,粘胶剂,浆糊和面霜, 树 脂 ,蜡….等 等。 echterhage-holding.de | All liquids that can be pumped and have known lubrication properties can be measured, for example: petrol, paraffin, kerosene, diesel, Skydrol, mineral oils, hydraulic oils including fire resistant fluids, inks, dyes and [...] paints, greases, polyurethane, polyol and isocyanates, Araldite, [...] glues, pastes and creams, resins, waxes ... [...]and many others. echterhage-holding.de |
从农村不断向城市移民日益成为一个令人担忧的问题,它尤其影响了麦地那(内地和 古城)的社会--经济结构,对城市人口密度、社会服务设施的恶化、贫困程度日增和越来越 多的失业真是雪上加霜。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The continuing migration from rural to urban areas is increasingly becoming a worrisome issue that affects in particular the socio-economic fabric of the medinas (inner and historic cities) with a dramatic impact on urban density, deterioration of social services, increased poverty levels and growing unemployment. unesdoc.unesco.org |