

单词 乱政

See also:

mix up
illicit sexual relations
in confusion or disorder
throw into disorder
in a confused state of mind

External sources (not reviewed)

当然,一个无法预料的事 件——如总统的提前离职,将有可能 乱政 治稳 定。
Of course, an unpredictable event, such as the premature departure of the president, would have the
[...] potential to upset political stability.
[...] 运输能力日益激烈的竞争的忧虑已经增加了 乱 、 政 治 不 稳定、人民流离失所和 跨境移徙的风险。
At the national level, anxiety about high food prices and intense competition over land, water and
transport capacity have already increased the
[...] risks of civil unrest, political instability, [...]
the displacement of people and migration across borders.
在政治和安全方面,2009 年 12 月 7 日,伊拉克 各政治集团通过了经过修订的《选举法》,渡过了这 个激烈的政治争论可能乱政治进 程的困难阶段。
On the political and security levels, on 7 December 2009 the political blocs were able to adopt an amended Election Law
and came through this difficult phase
[...] in which heated political controversy threatened to disrupt the political process.
面对持续的乱,政府内 阁同意成立一个高级别的“指挥中心”(war room),协调17个部委与南部腹地相关的工作。
Faced with continued insurgent violence, the cabinet [...]
approved a high-level “war room” to coordinate the work of seventeen
ministries with responsibilities in the Deep South.
海盗现象是索马里面临的更广泛问题和挑战的 一个症状——该国遭到乱、政府结构脆弱和极度缺 乏资源的夹击。
The phenomenon of piracy is a symptom of a wider set of problems and challenges
affecting Somalia — a country besieged with
[...] insecurity, a fragile government structure and [...]
a dire shortage of resources.
总体而言,发生社会乱和政治动 荡的可能性继续给区域经济 前景增加不确定性,在中亚较贫穷国家尤其如此。
Overall, the potential for
[...] social unrest and political turmoil continues [...]
to add to the uncertainties surrounding the regional
economic outlook, particularly in poorer countries in Central Asia.
[...] 谨慎利用稀有资源以避免在行政系统中无限制地利用酌处权,避免 乱政 治竞 争、贪污腐败、缺乏问责制以及“适者生存”的情况,这种情况是社会上许多人 [...]
Administrative ability is necessary for following and respecting laws, rules, regulations, procedures, due process and prudent utilization of scarce resources to
avoid unlimited use of discretion in
[...] bureaucracies, chaotic political competition, [...]
corruption, lack of accountability and
a situation of “survival of the fittest” which leaves many individuals in society vulnerable to all sorts of selfish forces and eventually to violence.
[...] 在凌晨 5 时的高速公路上,造成了乱的 局政府 正 在 请 检 查官办公室 查 清 事实。
The events having occurred at 5
a.m. on a highway created a confusing
[...] situation and the Government is asking the Prosecutor’s [...]
Office to establish the facts.
这显然表明,国内外的某 些分子一意孤行地在利用人民真正的要求挑起 乱 , 破 坏国家 政 治 和 经济安全 及稳定,并危及国家主权。
It is clear that certain elements in the country and abroad were bent on exploiting the genuine
demands of the people to
[...] stir up internal strife and undermine the nation’s political and economic [...]
security and stability as well as national sovereignty.
年来的最高值。这在三十多个国家引起了 乱, 还导致政府垮 台及出口禁令和限制,各国政府也力求将本国人民的粮食安全需 求放在第一位。
This led to riots across three dozen countries, political fallouts, [...]
and export bans and restrictions as countries’ governments
sought to prioritize the food security needs of their own populations.
2009 年在南北基伍省和东方省发生的数起冲突中,数百平民遭到解放卢旺 达民主力量和上帝抵抗军等乱团 体以 及 政 府 军 的杀害。
In separate conflicts in the Kivus and Province Orientale, many hundreds of civilians were killed in 2009 by rebel groups, including the
Forces démocratiques de libération du Rwanda (FDLR) and the Lord’s
[...] Resistance Army (LRA), as well as by Government forces.
2007 年选举后乱发生不久后政府任 命了由 Krieglar 法官担任主席的独 立选举审查委员会,以便就改革肯尼亚的选举进程提出建议。
The Independent Review Electoral Commission
( IREC) chaired by Justice
[...] Krieglar, was appointed by government soon after the post [...]
election violence that followed the
2007 elections to come up with recommendations to reform the electoral process in Kenya.
安全理事会谴责乱团体对马政府 部 队发起和实施的攻击,吁请叛 乱人员停止一切暴力行为,谋求通过适当的政治对话实现和平解决。
The Security Council condemns the
attacks initiated and carried out by rebel
[...] groups against Malian Government forces and calls on [...]
the rebels to cease all violence
and to seek a peaceful solution through appropriate political dialogue.
选举前的宣传活动导致了社政治动 乱,对发展活动的实施或多或少地产生了直接影响。
The election campaigns gave
[...] rise to social and political unrest which had [...]
a more or less direct impact on the implementation of development activities.
比如, 在对国际法和各国和平共处造成负面后果的其它行 为中,必须要考虑到使用外国计算机程序或者甚至是
[...] 在国外设计和推广的有关国家本国程序,对国家网络 可能发动的攻击以及加剧所针对的国家的社会乱 或扰乱其宪政秩序的电台和电视广播。
For instance, among other acts with negative consequences for international law and the peaceful coexistence of States, it is important to consider possible aggression against national networks through the use of foreign computer programmes, or even internal sources of the State concerned itself, that are conceived and promoted from abroad; as well as radio or
television broadcasts that are designed to
[...] promote social disorder or to disrupt the constitutional order of a targeted State.
该区域的冲突政治动乱导致 阿盟 将许多精力集中在政治事务上而不是积极 推行其成员国的区域经济一体化议程。
Conflicts and political turmoil in the region [...]
led the LAS to focus much of its efforts on political matters rather than
an active pursuit of a regional integration agenda among its member States.
18A.87 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是不存在可能影响到次级方案活动成功实施的下 列潜在外部因素:(a) 政治动乱,尤其是在冲突后国家政 治 动 乱 ; (b ) 不断弱化的经济和政 治治理;(c) 区域机构和成员国在执行区域一体化方案方面的能动性不足。
18A.87 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that the following potential external factors that may influence the successful implementation of the subprogramme activities are not present: (a) political instability, especially in post-conflict countries; (b) weakening economic and political governance; and (c) low reactivity of the regional institutions and member States in implementing regional integration programmes.
任何情况,不论是处于战争状态或受到战争威胁、国 政 治 动 乱 , 还 是其他 公共紧急状态,均不得用来作为强迫失踪的辩护理由。
No exceptional circumstances whatsoever, whether a state of war or a threat
[...] of war, internal political instability or [...]
any other public emergency, may be invoked
as a justification for enforced disappearance.
政府和 叛乱当局 一再阻止维和人员和人道主义机构向脆弱群体提供援助。
Both Government and rebel authorities [...]
repeatedly blocked peacekeepers and humanitarian agencies at various times from providing
assistance to vulnerable groups.
(c) 保护儿童免遭街政治动乱的影响,确保安全部队和保健人员在处理 儿童时尊重和实施《公约》。
(c) To protect children from
[...] the effects of political unrest in the streets [...]
and ensure that security forces and health personnel
dealing with children respect and enforce the Convention.
目前政治动乱和以 往一系列经济危机 使人们质疑该区域采用的发展模式,质疑重塑政策的方式,重塑政策旨在创造所 [...]
Current political uprisings, and previously [...]
the series of economic crises, have raised questions about the development models
applied in the region, and on ways to reshape policies to create the space to address the needs of everyone in society, and reach the most deprived.
A lot of political violence has also been [...]
attributed to the availability of many idle youths.
2002 年 10
[...] 月,国王解 散选举产生的内阁并任命了内阁部长,此后,尼泊尔一直处 政 治 动 乱 之 中
The country has been in political turmoil since [...]
October 2002, when the King dismissed the elected cabinet and appointed cabinet ministers.
这个祸害也是危 及国家内部稳定的其它威胁的根源,如军 政 变 、叛 乱活动、资助武装团体、侵犯人权行为、社会紧张、 [...]
毒品换武器、资助恐怖活动、制造无法治理的局面、 人道主义危机、族裔暴力、犯罪活动渗入政治和商业、 区域不稳定以及招募儿童从事犯罪活动等各种威胁。
This scourge is also at the root of other
threats to internal State stability,
[...] such as military coups, insurgencies, the financing [...]
of armed groups, human rights violations,
social tensions, the trade in drugs for arms, the financing of terrorist activities, the creation of ungovernable situations, humanitarian crises, ethnic violence, the infiltration of crime into politics and business, regional instability and child recruitment in criminal activities, among others.
政治动乱平息 后的最近一天,工作人员在联合国儿童基金会的仓库往货车里装物资、清算物品箱,并向灾区运送物资作为储备。
On a recent day
[...] here, after the political turmoil had calmed down, [...]
the UNICEF warehouse bustled with workers loading trucks,
counting boxes and sending out deliveries to make up for a backlog.
通过教育使民众意 识到:盗版削弱了中国电影产业获取市场回报的能力,从根本上制约了中国电影产业生产力
[...] 的发展;盗版扼杀电影产业的原始创新,损害消费者不断增长的文化需求的长远利益;盗版 降低了中政府的财政收入,扰乱了 社 会主义市场经济秩序,极大地败坏了中国政府的国际 形象和声誉。
It is hoped that relevant education will enable the people to realize that: piracy has fundamentally hindered the development of the movie industry and has undermined the capabilities of the movie industry to obtain market returns; piracy will, in the long run, harm the longterm interest of consumers in their increasing demand for cultural products by strangling the movie industry’s
ability to innovate; piracy
[...] lowers the fiscal revenues of the central government, disturbs the order [...]
of the socialist market
economy and severely harms the international image and reputation of the Chinese government.
以下一些因素妨碍了第 1373(2001)号决议在中亚的执行工作:靠近阿富汗
[...] 在非法跨界运送现金的活动(向恐怖主义提供资助的潜在来源);(该区域 政治 动乱和内乱导致 )过剩武器的流动;边境偏远且保护不足,外加缺乏人力和物质 [...]
The implementation of resolution 1373 (2001) in Central Asia is hampered by several factors: proximity to the conflict in Afghanistan (where drug production feeds terrorist activities and has generated a dynamic arms-for-drugs trade); the illicit activities of transborder cash couriers (a potential source of terrorism
financing); the circulation of surplus
[...] arms (owing to political and civil unrest in the region); [...]
remote and underprotected borders,
coupled with the lack of human and material resources to ensure effective border control; and the large number of migrant workers (which in turn increases the use of informal remittance systems, a potential source of terrorism financing).
监察组在其 2011 年 7 月的报告(S/2011/433)中指出,过渡联邦 政府领导政治混乱,腐 败成风,抵制分权,这一切是实现索马里南部安全与稳 定的主要障碍。
In its report of July 2011 (S/2011/433), the Monitoring Group noted that the Transitional Federal Government leadership’s political disarray, its endemic corruption and its resistance to power sharing represented the principal impediments to security and stabilization in southern Somalia.
总统和他的政党强调,尽管作出了这些让步,他仍然经常受到不公正的指 责,称他阻碍和平进程和耽误选举,国际社会过去通过了批评他的一些决议,随 随便便地忽视了以下事实,即他是在 2000 年自由和公正的选举中当选的,并且 当前的危机是在他任期快满两年时外部资助的未 政 变 造 成的,后 政 变 发 展为乱。
The President and his party stressed that, despite those concessions, he was often unfairly accused of impeding the peace process and delaying the elections and, that in adopting previous resolutions that criticized him, the international community had conveniently disregarded the fact that he was elected in a free and fair election in 2000 and that the current
crisis was created by an
[...] externally sponsored coup attempt, barely two years into his term of office, which had failed and developed into a rebellion.
经询问,委员会获悉,正在提 出的一些提议,包括为信通技术远程接入能力设备和医疗用品请拨资源的提议, 将确保联合国总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会能有效应对任何 乱 其 运 作的 危急事件。
Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that the proposals being made, which include requests for ICT equipment for remote access capability and medical supplies, would ensure that United Nations Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters and regional commissions could effectively respond to any critical incidents that disrupt their operations.




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