单词 | 乱局 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 乱局 noun —chaos nExamples:混乱局面 n—confusion n See also:乱 n—chaos n • disorder n 乱—riot • upheaval • random • indiscriminate • mix up • in a confused state of mind • throw into disorder • in confusion or disorder • illicit sexual relations
一味谋求可能为实现千年发展目标所作的贡献的所有单项 WIPO [...] 活动或倡议的这种企图也是站不 住脚的,而且很可能导致不可思议的 混 乱局 面。 wipo.int | An attempt to look out for all individual WIPO activities or initiatives that have a possibility of [...] contributing to the achievement of the MDGs [...] would also be tenuous and, most [...]likely, result in an incomprehensible maze. wipo.int |
他希望当前的混乱局面 能 够让世界警醒,认识到彼此之间相互依赖,并进 一步加深全球经济合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | He expressed the hope that the current turmoil would give the world a jolt into recognizing its interdependence and furthering global economic cooperation. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于在巴黎的负责干事的辞职和内罗毕的安保最近 出现动乱局势, 环境规划署无法根据第 53/42(c)号决定的要求向本次会议提供关于这一出 [...] 入的解释。 multilateralfund.org | Because of the resignation of the officer responsible in Paris and the [...] recent security unrest in Nairobi, UNEP [...]had been unable to provide an explanation [...]for that discrepancy to the present Meeting, as required by decision 53/42(c). multilateralfund.org |
虽然国际人道主义法的规定不适用于伴随着尚未演变成武装冲突的暴力的 内乱局势, 但记者可根据国际人权法获得保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the provisions under international [...] humanitarian law are not applicable in [...] situations of internal unrest accompanied by violence [...]below the level of that which characterizes [...]an armed conflict, journalists are afforded protection under international human rights law. daccess-ods.un.org |
灭绝种族罪、危害人类罪和战争罪常常发生在 机构薄弱的脆弱战患国家处于混乱局 势 的 时候。 daccess-ods.un.org | Genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes often [...] take place in chaotic situations in fragile [...]and conflict-affected countries with weak institutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是我们也 [...] 认识到,如果要存活,就必须修补造成这种 混 乱局面 的社会经济和政治制度。 daccess-ods.un.org | But we also believe that, if we are to survive, we must fix the socio-economic and [...] political system that created this chaos. daccess-ods.un.org |
该组织还称, 武 装冲突 已 导致由所有武 装 的利益攸关方造 成的令 人不安的混乱局面, 如 哥伦比 亚武装革命军 2 月份在纳里尼奥杀害了 18 名土著阿瓦人。 daccess-ods.un.org | It added that the armed conflict has led to disturbing levels of degradation caused by all the armed stakeholders, citing the massacre by the FARC of 18 indigenous Awa in Nariño in February. daccess-ods.un.org |
本简报来源于2010年2月和10月所做的实地调研——包括在南方腹地所进行的采访,本简报是对阿披实任期的第二年对泰国南部 暴 乱局 势 的 更新分析。 crisisgroup.org | Based on research carried out between February and October 2010, including interviews in the Deep South, [...] this briefing provides an update of analysis [...] of the southern insurgency in the second year of the Abhisit administration. crisisgroup.org |
人权高专办尼泊尔 办事处发表了一份针对罢工的警察行动的调查报告,其中建议政府在应对公共秩 序混乱局势时 改进对人权的尊重,其中包括通过有关立法改革并向警察提供更好 的资源。 daccess-ods.un.org | OHCHR Nepal issued a report of its investigation into the policing of the bandh that included recommendations to the Government to improve respect for human rights in responding to situations of public disorder, including through relevant legislative reform and provision of better resources to the police. daccess-ods.un.org |
建制警察部队每周 7 天、每天 24 小时把守第 1 号和第 31 号门,并在内部动乱局势中 提供护送和支助。 daccess-ods.un.org | Formed police units guard Gates 1 and 31 on a 24/7 basis and have provided escorts and support in civil disturbance situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
危机恶 [...] 化以及叙利亚陷入大规模冲突的混 乱局 面 , 不仅对于 叙利亚人民将是悲剧,而且也将不可避免地破坏邻国 [...]的稳定,进一步搅乱中东这个具有战略重要性的地区。 daccess-ods.un.org | Worsening of the crisis and its [...] plunging into the chaos of a full-scale [...]conflict would not only be a tragedy for the Syrian [...]people, but would also inevitably destabilize the neighbouring countries and further stir up the strategically important region of the Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
混乱 局面和无政府状态助长了毒品、极端主义和犯罪网 络,而它正严重威胁我们建设和平的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | A nexus of drugs, extremism and crime [...] fed on the chaos and anarchy [...]that now seriously threatens our efforts to build peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们看到这些区域局势不 稳,而法律标准几乎成为防止局势完全陷入武装冲突 的混乱局面和违反国际法使用武力状况的唯一办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | We see a destabilization of the situation in these regions, and the legal standards are becoming [...] almost the only way to [...] prevent the situation from plunging totally into the chaos of armed conflict [...]and use of force, which violates international law. daccess-ods.un.org |
应国家警察地区指挥官的请求,开展 12 个建制警察部队行动,协助国家警察应对 内乱 20 建制警察部队与国家警察联合行动,应 对内乱局势。 daccess-ods.un.org | 12 operations by formed police units to assist PNTL in dealing with civil disturbances as requested by PNTL district commanders 20 Formed police units conducted joint operations with PNTL responding to civil disturbance situations. daccess-ods.un.org |
然 而,我们必须以协调一致的方式这样做,谋求取得具 体、可持续和长期的成就,避免没有长期成果的善意 但却是短期的合作的混乱局面。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, we must do so in a coordinated and coherent manner, seeking concrete, sustainable and [...] long-term achievements and [...] leaving aside the chaos of well-intentioned but shortterm cooperation without lasting outcomes. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种混 乱局面无 助于全系统范围的人员流动,使得每一个案例成为一种例外情况, [...] 并视每一项交易的具体情况而定,最后敲定的是一种量身定做的合同。 daccess-ods.un.org | This confusing situation does not facilitate [...] system-wide mobility, and makes each individual case an exception and, depending [...]on the specific circumstances of each transaction, a made-to-order contract is finalized. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国、中国、联合国安理会其它成员国、非盟和平与安全理事会成员国及非洲之角发展管理局成员国必须结束多个中间人同时运作的 混 乱局 面 , 应共同推举具有国际声望的个人来领导各项谈判,从而使苏丹和平的多项计划相互协调。 crisisgroup.org | The U.S., China, other members of the UN Security Council, members of the AU [...] Peace and Security Council and IGAD member [...] states should cut through the welter of [...]multiple facilitators by agreeing to support [...]an individual of international stature to lead the several negotiations with a view to reconciling the paths of the Sudan peace process. crisisgroup.org |
尽管当前的混乱局面给 实现人权造成了新的挑 战,但同时也为建立新的秩序与关系从而推动实现共 同的人权目标带来了机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | While the current turmoil meant new challenges to the enjoyment of human rights, it also presented the opportunity to establish new rules and relationships to advance shared human rights objectives. daccess-ods.un.org |
当然,这 [...] 个人必须是耐心的并了解足够的知识,否则,您还是自己去工作吧,尽管自己 一个人事情多一点,那也比人多造成的 混 乱局 面 强 很多。 animalsasia.org | If possible, try to work together with other volunteers to increase efficiency. However your partner must be patient and also [...] master the necessary knowledge If not, it may be better to work on [...] your own to prevent commotion caused by too many people. animalsasia.org |
此后我国的LED行业就被价格战的“硝烟”所笼罩,越来越多的厂商为了在竞争中占据一席之地而降低产品价格,而企业生存所需的利润也让产品的生产成本不断削减,偷工减料的现象也时有发生,“造就”了现在的 混 乱局 面。 jxlcd.com | Since then China's LED industry is price war "smoke" hangs, more and more manufacturers in order to occupy a place in the competition and reduce the price of a product, and needed for the survival of the enterprise profit also let [...] production costs continue to cut, jerry phenomenon also happen from time to tome, [...] "make" the current chaotic situation. jxlcd.com |
执政党和反对党两方都在引用“阿拉伯之春”发出警告——前者警告如果不能再次获选连任的话将会出现 混 乱局 面 ,后者则警告除非加紧进行政治变革否则将会引发 动 乱局 势。 crisisgroup.org | Both ruling party and opposition are using images of the Arab [...] Spring – the [...] former to warn of chaos if it is not returned to power, the latter to warn of popular unrest unless political [...]change comes faster. crisisgroup.org |
可持续性涉及生活的三个方面,即环境、社会和经济,它们都深受当前 的混乱局面所影响。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Sustainability refers to three facets of life which are all affected by [...] the current turmoil: the environment, society [...]and the economy. unesdoc.unesco.org |
若无人道主义工作人员,我们看到的许多 混 乱局 势可能会更加混乱。 daccess-ods.un.org | Without humanitarian personnel, many of the chaotic situations that we witness would be even more chaotic. daccess-ods.un.org |
我想,从 难民署的角度看,也很重要的是,不要制造无助于解 决该问题的混乱局面。 daccess-ods.un.org | I think it is also very important from the point of view of UNHCR not to create confusion, which would not help solve the problem. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果执行工作再次严重滞后,则必须将精力集中到防止暴力 混 乱局 面 重 新爆发的最低要求,即保障南苏丹自治公决的如期举行并制定公决后的计划。 crisisgroup.org | If implementation again lags badly, it will be necessary to concentrate on [...] achieving the minimum essential to prevent [...] return to deadly chaos, namely ensuring [...]that the South’s referendum is held on [...]schedule, and a day-after arrangement is in place. crisisgroup.org |
经验一再向我们表明,这是 实现持久民主变革的先决条件,也是确保正在造成利 比亚分裂的兄弟间相互残杀的混乱局 面 没 有任何理 由继续下去的先决条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Experience has shown us time and time again that this is a precondition for lasting democratic change, as well as to ensuring that there is no reason for the fratricidal upheaval that is tearing Libya apart to continue. daccess-ods.un.org |
在不受这些条 约规范的局势中,特别是在内乱局势 中 ,平民则受到 人道主义法和人权法基本原则的保护。 daccess-ods.un.org | In situations that are not covered by these treaties, in particular internal disturbances, civilians [...] are protected by the [...]fundamental principles of humanitarian law and human rights law. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会 认为,必须指出,苏格兰场小组认为,2007 年 12 月 24 日,警察没有对犯罪现场 进行法证检查。8 [...] 该小组认为在发生爆炸“之后”和撤运伤亡人员期间,出现骚 乱和混乱局面是 可以理解的,但指出,当晚在现场从来没有任何组织有序的现场 [...]管制或法证检查。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Commission’s view, it is important to note that, in the Scotland Yard team’s view, there was no forensic examination of the crime [...] scene by the police on 27 December 2007.8 [...] The team found chaos and confusion understandable [...]in the “immediate aftermath” [...]of the blast and during the evacuation of casualties, but noted that there was never any organized or structured scene control or forensic examination that evening. daccess-ods.un.org |
我所会晤的许许多 多捐助方都强调需要改进协调,但我必须说,极少有 捐助方表示愿意改变其做法,那些做法导致我们陷入 了分散和混乱局面, 而我们目前仍处于此种局面之 中。 daccess-ods.un.org | So many donors I meet underline the importance of better coordination, but so few, I must say, show a readiness to modify their practices. daccess-ods.un.org |
2009 年 12 月 28 日发生了一起令人关切的事件,据称帝力地区一名国家警察针对 骚 乱局 势 至 少开 枪一次,造成一名青年死亡,另一人受伤。 daccess-ods.un.org | One incident of concern occurred on 28 December 2009, when a member of PNTL in the Dili district who was responding to a situation of disorder allegedly fired at least one shot, resulting in the death of one youth and injury to another. daccess-ods.un.org |