单词 | 乱七八糟 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 乱七八糟 —at sixes and sevenseverything in disorder (idiom); in a hideous mess七七八八 —almostless common: bits and piece • of all kinds • nearing completion See also:七七—seven sevens (equals 49) 乱糟糟—chaotic • a complete mess • topsy turvy
在别人用你机器时,或者学校学生上word课时,经常将Word的菜单命令改 得 乱七八糟 , 甚 至误删了一些重要的命令。 oapdf.com | others when using your machine, or school students on [...] the word class, often Word of the menu command [...] changes make a big mess, even mistakenly [...]deleted some important commands. oapdf.com |
申诉人形容床铺非常脏,乱七八糟, 食 物“连狗都不要”,一个医生也没有。 daccess-ods.un.org | The speakers describe in no particular order the filthy nappies, the food “which is unfit for a dog”, and the blatant absence of a doctor. daccess-ods.un.org |
在各条船上,以色列军队深入搜查了乘客的 行李,里面装有个人财物,乱七八糟 地 散布在各个船舱。 daccess-ods.un.org | On board the various vessels, the Israeli forces conducted extensive [...] searches of the passengers’ luggage that left personal possessions strewn across [...] the cabins in a highly disordered state. daccess-ods.un.org |
你会不会也跟我一样在想为何住在28顶楼都会被盗,小偷从何而入这是问题的关键,表姐告诉我周四她下楼去洗头发,也就半个钟的时候回到家居然不敢相信眼前的一切,家里的东西跟摆地摊的一 样 乱七八糟 , 衣 服物品满地都是,第一反应就是被偷了,这才去到房间发现现金4000千多、首饰、戒指、玉还有小孩子过年收的红包三千多全部不见,赶紧报警之后找了物管调监控,只看到是一个穿黑丝衣服的中年男性,其他没有任何特点。 pg304.com | Would you also like me wondered why live in 28 attic will be stolen, the thief from where it into this is the key to the problem on Thursday, cousin told me she went downstairs to wash hair, is half a clock back home incredibly dare not believe at present, all the [...] thing in the home and put stall in the [...] same at sixes and sevens, clothing items were [...]on the ground, the first reaction was [...]stolen, this just go to the room found more than 4 million cash, jewelry, ring, jade and children receive the Chinese New Year red envelopes more than three thousand disappear, hurriedly alarm after looking for things tube adjustable monitoring, only to see is a wear black silk clothes of middle-aged male ? pg304.com |
一扇 破爛的窗不維修好的話,整個社區將變得 亂 七八糟 、 不 堪入目。 legco.gov.hk | If a broken window is not fixed, the entire community will be plunged into an unbearable mess. legco.gov.hk |
我從與政府㆟ 員談話㆗,得到㆒個印象,就是律政署內至少有某些部分 亂 七八糟 , 情 況就如司法機 構不久之前的樣子㆒般。 legco.gov.hk | From talking to people within the Administration, I get the impression that at least some parts of the Legal Department are in a shambolic state like what the Judiciary was not too long ago. legco.gov.hk |
身為㆒位律師,多年來我已學到了㆒件 事,就是文字㆖雖然是最崇高的意念,在實際情況㆘卻往往弄得 亂 七八糟 和 ㆒ 塌糊塗。 legco.gov.hk | As a solicitor, I have learned over the years that the most noble of notions in print often lead to disarray and confusion in practice. legco.gov.hk |
在 协调这些行政管理做法的这段时间,教科文组织的人事状 况 乱糟糟 , 而 且加速恶化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Pending the harmonization of those practices, the disastrous situation in which UNESCO’s staff find themselves is left unattended to deteriorate at an accelerated rate. unesdoc.unesco.org |
又或制訂出來的指引亂七八糟的, 那又怎麼辦呢? legco.gov.hk | Or if the formulated guidelines turn out to be utterly confusing, what should we do? legco.gov.hk |
這真的可說是亂七八糟、一塌糊塗。 legco.gov.hk | One can say that this is really a mess, a shambles. legco.gov.hk |
尽管确定和同意消除“最糟类型 的童工”可能相 对容易,但“可接受的工作”和“有害的劳工”之间的区别不总是 明确,当地和传统的实践和信仰使评估 混 乱。 fao.org | While it may be relatively easy to identify [...] and agree [...] to eliminate the “worst forms of child labour”, the distinction between “acceptable work” and “harmful labour” is not always clear and assessments can be muddled by local and traditional practices [...]and beliefs. fao.org |
不知為何,有 些 以 往很好的 東 西 , 十 多二十 年 來相安 無 事 、很有 秩序, 完全沒有投訴的,也 可以變 成 亂 七八糟 。 legco.gov.hk | There are things which used to go very well over the past 10 or 20 years or so, those which used to run orderly and [...] for which no complaint has ever [...] been lodged, but I do not know why they could get so confused and things just ran amok. legco.gov.hk |
假設政治委任是對的,但那聘任程序卻是 亂 七八糟 的 , 被傳媒嚇 一下,便害怕得腿也軟下來。 legco.gov.hk | Even on the assumption that political appointment is a correct approach, the appointment procedures are just a mess. legco.gov.hk |
即使今次成立這個調查委員會,而民主黨也遵 守了最初表示不參與的承諾 ⎯⎯ 但我其實希望他們能參與 ⎯⎯ 即 [...] 使沒有了民主黨的參與,難道我們便可以隻手遮天,把事情弄得 亂 七八 糟嗎? legco.gov.hk | Even if this investigation committee is formed this time, and the Democratic Party also honours its commitment made on the outset that it will not participate in it ― in fact, I do want them to [...] participate ― even without the participation of the Democratic Party, can we act in such a [...] hegemonist manner and make it a mess? legco.gov.hk |
主席,剛才我檯上有太多文件,亂 七八糟 的 ,但現在我可以找出有關文 件,可以正式向大家說說為何要反對政務司司長提出的修正案,亦說說我們 為何過分注重法律的技術性條文,不注重法律的原則、背景,看到是有這些 問題。 legco.gov.hk | Chairman, just now, there were too many documents on my table and they were in a mess, but now I have found the relevant paper and can formally tell Members why the amendment proposed by the Chief Secretary for Administration should be opposed. legco.gov.hk |
Audience的自动语音识别辅助技术完美解决了目前许多语音识别应用所面临的挑战,例如 , 乱糟糟 的 环境噪声致使无法识别口语单词和完成指定任务,这种情况在移动设备距离讲话者较远时愈发明显。 tipschina.gov.cn | ASR Assist technology from Audience directly addresses the challenge faced by many speech recognition applications today, namely their failure to recognize spoken words and complete assigned tasks because of disruptive background noise, especially for devices which are remote or held at a distance from the talker. tipschina.gov.cn |
儘管一切努力邁克爾·WESTEN是“geburnt”還坐在還在邁阿密,幫助人,只是 亂 七八糟 的 ,當然,對煤炭。 serientrends.de | Despite all efforts Michael Westen is "geburnt" still sitting still around in Miami, helping people out in a mess of just that, of course, against coal. serientrends.de |
由 於我 們沒有注重街 道 生 活 , 以 及公共 開 放 空 間 極 有限, 要 巿 民 培 養 出 歸 屬 感 是 非 常困難的,誰 會 以這樣 亂 七八糟 的 巿 容 為 榮 呢 ? legco.gov.hk | Since we do not care for people's well-being on the streets and we are short of public open space, it would be very difficult to cultivate a sense of belonging. legco.gov.hk |
此外,执行局第一八六届会议要求“总干事结合其一八六届会议的讨论情况和与各地 区组的磋商结果,尽快起草基金《章程》修正案,以提交 一 八七 届 会 议审议”(第 186 EX/6 号文件--第 V 部分第 7 段和第 186 EX/39 号决定第 [...] 7 段)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In addition, the Executive Board at its 186th session requested “the Director-General to prepare and submit, as soon as possible, amendments to the Statutes of the [...] Fund for consideration [...] at its 187th session, taking into account the discussions at its 186th session [...]and following consultation [...]of the regional groups” (186 EX/Decision 6-V para. 7 and 186 EX/Decision 39 para. 7). unesdoc.unesco.org |
考虑到目前的进展并且为了向执行局提供最新且最有针对性的信息,关于此议程 项目的正式报告将向执行局第一八七 届 会 议提交。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Taking into account current development and in order to provide the Executive Board with the most [...] up-to-date and pertinent information, the full report on this item will be [...] presented at the 187th session of the [...]Executive Board. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其實,學生在學校上公民教育課,一定有談到公共房屋如何發揮偉大的 角色,如何確保基層市民在面對租金狂升時獲得庇護所,從而為香港的經濟 發展提供廉價的勞動力,令社會得以穩定和發展,工業能 在 七八 十 年 代起 飛。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, during civic education classes in schools, students must have come across how public housing has played a significant role and how it has ensured that the grassroots can have a sanctuary in the face of escalating rents, thus providing a cheap labour force for the economic development of Hong Kong and contributing to social stability and development, and this has facilitated the taking off of industries in the '70s and '80s. legco.gov.hk |
与往年一样,与案件相关的拨款列在 C [...] 编“审案费用”之下,将仅用于支付 审案费用(见上文 C 编以及附件七、八、九)。 daccess-ods.un.org | As in previous years, appropriations relating to cases are placed under [...] Part C (Case-related costs) and will be utilized for such purposes only (see Part C [...] above and annexes VII, VIII and IX). daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管 有25%的利润增长和5%客运量的增长,瑞安继续承受着顾客对于其收取隐藏费用、 糟糕的服务、杂乱无章 的网站和“故意为之 、 糟 糕 透 顶的定价策略”的强烈不满。 siegelgale.cn | Despite a 25% increase in profits and 5% increase in traffic in 2012, Ryanair continues to experience [...] turbulence from customers who are [...] disgruntled about hidden costs, bad service, a cluttered website and “a deliberately poor pricing policy. siegelgale.com |
暴力犯罪是针对人的生命和健康实施的, 可根据刑事诉讼予以惩罚的,因此造成受伤害的人死亡,健康严重受损或健康紊 乱持续起码六个月的行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | A crime of violence is an act committed against the life or health of a person which is punishable under the criminal procedure and as a result of which the injured person dies, sustains serious damage to his or her health, or sustains a health disorder lasting for at least six months. daccess-ods.un.org |
经询问,委员会获悉,正在提 出的一些提议,包括为信通技术远程接入能力设备和医疗用品请拨资源的提议, 将确保联合国总部、总部以外办事处和区域委员会能有效应对任何 扰 乱 其 运 作的 危急事件。 daccess-ods.un.org | Upon enquiry, the Committee was informed that the proposals being made, which include requests for ICT equipment for remote access capability and medical supplies, would ensure that United Nations Headquarters, offices away from Headquarters and regional commissions could effectively respond to any critical incidents that disrupt their operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
各位請聽聽我接 ㆘來所說的,便 知道政府的辦事方法如何捨簡就繁、 亂 七八糟 , 但又如何自以為是。 legco.gov.hk | Just listen to what I am going to say, Members will see how the Government leaves out the simple task but chooses the complicated ones and how their ways of doing things are a complete mess and yet how much they regard themselves as being correct. legco.gov.hk |
要讓香港的固有 經濟優勢得以保持,政府必須從法律及政策上創造有利於中小企的環境,讓 七八十年 代的企業精神再次重現香港,重塑香港市場的活力。 legco.gov.hk | In order to maintain our traditional economic edge, the Government must see to it that its laws and policies do bring about an environment favourable to SMEs so as to bring back to Hong Kong the enterprising spirit of the 1970s and 1980s and re-invigorate our market. legco.gov.hk |
以前藐视法庭案件 [...] 只分配给前南问题国际法庭的常任法官,因而有时一些常任法官一人即分配 到七 八宗藐 视法庭案,但现在这些案件则是更均匀地分配给前南问题国际法庭的常任 [...]法官和审案法官。 daccess-ods.un.org | While contempt cases were previously assigned to the Tribunal’s permanent judges only, which led to a [...] situation where some permanent judges were [...] assigned between seven and eight contempt cases [...]each, the caseload has now been more [...]evenly redistributed among the Tribunal’s permanent and ad litem judges. daccess-ods.un.org |
孟加拉国外交部长在 2009 年 12 月 13 日的信中通知法庭庭长说,缅甸和孟加拉 国分别于 2009 年 11 月 4 日至 12 月 12 日根据《公约》 第二八七条发表声明,表示两国接受法庭在解决其海 上边界争端方面的管辖权。 daccess-ods.un.org | By letter dated 13 December 2009, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh notified the President of the Tribunal of declarations made under article 287 of the Convention by Myanmar and Bangladesh on 4 November and 12 December 2009, respectively, whereby the two States accepted the jurisdiction of the Tribunal for the settlement of the dispute relating to their maritime boundary. daccess-ods.un.org |