




lit. pale-faced scholar (idiom); young and inexperienced person without practical experience
still wet behind the ears





External sources (not reviewed)

审核员通知我们有关您的上诉的当日结束时,您也会收到我们发出知,详细说明希望终止计 划为您承保服务的原因。
By the end of the day the reviewers informed us of your appeal, and you will
[...] also get a written notice from [...]
us that explains in detail our reasons for ending
our coverage for your services.
(B) 替任董事有权订约及於合约或安排或交易中拥有权益或获益,并 就此获偿付开支及获得弥偿(於作出必要之修订後),犹如其为董事而享有者,惟其 无权从本公司就其委任为替任董事收取任何酬金,惟按其委任人可能不时知 本公司所指示下原应付予其委任人的有关部份酬金﹙如有﹚除外。
(B) An alternate Director shall be entitled to contract and be interested in and benefit from contracts or arrangements or transactions and to be repaid expenses and to be indemnified to the same extent mutatis mutandis as if he were a Director, but he shall not be entitled to receive from the Company in respect of his appointment as alternate Director any remuneration except only such part (if any) of the remuneration otherwise payable to his appointor as such appointor may by notice in writing to the Company from time to time direct.
(b) 指定规格之代表委任表格连同经签署之授他授权文件(如有)或经由签署证明 之该等授权文件副本,最迟须於大会或其任何续会指定举行时间48小时前一 并交回本公司在香港之股份过户登记分处香港中央证券登记有限公司,地址为香港湾 仔皇后大道东183号合和中心17楼1712至1716室,方为有效。
(b) To be valid, a form ofproxy inthe prescribed form together with the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed, or a certified copy of such power or authority, must be deposited at the Company’s branch share registrar in Hong Kong, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17/F, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong not less than 48 hours before the time fixed for holding the meeting (or any adjourned meeting).
禁令涵盖的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b) 所有奶类、奶类饮品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷冻或冷藏野味、肉类和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷冻或冷藏水产品,除 非附有日本主管当局所签发的证有关食物的辐射水平并没有超出食 品法典委员会的标准。
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk beverages and dried milk; and c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products unless accompanied by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex.
(b) 根据上市规则及任何适用法例、规则及规例,任何通告或文件(包括但 不限於第161条所述的文件)及任何公司通讯可只以英文、只以中文或 同时以中英文作出,惟本公司已获取有关股东事先表明同意的确英文、只以中文或同时以中英文方式收取或以其他方式获得本公 司向其作出的通告或文件除外,以及惟该股东如有要求,可向本公司发知,随时要求本公司向其寄发或作出其之前未获提供语言的 任何通告或文件或公司通讯。
(b) Subject to the Listing Rules and any applicable laws, rules and regulations, any notice or document, including but not limited to the documents referred to in Article 161 and any Corporate Communication, may be given in the English language only, in the Chinese language only or in both the English language and the Chinese language provided that the Company has obtained the relevant member’s
prior express positive
[...] confirmation in writingtoreceive or otherwise have made available to him such notices or documents in either the English language only or the Chinese language only or in both the English language and the Chinese language and provided further that such member may, if he so requires, by notice in writingserved onthe [...]
Company, demand at any
time that the Company sends or makes available to him any notice or document or Corporate Communication in the language not previously provided to him.
因此,股东若拟提名个别人士於股东周年大会上竞选为董事,须向本公司的公 司下述文件,并有效送达本公司的香港主要办事处:(i) 该股东拟在股 东周年大会上提出决议案的意向通知;及(ii) 获提名之候选人签署表示愿意接受 委任的通知,连同(a)按《上市规则》第 13.51(2) 条规定须披露的候选人资料, 及(b) 候选人同意公布其个人资料的同
Accordingly, if a shareholder wishes to nominate a person to stand for election as a Director of the Company at the general meeting, the following documents must be
validly served on the
[...] Company Secretary at theprinciple office of the Company in Hong Kong, namely (i) his/her notice of intention to propose a resolution at the general meeting; and (ii) a notice signed by the nominated candidate of the candidate’s willingness to be appointed together with (a) that candidate’s information as required to be disclosed under rule 13.51(2) of the Listing Rules, and (b) the candidate’s writtenconsent to the publication [...]
of his/her personal data.
(b) 如以本细则所述任何其他方式送达或交付,应视为於专人送交或交付之时 或(视情况而定)有关寄发或传输之时送达或交付;而在证明送达或交付 时,由公司其他高级人员或董事会委任的其他人士签署的证明该送达、交付、寄发或传输的行为及时间,即为不可推翻的证 据。
(b) if served or delivered in any other manner contemplated by these Articles, shall be deemed to have been served or delivered at the time of personal service or delivery or, as the case may be, at the time of the relevant despatch
or transmission; and
[...] in proving such service or delivery a certificate in writing signed by the Secretary or other officer of the Company [...]
or other person
appointed by the Board as to the act and time of such service, delivery, despatch or transmission shall be conclusive evidence thereof.
(G) 每当根据本文规定者调整换股价时,本公司须向可换股优 先股股东发出换股价经已调整的通知(其中载列导致调整 的事项、有关调整前生效的换股价、经调整换股价及其生 效日期),此後,只要任何换股权仍可行使,本公司须於 兑换日期前在当时主要营业地点及股份过户登记处存置上 述经签署的核数师或(视情况而定)相关认可商人银行的,以及本公司董事签署的载列导致调整的事项、 有关调整前生效的换股价、经调整换股价及其生效日期等 简明资料供可换股优先股股东查阅。
(G) Whenever the Conversion Price is adjusted as herein provided, the Company shall give notice to the CP Shareholders that the Conversion Price has been adjusted (setting forth the event giving rise to the adjustment, the Conversion Price in effect prior to such adjustment, the adjusted Conversion Price and the effective date thereof) and shall at all times thereafter so long as any of the Conversion Rights remains exercisable make available for inspection at the principal place of business for the time being of the Company and the Registrar's Office prior to the Conversion Date a signed copy of the said certificate of the auditors or (as the case may be) of the relevant approved merchant bank and a certificate signed by a Director of the Company setting out the brief particulars of the event giving rise to the adjustment, the Conversion Price in effect prior to such adjustment, the adjusted Conversion Price end this effective date thereof.
(a) 独 立 股 东 及 独 立 购 股 权 持 有 人 所 交付或 获 发 或 发 出 之 所 有 通 讯 、 通 告 、 接 纳 表 格 、 股 份 股 票 及 购 股 权有 )、 过 户 收 据 、 其 他 所 有 权 文 件( 及 ╱ 或 就 此 所 需 之任何 充 分 弥 偿 保 证 )及 支 付 根 据 收 购 建 议 应 付代价 之 款 项 , 将 由 其 或 其 指 定 代 理 以 普 通邮递方 式 交付或 获 发 或 发 出 , 邮 误 风 险 概 由 其 自 行 承 担 , 本 公 司 、 收 购 人 、 广 发 融 资 、 广 发 证 券 、 卓 亚 、 登 记 处 及 其 各 自 任 何 董 事 或 代 理 或 参 与 收 购 建 议 之 其 他 各 方 概 不 会 就 此 可 能 产生之任何 邮 资 损 失 或 邮递延 误 或 任 何 其 他 义 务 承 担 任 何 责 任 。
(a) All communications, notices, Form(s) of Acceptance, share certificate(s) in respect of the Shares and Share Options (if any), transfer receipts, other documents of title (and/or any satisfactory indemnity or indemnities required in respect thereof) and remittances to settle the consideration payable under the Offers to be delivered by or sent to or from the Independent Shareholders and Independent Optionholders will be delivered by or sent to or from them, or their designated agents through ordinary post at their own risk, and none of the Company, the Offeror, GF Capital, GF Securities, Asian Capital, the Registrar nor any of their respective directors or agents or other parties involved in the Offers accepts any liability for any loss or delay in postage or any other liabilities that may arise as a result thereof.
(B) 本公司可以加盖印章件,一般地或就任何特定事项授权任 何人士为其受权人代其签署契据及文件,以及代其订立及签署合约,而该受权人 [...]
代本公司签署及加盖其印章之所有契据均对本公司具约束力,并如同该契据已加 盖本公司印章之相同效力。
(B) The Company may,by writingunder itsseal, [...]
empower any person, either generally or in respect of any specified matter,
as its attorney to execute deeds and instruments on its behalf and to enter into contracts and sign the same on its behalf and every deed signed by such attorney on behalf of the Company and under his seal shall bind the Company and have the same effect as if it were under the seal of the Company.
(b)  本公司可备有按该条例第 73A 条所允许之正式印章一枚,用以在本公司所 发行之股份或其他证券之印(以及在加盖该正式印章之任何该等证他文件上毋须任何董事、高级人员或其他人士之签署及机械式复制签署,且该等他文件即使没有任何该等签署或上述机械式复制签署仍属有效及应视为已 在董事会之授权下盖章及签立),以及可备有按董事会决定根据公司条例条文规定之 供在外地使用之正式印章一枚,且本公司可式并盖上该印章委任在外地之 任何一名或多名代理人或者一个或多个委员会作为本公司之获妥为授权之代理人, 目的在於加盖及使用该正式印章,并可施本公司认为合适之有关使用正式印章之限 制。
securities issued by the Company as permitted by Section 73A of the Ordinance (and no signature of any Director, officer or other person and no mechanical reproduction
thereof shall be required on any such
[...] certificates orother document and anysuch certificates or other document to which such official seal is affixed shall be valid and deemed to have been sealed and executed with the authority of the Board notwithstanding the absence of any such signature or mechanical reproduction as aforesaid) and an official seal for use abroad under the provisions of the Companies Ordinance where and as the Board shall determine, and the Company maybywriting under the seal appoint any agents or agent, committees [...][...]
or committee abroad to be the duly authorised agents of the Company for the purpose of affixing and using such official seal and they may impose such restrictions on the use thereof as may be thought fit.
所有名列本申部分的人士(包括其配偶在内),从未获得「自置居所贷款计划」或「置业资助贷款计划」贷款/按揭还 款补助金或购得「居者有其屋计划」或「私人机构參建居屋计划」或「中等入息家庭屋邨」美樂花园或「重建置业计划」或 「居屋第二市场计划」或「租者置其屋计划」或「可租可买计划」或房屋协会辖下任何房屋资助计划的住宅樓宇单位。
None of the persons listed in Part I of this application form (including their spouses) have obtained any loan or mortgage subsidy under the Home Purchase Loan Scheme (HPLS)/Home Assistance Loan Scheme (HALS), or have purchased any domestic flat under the HOS, the PSPS, the Middle Income Housing Project at Melody Garden, the Mortgage Subsidy Scheme, the SMS, the TPS, the Buy or Rent Option or any subsidized housing scheme administered by the HS.
(c) 如果按上述方式进行分配的任何股份包含有涉及催缴股款或其他债务,根据该分配而
[...] 持有该类股份的任何人士可在通过特殊决议後十天内知,指示盘人出售其股份,并将 净收益支付给他,而清盘人在实际可行的情况下应照此办理。
(c) In case any of the shares to be divided as aforesaid consist of shares which involve a liability to calls or otherwise, any person entitled under such division to any of the said shares may, within ten days
after the passing of the special
[...] resolution by notice in writing, directthe Liquidator [...]
to sell his proportion and pay him
the net proceeds, and the liquidator shall, if practicable, act accordingly.
食物业处所承諾人须在其食物业处所内 实践「食物安全五要点」,展示「食物安全五要点」贴以及由中心提供的任何 「食物安全五要点」宣传品,并向员工提供有关食物安全/衞生的培训;至於食物业协 会,则须在其处所内展示「食物安全五要点」贴以及由中心提供的任何「食物 安全五要点」宣传品,鼓勵属下会员签署『食物安全「诚」諾』并推广和实践「食物安 全五要点」。
Signatories of FP should practise 5 Keys in their food premises, display “FSC” and “FSC” sticker in their food premises, display the CFS’s 5 Keys publicity materials in their food premises and provide training to staff on food safety/hygiene, whereas those of FTA should display “FSC” and “FSC” sticker in their premises, display any of the CFS’s 5 Keys publicity materials in their premises, encourage members of their associations to sign up to the FSC and encourage members to promote and practise the 5 Keys.
(D) 核数师作出的告(所载内容包括是否需要设立及维持认购权 [...]
储备、(如需设立及维持)设立及维持储备的所需金额、已动用认购 权储备的用途、为将本公司的损失减至最低而动用储备的程度、须向 行使认股权证持有人配发额外面值的入账列为缴足股份,以及任何其
他有关认购权储备的事项),如无明显错误,均具有最终效力,并对 本公司及所有认股权证持有人及股东均具约束力。
(D)A certificateorreportby the [...]
Auditors as to whether or not the Subscription Right Reserve is required to be established
and maintained and if so the amount thereof so required to be established and maintained, as to the purposes for which the Subscription Right Reserve has been used, as to the extent to which it has been used to make good losses of the Company, as to the additional nominal amount of shares required to be allotted to exercising warrantholders credited as fully paid, and as to any other matter concerning the Subscription Right Reserve shall (in the absence of manifest error) be conclusive and binding upon the Company and all warrantholders and shareholders.
(d) 若公司只有一位成员,该成员所作任何应会在公司在股东大会上被采用并等同在股东 大会通过的决定,该成员应在作出此决定後的 7 日内向公司提交一份该决定录(除非 该决定是以由他签署议的形式作出)。
(d) Where the Company has only one member and that member takes any decision that may be taken by the Company in General Meeting and that has effect as if agreed by the Company in General Meeting, he shall (unless that decision
is taken by way of a
[...] resolutionin writing duly signed by him) provide the Company with a writtenrecord of that [...]
decision within 7
days after the decision is made.
根据配售协议,本公司已向配售代理承諾,由完成日期起计90日内期间,除配售股份及 除根据本公司任何雇员购股权计划之条款外,本公司将不会:(i)配发或发行或要约配发 或要约发行或授予任何购股权、权利或认股权证以认购(不論是有条件或无条件,或直 接或间接,或透过其他方法)任何股份或任何股份权益或可转换或可行使或可交换为或 基本与任何股份或股份权益相類似之任何证券或(ii)有条件或无条件同意订立或进行与 上文第(i)项所载具有相同经济效果之任何交易;或(iii)在未事先获得配售代意 前,宣布有意订立或进行上文第(i)或(ii)项(在各情况下)所载之任何交易。
Under the Placing Agreement, the Company has undertaken to the Placing Agents that for a period of 90 days from the Completion Date, the Company will not, except for the Placing Shares and save pursuant to the terms of any employee share option scheme of the Company, (i) allot or issue or offer to allot or issue or grant any option, right or warrant to subscribe (either conditionally or unconditionally, or directly or indirectly, or otherwise) any Shares or any interests in Shares or any securities convertible into or exercisable or exchangeable for or substantially similar to any Shares or interest in Shares or (ii) agree (conditionally or unconditionally) to enter into or effect any such transaction with the same economic effect as any of the transactions described in (i) above or (iii) announce any intention to enter into or effect any such transaction described in (i) or (ii) above, in each case, without first having obtained the written consent of the Placing Agents.
(c) 董事(就本第(c)段而言包括替任董事)或事(可能为签署证明文 件中之一名人士)於董事或任何董事委员会决议案之时离开总办事处所在 [...]
地区或不可或无法行事之其他情况或并未提供供其收取通知之於总办事处 所在地区内之地址、电话及传真号码而出具之证明文件将为所证明事项
(c) A certificate by a Director (including for the purpose of
this paragraph (c) an alternate Director) or
[...] the Secretary that a Director (who [...]
may be the one signing the certificate) was
at the time of a resolution of the Directors or any committee thereof absent from the territory of the Head Office or otherwise not available or unable to act or has not supplied an address, telephone and facsimile number within the territory of the Head Office for the purposes of giving of notice to him shall in favour of all persons without express notice to the contrary, be conclusive of the matter so certified.
164 董事会可不时并於任何时间,藉授任何经其直接或间接提名的公 司、商号、个人或人数不等之团体,作为本公司的一名或多於一名受权人, 而委任的目的,所授予的权力、权限及酌情决定权(以不超过根据本章程细则 归於董事或可由董事行使者为限),以及委任的期限和规限的条件,均须按董 事会认为合适者而定;任何此等授可载有董事认为适合用以保障及 方便与任何此等受权人进行交易的人,以及可授权任何此等受权人将归於他 的所有或任何权力、权限及酌情决定权转授他人。
164 TheBoard may from time to time and at any time, by power of attorney under the seal, appoint any company, firm or person or any fluctuating body of persons, whether nominated directly or indirectly by the Board, to be the attorney or attorneys of the Company for such purposes and with such powers, authorities and discretions (not exceeding those vested in or exercisable by the Board under these Articles) and for such period and subject to such conditions as it may think fit, and any such power of attorney may contain such provisions for the protection and convenience of persons dealing with any such attorney as the Board may think fit, and may also authorise any such attorney to sub-delegate all or any of the powers, authorities and discretions vested in him.
或「印刷」指包括印刷、平版印刷、 摄影、打字及任何其他清晰及非临时性文字或数字显示 方式,并包括以电子显示方式作出的陈述,惟有关陈述 [...]
可在用户的电脑下载或可透过传统小型办公室设备列印 或载入本公司网站,而无论哪一方式,有关股东(按本
细则条文规定须向其传递或发放任何文件或通告的股 东)已选择以电子方式收取有关下载或通告,而发放有 关文件或通告的方式及股东的选择均符合所有适用法律 及法规以及相关地区证券交易所的规定。
writing”or “printing” shall include writing, printing, lithography, [...]
photography, typewriting and every other mode of representing
words or figures in a legible and nontransitory form, and including where the representation takes the form of electronic display, provided that the same is available for download onto a user’s computer or for printing through conventional small office equipment or is placed on the Company's website and, in each case, the shareholder concerned (where the relevant provision of these Articles require the delivery or service of any document or notice on him in his capacity as shareholder) has elected for the receipt of the relevant download or notice through electronic means and both the mode of service of the relevant document or notice and the shareholder’s election comply with all applicable laws and regulations and the requirements of the stock exchange of the Relevant Territory.
110 身为本公司股东的任何法团,均可藉董事或其他管治团体的决议或授权其认为合适的人士作为其代表,出席本公司任何会议或本公司任何类别 股东会议;因此获授权的人士有权代表其所代表的法团行使该法团的权力 (犹如其为本公司的个人股东),而若公司派代表出席,则视为已亲身出席 任何会议。
110 Any corporation which is a member of the Company may, by resolution of its directors or other governing body or by power of attorney, authorise such person as it thinks fit to act as its representative at any meeting of the Company or of members of any class of shares of the Company and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the corporation which he represents as that corporation could exercise if it were an individual member of the Company and where a corporation is so represented, it shall be treated as being present at any meeting in person.
本人授权房委会、房屋署及房屋协会向其他政府部门、公/私营机构或有关雇主求证及核对有关资料; 并同意任何政府部门(包括但并不限於土地注册处、入境事务处、税务局)、公/私营机构或有关雇主,将其拥有关於本人的
[...] 个人资料,提供给房委会、房屋署及房屋协会作比较或核对本申资料之用。
I hereby authorize the HA, HD and HS to approach other government departments or any public/private organizations or any employers concerned for verification and matching of data, and I expressly agree that the government departments (including but not limited to the Land Registry, Immigration Department, and Inland Revenue Department) or public/private organizations or any employers concerned may allow the HA, HD and HS access to my personal
data in their possession for the purpose of
[...] comparingand matching themwith the [...]
data provided in this application form.
本公司可以董事会认为适合的有关方式出售本公司拥有留置权的任何 股份,惟除非存在留置权股份的某些款额目前应付或存在留置权股份有关的负债或协 定需要现时履行或解除,且直至已向当时的股份登记持有人或因有关持有人身故、破 产或对股份进行清盘而有权收取的有关人士发知(声明及要求支付现时应付 的款项或指明负债或协定及要求履行或解除负债或协定及通知有意出售欠缴股款股 份)後十四日已届满,否则不得出售。
The Company may sell, in such manner as the Board thinks fit, any shares on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be made unless some sum in respect of which the lien exists is presently payable or the liability or engagement in respect of which such lien exists is liable to be presently fulfilled or discharged, nor until the expiration of fourteen days after a notice in writing, stating and demanding payment of the sum presently payable or specifying the liability or engagement and demanding fulfilment or discharge thereof and giving notice of intention to sell in default, shall have been given to the registered holder for the time being of the shares or the person entitled by reason of such holder’s death, bankruptcy or winding-up to the shares.
(C) 於所有适用法律、规则及规例之管制及准许之范围内及按以下规定取得 所有必需之同意(如有)之情况下,倘向任何人士以条例并无禁止之方式寄送源自本公司 有关财务文件及属於适用法律、规则及规例所规定格式并载有当中所规定资料之财务报告
[...] 有权获取本公司有关财务文件之任何人士按照条例及所有其他适用法律、规则及规例 向本公司发知提出要求,则该人士除财务报告概要之外并可要求获寄送本公 [...]
(C) To the extent permitted by and subject to due compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations and to obtaining all necessary consents, if any, required thereunder, the requirements in paragraph (B) of this Article shall be deemed satisfied in relation to any person by sending to the person in any manner not prohibited by the Ordinance and instead of a copy of the Relevant Financial Documents, a summary financial report derived from the Relevant Financial Documents which shall be in the form and containing the information required by applicable laws, rules and regulations, provided that any person who is otherwise entitled to the Relevant Financial Documents may, if he so requires and in accordance with the Ordinance and all
other applicable laws, rules and
[...] regulations, by notice in writingserved onthe Company, [...]
demand that the Company sends to
him, in addition to a summary financial report, a complete printed copy of the Relevant Financial Documents.
审核员向我们通知您的上诉後的第二天中午,您也会收知,其中指定计划出院日期,并详细说 [...]
By noon of the day after the reviewers informed our plan of your appeal, you
[...] will also geta writtennotice that gives [...]
your planned discharge date and explains
in detail the reasons why your doctor, the hospital, and we think it is right (medically appropriate) for you to be discharged on that date.
(c)  一名替任董事应(除非不在香港,在此情况下,倘若彼已通知有意 於任何期间(包括该日)离开香港,且并无撤回有关通知,则彼应被视为於任何日 子不在香港)有权接收董事会会议通告,并有权作为董事出席委任彼为代表之董事 并无亲身出席之任何会议及於会上表决,并在一般情况下在上述会议上履行其委任 人作为董事之一切职能;而就於该会议上之程序而言本章程细则之条文将适用,犹 如该替任董事(而非其委任人)为董事。
(c) An alternate Director shall (except when absent from Hong Kong, for which purpose he shall be deemed absent from Hong Kong on any day if he has given to the Secretary notice of his intention to be absent from Hong Kong for any period including such day and has not revoked such notice) be entitled to receive notices of meeting of the Directors and shall be entitled to attend and vote as a Director at any such meeting at which the Director appointing him is not personally present and generally at such meeting to perform all the functions of his appointor as a Director, and for the purposes of the proceedings at such meeting the provisions of these Articles shall apply as if he (instead of his appointor) were a Director.
(u) 采纳被视为适当的形式推广本公司业务或产品,尤其透过报章广告、传单、 购买及展览艺术作品或令人感兴趣的事物、出期刊以及授出奖品及 奖项及作出捐款。
(u) To adopt such means of making known the business or products of the Company as may seem expedient and in particular by advertising in the press by circulars by purchase and exhibitions of works of art or interest by publication of books and periodicals and by granting prizes rewards and donations.




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