

单词 乡村医生

See also:

乡村 n

villages pl
country n

乡村 pl

villagers pl



医生 n

doctors pl
surgeon n
physician n

External sources (not reviewed)

像玛格丽特那样的母亲都将婴儿绑在她们背后,徒步来到她的临时诊所,来看这位 乡村医生 ” ( 他们对巴瓦纳卡亚女士的亲切称呼)。
She has also been complaining of stomach aches.
在马拉维,导致儿童死亡的主要因素 —— 疟疾、腹泻和肺炎 —— 不仅是可预防的,而且通过 乡村医生 ” 在其诊所进行的简单治疗就能治愈。
As long as the child is sick, I will treat,” he says.
有好几个村庄开展乡医培训 计划,老乡医向村里的 年轻人传授医术,称作乡医学徒计划,这也是内陆地区 小学校的课程的部分内容。
There is a shaman’s program going on in
[...] several villages where the elder medicine man shares his knowledge with youngsters in the villages, called the apprentice [...]
program, which
is part of the curriculum of the primary school in the interior.
例如,确保所有人都能平等获得适足住房、水和生,这 将有助于克服对妇女和女孩以及居住在非正式住区 乡村 地 区 的群体的 歧视。
For example, ensuring that all individuals have equal access to adequate
housing, water and
[...] sanitation will help to overcome discrimination against women and girl children and persons living in informal settlements and rural areas.
它赞杨伊朗采取有关政策,改善健康和医疗服务,有直接为弱势部分人口制 定的援助计划,提供免费医护,以及为 乡村 诊 疗 中心工作 医生 提 供鼓励措施 和福利,并且为较贫困地区的居民制定了大学入学人数配额。
It valued policies to improve health and medical services, with direct assistance planned for vulnerable
sectors, providing free
[...] medical attention, as well as incentives and benefits for doctors working in rural centres, and university [...]
quotas for residents of less-privileged regions.
其他要着重指出的一些倡议包括:乳癌和子宫颈癌检查行动计划,该计划增 加乳房 X
[...] 线照射、乳房活组织检查和病理性细胞检查的次数,和减少比较激烈的 切割外科手术治疗乡村产科 护理行动例如培 医生 / 护 士紧急治疗能力,以及 鼓励正常分娩;镰刀型贫血症病患治疗国家方案,该方案特别着重生殖年龄妇女; [...]
Other noteworthy initiatives include the Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Action Plan, which provided increased numbers of mammograms, breast biopsies and Pap smears and reduced the number of
radical, mutilating surgeries; field-level obstetrical care, such as
[...] training in emergency care for doctors and nurses and normal childbirth [...]
the National Sickle-Cell Anaemia Carrier Treatment Programme, which focuses on women of reproductive age; and the Mobile Emergency Care Service.
自从 2006 年以来,孟加乡村进步 委员会就一直在乌干达开展工作,提供资金和 生 发 展支持,并在其它很多关键领域 医 疗 、 教育和农业等方面建立了援助项目。
BRAC has been working in Uganda since 2006, providing access to finance and livelihood development support, and has programmes in other critical areas like health, education, and agriculture.
委 内瑞拉鼓励沙特阿拉伯为支持全国人口 的 健康, 继续在生 领 域开展的工作,并 为 此 要求提供 补充资料,阐 明 沙特阿拉伯拟 议发展的一些 家庭乡村医疗体制。
Venezuela encouraged Saudi Arabia to continue its work in the health area in support of its entire population, and in this regard it requested additional information about the family and community medicine system which Saudi Arabia intends to develop.
已经有人指出,在下列因素出现时,最可能生教派 的暴动:(a) 在宗教路线上出现长期严重的敌对局面,特别是 乡村 和城市地点出现这种局面;(b) 宗教社区成员对突如其来的事件做出感情激动的反 应;(c) 暴动者及其所属规模较大的宗教集团心里觉得教派的暴力行为是正当合 [...]
理的;(d) 暴动者估计警察对教派的暴力行为,不是没有反应,就是做出偏袒或 无效的反应。
It has been noted that sectarian riots are most likely to
occur when the
[...] following elements are present: (a) severe long-standing antagonism on religious lines in particular villages and urban localities; [...]
(b) an emotional response
of members of religious communities to a precipitating event; (c) a feeling in the minds of rioters and the larger religious group to which they belong that sectarian violence is justifiable; and (d) the assessment by the rioters that the reaction from the police to sectarian violence will be either absent or partisan or ineffective.
鲍莎在她的朋友 - 另一位 16 岁的少年记者普迦.德瓦干 (Puja Dewangan) 的帮助下,报道了当村里有生病时 , 村 民 求 助于巫医而不是专 医生 的 危 险做法。
With the help of another child reporter and friend, Puja
Dewangan, 16, Pausha has also tackled
[...] the dangerous village practice of consulting faith healers rather than trained doctors.
2007 至 2010 年,保护妇女、儿童和少年权利的工作取得各种进展,主要在 改革和设备方面:妇女与家庭事务专员办事处;照顾妇女公民联合中心;全面保 护权乡村委员会;医院提 供特别照顾的接待室。
Much progress has been made in protecting the rights of women, girls and adolescents between 2007 and 2010, including the renovation and equipping of women and family commissariats; consolidated public health-care centres; cantonal boards for comprehensive rights protection; and hospital reception centres offering specialized care.
非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)进行了一项研究,通过分析人口与健康调查情 况调查了一组非洲国家(乍得、喀麦隆、埃及、埃塞俄比亚、加纳,肯尼亚、马
[...] 拉维、摩洛哥、塞内加尔和赞比亚)在获得保健方面的不平等程度,研究结论表 明,由于收入差距、远医生或保 健提供者以及 乡 分 布 ,所有被研究的国家均 在获得保健方面存在显著不平等问题(联合国、非洲经济委员会,2008 年)。
The findings of an Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) study that investigated the extent of inequities in access to health care in a group of African countries — Chad, Cameroon, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Morocco, Senegal and Zambia — through analysis of demographic and health surveys show significant
inequities in access to health care stemming from income differences, distance
[...] to a health-care provider, and rural/urban locations in all countries [...]
(United Nations, Economic Commission for Africa, 2008).
在此期间,布隆迪政府还努力实施重返社会方案,主要是通过锡比托克省、 布班扎省和布琼布乡村省为支持受冲突影响的人们重新融入社会经 生 活的 支助项目、灾难受害者遣返和重返社会的支助项目(难民署和 PARESI)、自愿回归 [...]
常见的是通过支持受冲突影响的人们重新融入社会经济生活的综合方案(联发援 框架+)——布隆迪政府和联合国于 2010 年 3 月推出的联合方案,该方案在受危 机影响最大的各个省份(锡比托克省、布班扎省和布琼布拉乡村省、布鲁里省、 马坎巴省、鲁塔纳省、鲁伊吉省和基隆多省)实施。
During the same period, the Government has been working on the implementation of reintegration programmes, principally through the support project for the
socio-economic reintegration
[...] of those affected by the conflict in the provinces of Cibitoke, Bubanza and Bujumbura Rural (P3P), [...]
the support project
for the repatriation and reintegration of disaster victims (UNHCR and PARESI), the programme of voluntary return, resettlement and reintegration for displaced persons living in camps to their native hillsides and more generally through the integrated programme of support for the socio-economic reintegration of those affected by the conflict (UNDAF+) — a joint programme of the Government and the United Nations, launched in March 2010 and operating in the provinces most affected by the crisis (Cibitoke, Bubanza, Bujumbura Rural, Bururi, Makamba, Rutana, Ruyigi and Kirundo).
根据该方案,乡村地区,优先考生产线 各点之间的短路径(区域市场优先),因为这降低了运输需要。
Under this scheme, in rural areas, short paths between points [...]
in the production line are given preference (a preference
for regional markets) because this reduces the need for transport.
由 于这一方案 , 那些原本根本无法得到教育机会 的群体往往会得到特别的关注 : 也就是那些来乡村地区和边远地区的女孩 , 以及那生活 境况艰难的孩子。
Particular attention under such a scheme is often given to those groups who otherwise may
not have access to
[...] school at all: girls, those coming from rural and remote areas, and those living in [...]
difficult circumstances.
(c) 强调各成员国和阿拉伯生部长理事会继续努力改善保健标准的重要 性,办法是发展和提医疗单位档次,实行家庭保健制度,特别是在 村 、 边 缘 化和贫穷地区,改善提供给妇女、儿童和老龄人的保健服务,并集中力量建设生队的技术能力。
(c) To underline the importance of continued efforts by member States and the Council of Arab
Ministers of Health to improve
[...] health care standards by developing and upgrading health care units and applying a family health regime, particularly in rural, marginalized and deprived areas, improving the health services provided to women, children and ageing persons, and focusing on building the technical capacities of health teams.
儿童基金会与生部、 非政府组织(NGOs)以及社区 乡村 保 健 员携手努力,一起发展当地的分配系统。
UNICEF works with Ministries of Health, non-governmental
[...] organizations (NGOs) as well as community and village health workers to develop local distribution [...]
在健康方面,特别代表赞扬世界生 组 织 (世卫组织)对境内流离失所者开 展心理健康评估,以及政府根据评估结果制定行动计划和新的刺激方案,以改进村地区合格医务人员的供给。
With regard to health, the Representative commends the mental health assessment of
internally displaced persons
[...] conducted by the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as the resulting action plan and new incentives programme put in place by the Government to improve the provision of qualified medical staff in rural areas.
信息和通信技术迅速增长并日趋会合,促成商业 和服务业别生面的 发展模式——典型的例子是 Grameen 银行提出的乡村电 话”创新办法。
The rapid growth and increasing convergence between information and communications technologies (ICT) have enabled
innovative business and service
[...] delivery models for development — the classic example being the “village phone” innovation from Grameen Bank.
会议通过了粮农组织在亚太区域 2010-11 年度和 2012-13 年度五大区域优 先行动领域:i)
[...] 加强粮食和营养安全;ii) 促进农生产和乡村发展 ;iii) 加强自 然资源的公平、有效及可持续管理和利用;iv) [...]
提高防备和应对粮食和农业威胁及 紧急情况的能力;v)
The Conference endorsed the five areas of regional priority action for FAO work in the AsiaPacific region for 2010-11 and 2012-13: i) strengthening food and
nutritional security; ii) fostering
[...] agricultural production and rural development; iii) [...]
enhancing equitable productive and sustainable
natural resource management and utilization; iv) improving capacity to prepare and respond to food and agricultural threats and emergencies; and v) coping with the impacts of climate change on agriculture and food and nutritional security.
根据每年患者满意度调查,家医生 服 务 机会 村 地 区比城市好:城市有 32%的居民在联系医生的当天能够 医生 约 见 ,而 村 居 民 则为 61%。
According to annual patient satisfaction surveys,
[...] accessibility of the family doctor’s service is better in rural areas than in cities: 32% of city inhabitants as compared to 61% of rural inhabitants are able to get an appointment with the doctor on the same day when they contact the doctor.
我们还欢迎秘书长提出的中期战略和基准,其中 包括国家重点事项和其他规划工作,如《联合国发展
[...] 援助框架》,用以帮助衡量监测关键领域进展情况, 尤其是改乡村地区生活质量和青年就业机会,从而 在根本上解决该国面临的挑战。
We also welcome the Secretary-General’s medium-term strategy and benchmarks, which incorporate national priorities and other planning exercises such as the United Nations Development Assistance Framework, to help measure and track progress in key areas, particularly improvement in
quality of life and employment
[...] opportunities for youth in rural areas, thereby addressing [...]
the country’s underlying challenges.
这种高水准医疗在 乡间尤为重要, 因为那里很少有先生命支 持的地面 救护车,更没有重症医疗地面救护车的覆盖。
This higher level of care is especially important in rural areas which may have few ALS ground [...]
ambulances to call upon,
and even less critical care ground ambulance coverage.
便宜的下乡属性可以在宁静乡村环 境 中,其良好的地理位置,靠近地中海沿岸和图卢兹(Toulouse)和卡尔卡松等有趣的城镇,使一个明智的投资和一个美丽的地 生 活。
Cheap countryside property will be available in quiet rural surroundings and its good location near the Mediterranean coast and interesting towns such as Toulouse and Carcassone makes for an intelligent [...]
investment and a beautiful place to live.
委员会还关切地注意到欠发达和经济边缘 化省份的巨大地区差异、收入分配的严重不平等,特别是在城市地区 乡 村 地区 之间;乡村,多数居生活在 贫困中。
The Committee also notes with concern the wide regional disparities in the less developed and economically marginalized provinces, and the significant inequalities in
income distribution,
[...] especially between urban areas and the rural areas where most of the population [...]
live in poverty (art. 11).
划拨大量资金用于发展旅游和体育,实施“土库曼斯坦总统至 2020 年改造村乡镇、 城市和中心区域居民社会日 生 活 条件的国家纲要”以 及其他社会经济纲要和投资项目。
Sizeable funds have been set aside for the development of tourism and sports and the implementation of the presidential national
programme for the
[...] transformation of social and living conditions in villages, communities, towns and district centres [...]
for the
period up to 2020 and for other social and economic programmes and investment projects.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室与秘鲁政府协作,起草了一项国家环境方案,以处 理因非法采伐造成的毁林和侵蚀问题以及贩运和偷猎 生 动 植物 对 乡村 的 农业 社区造成的影响。
UNODC, in collaboration with the Government of Peru, drafted a national environmental programme to address the impact that deforestation and
erosion due to illegal logging as well as trafficking in and poaching of
[...] wildlife, are having on rural farming communities.
最近发布的国家数据文件“未来的 乡间和前沿地区急救医疗备忘录,” 提出空医疗服乡间和前沿地区急救服务系统的一个重要组成部分, 作为国家许多地区唯一的先生命支 持程度服务提供 者,55 它注意到计划的大量重复,并且在许多州,没 有计划、协调和管理。
The recently published national consensus document, “Rural and
Frontier EMS Agenda for
[...] the Future,” identified AMS as a vital component of rural and frontier EMS systems, and as the only ALS-level service available in many areas of the country.55 [...]
It noted the proliferation
of programs and the absence, in many states, of planning, coordination and regulation.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里已经扩大了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部
诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的
[...] 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部 医生 开 展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 [...]
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III
hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West
[...] and Sector East; doctors in the regional [...]
headquarters perform outreach activity by
visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
除了处理捐助方提供 的专用捐款外,基金会始终通过非政府组织在打击人口贩运、赋予妇女和青年人 权力、为生提供安全饮用水、帮助农村老人、建设 村医 院 以及开通一条妇女 求助热线方面开展工作。
In addition to processing earmarked contributions from donors, the
Foundation continues to
[...] work through non-governmental organizations (NGOs) on combating human trafficking, women and youth empowerment, providing safe drinking water for schoolchildren, helping rural elderly people, constructing rural hospital, and running [...]
a helpline for women.




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