

单词 乡土

See also:

township (PRC administrative unit)
home village or town
country or countryside


local adj
indigenous adj


earth n
clay n
dust n

Tu (ethnic group)
surname Tu
crude opium

External sources (not reviewed)

有建议指出,可以调乡土知识 用于帕劳、所罗门群岛和瓦努阿图的 生物多样性管理和施政工作,日本政府信托基金已经承诺共同资助这项建议。
A proposal to mobilize indigenous knowledge for biodiversity [...]
management and governance in Palau, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu
has received co-funding commitments from the Government of Japan’s funds-in-trust.
在掌握传统和地乡土知识 者与现代科学工作者和资源管理者之间建立对话和沟通的 工作正在“当地和土著知识体系”项目(LINKS)下开展。
The building of dialogue between traditional and local knowledge holders and scientists and resource managers is also being pursued under the Local and Indigenous Knowledge Systems (LINKS) project.
大众 通常不认为掌握地方、传统乡土知 识 的人士的基 于经验的经济知识有价值。
Experiencebased ecological knowledge from local,
[...] traditional or indigenous knowledge-holders [...]
often fails to be fully recognized as valuable.
我们乡土年框 架内进行所有这些活动的事实, 并不意味着我们到此为止。
The fact that we held all of these activities within the framework of the Year of Native Land does not mean that we stopped there.
Eaton受到成长背景的启发,南岸嘻哈 乡土 生 活 和滑板文化的混合。
Eaton was inspired by Yelawolf’s background, a mix of
[...] down-South hip-hop, redneck lifestyle, and [...]
skateboard culture.
面积达到5000平方米,Huong Tram 2 就像乡土一样拥有水果园、鱼池的宽敞、凉爽空间。
With an area up to 5000 quare meters, Huong Tram 2 has a spacious and airy space with elegant country style including garden, fish pond.
它将侧重于全面政策和行动,以提升可持续发展的社会、文化、教育和传 播方面,包括提升岛屿地区内和跨岛屿地区的合作,从而加强高等教育、可持续发展教育、 社区对气候变化的适应、以乡土知 识与科学知识相结合所形成的优势。
actions to enhance social, cultural, educational and communication dimensions of sustainable development, including enhanced collaboration within and across island regions to reinforce higher education, education for sustainable development, community-based adaptation to climate change and synergies between local and scientific knowledge.
它们可以向农民提供乡土语言 编写并附有插图的普及性出版物。
They can make publications accessible to smallholder farmers in
[...] layman terms in local languages with [...]
教科文组织的整个科学计划的另一个目标,应是开展对话,并将前沿科学与不同文化 的传统的、地方的乡土科学 融为一体,利用多样性、可持续性和分布公正原则,丰富其各 [...]
A further key objective of UNESCO’s science portfolio will be dialogue and
integration of mainstream science with
[...] traditional, local and indigenous sciences of diverse [...]
cultures to enrich the overall perspectives
and approaches in its programmes with diversity, sustainability and distributive justice.
它的出版提醒并告诉科学界,土著人拥有着如此丰富的生态知识,这为建设性地探讨如何使 科学知识乡土知识 共同为生物多样性治理和可持续发展最大限度地发挥合力作用奠定了基 础。
This first book in the LINKS series on “Knowledges of Nature” alerts and informs scientists of the wealth of
ecological knowledge possessed
[...] by local peoples, offering a basis for constructive dialogue on how science and indigenous knowledge can [...]
best join forces in
biodiversity governance and sustainable development.
在各个伙伴的支持下,政府继续巩固在 11 个乡设乡土地服务机构的试 点行动;正在制定或研究其他 [...]
14 个乡的试点项目。
With the support of its partners, the Government has continued to
consolidate pilot operations for the
[...] establishment of a commune land service in 11 communes; [...]
pilot projects are being developed or studied in 14 other communes.
发行此书的另一个目的是试行编写教师辅导手册。克里斯滕森基金会提供了预算外经费,用 于 2007
[...] 年在澳大利亚举行国际专家会议,协助制订指导方针和方法,用以确保在研究和调 乡土知 识方面继续保持严谨的态度。
Extrabudgetary funding was secured from the Christensen Fund to hold an International Experts Meeting in Australia in 2007 that will contribute to the
elaboration of guidelines and methods to ensure the
[...] continuing rigour of indigenous knowledge research [...]
and mobilization.
乡土年提出的切实举措包 括:种植或恢复森林;发展旅游基础设施,包括废物 处理,导致社区废物回收增加 [...]
58%;祖国形象的一个 视觉艺术国际展览;以及关于环境安全的一个国际环 境电影和电视论坛。
Practical initiatives arising
[...] from the Year of Native Land included: planting [...]
or restoring forests; developing tourism infrastructure,
including waste treatment, leading to a 58 per cent increase in communal waste collection; an international exhibition on images of the motherland in the visual arts; and an international environmental cinema and television forum on environmental safety.
不光是旅馆的澡堂,也遍历了各地所设有的共同澡堂以及泡脚歇息处,晚餐可是饱尝了山形 乡土 料 理
What I experienced is not only Japanese-style inns, but also communal bath and foot bath in the resort area and fully enjoyed Yamagata’s local cuisine for dinner!
鱼仔饭(HARAKOMESI),这是在热腾腾的米饭上放上大马哈鱼鱼肉和鱼仔(HARAKO),这就是宫城县亘里地方的传 乡土 料 理
Harako-meshi is one of traditional dishes in Watari area in Miyagi Prefecture, which consists of salmon and salmon roe (harako) on cooked rice.
他认为,在碉楼的总体造型、建筑构件和表现手法上,中国传统的建筑艺术与西方建筑风格熔为一体;而西方建筑风格又有多种类型,古希腊的柱廊、古罗马的券拱和柱式、伊斯兰的叶形券拱和铁雕、哥特时期的券拱、巴洛克建筑的山花、新文艺运动的装饰手法以及工业派的建筑艺术表现形式等等,都融进了开平 乡土 建 筑之中,它不单纯是某一时期某一国家某一地域建筑艺术的引进。
He believes that the overall shape in the towers, building components and methods of presentation, the traditional Chinese architectural art and Western architectural styles fused into one; while there are many types of Western architecture, the ancient Greek colonnade, Roman arches and coupons column, Islam and iron arch carved leaf voucher, the Gothic arch coupon period, Shanhua Baroque architecture, new art movement of the decorative techniques as well as the construction industry to send the form of artistic expression, etc., are melting into the local Kaiping built, which is not simply a period of one region of a country to introduce the art of architecture.
尼尔斯•兰德格林绰号“红号汉”(Mr. Redhorn),是世界上最重要的爵士乐和黑 乡土 乐 长 号大师。
Swedish trombonist Nils Landgren — aka “The Man With the Red Horn” — has become one of Europe’s most successful jazz musicians, taking his special brand of funk to audiences around the world.
四) 开平碉楼是世界先进建筑技术广泛引入中国乡村民间建筑的先锋 近代中国城镇建筑已经大量采用了国外的建筑材料和建筑技术,开平碉楼作为一 乡土 建 筑 也大量使用了进口水泥、木材、钢筋、玻璃等材料,钢筋混凝土的结构改变了以秦砖汉瓦为主的传统建筑技法,这为更好地发挥它的使用功能,同时又注意形式的变化和美感创造了条件。
(D) of the Kaiping Watchtower is the world's advanced construction techniques to the introduction of rural vernacular architecture in China pioneer of modern Chinese urban construction has been extensive use of foreign building materials and construction techniques, Kaiping towers as a kind of vernacular architecture is also extensive use of imported cement, wood, steel, glass and other materials, reinforced concrete structure has changed to Qin brick tile-based traditional building techniques, it is better to play it using the function but also pay attention to changes in form and beauty to create the conditions.
文化村落” 建设行动: 对于具有重要历史文化保护价值的村落,重点保护村 落风貌和历史遗迹,挖掘传统民俗、非物质文化遗产
[...] 资源,引入旅游休闲、文化展示等功能,形成展示岭乡土文化的文化观光型村落,带动居民生活水准提 升。
On the basis of traditional custom and intangible cultural heritage resources, activities like tourism and leisure, demonstration of
culture, etc should be encouraged to
[...] establish Southern China villages for cultural [...]
tourism to help improve the living standard of villagers.
除了与瀚海沙的自然教育合作,社区伙伴还与北京农民之子文化发展教育中心开展面向京城打工者子弟的自然教育课程,在北京乡效的自然教育基地中重新激发这些孩子源 乡土 的 文化脉搏,在自然中吸收养份,并将「简单自然」的生命活力带进孩子及社区的日常生活实践中。
Besides working with the nature education programme of Han Hai Sha, PCD has also launched a nature education programme together with the Cultural Development and Education Centre of Peasants’ Children, Beijing. This programme targets children of migrant workers in Beijing and aims to use the nature education centre to revitalize the cultural awareness of these children who have their roots in rural villages.
[...] 卫生,这将有助于克服对妇女和女孩以及居住在非正式住区 乡 村 地 区的群体的 歧视。
For example, ensuring that all individuals have equal access to adequate housing, water and sanitation will
help to overcome discrimination against women and girl children and persons living in
[...] informal settlements and rural areas.
同时,与中 美洲一体化体系,特别是其旅游业部门的联系以及与巴拿 乡 镇 计划之间的联系都得 到了进一步发展。
Also, contacts with SICA, in particular its tourism branch, and with the Plan Puebla Panama (PPP) have been further developed.
目前正在进行采购,寻找一个主要承包 商负土地核 证无雷,和一个排雷方案办公室提供质量控制和保证及社区建立信 [...]
Procurement processes are now under way for a main contractor
[...] to undertake this land release and a Demining [...]
Programme Office to provide quality
control and assurance, and community confidence building measures.
应农村发展部和拉乡议会 的要求,联合 国驻地协调员在与国家工作队协商后,原则上同意联合国驻印度机构可向印度政府发起的拟 议贫困线下调查提供技术支持。
At the request of the Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, the UNRC, in consultation with the UNCT, has agreed in principle that the United Nations in India would provide technical support to the proposed Below Poverty Line Census to be undertaken by the Government of India.
已经有人指出,在下列因素出现时,最可能发 生教派的暴动:(a) 在宗教路线上出现长期严重的敌对局面,特别是 乡 村 和 城 市地点出现这种局面;(b) 宗教社区成员对突如其来的事件做出感情激动的反 应;(c) 暴动者及其所属规模较大的宗教集团心里觉得教派的暴力行为是正当合 理的;(d) 暴动者估计警察对教派的暴力行为,不是没有反应,就是做出偏袒或 无效的反应。
It has been noted that sectarian riots are most likely to occur when the following elements are present: (a) severe long-standing antagonism on religious lines in particular villages and urban localities; (b) an emotional response of members of religious communities to a precipitating event; (c) a feeling in the minds of rioters and the larger religious group to which they belong that sectarian violence is justifiable; and (d) the assessment by the rioters that the reaction from the police to sectarian violence will be either absent or partisan or ineffective.
加拿大的包括圣卢西亚制冷和空调行业的消耗臭氧层物质的最终淘汰管理计划和乌拉 圭附件 A 第一类物质最终淘汰管理计划,意大利的是刚果民主共和国最终淘汰溶剂行业的
[...] 消耗臭氧层物质总体项目,摩洛哥淘汰用 土 壤 熏 蒸剂的甲基溴,在塞尔维亚最终淘汰四 [...]
For Canada, those covered the terminal phase-out management plan for ODS in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector in Saint Lucia and the terminal phase-out management plan for Annex A Group I substances in Uruguay; for Italy, the umbrella project for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector in the
Democratic Republic of Congo, the phase-out of
[...] methyl bromide as a soil fumigant [...]
in Morocco, and the terminal CTC phase-out project
in Serbia; and for Spain, the phase-out of methyl bromide in horticulture in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
阿尔巴尼亚、安哥拉、阿根廷、澳大利亚、孟加拉国、比利时、贝宁、保加利 亚、布基纳法索、布隆迪、中国、刚果、刚果民主共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米
尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、爱沙尼亚、危地马拉、冰岛、印度、爱尔兰、以色列、 意大利、日本、肯尼亚、吉尔吉斯斯坦、马里、摩洛哥、波兰、大韩民国、摩尔
[...] 多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、卢旺达、塞内加尔、西班牙、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其 顿共和国土耳其 、乌克兰、美利坚合众国和津巴布韦随后加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, Benin, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, China, Congo, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Guatemala, Iceland, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, Morocco, Poland, the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Moldova, Romania, Rwanda, Senegal,
Spain, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic
[...] of Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine, the [...]
United States of America and Zimbabwe joined the co-sponsors.
雖然政府仍然傾向土衛星 營運商,我們相信他們將會意識到開放市場的好處,因而最終會 容許外資營運商在沒有限制下進入這些市場。
Even though governments still have a preference for local satellite operators, we believe that they will recognise the benefits of an open market and hence will eventually allow foreign operators to enter these markets without restrictions.
阿塞拜疆共和国一再指出,虽然各方不断作出政治努力,促进在普遍接受 的国际法准则和原则基础上尽早解决冲突,但占领国亚美尼亚共和国通过在被 占领阿塞拜疆土上开 展各种非法活动等途径推行的政策和表现的行径清楚地 证明,其意图是吞并这些土(例 如,见阿塞拜疆最近散发的文件:A/64/760S/2010/211)。
The Republic of Azerbaijan has repeatedly stated that, despite ongoing political efforts towards the earliest resolution of the conflict on the basis of the generally accepted norms and principles of international law, the policy and practice of the Republic of Armenia, the occupying Power, implemented inter alia through
various illegal
[...] activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, clearly testify to its intention to secure the annexation of these territories (see, for example, the [...]
most recent document
circulated by Azerbaijan: A/64/760-S/2010/211).




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