

单词 习惯若自然

See also:


be used to
usual practice

习惯 n

custom n
habituation n
history n

自然 adj

natural adj

External sources (not reviewed)

他们管理其领土上自然资源,行使 习惯 法 ,并通过自己的机构 代表自己(见(E/2010/43,第 153 段)。
They manage the natural resources on their territories, exercise their customary laws, and represent [...]
themselves through
their own institutions (see E/2010/43, para. 153).
促进健康饮习惯,教导人们如何评 自 己 的饮 食 习惯 是 否 健康,增设学 校膳食的健康程度。
Healthy eating habits are promoted, people are taught how to assess the healthiness [...]
of their eating habits, and healthiness of school meals is improved.
我非常喜欢采用这种寓教于乐的方式向儿童宣传良好的卫 习惯 , ” 马斯 若 鲍 兹.托扎沃伊说,“我的工作始终是让人们开心。
I am proud to be part of this noble effort and very much like the entertainment-education approach for promoting good hygiene practices among children,” said Masqaraboz Tozavoy.
需要的时间若干因素而定习惯国 际 法没有规定进行 这种调查的标准速度,更没有规定以色列超过的最后期限。
The length of time is contingent on a
[...] variety of factors and customary international law does [...]
not reflect a standard pace for
conducting such investigations, much less a deadline that Israel has exceeded.
然有时候看起来,这些保证似乎是违背的多,遵守的少,但判例法表 明,自习惯性保 有的使用权是可以得到法律体系的承认和保护的;判例法还表 明,公有财产权——属社区权利而非个人权利——是个人财产权的另一种方式。
Although sometimes those guarantees seem to be honoured more in the breach than in the observance, case law shows that use rights derived from customary tenure can be [...]
recognized and protected
by the legal system; it also shows that the right to communal property — a right of the community rather than of the individual — is an alternative to individual property rights.
但与此相反的正向推定也若干好处,而无论意向方面的考虑如何,这些 好处都可以使正向推定赢得支持,尽管这一规则显然未见于《维也纳公约》527 并且很可能不习惯国际法规则。528 然而,也不能忽视人权法院的裁决和人权 条约机构采取的立场以及各国日益发展的相关实践。
(35) The reverse, positive presumption has, nevertheless, several advantages which — apart from any consideration of
desirability — argue in
[...] its favour even though undoubtedly it is not a rule established in the Vienna Conventions527 or a rule of customary international law.528 However, the decisions of the human rights courts, the positions taken by the human rights treaty bodies and [...]
the increasing body of
State practice in this area should not be ignored.
要想自然熟练地使用敬语, 不但需要正确掌握敬语的知识,还必须在各种实际场合中积极应用,达 习惯 成 自然的 程度。
The key to using honorifics naturally is acquiring accurate knowledge, and at the same time, proactively using them in various situations in real life to get used to them.
若 然 指 控 被 控 人 的 案 是 鐵 證 如 山 , 被 控 人 的 選 擇 並 不 多 , 只 能 作 出 認 罪 的 答 辯 , 那 麼 承自 己 有 罪 也 不 會 是 一 項 有 力 的 考 慮 輕 判 因 素 。
It cannot be powerful mitigation where the case against the accused was overwhelming and he had little option but to plead guilty.
另一种意见认为,应当避免这一写法,否则就没给关于行 使 自 卫 权 的 习惯 国际法规则留下余地。
According to another view, such
a formulation was to
[...] be avoided since it left little room for customary international law rules on the exercise of self-defence.
在「歐洲行動週」第二天,我決定買輛單車,這個構想既瘋狂又突然,因為我以往向來覺得,提米索拉居民買單車毫無意義, 然若 騎 單 車上班,通勤時間會增加三倍,見到這麼多人騎單車令我心動,也察覺到其中休閒的成分,人們如此享受騎單車的時光 自 由 穿梭於城市中,沒有成本負擔,也沒有找停車位的壓力,更能觀察到平時無緣注意的都市生活細節。
It was a crazy, sudden idea, contrary to what I had previously thought: that owning a bike as a citizen of Timisoara was pointless.
(b) 若然,自九㆔ 年五月起,班次延誤統計數字為何;並請列明荃灣線於九㆓年 [...]
(b) if so, what are the statistics [...]
on the numbers of such delays as from May 1993; please also list out the number of delays
on the Tsuen Wan Line from May 1992 to February 1993 for comparison purpose; and
在卷入国际或非国际性武装冲突,包括占领的情况下,有关各国应采取一切必要的措 施,使自己的 行为符合保护文化遗产的要求,尤其是符 习惯 国 际法以及有关在敌对时期保 护这类遗产的各项国际协定和教科文组织建议书的原则和宗旨。
When involved in an armed conflict, be it of an international or non-international character, including the case of occupation, States should take all appropriate measures to conduct their activities in
such a manner as to
[...] protect cultural heritage, in conformity with customary international law and the principles and objectives [...]
of international
agreements and UNESCO recommendations concerning the protection of such heritage during hostilities.
有人指出,对于和平时期军人的豁免问题,需要区分常驻军 成员与来访军队成员;前一类军人由军人地位协定约束,而后一类军人的豁免事 项基习惯法,虽然这方 面的实践并不多。
It was observed that, with respect to immunity for military personnel in time of peace, there was need to distinguish between members of stationed forces and those of visiting forces; the former were governed by status-of-forces
agreements, while the immunity of the
[...] latter was based in customary law – although it was not so significant [...]
in practice.
通过第一次非正式思考,得出了三位作家之间的五大共性主题:(i)教学在其作品中的 地位,特别是教育、试验和习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以及(v)艺术,特别是诗歌,是人 自然 , 人 与其同 类之间和解的理想方式。
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment;
(iii) scientific and technological progress,
[...] enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and political, economic, social and cultural exclusion; and, lastly (v) art and, in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
博茨瓦纳代表团 指 出,体罚然 合 法 , 习惯法 院 、《刑 法典》和《教育法 与条例 》对体罚 [...]
的实施 作出了规定,并对其实行作出了限制。
The Delegation noted that corporal punishment is still
[...] lawful and that the Customary Courts, the Penal Code [...]
and the Education Act and Regulations
govern its administration and contains restrictions on its application.
采取具体措施制止土著知识消亡的现象,因为这将导致 习惯 法 和 自然 资源 管理的侵蚀。
To take concrete measures to combat the
disappearance of indigenous knowledge, which leads to
[...] the erosion of customary law and governance of natural resources.
这包括:兴建中若开邦 首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和然气管 道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 [...]
内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei
Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being
constructed on
[...] the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create [...]
an energy and
trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
各民族都有使 用和发展自己的语言文字的自由,都有保持或改革自己的风 习惯 的 自 由。
Every nationality has the freedom to use and
develop its own language and writing system, as
[...] well as the freedom to preserve or reform its own folkways and customs.
當我們的父母、朋友及每一個身邊的人都忽略健康的重要,而您正在修正您的飲食習慣 時,縱使答案然若揭,你還是會不禁開始懷疑,究 自 己 這樣做是對還是錯。
Your parents, friends, and every one around you lives in such ignorance that you begin to wonder if you are doing the right thing when you indeed are!
国际过渡时期司法中心指出,所罗门群岛《刑法典》未 习惯 国 际 法下若 干国 际罪行定为刑事犯罪,如酷刑和残忍、不人道或有辱人格待遇以及强迫失 踪。
ICTJ noted that the Solomon Islands Penal Code did not
criminalize a number of key
[...] international offenses under customary international law such [...]
as torture and cruel, inhuman, or
degrading treatment and forced disappearances.
巴布亚新几内亚宪法清楚阐明习惯 法 若 不 符 合宪法或法规,或与一般人 道原则相冲突,即不可援用。
The Constitution of PNG clearly
[...] spells out that a customary law cannot be applied [...]
if it is inconsistent with a constitutional
law or a statute, or is repugnant to the general principles of humanity.
梁劉柔芬議員: 主席,政府 可否告知本會,康 樂 及文化 事務署
有 否 利 用 其管轄 的 1 350 個公園 及 花 園 , 推 行措施及 舉 辦活動 ,
[...] 幫 助 市 民 認 識 及愛護自然;若 有,詳情為何,以 及 以 何 準 [...]
則 衡 量有關 措施及 活 動的成 效;若 否 , 原因為 何 ?
MRS SOPHIE LEUNG (in Chinese): Madam President, will the Government inform this Council whether the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) has taken measures and organized activities, through making use of the 1 350 parks and gardens under its
management, to promote public understanding
[...] of and care for nature; if it has, of the [...]
details and the criteria adopted for assessing
the effectiveness of such measures and activities; if it has not, the reasons for that?
孩子年幼离家上学 , 意味着 他们无法学习他们文化中的许多价值观、信仰习惯和风, 而若想在社区当中有效地发挥作 用 , 这些知识是必需的。
Being away from home at an early age means being unable to learn many cultural values, beliefs, practices, and customs that are needed to function effectively in the community.
对反映习惯国际法规则的条约规定的保留,并 自 动 影响 该 习惯 规 则之下的 权利和义务,该习惯规则应继续作为此种规则在保留国或组织与受该规则约束的 其他国家或国际组织之间适用。
A reservation to a treaty provision which reflects a rule of customary international law does not of itself affect the rights and obligations under that rule, which shall continue to apply as such between the reserving State or organization and other States or international organizations which are bound by that rule.
原则上,主要利益中心对于专业人员而言是其职业住所所在地,对 于一自然人而言是惯常居住地。
In principle, the centre of main interests will in the case of
professionals be the place of their professional
[...] domicile and for natural persons in general, the place of their habitual residence.
但是,保留国的 目标可能会有所不同:然接受 规则的内容,可能想逃避由规则产生的后果,特 别是在监测方面,285 在这一点上,没有理由不使遵循只具有约束力 习惯 规则 的论点换位为强制性规范。
The objectives of the
[...] reserving State, however, may be different: while accepting the content of the rule, it may wish to escape the consequences arising out of it, particularly in respect of monitoring,285 and on this point there is no reason why the line of argument followed in respect of customary rules which are [...]
merely binding should
not be transposed to peremptory norms.
民族自治地 方的自治机关在立法、经济、教育、文化、卫生等领域依法享有广泛的自治权, 保障本地方各民族都有使用和发展自己的语言文字的自由,都有保持或者改革自 己的风习惯的自由, 保障各民族公民有宗教信仰自由。
The organs of self-government of national-minority autonomous areas enjoy broad autonomy in the areas of legislation, economy, education, culture and health, ensuring that all nationalities in the area have the freedom to use and develop their own languages and writing systems, and to maintain or reform their folkways and customs, as well as ensuring that citizens of all nationalities have freedom of religious faith.
然承认参照惯例和习 惯做法 可能意味着会对被告的一些请求作出不同判决,但法官 Finn 指出“[法院] 得出各项结论依据的是证据”,“ [当事方 ]不依靠惯例和习惯做法”。
While admitting that reference to practices and usages could have imply [...]
a different decision on some of the requests of
the respondent, Finn J stated that “the [Court’s] conclusions were based on the evidence” and that “no reliance was placed [by the parties] upon practices and usages”.
这包括习自己的 文化以及别人的文化的权利。51 缔约国还必须尊重土著人民使用其文化和遗产的权利,保持并加强他们与祖先的 土地和历来所拥有、占领和使用、以及对其文化生活不可或缺的其 自然 资 源之 间的精神联系。
This includes the right to be
[...] taught about one’s own culture as well as those of others.51 States parties must also respect the rights of indigenous peoples to their culture and heritage and to maintain and strengthen their spiritual relationship with their ancestral lands and other natural resources traditionally [...]
owned, occupied
or used by them, and indispensable to their cultural life.




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