

单词 也是



that is


that is say
in other words

External sources (not reviewed)

而且,如同第二句中的“同样”一词所表示的,反过来对于 保留对之成立的其他当事各方来 也是 如 此
And, as the word “likewise” in the second sentence indicates, the same is true conversely for the other parties with regard to which the reservation is established.
这种信 息对于评估计划的全部成本和整体效益至关重要,而 也是 迈 向注重成果的预算编制方式的重要一 步。
This information is critical for evaluation of the full cost and effectiveness of the programme and would also be a significant step towards results-based budgeting.
她指出教育应该是一项优先的人道主义应对措施,因 为也是一种 保护手段,儿童的身体、心理和认知能力的发展至关重要。
She noted that education should be a priority humanitarian response, because it was also a protection tool, key for the physical, psychological and cognitive development of the child.
秘书处代表表示,世界银行提出申请,请求发放 1,767,000 美元的第四次也是最后 一次付款,外加机构支助费用,以便在中国执行 2009 年方案,在聚氨酯泡沫塑料行业淘汰 CFC-11 的使用。
The representative of the Secretariat said that the World Bank had submitted a request for the release of the fourth and last funding tranche of US $1,767,000 plus agency support costs for the 2009 implementation programme for phasing out use of CFC-11 in the polyurethane foam sector in China.
然而,重要也是因为 司法部门尚未学会以促进平等和反 对歧视妇女的方式运用法律。
But it is also, crucially, because [...]
the judiciary has not yet learned to apply the law, in a way that promotes equality and
rejects discrimination against women.
从程序角度看,法庭也显示出若干创新之处,其中包括:(a) 有 一名权力和责任很大的预审法官;(b) 为法官们规定了较为积极主动的作用;(c) 被 害人广泛参与诉讼程序;(d)
用其他措施取代羁押,目的是保证审判前的人身自 由是常规,而不是例外;(e)
[...] 保护敏感资料,这既是为了保证证人的安全 也是 为了满足各国的合理请求(包括国家安全利益);(f) [...]
在某些情况下对被告进行缺 席审判,并建立旨在充分保护被告权利的机制。
The Tribunal also exhibits several novelties from the point of view of procedure, including: (a) a Pre-Trial Judge with significant authority and responsibility; (b) a more proactive role for judges; (c) extensive victim participation in the proceedings; (d) measures alternative to detention, aimed at ensuring that freedom pending trial is the norm rather than the exception; (e) the
protection of sensitive information, both to
[...] ensure the safety of witnesses and to [...]
accommodate the legitimate requests of States
(including national security interests); and (f) trials in the absence of the accused under certain circumstances and with mechanisms designed to fully protect the rights of the accused.
也是一个开发生产能力的重大机遇,并 且往往是通过协作学习实现的――或者为了深化或扩大市场,或者为了满足社会需 求。
It is also a major opportunity [...]
for developing productive capacities, often through processes of collaborative learning,
either for deepening or extending markets or for meeting social needs.
计算机软件业本也是创新 的一个非常重要的来源,并且其成员认为在过去的十年左右时间内他们在许多商用软件产 品的性能和功能方面创造了巨大的增益,而与此同时价格依然保持稳定,甚至有所降低。
The computer software industry is also a highly important source of innovation in its own right and its members argue that they have produced dramatic gains in the performance and functionality of many commercial software products in the last decade or so while prices have remained stable or even fallen.
也是 凭借 澳大利亚提供的更多资金,执行支助股得以出版《裁军、残疾和发展――援 [...]
助地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸物幸存者》,并向非洲一个缔约国提供更好的受害者 援助咨询服务。
Also through enhanced funding [...]
provided by Australia, the ISU was able to produce the publication “Assisting landmine and
other ERW survivors in the context of disarmament, disability and development” and provide enhanced victim assistance advisory services to one State Party in Africa.
大多数国家为农民保存和重新播种他们的种子提供了例 外,进一步研究和培也是如此
Most countries have exceptions for farmers to save and replant seeds on their holdings, and for further research and breeding.
秘书长 报告指出,资源增加反映出秘书长继续致力于逐步加强人道主义事务协调厅的经 常预算部分,而也是回应大会第 57/153 号决议,其中大会强调,该厅应受益 于充分和更可预测的供资(A/66/6(Sect 27),第 27.8 段)。
The Secretary-General indicates in the report that the increase reflects his continued commitment to gradually strengthening the regular budget component of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and is in response to General Assembly resolution 57/153, in which the Assembly emphasized that the Office should benefit from adequate and more predictable funding (A/66/6 (Sect. 27), para. 27.8).
社会耻辱感,继续影响残疾儿童的治疗,同样残疾人从事任何形 式的工也是非常罕见的。
Social stigma continues to influence
the treatment of children with
[...] disabilities and similarly it is rare to see [...]
a disabled person in any form of employment.
在几乎所有的最不发达国家中,农业都具有举足轻重的地位,既可以促进粮 食安全也是大部 分人的主要经济活动,而且农业与消除贫穷、解决温饱、促进 农村发展、性别平等、妇女赋权、促进出口、实现商品和生产多样化及提高农业 加工能力有直接关系。
Agriculture plays a crucial role in almost all least developed countries, both in promoting food security and as the major economic activity for much of the population, with direct linkages to the eradication of poverty and hunger, rural development and gender equality and empowerment of women, as well as exports, commodity and production diversification and agro-processing capacity.
相反,还有人可能会争辩说,知 识产权所有人和许可人可实现同等结果,具体方法是确保所有权人和许可人或 其有担保债权人:(a)取得被许可人作为次级许可人从次级被许可人处收取的一 定比例次级许可使用费的受付权上的担保权或对该权利的彻底转让,并 也是 在被 许可人的有担保债权人在相关知识产权登记处进行登记之前在该登记处登 记有关通知;(b)取得被许可人作为次级许可人从次级被许可人处收取的一定比 例次级许可使用费受付权上的担保权或对该权利的彻底转让,并首先在普通知 识产权登记处登记有关通知;或(c)取得被许可人的有担保债权人的排序居次协 议。
By contrast, it might also be argued that intellectual property owners and licensors could achieve an equivalent result by ensuring that they or their secured creditors: (a) obtained a security right in or an outright assignment of a right to payment of a percentage of the sub-royalties payable to the licensee as a sub-licensor by sub-licensees and registered a notice thereof in the relevant intellectual property registry before any registration in that registry by a secured creditor of the licensee; (b) obtained a security right in or an outright assignment of a right to payment of a percentage of the sub-royalties payable to the licensee as a sub-licensor by sub-licensees and registered first a notice thereof in the general security rights registry; or (c) obtained a subordination agreement from the secured creditor of the licensee.
然而,反对派团伙将平民和它们的村庄当作隐 蔽所,也是需要考虑的一个问题。
However, opposition groups had been using civilians and their villages as a shelter, which was an issue that also needed to be considered.
外国投资是国内市场增加资本以及提高竞争力和生产力 的一个重要来源也是国内 企业创造大量兼职机会的一个来源。
Foreign investment is a vital source of capital and increased competitiveness and productivity in the national market, and is also a source of significant secondary job creation by domestic enterprises.
确保在未来版权的发展进程中发展中国家和最不发达国家的参与 也是 战 略 取得成功 的关键因素。
Ensuring the full participation of developing countries and LDCs in the future development of copyright is a critical factor for the strategy to succeed.
主席先生,也是為㆟ 父母,當然能夠體會到痛失孩子的心情,但 我必須指出,儘管這個責任背後有 個㆟的艱難,父母在這些意外事件㆖,實在要負 ㆖相當大的責任。
But I have to point out that even though these children's parents might have their own difficulties, they have to bear a large part of the responsibility for these accidents.
北约同盟是波兰安全和防卫的基 础,也是欧洲 政治军事稳定的重要因素。
This alliance forms the basis of Polish security and defence; it is also a major factor in the political-military stability in Europe.
[...] 廷、巴西、巴拉圭和乌拉圭)和智利的多国办事处 也是 区 域 科学办事处。
The UNESCO Office Montevideo has the dual mandate of Cluster
Office to the MERCOSUR region (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay)
[...] and Chile as well as Regional Bureau [...]
for Science.
兩項措也是 務求 地盡其用,盡量避免出現陳議員的質詢所指土地“因政 [...]
策改變或工程項目擱置而被空置”,或土地因此而未能被善 用的情況。
These two measures aim to optimize land [...]
use, and prevent as far as possible the problem of sites being "left vacant due
to changes in policies or shelving of works projects" as mentioned in the question, or that of land resources not being put to appropriate use in this respect.
也是在通 过该决定草案之前,美国代表作了发 言,指出 [...]
E/CN.15/2011/L.2 号决定草案和 E/CN.15/2011/L.3 号决议草案(见下文 第 22 段)的提案国都倾向两份文件先送全体委员会审议,虽然对此程序没有异 议,但不应将此视为确立了先例。
) Also prior to the adoption [...]
of the draft decision, the representative of the United States made a statement indicating
that both of the sponsors of draft decision E/CN.15/2011/L.2 and of draft resolution E/CN.15/2011/L.3 (see para. 22 below) would have preferred that the two documents had first been sent to the Committee of the Whole for its consideration and that, while there was no objection to the procedure followed, it should not be seen as setting a precedent.
委员会重申,营养是需要纳入主流活动的一个跨部门重要问 题也是确保粮农组织在营养领域的可见度和领导作用的一个要素。
The Committee reiterated that nutrition was both an important cross-cutting issue requiring mainstreaming, as well as a strong hub to ensure visibility and leadership of FAO in the field of nutrition.
一些国家 表示,这种信息以及边境管制机构和海关机构应用的风险管理制度,已证明对于
[...] 有效执行边境和出口管制至关重要,而且对于边境管制机构或海关机构应用的风 险管理体也是如此
Some States indicated that such information and the risk management systems applied by border control and customs agencies has proved to be critical to the effective
enforcement of border and export controls and to the risk
[...] management systems applied by border control [...]
or customs agencies.
如果您对历史景区更 感兴趣,也能如愿以偿:拉多夫采尔拥有风景绮丽的老城 区,康斯坦茨大学城及其狭窄的小巷与惬意的购物体验触手
[...] 可及,在梅尔斯堡可以亲历神奇的中世纪生活,攀登霍恩特 菲尔火山上的骑士城也是不错 的选择。
Those who love historical locations, will definitely get their money’s worth: Radolfzell has a wonderful historic district, the university town of Constance with its narrow alley ways and excellent shopping facilities is within easy
reach, and you can marvel at the life in the Middle Ages in Meersburg, or climb up the
[...] knights‘ castle on the Hohentwiel.
集体协定是雇员、雇员协会或雇员联合 会与雇主、雇主协会或雇主联合会之间 也是 与 调 解雇主和雇员之间关系的 国家机构或地方当局之间的自愿协定。
A collective agreement is a voluntary agreement between employees or a union or federation of employees and an employer or an association or federation of employers, and also state agencies or local authorities, which regulates labour relations between employers and employees.
根据《教育法》的规定,校外教育活动是对各类学校(其中包括培养学生在 科学、技术、艺术、体育、旅游等方面的创造能力的学园)教育程序的有益补 充也是对空闲时间的有效利用,同时校外教育机构开展活动可得到政府预算的 资助,而且这些机构的服务通常都是免费的,这使得它们可以惠及所有申请人 (不分籍贯、社会信仰、宗教等)。
According to the Law on Education, these implement complementary activities to the educational process at all types of schools, including lyceums with the purpose to develop the creative skills of pupils in the field of science, technology, arts, sports, tourism, etc., as well as beneficial and pleasant leisure management, whilst the activity of the extra-school institutions is financed from the state budget, the services of these institutions being usually free of charge, this making them available for all applicants irrespective of their origin, social adherence, religion, etc.
毒品和犯罪问题办公室是该工作队的提供综合援助打击恐怖主义举措的协调机 构之一也是该工 作队的处理资助恐怖主义问题工作组的联席主席,还是该工 [...]
作队另外几个工作组的积极成员,其中包括保护人权、打击利用互联网以及预 防和解决冲突等问题的工作组。
UNODC is one of the coordinators of the Task Force’s Integrated Assistance for Countering Terrorism (I-ACT) initiative, co-chairs the working group on
tackling the financing of terrorism of the
[...] Task Force, and it is an active member [...]
in several other Task Force working groups,
including the working groups on protecting human rights, countering the use of the Internet and conflict prevention and resolution.
在其目前的形式核准父亲名单包括塞浦路斯,格雷戈里nazianzen,罗勒,亚他那修,金口,西奥菲勒斯,希拉里的亚历山德里亚(在一个想要手稿),刘汉铨,奥古斯丁,杰罗姆,繁荣,狮子座,西里尔(“每一丝一毫的”到弗拉维安托梅是根据诅咒接受),和“的论文也对所有东正教神父,谁偏离在从神圣罗马教会的团契什么,并没有从她的信心和说教分离,但通过参与者神的恩典,直到他们在她的共融生活的结束 也是 法 令的信件,其中最幸运教皇在不同时代赋予不同的父亲咨询时,要与崇拜“收到。
In its present form the list of approved Fathers comprises Cyprian, Gregory Nazianzen, Basil, Athanasius, Chrysostom, Theophilus, Hilary, Cyril of Alexandria (wanting in one manuscript), Ambrose, Augustine, Jerome, Prosper, Leo ("every iota" of the tome to Flavian is to be accepted under anathema), and "also the treatises of all orthodox Fathers, who deviated in nothing from the fellowship of the holy Roman Church, and were not separated from her faith and preaching, but were participators through the
grace of God until
[...] the end of their life in her communion; also the decretal letters, which most blessed popes have given at various times when consulted by various Fathers, [...]
are to be received with veneration".
德州仪器(TI)业务拓展经理韩乾全分析道,众所周知,LED驱动模块工作环境温度较高,且模块散热条件较差,从而导致LED驱动电路一直在较高温度下工作,这会导致LED应用可靠性降低、使用寿命缩短等一系列问题,因此散热不得不重点考虑;可靠性和安规是很容易被有意忽略的部分,尤其是在强制执行相关规定前,为了降低成本,部分LED照明厂商会省略可靠性和安规方面电路;但这恰恰是LED照明产业能否长久发展的根本 也是 L E D 驱动芯片厂商设计能力的体现,不同的芯片厂商提供的方案,增加这部分电路增加的成本差别很大。
Texas Instruments (TI) Business Development Manager Han Gan in their analysis, it is well known, the LED driver module high ambient temperature, and the module thermal conditions is poor, leading to the LED driver circuit has been working at higher temperatures, this will lead to the reliability of LED applications reduce, shorten the life of a series of questions, so the heat had to focus to consider; reliability and safety regulations is very easy to ignore the part, especially before the enforcement of relevant provisions, in order to reduce costs, part of the LED lighting manufacturers will be omitted reliability and safety circuits; but this is precisely the LED lighting industry can develop long-term fundamental, but also the embodiment of the LED driver chip manufacturers to design capacity, different chip manufacturers to provide programs to increase this part of the circuit to increase the costs vary greatly .




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