单词 | 九龙城 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 九龙城 —Kowloon City, Hong KongExamples:九龙城寨—Kowloon Walled City See also:九龙 n (geographical name)—Kowloon n 九龙—Kowloon district of Hong Kong 龙 n—dragon n 龙—imperial • surname Long
第一階段公眾參與活動在2012年8月14日至9月30日期间进行,我們期望聆聽論壇成員 就 九龙城 市 区 更新初步方案的意見。 forum.gov.hk | The Stage One PE has been launched on 14 August and will last until 30 September 2012. We are eager to hear Forum members’ views on the PURPs . forum.gov.hk |
九龙城市区 更新计划」第一阶段公众参与 forum.gov.hk | Stage One Public Engagement Programme of Urban [...] Renewal Plan for Kowloon City forum.gov.hk |
有見九龍城區有迫切的市區更新需求,政府於2011年6月在九龍城成立全港首個諮詢平台,成員來自社會不同階層,包 括 九龙城 区 议员、分区委员会委员、专业人士、區內有相当经验的非政府組織人士、市區重建局及有關政府政策局/部門代表。 forum.gov.hk | In view of a pressing need for urban renewal within the Kowloon City District, the Government [...] established the first DURF [...] in Kowloon City in June 2011 with members coming from a wide cross-section in the society, including Kowloon City District Council [...]members, Area Committee [...]members, professionals, experienced members from local non-governmental organisations, and representatives from the Urban Renewal Authority and relevant Government bureau / departments. forum.gov.hk |
该方案综合了2010年《九龙城市区 更新地区愿景研究》中所收集的地 区人士意见、咨询平台成员进行多次实地视察后提出的建议,并参 考 九龙城 区 内 楼宇年龄和状况、居住环境、发展大型运输系统的契机、小区特色及历史文化等因素。 forum.gov.hk | The PURPs have been prepared having incorporated local views collected during the 2010 District Aspirations Study on Urban Renewal in Kowloon City District and suggestions of DURF members [...] after a number of site visits, and [...]having taken into account factors including building age and conditions, living environment of the residents, opportunities brought by the development of mass transportation systems, local character, and historical and cultural background of the District, etc. forum.gov.hk |
规划署今天(3月25日)表示,九龙城 市 区 更新地区谘询平台通过该区的更新计划建议初稿,建议包括营造地区形象和活化文物,设立主题步行径、优化海滨及地区连系,和善用土地资源以推动更新。 forum.gov.hk | The proposals of the draft plan are [...] positioning the sub-areas in the district [...]for shaping local character, revitalising [...]cultural heritage and setting up a themed walking trail, enhancing the harbourfront and local connection, and better utilising land resources for facilitating urban renewal. forum.gov.hk |
五龙”指五个执法机构,而“九龙” 包括执法机构及外交部、解放军、环保部和国有石油公 司。 crisisgroup.org | The “five dragons” refer to the five law enforcement [...] agencies, while the “nine dragons” include the law [...]enforcement agencies as well [...]as the foreign ministry, the PLA, the environment ministry and state-owned oil companies. crisisgroup.org |
常州又有“龙城”之 称,是江苏省拥有超过3000年历史的文化古城。 shangri-la.com | Changzhou, also dubbed as Dragon City, is a city in Jiangsu [...] Province with over 3,000 years of history. shangri-la.com |
据中国神话,龙王有九个儿子,而这些神 物被视作权力的象征,中国宫殿和许多传统艺术品(包 括北京的紫禁城,城中有九龙戏珠的琉璃壁画)中常常 有九龙戏海的图案。 crisisgroup.org | According to Chinese legend, the Dragon king has nine sons and the mystic creatures are seen as symbol of power, images of nine dragons playing in the sea can be found in Chinese palaces and many [...] traditional artworks (including [...] in the Forbidden City in Beijing where there is a glazed mural featuring nine dragons each playing with [...]a pearl). crisisgroup.org |
我们非常高兴首次进驻九龙区推出虚拟办公室配套! 世服宏图虚拟办公室®为在家或其他 城 市 办 公的客户度身定造,无须支付一个实体办公室的营运费用,而又享有我们快速增长的环球网络及优质高效的服务设施,定可为企业们的业务取得成功。 servcorp.com.cn | The Servcorp Virtual Office® will allow clients to run their business from home or any other location, without the associated overhead costs of having a physical office. Our rapidly growing network will also provide businesses in this market with seamless services and efficient facilities to make their business a success”. servcorp.bh |
教科文组织北京办事处该工作重点下开展了数项活动,其中有:2002 年 10 [...] 月中国人与 生物圈计划全国委员会在中国四川省 九 寨 沟和 黄 龙 生 物 圈保留地举行了“中国自然保护区生 态旅游管理”会议;在锡林郭勒生物圈保留地举办了以当地社区(包括该生物圈保留地管理 [...] [...] 者在内)为对象的一系列研讨会,在北京也举办了由捐助机构、政府和学术机构参加的一系 列研讨会;中国人与生物圈计划全国委员会牵头进行了一项题为“建立自然保护区,推动锡 林郭勒地区退化草原的恢复和可持续管理”的可行性调查(2002 年 7-12 月);举行了“维 护中国环境的生态研究”(ERSEC)项目(德国信托基金)的第二次指导委员会和项目协调 员会议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The UNESCO Beijing Office carried out several activities under this main line of action including a conference on Ecotourism Management of China’s Nature Reserves organized by the Chinese National [...] Committee for MAB in October 2002 at [...] the Juizhaigou and Huanglong Biosphere Reserve, [...]Sichuan Province, China; a series of [...]seminars in Xilingol Biosphere Reserve, targeted at the local community including the biosphere reserve manager and in Beijing for donor agencies and governmental and academic institutions; a feasibility survey on the establishment of nature reserves promoting the rehabilitation and the sustainable management of degraded grassland landscapes in Xilingol region (July-December 2002), conducted by the Chinese National Committee for MAB; the second Steering Committee and Project Coordinators’ Meeting of the Ecological Research for Sustaining the Environment in China (ERSEC) project (FIT Germany). unesdoc.unesco.org |
注意到在完成建设九座新城之后 ,居住在非法村庄的一大部分贝都因人的 住房问题都将得到解决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Note that a solution to the housing problem of the greater part of the Bedouins living in the illegal villages will be achieved subsequent to the completion of the nine new towns. daccess-ods.un.org |
D20引擎在无冬之夜和龙与地下城的游戏中发挥了很大的作用。shard是一个轻量级的,用Java开发的,嵌入式的游戏引擎,可以处理D20引擎的各个方面。 javakaiyuan.com | D20 engine in Neverwinter Nights [...] and Dungeons u0026 Dragons game played a significant [...]role. shard is a lightweight , written [...]in Java , embedded game engine , the engine can handle all aspects of D20 . javakaiyuan.com |
坐落于香港的购物中心九龙弥敦 道,Oris专卖店的设计时尚优雅,店内展示Oris全系列腕表,提供消费者全新的购物体验。 oris.ch | Located in the heart of the shopping area at [...] Nathan Road in Kowloon, the new and elegantly [...]designed Oris boutique displays the [...]complete Oris collection and offers the customers a professional shopping experience. oris.ch |
由北京道一号前往九龙机场 快线站仅5分钟车程,由该处乘火车至香港国际机场亦只需20分钟;Servcorp客户也可 从 九龙 乘 搭 直通巴士前往到深圳机场。 servcorp.com.cn | One Peking is 5 minutes [...] taxi ride to the Kowloon Airport Express Station, and only 20 minutes by train to the HK International Airport; Servcorp clients can also take the Direct Bus Services from Kowloon to Shenzhen Airport. servcorp.bh |
( 一所位于香港岛,另一所位于九龙)的设 施,作为推行试验计划的合适调解场地。 daccess-ods.un.org | Facilities in two community halls (one on the Hong Kong [...] Island and another in Kowloon) have been identified [...]by the Public Education and Publicity [...]Sub-Group to be suitable venues for mediation for the purposes of the Pilot Project. daccess-ods.un.org |
諮詢平台的主要工作是確切反映九龍 城 區 各 界在市區更新方面的訴求和優先次序,並揉合專業意見,向政府提出有本區特色和反映區內人士的意願和整體社會利益 的 九 龍 城 市 區 更新计划。 forum.gov.hk | The major work of the DURF is to [...] truly reflect the request and priorities on urban renewal put forward by the local community while integrating professional advice, and propose to the Government an urban renewal plan, which displays the character of Kowloon City, reflect local [...]aspirations and strike [...]a balance among different social interests. forum.gov.hk |
(8) 二零零八年一月: [...] 本集團一全資附屬公司與巿區重建局就位 於 九 龍 城 衙 前圍 村共同發展之地盤,簽署發展協議。 ckh.com.hk | (8) January 2008: A wholly owned subsidiary of the Group entered into a [...] development agreement with the Urban Renewal Authority for the joint development of a site [...] at Nga Tsin Wai Village, Kowloon City. ckh.com.hk |
食物安全中心辖下的传达资源小组在二零一三年 于 九龙 旺 角花园街123号A花园街市政大厦8楼举办“食物安全知多啲2013”活动。 cfs.gov.hk | The Communication Resource Unit (CRU) of the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) is going to launch a campaign on “Know more about Food Safety 2013” in CRU at 8/F, Fa Yuen Street Municipal Services Building, 123A Fa Yuen Street, Mongkok, Kowloon. cfs.gov.hk |
尽管七座现有城市能 [...] 够有效地合理满足贝都因人口的需求,即便城市发生扩张,但政府仍然决定应该 为贝都因人再建九(9)座新城。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the seven existing towns can effectively provide a proper solution to the Bedouin population’s [...] needs, subject to their expansion, the Government [...] decided that another nine (9) new towns for Bedouins should [...]be established. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 當 局 在 2011 年 6 月 以 試 驗 計 劃 形 式 成 立 九 龍 城「 市 區 更 新 地 區 諮 詢 平 台 (「 諮 詢 平 台 」),以 加 強 地 區 層 面 的 市 區 更 新 規 劃,包 括 就 九 龍 城 區 內 的 市 區 更 新 計 劃 向 政 府 提 供 意 見 ; 監 察 已 選 定 須 予 推 展 的 市 區 更 新 項 目 的 落 實 進 度 ; 以 及 擔 當 公 眾 教 育 的 角 色 , 通 過 為 各 有 關 持 份 者 而 設 的 外 展 計 劃 , [...] 與 地 區 建 立 市 區 更 新 合 作 夥 伴 關 係 。 devb.gov.hk | (a) The Kowloon City District Urban Renewal Forum (KC DURF) was set up as a pilot scheme in June 2011 to strengthen urban renewal planning at the district level, namely, to advise the Government on urban renewal plans within the Kowloon City area; to monitor [...] the progress of implementation [...]of identified urban renewal projects; and to assume a public education role through outreach programmes to relevant stakeholders with a view to fostering district partnership in urban renewal work. devb.gov.hk |
暮光之城了解到,如龙变得 越来越贪婪,他会成长为大尺寸。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Twilight learns that as a dragon becomes more greedy, he will grow to larger and larger sizes. seekcartoon.com |
香港中央图书馆、大会堂公共图书馆 、 九龙 公 共 图书 馆、沙田公共图书馆、荃湾公共图书馆和屯门公共图书馆均安装了点字显示器; 香港中央图书馆及部分主要和分区图书馆的服务柜台又装设了“导听感应圈系 统”,供有需要的听障人士使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the Hong Kong Central Library and some major and district public libraries, all enquiry counters are installed with “Induction Loop System” to cater to the needs of persons with hearing impairment. daccess-ods.un.org |
宝马古根海姆实验室 2011 年 8 [...] 月在纽约亮相,将在六年的时间内前往世 界 九 个 城 市 ,连开三期每期两年的巡回活动,每一期都有自己的主题和结构。 tipschina.gov.cn | Over six years, the Lab will [...] travel to nine cities around the world [...]in three successive two-year cycles, each with its own theme and structure. tipschina.gov.cn |
提供演员参与海外电影制作,包括「火拼时速2」(美国)、「盗贼同盟」(韩国)、「特工阔少爷」第1集及第2集 [...] (法国/比利时)、「世纪役战」(美国)、「蝙蝠侠黑夜之神」(美国)、「太极侠」(美国)、「金田一香 港 九龙 财 宝 杀人事件」(日本) 及「I Trust You」(意大利)。 fso-createhk.gov.hk | Provided artiste agency services to films "Rush Hour 2" (USA), "The Thieves" (South Korea), "Largo Winch" 1 & 2 (France/ Belgium), Contagion (Hollywood), "Bat Man - The [...] Dark Knight" (USA), "Man of Tai Chi" (USA), "Kindaichi Case [...] Files - Hong Kong Kowloon" (Japan) and "I [...]Trust You" (Italian). fso-createhk.gov.hk |
中山金龙在2011年8月的GTI广州展是以 龙城 国 际)为号召,在1号馆的A2展位,以758平方米面积集合了中山碧海、中山大象、日东科技、爱乐游艺设备作联合展出,声势慑人而效果显著。 taiwanslot.com.tw | In the GTI Asia China Expo held this [...] August, Zhongshan Dragon World International [...]Game & Amusement Sourcing Platform occupied [...]the A2 stand in Hall 1 of the Poly World Trade Expo Center and gathered Golden Dragon, Ocean Amusement, Elephant Sculpture Art (ESAC), Nitto Fun and AIRO Equipment to jointly showcase products on the exhibit space which spanned an area of 758 square meters. taiwanslot.com.tw |
當時香港五大公共交通運輸機構 ,包括地鐵、九廣鐵路、九巴、城巴 和 香港小輪(HYF)攜手合作, 於1994年成立了聯俊達有限公司(於2002年改名為八達通卡有限公司),負責開發和推行非接觸式智能卡技術。 octopus.com.hk | Hong Kong's five major public transport operators - the [...] MTR, KCRC, KMB, Citybus and the Hongkong [...]and Yaumatei Ferry (HYF) - established [...]a joint venture known as Creative Star Limited in 1994 (renamed Octopus Cards Limited in 2002) to oversee the development and implementation of contactless smart card technology. octopus.com.hk |