

单词 九零後

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

该项目於楼面面积约一平方尺,包括商 舖、写字楼及酒店。
On completion in 2010 the project
will comprise approximately 1.9 million
[...] square feet of gross floor area combiningretail,officeand hotel accommodation.
与最近两次以立法方式进行公 务员减薪时相同,零零九公务员任何的减薪幅度将以期生效,因为法律意见指出,赋权削减公务员薪酬的法例的生效日期只可以 是一个未来的日子;而具追溯性的减薪是不合法的。
Same as the two recent occasions when legislation was enacted to effect a pay cut for the civil service, any pay reduction for 2009-10 will have to take effect from a forward date in view of the legal advice that legislation empowering a pay cut for the civil service can only take effect prospectively; and that it would not be lawful to backdate a pay reduction.
李先生於一九九一年加入中国五矿集团,派到数个附属公司任职,包括於一九九四年获委任为五 矿财务有限责任公司副总经理,并於九九年至零零期间任总经理;於二零零一年至二零零二年 期间出任中国五矿金融板块副总经理;於二零零二年获委任为五矿投资发展有限责任公司副总经理,并於 二零零五年至零零九月期间任总经理;於二零零七年任中国五矿总裁助理,并於二零零八年获晋升 为副总裁;於二零九月至二零一零年四月获委任为山西关铝(一家於深圳证券交易所上市的公司) 董事长。
Mr Li joined the CMC Group in 1991 and has since been assigned to a number of subsidiary companies including the appointments of: Vice General Manager of Minmetals Finance Company Limited in 1994, and General Manager from 1997 to 2007; Vice General Manager of the Finance Branch of CMC from 2001 to 2002; Vice General Manager of Minmetals Investment & Development Company Limited in 2002, and General Manager from 2005 to March 2009; Assistant President of CMC in 2007 and promoted to Vice President in 2008; and Chairman of Shanxi Guanlv (a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange) from April 2009 to April 2010.
」);(ii)汉民初期集中在发展汽车用之传统轴承及踏板控制系统,并於零零九约港币20,000,000元成本收购了数项技术,均为其已有技术之附加组件;(iii)汉民一年时间以把新收购的组件与原有技术组成其现有之汽车动力控制及轴承系统的 基本骨干;及(iv)於二零一二年,汉民之技术已进入第三阶段,使其可以配合燃油、柴 [...]
As advised by the Company, (i) such intangible assets represent technology know-how related to the automobile gearing system and power-control system owned by
Handyman (the
[...] “Technology Know-how”); (ii) Handyman initially focused on the development of traditional gearing and throttle control system used in automobiles, and acquired a few [...]
technologies at the
cost of about HK$20,000,000 which were some add-on modules on its existing technologies in 2009; (iii) Handyman then used a year to combine the new acquired modules with its owned technologies and form the foundation skeleton of the existing automobile power-control and gearing system; and (iv) the technologies of Handyman have achieved the third generation which can cope with the requirement of petrol, diesel and hybrid engines in 2012, and its research team is still working on the further improvement of the efficiency and effectiveness of the system.
转 运 集 装 箱 吞吐量 下 降 主 要 由 於 以下两 个 原 因 ︰ (i)零零九期 武 汉 阳 逻 港 处 理 的 吞吐量 达 至 历 史 高 位 ,出 现 ; (ii) 由 於 船 公 司 减 少 於 武 汉 阳 逻 港 江 海 直 达 上 海洋山 港 , 并 将 部 份 货 运 转 往 竞 争 港 口 汉 阳 港 处 理 。
The decrease in transshipment container throughput was mainly due to two reasons: (i) the corresponding period of 2009 saw historical high level of throughputs being handled by the WIT Port which had not recurred since; and (ii) the drop in containers bound for direct sailing to Yangshan Port in Shanghai ( ) calling at the WIT Port as shipping companies have both reduced the number of their regular sailings and shifted some sailings to the competitor port, the Hanyang Port.
金融危机引致全球衰退零零九收益减少24%,因为范围内产品在世界 各地均录得销售下跌,其中以巴西、俄罗斯、英国及法国的跌幅最大。
Following the global recession caused by the financial crisis, in 2009, revenues decreased by 24% due to a world-wide sales decline in the Scope Products that mainly incurred in Brazil, Russia, the United Kingdom and France.
随着金属价格从全球金融危机影响中进一步回升和管理层重视成本控制,中金镍业利与零零九比实现 45%增幅。
With metal prices further recovering from the impact of the global financial
crisis and a management focus on cost control, Sino Nickel managed to
[...] achieve a 45% increasein after-taxprofit from 2009.
张女士九九取得中国人民大 学的计算机应用专业文凭,并於零零取得清华大 学的创新管理MIA高级研修班高级文凭及於二零零六年 七月取得大连理工大学颁发的高级管理人员工商管理硕 士学位。
She further obtained a professional diploma in computer application from the Renmin University of China in 1996, a senior diploma in Innovative Management MIA from senior research class in Tsinghua University in 2006 and a Master degree in business administration for senior management from Dalian Polytechnic in July 2006.
二零零九年及二零零八年的投资物业重估及出售主要非核心资产及投资的税後收益分别合 共港币 1,050,000,000 元及港币 495,000,000 元,剔除该等影集团截至零零九二月三十一日止年度由持续经营业务贡献的公司股东应占基础综合溢利应增加 11.6%。
Excluding the after-tax effect of revaluation of investment properties and major disposal of noncore assets and investments, which led to aggregate gains of HK$1,050 million in 2009 and HK$495 million in 2008, the Group’s underlying consolidated profit attributable to the Company’s shareholders from the continuing operations would have increased by 11.6% for the year ended 31 December 2009.
於开曼群岛大法院於二零零九年三月二十七日颁 出一项命令及符合若干预设条零零九月三十一日,每股已发行合并股份 的面值由 [...]
0.25 港元减至 0.01 港元,并注销每股已发行合并股份的实缴股本至每股 0.24 港元,并将每股面值
0.25 港元之未发行股份分拆为 25 股每股面值 0.01 港元的股份。
Upon the Grant Court of the Cayman Islands granted the
order on 27 March 2009, and fulfillment
[...] of other conditions precedent, the par value of each [...]
issued consolidated share was reduced
from HK$0.25 to HK$0.01 by canceling the paid-up capital to the extent of HK$0.24 on each issued consolidated share and sub-divide every unissued share of HK$0.25 each into 25 shares of HK$0.01 each on 31 March 2009.
零零九月三十一日及二零零九年五月十一日,相关协议各方分别订立正式协议之第二份及第三 份补充协议,以修订正式协议之相关条款。
Subsequently on 31 March 2009 and 11 May 2009 respectively, a second and a third supplementary [...]
agreement to the Formal Agreement
were entered into by the relevant parties for the purposes of amending the relevant terms of the Formal Agreement.
於二零一零年三月三十一日,贸易应收账款(扣 除减值亏损约 23,288,000港元(零 零九24,052,000港元应收保留金(扣除减值亏损约1,464,000港元(零零九2,727,000港元账面值分别约为42,320,000港元(二零零九年:15,226,000港元)及 3,402,000港元(二 零零九年:2,035,000港元)。
At 31st March 2010, the carrying amount of trade receivables and retention receivables were approximately HK$42,320,000 (2009: HK$15,226,000) (net of impairment loss of approximately HK$23,288,000 (2009: HK$24,052,000)) and HK$3,402,000 (2009: HK$2,035,000) (net of HK$1,464,000 impairment loss (2009: HK$2,727,000)), respectively.
於 二 零零八 年 十 一 月 十 日 授 出 购 股 权 之 行 使 价 初 步 设
[...] 定 为 每 股 0.13 港 元 ,零零九月 获 调 整 至 每 股 [...]
0.064 港 元 , 而 於 二 零 一 零 年 四 月 进 一 步 调
整 至 每 股 0.10 港 元 , 有 关 详 情 已 载 於 本 公 司 日 期 为 二 零 零 九 年 八 月 七 日 及 二 零 一 零 年 四 月 二 十 日 之 公 布 内 。
The exercise price of the options granted on 10 November
2008, which was initially set at
[...] HK$0.13 per share, was subsequentlyadjusted to HK$0.064 [...]
per share in August 2009 and further
adjusted to HK$0.10 per share in April 2010, details of which are set out in the announcements of the Company dated 7 August 2009 and 20 April 2010.
截 至零零九十 日 止 九 个 月 的 本 公 司 股 权 持 有 人 应 占 纯 利 乃 於 贷 记( 其 中 包 括 )利 息 收 入 约 人 民 币 1.3 百 万 元 、 汇 兑 收 益 约 人 民 币 0.2 百 万 元 、 政 府 补 贴 约 人 民 币 13.9 百 万 元 和 解 除 财 务 担 保 负 债 约 人 民 币 2.4 百 万 元 , 和 扣 除( 其 中 包 括 )折 旧 及 摊 销 开 支 约 人 民 币 22.7 百 万 元 、 以 权 益 结 算 的 股 份付款 开 支 约 人 民 币 13.5 百 万 元 、 已 计 入 损 益 账 与 本 公 司 现 有 股 份 上 市 有 关 的 专 业 费 用 约 人 民 币 9.1 百 万 元 、 税 项 支 出 约 人 民 币 127.9 百 万 元 和 少 数 股 东 权 益 约 人 民 币 11.0 百 万得 出 。
The net profit
[...] attributable the equity holders of the Company forthe nine months ended 30 September 2009 was arrived at after crediting, among other things, interest income of approximately RMB1.3 million, exchange gain of approximately RMB0.2 million, government subsidies of approximately RMB13.9 million, and the release of a financial guarantee liability of approximately RMB2.4 million, and charging, among other things, depreciation and amortization charges of approximately RMB22.7 million, equity-settled share-based payments expenses of approximately RMB13.5 million, professional fees allocated to the listing of the Company’s existing shares of approximately RMB9.1 million charged to the profit and loss account, tax expense of approximately RMB127.9 million, andminority interests of approximately RMB11.0 million.
根据零零九月一日开始生效之新上市规则规定,所有股东大会现已强制采用投票 方式进行表决。
Pursuant to the new Listing Rules requirement effective from 1 January 2009, voting by poll is now mandatory for all shareholders meetings.
香港,年三月二购 MMG 公司开始令人振奋的转型进程,本人很荣幸有机会带领本公司实现其打造一个国际性 的多元化上游基本金属矿业公司的战略目标。
As a result of acquiring MMG, the Company has commenced an exciting process of transformation, and I am honoured to have the opportunity to lead the Company as it realises its strategic objective of building an international, diversified, upstream base metals mining company.
倘上述条件未能於协议日之日(即零零二月十一日),或 订 约各方可能协定之较後日期达成,协议将告失效及无效,并终止效力。
If the conditions set out above are not
[...] fulfilled by a date falling ninetydays after thedate of the Agreement, [...]
being 11 February 2008, or
such later date as the parties may agree, the Agreement will be null and void and of no further effect.
动议待(i)香港联合交易所有限公司上市委员会批准於股本削减(定义见下文)生效後 本公司股本中每股面值0.001港元之股份上市及买卖;(ii)遵守百慕达年公司法 第46条;及(iii)通过通告内普通决议案第3、4及5零零五月二十五日(香 港时间)起,或本公司董事会可能决定的其他日期及时间
THAT, conditional on (i) the Listing Committee of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited granting the listing of, and permission to deal in, the shares of HK$0.001 each in the capital of the Company following the Capital Reduction (as defined below) becoming effective; (ii) compliance with Section 46 of the Companies Act 1981 of Bermuda; and (iii) the passing of Ordinary Resolution Nos. 3, 4 and 5 set out in the Notice, with effect from 25 May 2006 (Hong Kong time), or such other day and at such time as the board of directors of the Company may determine
剔除约港币 912,000,000元的投资物业税後估值盈余(二零零八年:约港币415,000,000元)及於二零零 八年因香港利得税率下调而减少之递延税项负债约港币52,000,000业务於零零九应占溢利较去年同期应增加30.3%。
Excluding an after-tax revaluation surplus of approximately HK$912 million (2008: approximately HK$415 million) and the decrease in deferred tax liabilities of approximately HK$52 million resulting from a reduction in the Hong Kong profits tax rate in 2008, the attributable profit of the division in 2009 would have increased by 30.3% over the previous year.
待有关决议案於应届股东周年大会上 获得通期股息将於零零六月 十六日当日或发予零零六月六 日之登记股东。
Subject to the passing of the relevant resolution at the forthcoming annual general meeting, final dividend will be payable on or around 16 June 2008 to shareholders registered as at 6 June 2008.
经修零零度末期股息为每股港币28仙,合共港亿千五百万元(二零零一年:港币一亿六千七百万元),已於二零零三年五 月十四日获股东通过,并於二零零三年六月二日派发。
The revised 2002 final dividend proposal of HK¢28 per share, which totals HK$935 million (2001:HK$167 million) was subsequently approved by shareholders on 14th May 2003 and was paid on 2nd June 2003.
若 在 发 出 相 关 赎 回 通 知 前 连 续 三 十 个 交 易 日 ( 定 义 见 可 交 换 债 券 之 条 款 及 条 件 ) 内 任 何 二 十 个 交 易 日 的 股 份 收 市 价 (a) 至 少 等 於 相 关 交 换 价 的 155 % ( 二 零 一一年 八 月 九 日 至 二 零 一二 年 二 月 九 日 止 期 间 ) 或 (b) 相 关 交 换 价 的 135 % (年 二发 行 人 可 於年 八迟 於年 十 二 月 九 日 的 任 何 时 间 , 通过发 出 规 定 的 通 知 赎 回 全 部 或 任 何 可 交 换 债 券 。
The Issuer may, on or at any time after 9 August 2011 and not later than 9 December 2012, having given the required notice, redeem the Exchangeable Bonds, in whole or in part, if the closing price of the Shares for any 20 Trading Days out of the 30 consecutive Trading Days (as defined in the terms and conditions of the Exchangeable Bonds) prior to the date upon which notice of such redemption is given was (a) at least equivalent to the 155% of the prevailing Exchange Price during the period commencing on 9 August 2011 and up to 9 February 2012 and (b) 135% of the prevailing Exchange Price commencing on 9 February 2012.
考虑到有关指数相对上轻微,加上温和的通胀环境、公务员的稳 定性及士气因素,以及职方对薪酬调整的要求,我们建议在零零九,这两个薪金级别公务员的薪酬维持不变。
In view of the relatively small magnitude, the mildly inflationary environment, stability and morale of the civil service as well as the staff sides’ pay claims, we recommend that the pay offer for civil servants in these two salary bands for 2009-10 should be no change.
除股份奖励计划外,於零零九何时候,本公司或其任何附属公司均无参与任何安排使本公司董事 可透过购入本公司或任何法团的股份或债券而获得利益。
Apart from the Share Award Scheme, at no time during 2009 was the Company or any of its subsidiaries a party to any arrangements to enable the Directors of the Company to acquire benefits by means of acquisition of shares in, or debentures of, the Company or any body corporate.
除上文所披露者外,於零零九二月三十一日,概无本公司董事及主要行政人员於 本公司或其任何相联法团(定义见证券及期货条例第 XV 部)之股份、相关股份或债券 中拥有根据证券及期货条例第 352 条而须予记录之权益及淡仓,或根据标准守则而须知 会本公司及联交所之权益或淡仓。
Save as disclosed above, as at 31 December 2009, noneof the Directors and chief executives of the Company had any interests and short positions in the shares or underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the SFO) that was required to be recorded pursuant to section 352 of the SFO, or as otherwise notified to the Company and the Stock Exchange pursuant to the Model Code.
凡任何经营权财产根据第 19A(2)条被接管,政府有责任就 该经营权财产向港铁公司支付补偿,其金额犹如在服务经营权协 议终止或届满时,九铁公司根据服务经营权协议接管经营权财产 或港铁公司根据服务经营权协议将经营权财产交回九铁公司便会须根据服务经营权协议向港铁公司支付的补偿金 额。
Where any Concession Property is taken possession of under section 19A(2), the Government is liable to pay such compensation to the Corporation in relation to that Concession Property as would be required to be paid by KCRC to the Corporation under the Service Concession Agreement had the Concession Property been taken possession of by KCRC or redelivered by the Corporation to KCRC under the Service Concession Agreement upon the termination or expiryof the Service Concession Agreement.
司提出新建议,包括在慈云山增建新站,在 黄埔建造自动捷运系统,为将来在显径兴建车站预留土地;在铜 [...]
锣湾北加建车站;把沙中线金钟站迁往地铁金钟站旁边;把中环 西站移往动植物公园附近;以及在马头角兴建一个车站来取代土 瓜湾站及马头围站。
Subsequently,KCRCsuggestednew proposals, [...]
including adding a new station at Tsz Wan Shan, providing an automated people
mover (APM) system at Whampoa, making reserve for a future station at Hin Keng, adding a new station at Causeway Bay North, relocating the SCL Admiralty Station to the immediate proximity of the MTR Admiralty Station, relocating the SCL Central West Station to somewhere near the Botanical Garden, and replacing the To Kwa Wan Station and the Ma Tau Wai Station by a single station at Ma Tau Kok.
如果在天期委会没有对 存档提出反对,暂时中止将自动成为终止本公司的注册地位及向证委会 呈报的要求。
If, at the end of this 90-day period, the SEC has not objected to the filing, the suspension will automatically become a termination of the Company’s registration and reporting requirements to the SEC.
本公司将根据上市规则第14A.35及 14A.48条寻求独立股东批准持续关连交 易及截至二零零八、零零九年十二月三十一日止三个财政年度各年 之年度上限。
The Company would seek approval of the Independent Shareholders of the Continuing Connected Transactions and the Annual Cap for each of the three financial years ending 31 December 2008, 2009 and 2010 pursuant to Rules 14A.35 and 14A.48 of the Listing Rules.




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